Member Reviews

Making Up is the fourth instalment in the Shacking Up companion series. Making Up follows Cosy and Griffin as they navigate the murky waters of dating with an age gap.

I didn’t enjoy Making Up as much as I wanted to. The rushed beginning, lack of palpable chemistry, and age gap left me unsatisfied.

Making Up has an incredible rushed beginning. Readers are thrust into the plot with Cosy working at an adult toy store with Griffin looking to purchase some items. The main characters exchange some fun banter then readers are thrust into the middle of their date. Things happen quickly, but the climax of their introduction sizzles rather than burns.

I expected Cosy and Griffin to have red hot chemistry, especially with a setting steeped in sex, however their chemistry was lukewarm at best. Griffin is awkward and shy, but in a way that doesn’t work in his favor. Instead, Griffin comes off as insecure for a lot of their interactions since the reader barely gets to know who Griffin is as an individual.

I’m not opposed to age gap novels, so my criticism isn’t in shaming the age difference. Instead, my criticism is of the inclusion of the age gap in the first place since Hunting does nothing with it. Hunting never does anything interesting or groundbreaking with the age difference other than a few lines here and there pointing it out. I’m just glad it was fetishized.

Making Up does a lot of telling rather than showing. There are too many instances where the reader is told a summary of something the characters did rather than experiencing it with them. So, for most of the novel I felt little to no connection to the characters or their relationship. As you're reading along it feels as if the epilogue comes out of nowhere since it felt like I spent no time with the characters.

Overall, Making Up is my least favorite instalment in the series since it lacks Hunting’s signature chemistry and laugh out loud moments.

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I’ve struggled with this series after book one and Making Up was no different. While this story had some steamy moments, it had too much drama and was highly forgettable.

The only Helena Hunting book that I haven’t struggled with was Shacking Up. I can’t honestly say why I keep giving this series more chances, but I always do. Maybe because the synopsis really intrigued me. However, it didn’t win me over. Basically, it comes down to Cosy being flighty and the relationship between her and Griffin.

I really had a hard time believing that there could be a relationship between these two. Let’s be honest here, they don’t have anything in common besides working/wanting to work in hotels. They weren’t on the same level and I honestly don’t think that it was more than sex and attraction. Cosy was flighty and immature at times. I seriously don’t know what Griffin saw in her.

Also, this book was filled with drama. Every time I thought we were passed one thing, something else happened. It was exhausting and kind of furthered my point that they didn’t belong together.

While this wasn’t for me, the sex was hot and if you’re a fan on Hunting’s previous books then you might enjoy this

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This is book four in the Shacking Up series but you can read the books as standalone if you so wish.

I have read all the previous books in this series so far and I have very much enjoyed them. That being said, Making Up is my least favourite so far. I did enjoy the book and it is well written but I think maybe I am just burnt out and haven't been in the mood to read a contemporary romance lately so I just didn't enjoy it as much as I usually would. It is still good enough to keep and read again in the future.

I do give it a 4 out of 5

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I absolutely adored Griffin & Cosy and going on their journey! Seriously one of the best meet cutes that I have read in a while!

Griffin & Cosy go on an adventure where there was plenty of twists and turns that kept me turning the pages! I loved that there was a couple I didn’t see coming. This story has humor, a little drama, and heart. I loved getting lost in Griffin & Cosy’s world.

I was nervous reading because I haven’t read the other books in this series yet. Turns out I had no reason to worry. I didn’t feel lost at all. Which I loved! I can’t wait to return to this world with the previous books that I plan to read & future books in this series.

I voluntarily reviewed this book.

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Quirky Heroine + Emotionally Bruised Hero = Awkward Perfection!

Cosy works in an adult toy store and doesn’t date customers...until Griffin asks her out in the most awkward way. They quickly realize that not only do they have some pretty serious chemistry, they also have an age gap that might be too much.

Watching these two navigate the age gap, different life experiences, and unexpected obstacles was in turns funny, sexy (I mean her first time at his penthouse 🔥), frustrating, heartbreaking, and ridiculously sweet and other words everything I most desire in a contemporary romance, or really any romance.

In addition to the fabulously crafted banter, hot sexy times, and over the top romantic gestures there were so many wonderful moments about the importance of consent, fashion as a choice and not an invitation or enticement, personal limitations, overstepping in the name of love, and self reflection.

