Member Reviews

Griffin Mills, heir to hotel empire finds himself in a very awkward position when he has to purchase items from an adult toy store, in Vegas, for a bachelor party. What’s a little more awkward is his attraction to the sales woman in the store. Hot off the hills of a heartbreaking engagement, the last thing Griffin needs is to get involved in a relationship, especially with someone who’s nothing like his type. She’s from a completely different social background, she’s a little rough around the edges and she too young; but there’s something about Cosy that won’t let him walk away.
Working in an adult toy store isn’t her dream job, but for Cosy Felton, it pays the rent and helps her finish her degree. When well-dressed, straight-laced Griffin walks in she can tell right away there’s something different about him; but then again, she was born and raised in Vegas, she’s pretty much seen it all and considering the rich sleaze bags her older sister has been known to date, she knows looks can be deceiving. When Griffin returns to the shop asking for a date a leaving his number with her, Cosy can’t help but to give into the temptation that is Griffin. After all, he’s only in Vegas for a few months and she plans on leaving town after graduation so why not have a little fun for a few months?
With neither of them anxious to commit to a relationship they both agree to give this one a try since it has an expiration date. They are both going into this knowing where it ends. Unfortunately for them, the more time they spend together the more they feel for each other. Not to mention, Griffin’s past keeps coming back to bite him in the ass and give Cosy just the reasons she needs to not get attached, except she’s already attached.
This is the fourth book in the Shacking Up Series and with this group of Mills’, Moorehead’s, and Whitfield’s each story gets better and better. Cosy kind of comes off as a little flakey but she’s not and she’s very likable. My initial mental image of Griffin in this book is nerdy but if I remember correctly in the previous books where he’s mentioned he seemed to be a little uptight (he’s a little uptight in this book) but it was easy to see him break out of mold. They were both goofy and humorous and I think their chemistry was great. I enjoyed reading about these two and I’m anxious to read about the rest of this group.
I believe Lincoln’s story is up next, he’s Griffin’s and Bancroft’s brother, and I’m anxious to read his story too. The most intriguing character of this series for me so far is Armstrong Moorehead, he has been nothing but a complete douche whenever he’s mentioned in this series but I swear there’s a story there somewhere, and part of me wonders if it’s not somehow related to Nev, Cosy’s sister.
Great read.

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Making Up is another irresistible installment in Helena Hunting's Shacking Up series, and I couldn't get enough of Cosy and Griffin. She's a sassy, driven, travel-loving college student, who finds herself courted by the older, buttoned-up, successful mogul after their hilarious meet-cute at the sex toy shop where Cosy works. While they could be considered opposites by some, they're actually unequivocally perfect together, and I loved every minute of their sweet, sexy and laugh-out-loud romance. If you’re not reading this series, you’re missing out on one of the sexiest, funniest and swoon-iest series around.

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I love Helena Hunting’s writing style and her characters are always a hoot. I didn’t enjoy this one as much as her other books but it wasn’t anything wrong with the book.

I just wasn’t in the mood. Baring that, I really liked it. The book focused on Cosy Griffin as a couple, and that poses a few questions.

Griffin is older than Cosy and it’s made blatantly obvious several times. He’s not so so much older but it’s enough to bother him. The relationship, from early on, suffers because of this. Griffin almost tries to overcompensate for the gap and Cosy tries to add too many hard limits. They both realise that, to make a relationship work, no matter the ages, they need to communicate better. But, of course, right as things are getting good, there comes a bomb. They both handle the aftermath really well and extremely mature. But, there is always something drawing them back to each other.

My mom always says that what belongs to the priest go to the church and that’s definitely the case here. Cosy and Griffin belong to each other, they each bring something to the relationship that the other needs.

Cosy, along with maturing in her relationship with Griffin, also does better in her relationship with her sister. I loved seeing that. It was definitely a major factor in rising the rating. The fact that the sisters rise above their situations, both individually and together and help one another.

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I am fast becoming a fan of Helena Hunting’s books, mainly because her characters are usually just a tad off the stereotypes often found in the genre. I liked both Cosy and Griffin for a few reasons. First, ya gotta love a gal who works in a sex toy shop (a great way to open). Second, I liked that Griffin was not the usual uptight billionaire dude who was all about work – he was open and playful pretty much from the start. I appreciated that it wasn’t a total 180-degree character change for either. I enjoyed their story and recommend this book. For more thoughts, please visit my blog at Fireflies and Free Kicks Fiction Reviews. Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press, and the author for a complimentary, pre-release digital ARC of this book.

