Member Reviews

3.75 stars!

I love Helena Hunting’s Shacking Up World and I was so excited to get my hands on another hot Mills brother in Making Up. Griffin Mills, brother of Bane ( Shacking Up ) and Lex ( Hooking Up ), was with Imogen for what seems like forever, so when I found out the heroine in his book was not in fact her, I was desperate to know what happened between them.

Griffin meets Cosy in an adult store when he picks up some items for a bachelor party. He is so out of his element and she seems to know just what he is looking for, she is an employee after all. After he leaves Cosy isn’t expecting to see him again so when he shows up weeks later wanting a date with her, it’s a total surprise.

Cosy and Griffin are in totally different stages of life. There is an eleven year age gap between them and they are not on the same page when it comes to dating. Griffin wants to settle down, Cosy wants to see the world. Griffin is a serious relationship kind of guy and Cosy does casual and runs when feelings get involved. It’s also not like her to date guys his age but there is a connection they cannot deny and they can't stop themselves from taking a chance.

Griffin and Cosy are adorable together. Griffin took some major hits when his fiancé became his ex and he isn’t used to asking girls out which makes he attempts comical. Cosy is hilarious and so unlike Imogen that she is a breath of fresh air for Griffin. They get along so well no matter their differences. The banter is sweet, witty, and quick, and it flows naturally, keeping a smile on my face.

“So . . . at the risk of killing any game I might’ve had, I wanted to tell you that I had a great time tonight.”
“You realize calling me two hours after you dropped me off flushes all your game right down the toilet.”

Their attraction only gets stronger the more time they spend together and their chemistry is electric. The heat they produce is combustible. I loved that they can be themselves and put their insecurities out in the open without fear. The are so sweet together and Griffin is so swoony!

“You’re perfect.”
I snort. “Oh my God. You need to drop all the lines today. The surprise and the latte are enough.”
“It’s not a line, Cosy. If I had a checklist with boxes to tick off, you would be the person who appeared at the end of the quiz as my perfect match.”

This story is full of tons of twists and Griffin and Cosy must face several challenges if they want to be together. The emotion is all over the place, the ups and downs feel real. I wasn’t expecting the heartache, and the whiplash is almost overwhelming as the hits keep coming. There is a lot of drama in this story and at times Cosy overreacted making things more difficult. Honestly, I would have liked to have less drama but at least each conflict did not take forever to resolve.

Overall, Making Up is a hilariously entertaining and wonderfully emotional rom com full of humor, heart, and heat, and a great addition to the series. I'll add that I loved the small scenes with Griffin's cousin, Lincoln, because every time he is around I become more intrigued with him. His book, Handle with Care , is next in the series and I can’t wait!

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Griffin and Cosy story takes the Shacking Up series up a notch. Helena Hunting as always delivers a story full of humor and romance, with amazing characters. Cosy is in college and works at a sex toy shop, Griffin is set to buy things at the sex shop, they meet and now opposites attract in a hilarious way. Prepare yourself on a journey you won't want to end, it's an emotional road with humor and love you will enjoy this summer.

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Uproariously funny! I found myself laughing in public, LOUDLY! Cosy and Griffin are amazing!

Cosy works In an adult toy store while earning a degree in hotel services, when Griffin comes in being the hottest guy she’s ever seen with very extensive list of things to buy for a bachelor part, cosy decides to have some fun with him since she’ll never see him again.

Griffin can’t stop thinking about the beautiful woman at the sex shop in Vegas, when his family job brings him back to town he goes out of his way to find her and explore the chemistry.

This book has all the fun and sexy things you expect in a Helena Hunting book. This will definitely be a re read for me for many years, cosy and Griffin are just too cute!

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I had such high hopes for Making Up, but I personally don't think this is Hunting's best. Like I know it was meant to be cute and funny, but I honestly found it lacking. To be blunt, I felt like maybe it was set at a much faster pace, so I couldn't keep up. The heroine was a little bit too over the top. I felt like she was a tad immature for her age, and the Hero liked to bore me to death most of the time. I did enjoy his romantic side, I just wish he wasn't so overzealous. In a way, I couldn't feel the chemistry like I was hoping. It was kinda like hey, hi, nothing more. I wanted to feel that connection so bad, but it never happened. The overall concept of the story was good, but at times I found myself putting the book down, which for me speaks a lot. I feel like the could have been more information on some things, and less on the others if that makes sense.

Cosy has such a unique name, and she is quite unique herself. She is loud and bold and speaks what she thinks. She has a tendency of embarrassing people and not feeling sorry about it. She has a free soul that loves exploring pretty much everything.

Griffin is reserved and quite. He's not really a charmer, and his cheeks turn red more than most women's. He is driven and a successful businessman. He has the desire to love and be loved.

An unconventional meeting sets things into motion. Can Cosy and Griffin have a future together?

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3.5 Stars

With an age gap to deal with and an unusual occupation for the heroine, Making Up was a fun, easy read that had humor, heart, and heat and had two great characters that deserved to find their happily ever after.

I liked both Griffin and Cosy and thought they were perfect for each other despite the age difference and where they were in their lives. There was definite chemistry between them right from the start, and once they finally get involved these two had some serious heat between them. I did think there was a bit too much drama between them and really didn’t like the issue that involved Cosy’s sister, but I did think that the characters easily moved past some of the issues without causing an angst overload, so I was still routing for their HEA all the way through.

I haven’t read Helena Hunting before and really liked her writing style and found this book very easy to read. I liked the secondary characters and am curious now to go back and read the other books in this series – Griffin’s family seems quite interesting and I’m sure there are some great stories there!