Making Up is book 4 in Helena Hunting’s Shaking Up series but I’ve previously only read book 3, which I didn’t see a connection to here but I’m guessing connects to one or more of the others. However, the couples from books 1 and 2, Shaking Up and Hooking Up respectively, do have some mentions in Making Up; they weren’t deal breakers for me but that’s something to keep in mind if it could be for you. I will, however, be getting my hands on books 1 and 2 ASAP and can’t wait for book 5, Handle with Care, next month!

I received a complimentary review copy of this book but all opinions are my own.

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This book was absolutely incredible. I am a huge fan of The Mills/ Moorehead families. I have loved all of the stories. This one was no exception. We meet Cosy first and she’s the cutest, quirkiest heroine. Like, she is the type of girl you’d want to be bffs with. And then there’s Griffin. Sexy, sweet and confident. I really loved the age gap and it just added to the story, even though Griffin worried about it. I loved that Cosy kept him on his toes and he made sure she felt his devotion. It is a typical funny, feel good story by Helena. She writes some of the best swoony romcoms.

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Cosy Felton is a free spirit, never staying in one place too long, always on the hunt for a new adventure. She is months away from graduating and is itching for the day she can tuck her diploma in her bag and let her new journey begin. With her nomadic lifestyle she tends to keep her relationships with men string free, she doesn't want feelings or love tying her down and trying to keep her in one place for too long.

But little does she know she is about to meet a man that is going to change her way of thinking when it comes to love... Griffin Mills is about to give her a reason to stay and put down roots.

Within the pages of Making Up you will meet a unique pairing that will have you falling head over heels for them within minutes of meeting them. These two are about as opposites as two people could be, and their differences put them at odds a few times. But they soon learned that the few things they had in common were the most important, the things they should hold onto. I loved watching them fight commitment every step of the way, and conquer all the things that tried to keep them apart, their love for one another lit up the pages and warmed my heart! There is a lot to love about this one, it has moments that will make you laugh, moments that'll have your heart in your throat, and moments that'll curl the toes... it's the perfect romantic reading escape! Highly recommend!

I requested an advanced copy of this title from NetGalley, and I am voluntarily leaving my honest opinion.

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Making Up is the fourth book in Helena Hunting’s Shacking Up series. I’ve loved reading about this group of characters and Cosy and Griffin were no exception. Though this was my least favorite of the series, I still loved the writing and characters, I just had a bit of an issue with some of the drama in the book.

Cosy and Griffin have an interesting meeting… I loved the unusual way they met. Griffin is intrigued by Cosy and wants to go out with her, but she’s hesitant. There is a bit of an age gap (Cosy is early 20’s and Griffin is early 30’s) and it makes her resistant at first. But these two have so much chemistry, it’s hard to deny their attraction.

I loved these two together. Their pull to each other was magnetic and they balanced each other perfectly. I loved watching them fall in love. They were the sweetest couple.

I understand every book has to have some drama and angst, but this book had a little too much for my taste. It’s like, as soon as one obstacle would be faced, something else would pop up. And one of the things I really don’t love reading about. It had nothing to do with the main characters actions just the directions the story took. Thankfully, by the end, I was a happy reader again. I’m very much looking forward to reading Lincoln’s book which will be next in the series!

Helena Hunting never fails to make me laugh, smile, and swoon. Making Up was an entertaining and easy to read book from a series I love.

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4.5 Stars

Making Up is book 4 in the Shacking Up series, and while each book can technically be read as a standalone I highly recommend reading them all!

I dare you to keep a straight face while reading this book, the funny & sweet moments will win out immediately. Four pages in we're treated to "Dear sweet Jesus on a cloud of marshamallows, this is my lucky day", and Helena Hunting's unique humor continues to delight until the very end. Some heavy moments are thrown in with the laugh out loud ones, keeping the reader on their toes and ensuring no interest is lost.

As usual, Hunting has written exceptional characters. Griffin Mills is even more delicious than expected (I mean, with Bancroft & Lexington as brothers I had some pretty high expectations!) with a sense of humor & super sweet demeanor mixed in with his gorgeous looks. An alpha with a bruised heart, he's the uber book boyfriend that I couldn't get enough of!

I adored Cosy! She's a strong, independent, and kick-ass heroine, which is what I have come to expect from Hunting. Full of wanderlust, she's putting her dreams of traveling before a career & settling down. I loved & admired her spirit, doing what she needs to do to accomplish her goals and not letting anyone hold her back.