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Okay, romance lovers, can you keep a secret? Although I have happily promoted Helena Hunting and her books for a very long time, MAKING UP is actually the first book of hers that I have read. Yes, it's true... *ducks and runs* Why, I don't know, because now I am now kicking myself and wondering what in the actual heck I was thinking.

As this was my first time in Helena World (see above), I wondered whether the book would work for me. Let me offer a resounding 'YES!' This book can totally be read as a standalone, and, while characters from other books do make an appearance, there's plenty of back story offered here for it to make sense. And, you know, whet our appetites to get the heck caught up with the rest of the Shacking Up world.

MAKING UP is just the kind of book that I want to find on my book pile again and again and again. What a delightful read this book was! I fell in insta-love with both Cosy and Griffin, and absolutely inhaled their story. Awkward, sexy, funny, these two are a match made in heaven, and seeing them get from start to finish could not have been more fun. Any book that can leave me with a smile on my face and a love for characters that will have me reading the author's other books is a win for me. 4.5 stars and a must-read recommendation for MAKING UP. Get it. Read it. Love it.

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J'avais hâte de retrouver les frères Mills et d'en découvrir un nouveau avec le 4ème tome de la saga Shacking Up. Une fois de plus on se régale de cette comédie romantique où Helena Hunting nous offre une fois de plus un cocktail parfait avec de l'humour, de l'amour et de la sensualité à souhait.

Cosy Felton est une jeune femme de 22 ans qui travaille au Sex Toy Warehouse tout en terminant ses études de management. Elle est à l'aise dans cet univers si particulier et quand elle voit entrer un client très sexy, elle met son masque de professionnalisme pour l'aider dans sa quête qui ne le met pas du tout à l'aise. C'est une jeune femme qui a la tête sur les épaules si on la compare à sa soeur Nevah qui va squatter chez elle la quasi totalité du roman. Elle a peu d'amies mais elle s'entend très bien avec Helix , une de ses collègues mais aussi une de ses amies à la fac. On sent qu'elle va pouvoir compter sur cette dernière au moment voulu et Nev ne sera pas en reste aux moments clés de l'intrigue. Cosy vit dans un monde aux antipodes de celui de Griffin et elle n'a pas la même conception que lui de la vie et de l'argent. Elle rame pour gagner sa vie et elle ne sera pas donc comme ces femmes vénales qui acceptent avec grand plaisir les cadeaux de ce milliardaire. Elle ne sait pas qu'elle fait face à un héritier des Hotels Mills et ce sera rafraîchissant pour notre héros.

J'ai adoré le personnage de Cosy car elle n'y va pas par quatre chemins quand elle a quelque chose à dire et des choses elle va en dire à Griffin. Elle n'aura pas peur de lui dire non et c'est quelque chose dont il n'a pas l'habitude. Elle va devoir lutter contre son manque de confiance en elle surtout quand des non dits pourraient faire imploser leur relation naissante. Elle refuse de se lancer dans une relation sur la durée car elle sait qu'il va partir pour New York et de plus , elle va devoir faire face à des révélations parfois très perturbantes. Il se dégage d'elle une fraîcheur géniale car elle reste émerveillée par tout ce qui l'entoure. Elle sait aussi profiter de chaque instant comme le prouve ses envies d'aventure et ses précédents road trips. C'est une jeune femme qui en général ose faire des choses et sauter dans l'inconnu mais cette nouvelle aventure avec Griffin ne sera pas sans surprise et sans rebondissements. Pourra t-elle vraiment faire partie de son monde? Saura t-elle laisser parler son coeur?

