Member Reviews

A collection of essays on raising three boys. While it's not something that will stick in my head long-term, it was an enjoyable read and one I'm likely to pass along to other parents. There is some gendering (raising BOYS, with all the implications and connotations that brings along) but mostly it's a pretty balanced collection. I laughed through many of them (some in horror, some in recognition... sigh) and I'd probably follow his blog if I could find one. I'd also pick up another collection from him.

This book was funny. As a mom and an aunt to toddlers and a teen I could relate to a lot that happened here. Some of the stories felt really outrageous... then My child would do something ridiculous and I'd give the book a nod. The inclusion of kids illustrations and such made it fun and entertaining.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Dan Magdich chronicles the woes of parenting in such a way with stories, haikus, and drawings that someone who like myself who doesn't have children can still thoroughly enjoy the book. As I read through the chronicles of having 3 young boys, I couldn't help but wonder how they do it. When reading this I heard the good, the bad, and the gross of raising children. Some chapters made me laugh, one made me cry, and many more made me cry laughing! I highly recommend this book if you want to laugh and make the most some embarrassing moments that come with parenting.

I enjoyed the book even though I’m a mom who grew up with sisters and only have daughters so no “I remember that happening moments”. Still was an enjoyable read with the odd “OW!” And the odd laugh out loud moments.

I'm not sure how I feel about this book. The format I read it in (E-book) didn't allow me to view most of the visuals without having to try to piece together a puzzle, but the things I could decipher seemed funny enough. It was an entertaining read, but at the end of the day I felt like I read it just to read it.

Life with three boys has never been funnier.
This was a fast and funny read about raising three rambunctious boys.
While I don't have children and do not know at what age certain milestones are normal, I did find some stories were perhaps a little bit of an exaggeration.
I found myself thinking... would a small child really have the know-how to form such an articulate sentence. Maybe, but I don't really know.
Either way this book did make me laugh, and I enjoyed reading it,

This book was hilarious, well-observed, and joyous, even if it was dealing with a tonne of weird, wacky and interesting things that go on as a parent. As it was from the point of view of a father, it was very funny to see how his perspective differed from mine and there were a few situations I could *really* relate to, which made the book all the more delicious!

This was an interesting, comical and quick read. It was a good reprieve from the more serious books I tend to read. I enjoyed it.

I started reading Hotdog People and Other Bitesize Sacrifices by Dan Magich around 2:40 a.m. It is now now 4:28 a.m. as I start writing this review. Laughed my butt off out loud, nearly peed my pants many times and I can't believe I haven't woken everyone up. I hope you have already started the next book. If you don't have a podcast, you should seriously think about it, I've never listened to one, not even sure how, but I would listen to this one. (Yes, I am at least 1/2 Luddite) Crystal you rock! There is nothing like real life is there, you can't make this stuff up. Very funny, touching, heart-rending, and heartening. This would make a great tv series but it couldn't be network due to the language. I have one son, this shows how very different my experience would have been if we had been able to have more. As it is we are very blessed with our miracle baby. It is wonderful to read of a family who so love each other, it really comes through with every word.
I read this on my Kindle pre -publication many thanks to NetGalley and Animal Media Group, The pictures did not always appear very clearly, especially the ones at the beginning or end of a chapter. I hope this is resolved before the book is released. Other than that, everything was great.
I highly recommend this book whether you are a parent, thinking of becoming a parent, have parents or were delivered by a stork to live in a cabbage patch with a pack of wolves (I know it doesn't make sense). This is a very entertaining book. As soon as I get up, after going to bed that is, I'll be telling my sister about this book and recommending she buy it, put on some adult diapers and read it.

This book is hysterical. I can understand why some would think the stories sound a little too crazy to be real, but I've got 7 small children in my life these days, and I've seen some things I probably wouldn't believe if I hadn't witnessed them myself. Dan's boys are hilarious, smart, snarky as hell, and imaginative in a way that keeps you wondering what could possibly come out of their mouths next. The story about his son wanting to try dolphin had me in tears. (And the fact that he kept reiterating that he needed ranch, you know, FOR DIPPING, made me laugh out loud.) Parents will definitely appreciate this book, the honest portrayal of the chaos and hilarity of parenting small children, and all the love and care in between.
My only complaint is about the eARC itself. It doesn't translate at all on my Kindle. The PDF was messed up, which made reading it very difficult. I had to read it on my computer in order to see the illustrations and ketchup "text" properly.

