Member Reviews

Helena Hunting is a queen of Romantic comedies. Her stories are always a treat for all readers. You cannot put her books down once you start reading it. Making Up is another master piece of a story.

Highly Recommend it to all readers.

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I have never blushed so hard reading a book before. This one isn't as dirty as what I normally read but the story and the characters *cough* coming together (in more ways than one) was amazingly written and the scenes were very immersevie and umm well written to say the least

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O-M-G this one was so good! It had everything! A funny meet-cute, a sexy guy in a suit, a sassy woman, and all the awkwardness that goes with everything. Griffin Mills, yep we have the eldest Mills brother in the house, walks into a sex shop with a list and looking as lost as can be and Cosy Felton is working that night and takes pitty on him and grabs a basket and starts filling it with everything he needs for the bachelor party, along with commentary to blister his ears. He is hooked. Shut out the lights, this man is done for. When he comes back a couple weeks later and asks her out, nope, not happening she is not going out with a customer. This starts an all-out Mills assault and she finally agrees to a diner date. Given the age difference and frankly there is so much difference it is a wonder this worked but it did, and I hope you climb aboard this one for the ride. It is bumpy and twisty and oh so much fun!

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This was cute, but I just didn't connect with these characters as much as the first 3. I did like the little twist towards the end, but in general it was fun and entertaining.

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I absolutely LOVE Helena Hunting's Shacking Up series. I’ve been systematically working my way through this author’s entire backlist because i adore her funny and quirky stories. I’m super happy with this series!

Making Up is the perfect combination of heat, humor and heart. Hunting once again delivered with Cosy and Griffin's story and their very sexy shenanigans!!

Overall, I loved the fourth installment in this series. The connection between the uptight and wealthy Griffin with the down-to earth Cosy sparked off the pages. What a fabulous read!

5 stars!

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Cosy and Griffin are an unlikely couple. He doesn't date women under a certain age. She doesn't date guys over a certain age. They are both. He's a billionaire or at least the company he runs with his family is. She can barely make it paydays to paydays and pay for college. He's a gorgeous but straight dressing in $1000 suits she wears short-shorts and tanks with heels. (It helps commissions in the sex-toy shop she works in). Still, one visit to the shop to buy the gag-gifts for a bachelor party and they both want to see more of each other.

From here there is fun, screw-ups, mix-ups, lies (not their own) fun and steam. Can they possibly have some kind of a temporary or not-in -this-lifetime future together? She's not a gold-digger even though she knows all about how it works. He doesn't take advantage or try to buy young women, even though he gets plenty of offers. This is funny, sometimes sad, sometimes frustrating for the reader.

While I did love both of them, this was a book, no way could it happen. Still, plenty of fun and I did want them to have a HEA.
Reviewed for Words Turn Me on

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Even though I absolutely *adore* Helena Hunting, her writing, and this series, Making Up just didn't feel like it fit well into this series. Like, it almost felt rushed or incomplete somehow? (I know that I am not making a lot of sense, but something just felt 'off' while I was reading it.)

From the meet-cute to the follow-up run-ins, Cosy and Griffin had quite an interesting relationship. Their age gap was obvious from the start, but they somehow made it work in their favor. Cosy is fun-loving where Griffin is straightlaced, so seeing them together had moments of hilarity. Although, there is a lot of drama with each of their families and it almost felt like they would never have their happily ever after.

Even though I didn't enjoy this book as much as the previous in the series, it won't deter me from reading everything Helena writes.

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I really loved Shacking up and Hooking up but I really couldn't get into this book. I wish I could have loved it but it just didn't work for me.

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I can say that this was probably my least favorite of the series BUT still a great installment to this collection of romantic comedies

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This was a quick read. I didn't mind the age gap between the characters, but the way it kept being brought up made it awkward in a way it didn't have to be.

