Member Reviews

I went into this expecting a legal thriller, but it seems to be more drama than anything. I also found it a little hard to believe a 7-month pregnant woman would rush to the side of someone who says they just committed a murder, no matter how close to them or how much loyalty she has. (It's just a little hard to believe). Honestly, this felt more like a soap opera at times than any kind of murder. It got to the point I thought I'd need to take notes to keep everything straight.

Who could not be intrigued by this statement - Who would ever suspect that their mentor, teacher, and friend is a cold-blooded killer?
However, The Midnight Call had too much legal "lingo" and it felt sometimes it dragged on. The story was interesting I just wish it had been less about the legal description and more of an easy storyline that captivated you until the very end.

Unfortunately this book wasn’t for me, it was more of a legal thriller which I don’t particularly bother reading. The story itself kept me intrigued to finish the book as I wanted to know what happens at the end.
Thank you netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for a honest review.

The Midnight Call grabbed my attention when I read the description. "Who would ever suspect that their mentor, teacher, and friend is a cold-blooded killer?". If I'm being honest, I struggled with this book, there were many times I was very close to giving up, but somehow trudged on.
Late one August night, Jessie’s lifelong mentor and friend—and presently a popular, charismatic, and handsome high school teacher—Terrence Butterfield calls. He utters a startling admission: he’s killed, someone. He pleads for Jessie’s help, so out of loyalty she rushes to his aid completely unaware that she’s risking her relationship, her career, and her life—and that of her unborn child—to help Terrence. Does Jessie’s presence at Terrence’s home implicate her in the gruesome murder of the teenage boy found in the basement? Why does Terrence betray Jessie when he has a chance to exonerate her of any charges? Has he been a monster in disguise for all these years? To reclaim her life and prove her innocence, Jessie must untangle the web of lies and reveal the shocking truths behind the homicide.
I found the book to be very verbose, it went on and on. I don't mind a legal suspense, but this went too much in detail and I lost interest after a couple of chapters. The plot was good, I'll give it that. But it should have gotten over much earlier than it did. Also, I was left with questions regarding Butterfield - why did he do it? what was it like for him to keep his psychosis suppressed? Unfortunately, this book lacked the psychological content I look for; instead it presented with many legal points and matter that other readers preferring this sub-genre might like. I liked the characters - most of them were drawn out well.
Thank you, NetGalley, Immortal Works & Jode Millman for an arc!

Do we ever really know someone? The fast start to this book captured me and the well developed characters kept me engaged. The plot itself started off strong and had a few weak points along the way but overall it was well written.

This is one that I have not read this author before with the snippet drawing my attention. It will have that bit of intrigue with a lure to reel you in and the character Jessie taking you on the ride. It will be precise which I find interesting but it might not be everyone's cup of joe. This is like a thriller that would be shown on that investigative channel if they showed movies. I donot know though if I would of as quickly if I was pregnant like she did go to see what is what but I am old school. It does get twisted with you wondering what is going to go down next. As the answers are sought for you follow along to get to know the answers too because the questions might burn at times. This author will know how to bind you to it at the end.

This book started out with a lot of promise for me, unfortunately it just kind of fell flat. All the lawyer talk was very tedious and I ended up skipping a lot of it because it was boring. I found that we didn’t get enough of the most interesting character in the book. Terrance intrigued me immensely but it was almost like the author was trying to fit in way too much so no one plot line got enough attention. I couldn’t understand this magnetic pull that Jessie had over these multiple men and why the author chose to make her pregnant. It just felt like way too much going on and no one story got the attention needed to give it depth so they were all just kind of spastic.
Thank you to the publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to read this in exchange for an honest review.
Check me out if Instagram @justkeepreading85

While the premise is interesting, I had a hard time with this book. I wasn't endeared to the characters, sympathizing with them and their crisis was hard.
Lots of legal stuff that wasn't as captivating as I hoped, I did skip over some sections.
This was ok.

Should have gone with gut instinct that (quite accurately) said no, you don’t like legal thriller and the cover looks cheap, don’t do it. But not…this one had praise from legit sources and promised a twist ending, so I went for it. So yeah, this is very much a legal thriller about a young female attorney, Jessie, whose mentor (a well respected local teacher) is accused of a brutal murder. There aren’t any murder mystery suspense elements these types of books often feature, there isn’t really any suspense at all or moral ambiguity or any sort of is he or isn’t he. It’s all a fairly straight forward story, with all the complexity resting in the legal area. The author is a lawyer, so that aspect is done with all the professionalism you’d expect, but the rest of the plot leaves a lot to be desired. The characters aren’t especially likeable or interesting and the love triangle the very heavily pregnant Jessie finds herself in is kind of…weird. Why is Jessie suddenly in a chiklit…whey is she completely irresistible to all or mostly all the wrong men. And the twist ending never twists. The writing is decent, nothing special. Nothing special in general here. Overall effect is underwhelming. And yet the characters are coming back for a completely unnecessary sequel none of them really merit. Presumably fans of legal thrillers would enjoy this one. Otherwise…well, it’s a quick read. Just remember…Jessie regretted picking up the midnight call. The caution is built in. Thanks Netgalley.