Member Reviews

Wow, this book was so much more than I expected. I was expecting a book about how technology impacts children's brains, and this was that, but it was also much more. It truly is about a balanced family.
Myers discusses in depth four main elements that he calls the key to a well-balanced family: connectedness, open communication, healthy living, and organization. Each category has it's share of subcategories, and Myers breaks down and defines each one to show what they look like in real life.
I also appreciate that there is a section that encourages parents to practice and teach mindful meditation to their children. I enjoyed reading about the different ways to teach different children.
I have been in education for over 20 years, and therefore most of what I read in this book was familiar to me, however I would recommend it for any parent who is trying to improve their family dynamic. Myers has taken a complicated subject and broken it down and defined it so clearly that it is possible for every parent to understand and implement. (And if you're curious, the actual parts about technology and children don't start till chapter 16).
Not just for families curious about the impact of technology on their kids, The Well-Balanced Family truly discusses how to achieve a positive balance in your family.

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Something that I personally struggle with, the balance of being mom. I will definitely be recommending this to my student's parents.

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This is a really great book filled with wonderful ideas, nothing in this book would be easy, but the results would be more than worth it.!

thank you to Myers and NetGalley for an advanced reader copy in exchange for a fair review.

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