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I love Helena Hunting's funny and witty characters, her heartwarming and hot stories, her writing... Making Up has everything i love about her books.
Cosy and Griffin have an unusual and funny meeting. That was my fav part.
Cosy is younger than Griffin but the way she lives her life is smart, her choices are different from those of most of people, she assumes who she is and her weird job.
Griffin is older but can be really cute. He wants Cosy and when he courts her... *sigh*.
Their chemistry is instantaneous and strong. They complete each other and make a great and soooo sweet couple.
But... even if i like those two characters, i had an issue with the story itself.
There are some clichés, and finally everything was predictable. The dramas were so déjà vu and repetitive (there are little dramas and big dramas). The first big one i didn't like it... And i didn't understand why Cosy and Griffin were not angry to... someone i can't tell you. The second big one... Cosy was blind, that was obvious. The third big one... déjà vu! Each time things happen like that : drama-begging for pardon-forgiveness too easily, too fast. The end... was too fast and again Cosy was blind... and deaf (in NY).
I really liked the characters but i would have liked less useless and common drama. The idea of the the age gap was interesting but sadly not enough harnessed.
SO... an enjoyable read with laughter and swoon! But Making Up is not my fav book of this series.

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I have yet to read a book from Helena that I did not love. And this book was no different.

Helena justbhas a way of writing the best romance mixed with so much witty personality. And I always find myself unable to put these darn books down.

I wont even talk about the lack of sleep I managed to get while reading. But that sacrifice was so worth it haha

These characters were just so good. They had so much personality. And I found myself so drawn into their stories. I felt for them when they went through rough patches. I was excited for them when ya know.... good things happened. And man was the romance hot!
I could totally use me a man like that haha

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Overall. A complete 5 star read for me⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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LOVE this series so freaking much and LOVE Cosy and Griffin! Hunting never fails to create characters that I laugh with and absolutely swoon over. I've also put Making Up on my READ AGAIN list.

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this one was okay. some of the humor felt pretty heavy-handed too me or like the author was trying too hard

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Helena Hunting never fails to bring on all the feels and romance with her novels. Making up will have you laughing and fanning yourself with all the sexy times inside. A must read for fans of hers and this series.

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This book about Cosy and Griffin was beautifully written, with lots of laughs. The characters are well developed and easy to enjoy there relationship and banter.

I usually love this author and her books, I think this one just wasn’t for me. It’s a book with an age-gap which I usually like but this one to me felt that Cozy was very immature. It caused unnecessary drama that turned me off.

I feel that a lot of people will love this book and you should definitely give it a try because this author is worth the try.

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This book is another romantic and comedic gem by Helena Hunting!

Cosy Felton is a college student who works at a sex toy store to help pay her way until she can get a job in hospitality management. She’s not above using the sexy outfit and high heels to flirt her way to a nice commission. From time to time she lets her sister crash on her couch, and she’s an all-round decent human being. Oh, and did I mention she’s a virgin?

Griffin Mills is one of the heirs of a hotel empire. He’s smart, gorgeous – obviously – and pretty clueless when it comes to women. As in, he seriously lacks game. But I like that about him. He’s not smooth or suave, using every trick in the book to incinerate your panties. Rather, he’s upfront about what he likes. When he sets his sights on Cosy, he persuades her to go on one date with him. And while she goes into it trying to let him down gently, he manages to win her over.

There’s a downside to Griffin having zero game, though. When things go wrong, he doesn’t know how to fix them. She he puts his foot in his mouth before realizing he needs to grovel and make some grand gestures. But when he figures that out, he pulls out all the stops. And that’s endearing. Oh, and did I mention the ridiculously hot sex?

Cosy is rather young, and as such a bit quick to jump to conclusions without talking things through first. Through trial and error, they both learn, grow, and evolve. I like how Cosy doesn’t swoon at the sight of expensive champagne or designer clothes. Instead, she makes sure Griffin know she’s no gold digger and doesn’t like to be seen as such. She wants to get ahead on her own merit. A girl after my own heart!

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I filmed a video review for this on my Youtube Channel ( - check it out here

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I'm loving my time in this Shacking Up world! I'm sort of sad that we've run out of Mills brothers but I'm stoked to start their cousin's story next in Handle With Care! I don't know if Griffin is my favorite Mills brother, but he was my most anticipated and he did not disappoint. I loved the build up of his and Cosy's relationship and I'm always a fan of a man that is willing to go all in on a relationship and has to convince the woman to do the same - that was done superbly here. I'm also not generally a fan of other woman drama, but once again it was handled very well by Helena Hunting and it added some angst to the story that truly made the book memorable for me. I absolutely devoured this series and it solidified the author as one of my auto-buy/must-read queens! 4 out of 5 wine glasses.

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LOVED LOVED LOVED. All the steam, all the banter allll the romance all the angst. This book kept me hooked from the first page and it did not disappoint in the end. As always Hunting gave us a romance that felt you wanting more and showed you the type of steam you deserve in life!

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