Griffin Mills est donc un des dernier frère Mills dont nous faisons la connaissance. Dans ce tome, c'est un plaisir de revoir Lincoln , que nous avions découvert dans les précédents tomes. Ce dernier sort d'une longue relation qui n'a pas été épanouissante et pourtant il sera émerveillé par la personnalité de Cosy qui saura le secouer aux moments importuns. On sent vite qu'il n'est pas habitué à comprendre les sentiments amoureux et sa maladresse est donc d'autant plus désarmante. Il va commettre un certain nombre de bourbes et nous espérons donc qu'il saura trouver les mots justes pour que Cosy prenne le risque de faire un bout de chemin avec lui. Avec cette dernière , il a envie de laisser un peu de côté son travail pour lequel il se passionne et investir de son temps avec une personne authentique et entière. Nous avons un aperçu de sa vie insipide et passée avec Imogen et on comprend qu'il n'ait jamais voulu faire passer sa vie amoureuse avant sa carrière. Il est accro à ce travail qui le mène aux quatre coins du monde et on sent qu'il aime ce qu'il fait. Quand il comprend que Cosy n'est pas une fille comme les autres, il va prendre le temps de la séduire et de lui ouvrir les portes de son monde. Saura t-il déjouer tous les pièges qui se dresseront sur sa route? Saura t-il prouver à Cosy qu'il est digne d'elle?

Bref, je me suis régalée une fois de plus avec les nouveaux personnages qu'Helena Hunting nous offre dans ce nouvel opus de la saga Shaking Up. On s'amuse des déboires et des maladresses de nos deux héros, on a le sourire aux lèvres en découvrant qu'ils pourraient être de belles âmes soeurs mais on sera aussi ému des mésaventures et des obstacles à surmonter pour le meilleur mais aussi peut être pour le pire. Making Up est une superbe comédie romantique comme je les aime et que je vous recommande si vous lisez en VO.

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Another incredible book from this author. Since I first started reading books by Helena Hunting, I have yet to be disappointed. All the emotions are there and all the boxes checked. Her heroines are smart and strong-willed as well as relatable and likable. Her heroes are always sexy and sinful, but gentlemen.

In this story, the oldest brother of the successful hotel mogul family finds his happily-ever-after. When he and Cosy meet for the first time, I was enamored. In just a few pages, I learned a great deal about Griffin. His shyness and vulnerability were endearing. I knew this man had a background I wanted a front row seat to. In addition, watching him with Cosy was like watching him truly experience life for the first time. Another aspect I loved about Griffin was the fact that while he is incredibly wealthy and not shy about spending his money on Cosy, he was not pretentious.

Cosy, is quite a bit younger than Griffin but that didn’t seem to be an issue once these two got to know each other. There are several bumps in their road to happy-ever-after and a good amount of angst in the book. But every bitten nail was worth getting to the end. I won’t get into any other details so you can enjoy this sweet story without spoilers.

This is definitely a must read. I just love how light hearted I always feel when a finish a Helena Hunting Book.

This is my honest and unbiased review. Thank you for taking the time to read it. :)

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I absolutely LOVED Griffin and Cosy! Cosy is a spitfire (can I be her when I grow up?) and Griffin is absolutely the sweetest. I normally don't read age gap books but this is a definite keeper! There are a few twists, a lot of laughs, and maybe even some watery eyes (I'm a sap ok?!) Just do yourself a favor and grab this one because you won't regret it!
Early review copy generously provided by NetGalley.

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Talk about an entertaining read that had me laughing! Throw in some angst and a lot of emotion and this made for a truly great story.

I loved Cosy and Griffin first meeting, it was awkward and adorable all rolled into one. It was so fun and flirty! Cosy was a fly by the seat of her pants kind of girl and Griffin was a bit buttoned up so it was thrilling having those personalities mesh together and watching their sparks fly. There was this nice build happening as feelings emerged and I really liked the timeline in which it took place.

It was definitely entertaining but there was also a lot of drama and angst that had me pretty stressed out a time or two. There is an age difference between Cosy and Griffin and because of where they are at in their stages in life, I think that’s what made it feel angsty for me. I loved how open Cosy was when it came to accepting things and forgiveness, she might have had moments of immaturity but she had a solid head on her shoulders.

Even though it stressed me out at times, I love the emotions it brought out in me. I felt it was a solid story from beginning to end, a pretty easy read, crazy drama yes but not to taxing. It was an exciting, light read with a whole lot of fun and just the right amount of sexy.

I picked this up and couldn’t put it back down. Another awesome story in the Shaking Up world!

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***4.5 ‘I’d Rather Have You Than Game’ Stars***

The swoons were so real in this one. So were the laughs and the need to Gibbs Smack a few people and...gut a few with a spoon...

But it was the swoons that made my heart all KINDS of twitterpated and wishing I had a Griffin of my own.

