Member Reviews

I'm going through the books I requested pre-2018 when I stopped blogging to clean up my NetGalley TBR and this was on the list. I don't think it's a book for me anymore and will not be reviewing at this time, but if I do read it, I will update this review. Thank you for the opportunity.

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This was a DNF for me unfortunately. I forgot to leave my review at the time,.

Nothing against the book,it just wasn’t for me at the time.

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Requested and read this book back in 2012 but never got around to posting review on blog and now don't recall it enough to leave an accurate review.

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I have wanted to read McBride's The Tension of Opposites, but I have not yet. When I saw One Moment being offered on Netgalley, I took the opportunity to read and review this book.


I enjoyed reading about the group of friends in this novel. They were a tight-knit group of boys and girls who had known each other for years. Maggie was a good protagonist. She felt grief at the death of Joey, but she also began to discover that he had been keeping secrets from her. As she uncovered these secrets, her view of him became tainted. Joey seemed to be both a good guy and a bad guy. In Maggie's flashbacks, he seemed like a nice guy, but he also cheated on her with Shannon. At first, I liked Shannon, but as the story progressed, I no longer liked her. She accused Maggie of cheating on Joey, when, in reality, Joey had been cheating on her. Tanna and Pete both seemed nice, but they weren't as developed as the other characters. Finally, Adam was an amazing character. I could tell from the beginning that he liked Maggie as more than a friend. I was happy to finally see their relationship develop.

The plot of this book kept me reading. I wanted to find out what had happened the night Joey died. As the story progressed and Joey's secrets began to be divulged, I kept reading to discover the rest of the story. McBride did a good job revealing the secrets to Maggie and the reader. Little clues of Joey not being where he had said he was would appear. Later in the story, she found out where he had really been (with Shannon).

This novel was a good contemporary YA with a little romance. If you like these kinds of book, pick up One Moment when it is released on June 26th. Now I have to go read The Tension of Opposites.

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One Moment is still up to today (2017) one of my favourite very books. The writing's just so beautiful, you can't help but fall in love with the author's style. And then the story captures you right from the start. Also, I think it was one of the first books that made me cry. So, so much. In that moment, I understood what it felt like to really feel a book, feel the heartthrob and the loss and everything else. I recommend this to everyone who isn't looking for a light read, but a more mature young adult novel.

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