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Making Up is a sweet and funny rom-com that I truly enjoyed. The chemistry between Cosy and Griffin was electric and their witty banter were amusing. I loved their slight awkward yet hilarious meet cute. With the age difference and different socioeconomic background, the couple couldn’t be more opposing but somehow their similar vision and dream made them perfect for each other. The little bit of drama towards the end added a little angst to their otherwise dreamy relationship. However, the blissfully happy epilogue made my day. I didn’t know that this charming story is part of a series and I would surely go back to read the other Mills brothers’ stories.

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3.5 STARS!

I started off the Shacking Up series backwards with I Flipping Love You, so in preparation for Making Up and Handle With Care I decided to binge read the series. With that being said, Helena Hunting has proven why she's a favorite author and a queen of RomCom. Her stories have witty, sassy, fun, strong and independent women with equally strong men as their counterparts. So, to say I was excited to begin Making Up is a massive understatement!

I really enjoyed Griffin's story but it wasn't my favorite of the bunch. One thing I did love was seeing how different Griffin is from his two brothers. He might be the oldest Mills but he's the most reserved and sensitive one. He's jaded and he's been hurt.

Meeting Cosy is unexpected and a breathe of fresh air but Griffin is quickly drawn to this fearless and brazen girl. Their encounter is one of those meet-cute moments you tell your grandchildren about! There's an age gape between them, Cosy being 22 and Griffin 33. Though I was a bit peeved with Cosy at times with how she acted in some moments, it was something that could be overlooked.

These two were the perfect balance and they made a cute couple. I loved it. It was push and pull. Their relationship took time to grow and blossom. At first they're hestiate but they give it a go anyway. Their chemistry is off the charts and together they're fun and adventurous.

Overall, this book was so much fun and entertaining. You get small snippets of Lincoln and the Mills brothers. What I found unnecessary and even Cosy agreed, was the drama. It was just too much at times... But everything worked itself out and I loved how things turned out in the end for Griffin and Cosy.

Helena Hunting will captivate you with her writing and have you laughing and falling in love with these characters. Making Up was filled with equally fun and sweet moments. This is definitely a series you don't want to miss out on. Now, I'm so ready for Lincoln's book! 💃🏼

I received a complimentary copy of this book from St. Martin's Press through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Making Up introduces us to Griffin Mills, eldest brother to prior book heroes Bancroft and Lexington. In the previous books in the ‘Shacking Up’ series, Griffin comes off as a distant and flat character who was in a seemingly thriving long term relationship with his fiancé. However, in Griffin’s leading man debut, he is freshly dumped by his fiancé and eager to date his much younger female foil Cosy Fenton.

I felt Griffin lacked substance and came across as very basic— his personality and conversational manner was very bland and repetitive, and frankly, boring. This book was so much more telling than showing.

Cosy was a very young and flesh-baring co-ed who’s life experience consisted of frequent road trips (that the reader never got to experience in real time with the character) and bemoaning her stance on relationships and how she doesn’t ‘do’ attachments.

I thought that Griffin and Cosy’s relationship was a giant band-aid meant for fun times and a quick fix for healing past heartaches, but I did not feel the love as they were lacking chemistry, even from the start. The frequent dramatic ups and downs throughout their short time together was over-the-top, and the hits kept on coming after significant level-up moments in their relationship. This made my reading experience a bumpy one that I mentally compare to a bout of reader seasickness.

I kept reading to see if my favorite Shacking Up couple— Ruby and Bancroft— would appear, but alas, Ruby never makes an appearance, and when Bane does say his short line, it doesn’t feel like his voice.

While Making Up may not be my favorite book from the Shacking Up universe, the writing is still Helena Hunting’s in that it has some laugh out loud moments interspersed with embarrassing scenes and some heat as well; however this is definitely not my favorite in the series as so much of the book felt like a hazy dream that the characters were explaining to the reader after the fact. Basically, you never spend enough time with the characters to get to know them well enough to make a connection with them and their relationship

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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A bit too YA for me. Mixed feelings on this one.
There are a couple of genres that tend to frustrate me more than getting reading pleasure from the book. Young adult is one of those categories.

I guess I never got the impression that this author wrote in this particular genre. And maybe I’m wrong, but this particular book the age difference completely stood out and made a difference in my overall impression.

The beginning of the book started out great. I love the beginning and the way the Griffin and Cosy characters met. The further into the story Hunting went, and the further she developed the female lead, the more I dislike the girl. (Her sister rubbed me wrong most of the time too. Ugh).