Griffin pretty much owned me from the minute he stepped into Cosy’s place of employment. In that one moment I saw the man he was.Vulnerable, charming, a little awkward, but also had the kind of confidence that made you want to get closer and when he let his alpha side out to play? Well, the man was seriously lethal. And then there is Cosy. She is a spitfire with a huge heart and an enigma since she’s something of an organized free spirit. I know, you’re probably going huh? But trust me, as you get to know her, you’ll understand.

As for their journey to their HEA. It was an interesting one, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching them get closer and finding that, despite the fact they are opposites in many ways, that they fit each other perfectly. They just flowed. There are a few bumps in their road, one had me reaching for that spoon, but I loved how everything turned out for them in the end.

This was a really fun read. I loved every moment of Cosy & Griffin being together (the moments they weren’t...well, yeah, not so much) but overall this really was a feel good read that gave me the swoons. I loved catching up with Bane and Ruby and Lex and Amalie and cannot wait to get my hands on Lincoln’s book!

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I always get excited to dive back into Helena's Shacking Up series. Making Up is Griffen Mills, the hotel moguls story. He meets Cosy while visiting an adult toy store for a bachelor party. They have the cutest Meet Cute moment. Cosy, is a simple, smart, fun loving girl. I was smitten with her from the beginning.

Griffen wines and dines Cosy the way only he can. He brings his A game for her, candles, champagne, flowers. SWOON. He also brings along a little baggage and a twist or two that has me pissed. It's a good thing he knows how to get back in my good graces. This book is a super fun, quick read. Now, I'm dying to get my hands on Lincoln's story, Handle with Care. I've heard such great things about it.

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Given ARC.

So Helena Hunting has been one of my favorite authors since the PUCKED series and I didn't realize that Making Up was part of the Shacking Up series and now I need more family Mills!! Though you don't necessarily need to read the other books in the series to enjoy Making up, it can provide some history to the chain of events that transpire between Cosy and Griffin.

I loved everything about Cosy and Griffin's relationship dynamic, Helena really knows how to develop a great love story full of crazy situations and drama. I feel that Cosy was such a well developed main character that was full of insight that we should all take note and apply it to our daily lives. Griffin is a sexy alpha leading man that you fall more and more in love with as you read this book. One of my favorite quotes in this book is " Show me your weakness, so I can give you my strength," if that doesn't get you wanting to know what lead to this quote I'm not sure you are worthy of anything Helena Hunting.

I now am very curious about the other Mills men and will now read this series backwards, I can only hope that the other Mills men are as intense and sexy like their older brother Griffin.

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What could I add to all the amazing reviews…

I love Helena Hunting’s romcoms.

For each series, I have my favorite couple, and Griffin and Cosy are definitely my favorite in the whole Shacking Up Series.

But MAKING UP is so much more than a romantic comedy!

It’s hilarious, and OH.SO.STEAMY, but it’s also angsty.

The perfect mix for me.

Cosy and Griffin could seem like a very unlikely couple, since they’re from very different worlds, then there is this age gape thing and all, but it turns out that they’re just perfect for each other.

I was smiling the whole two days it took me to read the book…

Ladies, you need their love story, trust me.
Great characters, solid storyline, AND THE FEELS!!!

Anyway, I’ll say it again:

I’m so NOT over him…. *sighs*

One of my favorite Romcoms this year!

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Making Up is a stand alone book that is part of Helena Hunting’s Shacking Up series. It’s a romantic comedy with a very unique meet cute. Cosy and Griffin has a decade age difference but it doesn’t stop them from starting a relationship which starts out casual but pretty soon it starts getting serious but then to get to their HEA this couple has to deal with a lot of obstacles. What results is a hilarious romance with a lot of sidetrips, a lot of sex and sweet moments between to lovable individuals.

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I loved this book from the start to the end!

Cosy Felton is a young girl who is a part time student and part time works, and she works in an adult store. She is happy with her life the way it is. So she was not expecting Griffin Mills to walk into her store. He's a suit and came in looking for gag gifts for a friends bachelor party, (or so he says, lol) He is the hottest sexiest guy she has ever seen and he is kind of adorably awkward and she loves that. So when he comes back a week later asking her out, she is a bit hesitate but eventually says yes. I mean what harm is there going out with him having a good time and that's that right.

