Member Reviews
Thank you for the opportunity to read this. I will be posting a full review to Goodreads, Amazon, and Instagram.
Enough is Enough by Michelle Roehm McCann is a book I have been anxiously waiting to read but that sadly disappointed me a lot. It was very informational and has really helped me figure out my own opinions a lot better, but there are just too many things lacking.
It seemed as if the author had too many things going on at once, which made the whole book feel incohesive . There also seemed to be some things that would contradict each other or where the wording did not make much sense. I felt like there were too many facts and numbers thrown at you without any rhyme or reason where you needed to come to your own conclusions, rather than be guided by the author to whatever point she was trying to make.
We really need a book that addresses these issues and does it well. Sadly this one fell short by a long shot for me.
3.5/5 stars
I don't think the book is bad, it just needs some work. I think everyone should read this to understand how messed up the gun situation is in America.
The problem I had with this book is that it became repetitive and I kind of lost my interest towards the end when I read over the same information over and over again. I don't have to read the same piece of information 10 times in the same chapter. It felt like the author needed that word count very badly and it did not turn out well.
As a Dutch person, I really don't get the hype about owning a gun. We don't have guns here and guess what, nobody has died from gun violence yet... that says something right?
I think this book could be and should be used in US education. the book really makes the problem clear about guns and what the RIA does to keep it this way. I was really surprised to learn that the RIA is so much involved into keeping the second amendment.... has no one ever tried to fix that?
overall a very informative book, only a bit repetitive at some points
Thanks to NetGalley and Simon Pulse for the free e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Enough Is Enough: How Students Can Join the Fight for Gun Safety by Michelle Roehm McCann, as the subtitle suggests, explains to teens the current state of the gun safety debate and how they can get involved. As a woman in her late twenties, I already knew most of this information, but it was a good write up that will help teens understand what's happened up until now. It did feel a bit repetitive at times, but nothing too off-putting.
The sections covering the recent gun violence and how we shouldn't forget them really hits home. This book is very timely and McCann knows it.
The one thing that did throw me is that the author has several sections about teens who own and shoot guns, and insists often that no one is coming to take guns away. This felt a bit like softening the message, but perhaps it's to keep anyone from overreacting.
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to read this book I exchange for an honest review.
I did not enjoy this book at all. There are a few different reasons why.
I do believe that it was informational however, the information was repeated excessively.
The author kept repeating the same facts over and over.
Also her "facts" bothered me. She claimed that Canada did not do imitation lockdowns. I live in a small town in the prairies and my kids do lockdowns numerous times per school year. If this fact isn't true it makes me wonder what else might be false or exaggerated.
The set up of this novel was not executed well either. It jumps around far to much, thus making it hard to follow. It would talk about one thing, change subject and 3 pages later go back to original subject. There was absolutely no indication or reason why. It honestly read like a book that was full of brainstorming ideas rather then one cohesive thought.
I do think a book about gun violence/gun safety needs to be out there. However, I don't think this book is the one that should be out there.
A very timely book. Geared towards a younger audience, the book looks at gun violence in the United States. What it is, how it got to the present situation, and what can be done about it. I found the book to be interesting and easy to read.
Enough Is Enough is a timely and much-needed read that is relevant to current tensions on gun rights and gun violence that everyone needs to read right now. It addresses the ties between gun rights and gun violence. It's a very thin line that often blurs. Gun violence is prevalent in mass shootings the past few years but it is and has always been more in domestic violence and it needs to be addressed and stopped. Assault rifle bans and bump stock bans are a good step, but we must do more. Close the boyfriend loop is another. While we do need to do something about the uptick in gun violence and mass shootings lately, I'm not sure if gun control is the way to go ONLY because when we had gun control in the past, it was enforced and used to target people of color and rarely white folks who were able to obtain guns. There was a racial disparity that affected people of color, and that is not something we should go back to. If it weren't for the racial disparity, I would be all for gun control. (Yes, it may sound weird coming from a military brat, but civilians do not need nor have the proper training or psych evaluation for military grade assault weapons).
Aimed towards a young American audience, Enough is Enough is a guide book to what young US residents can do about gun violence. The author says it right at the beginning : as a young american, you can change the laws regarding gun policies in the US.
Divided in three parts, we learn about gun-related issues, how those same issues took roots in the country, and finally, what we can do to change that.
I expected a big book, with tiny letters and a thousand footnotes, and was pleasantly surprised to find out I was dead wrong about this. All the numbers and facts are illustrated, notably with charts that are easy on the eyes, and not only that, but throughout the book are scattered several interviews of american teens who are standing up to gun violence, which remind us that all those mass shootings were real, and that real people are doing something so that no more people die in such manners.
In the end, it was a pleasant read, about a dreadfully serious topic. Reading this is a great way to educate yourself to an issue plaguing the US, and learning how to do something about it, the latter point being, I believe, the main reason Ms. McCann wrote the book.
As a French adult, I felt like the author was not adressing me at all, which is kind of a shame. I know gun violence is horrible, and that the american youth is the next generation who will be able to act on the law to change it, but other persons than them care about this problem, even outside the US.
By reading this I wanted to educate myself to gun-related issues, and I did . Simply, the wording made me feel like a third wheel. This is clearly not adressed to me, but if you're between 15 and 25 and an american citizen, you'd probably benefit from reading this, and I look forward to see how this book might make young people get involved in political life to make the US a safer place for everyone !