While I think the author was trying for humor in some instances, what came off to me was immaturity and that annoyed me. I guess I’m just not into virgin stories anymore. Don't get me wrong, parts were definitely awesome and humorous, especially the opening.

Overall, the story had a great appeal. I loved Griffin as the main lead and the way he truly cared for her. The ending was great and we get the happily ever after we want. I just wish I liked Cosy more so the middle would have captured me.

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OMG... This book, so funny, hear warming and just wonderful. Read it in one sitting... could not stop if I wanted to. The hilarity that Helena Hunting puts in her books is just off the charts. Who would guess that putting your main character as a sales person in an adult toy store would make such a great romance book!

This is book 4, you do not need to read the others to get all the funny business and romance, but really, why wouldn't you. They are all just as great as this one!

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I was given this ARC for an honest review as a blogger. So with that being said... I so enjoyed this book; I wasn’t disappointed at all or wanted to stop reading or got bored...I did felt bad for Griffin because for one he couldn’t catch a break with that crap with Imogen I hope that’s how you spell her name since I refuse to go back and see; since she’s not as important... so with that being said... I was glad that Cosy forgave him for that stupidity that happened with his ex-fiancée... I also figure that her sister didn’t mess around with Griffin... but I did crack up when learning it was her sister that took his money and credit card... she assume he didn’t know, but he did know about his money missing🤣 the only person I know is stupid when money is missing is one of my family members boyfriend...

But I was so rooting for both Cosy, and Griffin for one Cosy was hilarious and didn’t take any crap from one even Griffin... plus his brothers were hilarious when it came to him at his office... Cosy was so much better for him because for one Armstrong is a turd ugh and so his Imogen like how can you bang you, cousin fiancée, just because his brother bang your ex-fiancée that you cheated on at your wedding. For one, he didn’t deserve Amalie, but he definitely deserves Imogen ... unlike She thinking she was going to get Griffin back with her dusty self...

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AMAZING!!!! this book was simply amazing!! I couldn't put it down! I loved it! this author has a way with words, that will suck you in and it won't let you go until you're done with the book!

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This series has been a hard transition for me, after the Pucked books. That's a big hurdle to get over, because I loved them so much. I was having issues moving on, I guess. Well, book number four finally got me on board, and I loved it. I posted this in a replay on Instagram. This book gave me Randy Ballistic level feels. Big shoes to fill, I know, but Griffin fit in to them nicely. This is a great Cinderella like story. The pauper and the prince. I hate reviews that just retell the story. I am not doing this here. If you are a fan Helena's, you are well aware, she puts out fabulous every time. I don't even bother to read the synopsis. I just one click it and go. This was a great, quick and fun read. You will love Cozy, she's smart, witty, funny, and not afraid to be vulnerable. They make a great couple. This is a HEA story.

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{ARC Generously Provided by Publisher and Socialbutterfly PR}

Helen Hunting is one of those authors that you can add to your automatic buy list. Nothing she has written has ever disappointed me, that is a big task for a author to complete. I knew going into Making Up that I would love it!

Making Up is part number four in the Shacking Up Series, and I can honestly say that it might have knocked the rest of the series out of bounds. I have loved every single book equally, because they are all my favorites. Each couple has their own unique personality and traits that I adore.

Cosy and Griffin are no different.

Their first meeting was just hilarious, I sorta of knew that going because of the blurb on the book. Cosy is a force to be reckoned with, she's a strong personality but not so much to go as annoying. She has firm beliefs in life and love. Then she meets Griffin, who turns out to be more than she ever anticipated. Her doubts force who to expect the worst from him. And doubts are never good in any relationship.

Griffin's had a crappy past with women. But he's a sweet workaholic who just needed the right woman to put him in the right place. He never expected to meet someone like Cosy. But he sees something different in Cosy. She brash and honest and exactly what he wants. But convincing her that he's not like a lot of men, might be harder than he thought. The two are so drawn to each other, they can't help but forget that life isn't perfect and the people in it are always changing.

Let's talk drama. I know everyone is entitled to their own opinions but...

I have read some reviews stating that it was overdone. But IMO, it is FAR from it. Now, I have read some books that had major drama throughout the ENTIRE book. This drama only existed in maybe six chapters. If that is overdoing it then I don't even want to know what they'd think about some of the books out there. You will love this book because Griffin is such a sweetheart who found the woman of his dreams. And Cosy, never dared dream of a man like Griffin ever loving her.

I think I fell for this couple because of their flaws. If you love imperfect heroines and hero's then pick up Making Up.