Griffin Mills is in Las Vegas for his family's business and he did not expect to meet someone like Cosy. She is funny, single has a take no prisoners attitude and she is a free spirit. Just what he needs to keep him company while he is in Vegas. So they have some fun together at the end of the three months he goes home and they dont see each other, right, just what they both need... But both of them can't deny their attraction and can't deny that they love spending time together and can't deny they can't stop thinking of the other. So not that simple as both of them thought...

This book was hilarious. I loved both of these characters. Cosy was funny, sweet sometimes, she didn't let anyone tell her what to do and she was a take no prisoners type of girl. Griffin, man he was just hot and sexy and had me from the first page. Hot funny explosive chemistry and a romance story that will have you wanting more...

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This is the 3rd book of the Mills brothers. I have not read the other 2 and had no problem following along this story between Cosy and Griffin.

I just love Hunting’s writing style. Cosy is a fun young lady working at an adult bookstore to earn a living while finishing college. I love how she had a personal to be the effective sales person. Her interaction with Griffin is amazing.

The fun banter and chemistry between these two are off the charts! I now need to read the other books to learn about these other brothers.

Thank you #netgalley for the ARC!

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Fun, funny, sweet and swoony, Making Up had everything I need in a rom-com. Helena Hunting's writing was on point, and the characters had me falling fast.

Cosy and Griffin had chemistry from the get go. Their initial meeting was an awkward situation but they still sparked an interest in each other, and in me as the reader. I felt their connection, and as they spent more time together it only grew stronger. I adored the flirty banter and easy dialogue between them. Some of the obstacles thrown in their path along the way were predictable, but they were resolved almost as quickly as they came and it didn't really affect my overall enjoyment of the story.

If you want an engaging age gap romance that'll feed your desire for a few good laughs, a little bit of drama, and a whole lot of sexy, don't miss out on reading Making Up!

**Complimentary copy for review provided by St. Martin's Press/Swerve. All opinions expressed here are honest and entirely my own.**

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Griffin never expects that he will need to visit a sex shop for his friend’s bachelor party but what really surprises him is Cosy, the store associate that helps him with his shopping list. Cosy is a breath of fresh air, she knows what she wants and is going for it which includes college and random trips to go explore the country. She loves to travel without a plan and just experience life. For Griffin, this is a challenge while being invigorating. He loves her approach to life and openness that she shares with him. When he ventures back for a date, will Cosy break the rule of not dating customers? Cosy is attracted to Griffin, he is sexy and smooth yet a little unsure of himself. She never expects him to return so will she take a risk when he does? I had so much fun with this couple. Cosy keeps Griffin on his toes, well she kept me on my toes, I never knew what she was going to say next and her perspective on life is endearing. I voluntarily read an ARC of this book and this is my honest review.

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Making Up was a fun, sexy, and entertaining standalone in the Shacking Up series, and I loved it so much! The storyline and characters were excellent, and I loved Helena Hunting’s writing style and sense of humor. Griffin and Cosy’s story was funny, sexy, and entertaining, with a lot of drama to go around. The plot was different than I expected, and there were a few surprises throughout, but there was never a dull moment, and I thoroughly enjoyed it from beginning to end. Griffin made me swoon so hard, and Cosy was his perfect match in every way. I loved the relationship they had together, and how it progressed throughout. There were plenty of trials and tribulations along the way, but I was very happy with the conclusion to Griffin and Cosy’s story. Making Up was another fantastic addition to the Shacking Up series, and I can’t wait to read the next one, Handle with Care!

ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I have to start by saying it’s great to be back in the Shacking Up world and once again Helena Hunting has given us an great entertaining read that I’m sure you will all love.
Making Up is full of witty banter, sizzling chemistry and characters that you can’t help falling in love with. Cozy is the quirky fun loving sales assistant at the local Adults only shop and Griffin Mills is the eldest sibling of the Mills hotelier family who has been left in charge of picking up the gag gifts for his friends bachelor party and that’s where the fun begins .......this couple may be like chalk and cheese but opposites attract and the attraction between these two is instant, the chemistry sizzling and banter witty. As you would expect from this author the road to true love is never easy and there are a few twists and turns along the way which will leave you holding your breath as you try to work out what now !!! The laugh out loud moments mixed with just the right amount of love, passion and drama make this a great entertaining read that I highly recommend.

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