Bite-sized stories of the author's life with his three children.
Hilarious, some parts just need to be read aloud and shared with your spouse. So many bring tears of laughter to your eyes as you relate as a parent SO MUCH to what he has experienced. You realise kids get up to the same jinx no matter where in the world they are.
A great book to buy for any new parent-to-be: the dad's will be horrified and the mom's just smile as there's no turning back.
I really hope the author keeps three copies of this book to gift to his sons when they too become dads one day.
In the midst of all the hilarity, the two chapters "The Rainbow Baby" and " Welcome Danger Baby" hit you. What powerful chapters, especially "The Rainbow Baby" - so honest and possibly for me, the highlight of the book. Its easy to write about the funny things your kids do; it takes guts and bravery to write about the struggles and the sad parts.
I love the illustrations. They are great and kind of sum up what life is like with boys...........
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me the chance to read this book.

This collection of anecdotes about parenthood is engaging and laugh out loud funny in parts. It is also well written and edited - and more than just copy editing.
There is quite a bit of humor surrounding bodily fluids, so if you find that crass, not the book for you.

Freaking hilarious book. If you are a parent or thinking about becoming one this book should be required reading!! It’s the truth told with a funny voice.

Thank you Animal Media group and Netgalley for this ARC.
This was a fun, colourfully decorated (with tomato sauce and kid art) book, packed with hilarious stories written by a father recalling the funniest / worst moments of surviving three preschool boys. Many of the stories had me nudging my hubby saying, you have to read this !!
They portrayed messes little humans and their bodies make so much better than I could ever hope to.
I especially loved the bunk bed episode!
A really fun, light hearted way to remind us to enjoy little people in every single way possible.
Highly recommended for anyone wanting a good belly laugh.

Oh my gosh this is the funniest book ever. Kids will drive you crazy while making you love every second of it. Dan Magdich has a way with words and can relate his experiences to his readers in a hilarious way that makes you feel like you were there watching.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley.
the cover of this book is hilarious, the title is fantastic, and the book itself? amazing. i laughed so hard.

Dan Magdich's children are full of personality which comes through with every story told. From wanting to be a cheese hustler, chopping necks, and running away from doctors, these kids keep their parents hands full. I appreciate that this wasn't a book of greatest hits. Dan doesn't shy away from the truth. He shows that the sad moments shape who we are just as much as the happy ones. Life isn't one dimensional, and neither is this book.
I received a copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Author: Dan Magdich
Publisher: Animal Media Group
Publication Date: 10 Sep 2019

Prepare yourselves, for this book will shower readers with laughter, commiseration, and all manner of bodily fluids.
Some people travel far and wide to add spice to their lives. Others never have to set foot outside their homes, barring doctor visits, ER trips, and occasional jaunts to the mall or Target. Dan Magdich, writer and illustrator of Hot Dog People and Other Bite-Size Sacrifices, is a shining example of the latter.
Dan and Crystal are parents raising three boys with humor, creativity, and joy. Dan’s stories are about finding the joy in everything unexpected, a reminder to appreciate all of life’s little things, and to celebrate the craziness of it all.
Thanks to •Animal Media Group• and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book. My review is honest and unbiased. #NetGalley #HotDogPeopleAndOtherBiteSizeSacrifices
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Can you believe that this month I planned to read three (3!!!) books with "Hot Dog" in the title?!?
Life goals, am I right? This is book number 2 in the trio of "hot dog" books that I plan to read this month!
Hotdog People and Other Bite-Size Sacrifices is a humorous book about parenting 3 boys told from the perspective of a dad. The stories will ring tree with most parents. Tales of crazy fast kids trying to make a getaway...adventures in potty training...picky eaters. Through it all, you can hear the dad's irreverent sense of humor. This is a man who tries to find the humor in those small indecencies of parenthood. This book is not for those offended by the occasional F-bomb.
The book has lots of sketches and ketchup-writing interspersed with the anecdotes. I related to the sketch/comic about kids not heeding a warning about getting their fingers hurt while riding in the bottom of a shopping cart. Been there (Target), done that (said, don't ride down there, your finger might get run over), had a 5 year old's finger crunched. So, you, I can relate to a lot of these tales.

I love how funny and real this book is. I have a son and my sister in law has two and this sounds a LOT like our life on a daily basis.