Dearest Helena,

Can you please write a novel or heck even a novella about the secondary characters in this book(I am not picky). I fell for Earl in just the short few paragraphs he was in. And Nevah, even though she annoyed me half the time. I think she might deserve real love too.

Thank you that is all.

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Helena Hunting has another winner on her hands. From the awkward minute Griffin and Cosy meet, there is an underlying interest, but she doesn't want to acknowledge it. As she helps him find party favors for a bachelor party, where he looks and appears to be uncomfortable and embarrased, she starts realizing how nice he is and how good looking he is. He gives her his number and asks her to call him, even though he doesn't believe she will.
A couple days later, she does in fact call him and they go out on a date. They seem to get along great, but she is hesitant. He is a decade older, and she usually doesn't date older men. Against her better judgement, and because it is only a casual relationship with an experation date, she agrees to keep seeing him. When he finds out that she is a virgin, he takes care of her before, during and after. Unfortunately, their happiness is short lived and he doesn't know if he can get her to give him a second chance.
Some of the situations they found themselves in seemed really insurmountable, but they both had to dig deep to decide if they can work past the havoc that hs become their lives. Geting over the first hurdle, which is a big hurdle, was hard, but they were better for it. I am glad that what they believe happened didn't actually happen, but you don't find that out until later.
The second hurdle, his ex fiance, is a piece of work, but essentially pulls them apart. Unfortunately, they are both brokenhearted, even though he does the 'right' thing. As soon as he finds out the truth, he does everything he can to get Cosy back, but will it be too late? I loved how Griffin dealt with his cousin and his ex. Even though Griffin had a lot of baggage and Cosy was younger, she proved to be the rock he needed and the light he needed to live happily.
There were some funny parts of this book and some upsetting parts, but throughout it all, Cosy and Griffin proved why they belonged together, despite their age and monetary differences. I can't wait to read more in this series. I received an ARC in exchange for an honest, voluntary review.

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Will post soon at Romance Reviews Today:
Plus, there will be a blog feature post at

MAKING UP – Helena Hunting
Shacking Up, Book 4
ISBN: 978-1-250-25739-0 (trade paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-250-18401-6 (ebook)
July 2019
Romantic Comedy

Las Vegas, Nevada – Present Day

Cosy Felton has a job at a sex toy store that pays well while she attends college, but it’s a bit awkward at times. She’s seen everything, including men who come into the store claiming they’re there to get items for a bachelor party. That is what Cosy decides is going on when a sexy, handsome man comes in saying he ended up with the embarrassing job of getting stuff for a friend’s bachelor party. But Cosy and the man, Griffin Mills, hit it off and he asks her out. At first, she turns him down, but when he shows up again, she finally agrees. One date leads to another, and soon they’re having sex. Cosy knows Griffin is in Vegas temporarily for the company he works for, but what she doesn’t realize is that he is the son of the man who owns a mega hotel corporation. Yes, Cosy is having an affair with a rich man.

Griffin doesn’t let on at first how rich he is because he’s used to women seeing dollar signs when they realize how rich his family is. But Cosy seems down to earth and unassuming, plus she is a breath of fresh air after his ex-fiancée broke off their engagement, calling him boring. She is a lot of fun to be with and he enjoys their time together despite their age differences. Cosy is twenty-two and Griffin is an old man at thirty-three. But as things become more than a fling, he’s thinking of ways to get her to New York City, where he lives. Cosy is proud and independent, so she just isn’t going to accept a handout from him. She is about to graduate from college with a degree in hotel management and will be doing an internship. Can Griffin finagle a job for her at his family’s company?

MAKING UP is the fourth book in the Shacking Up series by Helena Hunting but can be read as a standalone because this tale is all about the romance between Griffin and Cosy. There are only brief mentions or scenes with other characters in the series. MAKING UP is a fun, rollicking read right from the start when he walks into the sex toy store, completely embarrassed to be there. Cosy has a sister, Nevah, who is currently staying with her as she broke up with her last meal ticket…er…boyfriend, and provides for some comic relief. As much as Cosy and Griffin try to go slow, things are soon running at warp speed due to their intense attraction. The sex is hot between them and they can’t get enough of each other. But like any good romance, a roadblock—or two—are thrown in their path. Can they work things out?

Any reader who loves a sexy tale infused with a bit humor shouldn’t miss MAKING UP. It’s a breezy, entertaining read that’s just perfect for some hot summer reading.

Patti Fischer

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