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3.5 stars
I loved Cosy and Griffin's story.
Only Helena Hunting would make woking in an adult bookstore as funny as it was !
My only complaint was there was a just too much drama for the couple. An ex, the sister, OY VEY!!

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For the most part (and I mean almost all of it) this story was fun. I would have preferred Cosy to be a little more mature or maybe not as OTT at a lot of points in the story but honestly, that's a very minor point compared to the rest of the greatness this story has to offer. It emphasized the decade difference in their age, which is not a bad thing, it just annoyed me LOL but again, I am fully on the side of this story was fun!!

Griffin and Cosy are different. No, more like complete opposites, in just about every aspect of life. As the story unfolds, you experience that they may be opposites, but they are two puzzle pieces that fit just right!! Everything that makes them opposites is what makes them so right. The heart and humor of this story blend incredibly well. Nothing about the story is overly dramatic or even out of the realm of possibility. It is fiction at its best. It was sexy and emotional when it needed to be. I had a great time reading these two and it reminded me how much I enjoy this author and I need to get back to reading her work more often! Well done!

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4.5 Stars

Making Up is the fourth romantic comedy in the Making Up series, but can easily be read as a standalone. I highly recommend this title to anyone who enjoys a sexy, fun, charming, and humorous romance.

Griffin and Cosy's story is an opposites attract romance. He's a planner and she's free spirited.

Griffin is charismatic, sweet, determined, driven and successful. He's quite a contradiction at times, completely at home in the business world, he's confident and charming, but when it comes to the opposite sex he bumbles his way through his interactions and has a tendency to say the wrong thing.

Cosy is free spirited and down to earth. She has a tendency to go with the flow, and despite her life philosophy of living life to the fullest, she's quite responsible and driven. She's fun, care free, full of energy, life and incredibly vivacious and endearing.

The chemistry between this pair is undeniable, and their banter is fun, flirty and often display's Helena's signature dose of humor that will leave you with a smile upon your face.

I've thoroughly enjoyed each addition to the Shaking Up series, and Making Up is no exception. With equal parts, heat, heart, dram and romance, this romantic comedy is sure to engage and delight.

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This was my first book to read by the author and I'm kicking myself for it. Making Up is sexy and fun, and did I mention sexy?

I realized after the fact that it's part of a series of standalones but that didn't ruin the story for me. The characters were interesting and intriguing. And the chemistry between Cosy and Griffin was electric.

I felt there were a few scenes where there was unnecessary conflict, but overall, I loved the story. 4.5 stars!

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‘Making up’ is the fourth installment of Helena Hunting’s Shacking Up world. All the books can be read as standalone but I highly recommend you guys to read them all :) Just like the whole series, Cosy and Griffin’s story was hilarious, sweet and steamy.

Griffin Mills is visiting Las Vegas for business. After getting dumped by his fiancé, this trip is something he welcomes. However, thanks to his luck, he picks the short straw and now needs to shop for his friend’s bachelor party favors. Since this is really out of character task for Griffin, he expects the mortification and awkwardness of the task; the think he doesn’t expect is to meet the attractive sales associate, who is helping him. While attending college, Cosy works for Sex Toy Warehouse. She is a free spirit. She is vibrant, mature, responsible and outspoken. Cosy and Griffin’s attraction to one another is obvious, but due to the location of their first meeting, Cosy is reluctant to accept Griffin’s dinner invitation. Griffin is the oldest Mills brother and with being the oldest comes to the responsibility. He was always good with numbers and due to his job in the Mills Hotels he constantly travels. His traveling cost him his fiancé but this doesn’t cause him to lose his desire for love and relationship. He is loyal, logical, responsible and really possessive. At first he is trying convince himself not to start anything with Cosy, since he is in his thirties and she is still a college student. However, he cannot stop himself to get caught up to Cosy’s charm. The banter between them was really entertaining. Their relationship wasn’t all sunshine, thanks to Griffin’s drama causing ex-fiancé, our couple struggles a bit.

‘Making up’ was a delightful read and I couldn’t be able to put it down until I was done with it. Next book of the series is ‘Handle with Care’ and it will be released on August 27th. If you are looking for a sweet, sexy and funny story, this book is just for you :)

Would I recommend this book: Yes.
Would I re-read this book: Yes.
Would I read future books by this author: Yes.

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"I guess that is a possibility, but from what I've seen, relationships end when people stop communicating. You're not saving either of us any pain by pretending you're fine. Talk to me. Fall apart on me. Show me your weakness so I can give you my strength."

by Cosy

This book has sooo many feels.
I was ecstatic that I got to read it early.
So I decided that I should reread all the books in the series, because I wanted to have a fresh mind about them.
These is a crazy bunch of guys and women.
Cosy is crazy young and sweet. She is super cute and amazing. She loves travelling and that is why she is really guarded and doesn't want to get serious in a relationship. That is, until she met Griffin.
Griffin is a fine specimen of a men. He is older, but really attentive and he really likes Cosy.
They really are great together, until the past catches up to them.
Helena nailed it again! This book sucked me right in. It is a perfect summer read. I was laughing and crying while reading, mostly laughing because Cosy can be really funny and without a filter. I love her! There was a little nail-biting involved. This book really got to me. It is phenomenal!
You have to read it.
I received an arc from the author and am voluntarily leaving an honest review

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Try to not adore Griffin and Cosy when you read Making Up! They are so cute together and their meet-cute in the sex toy shop where Cosy works is hysterical!

Griffin is all kinds of awkward around Cosy, which is not at all how I expected him to be considering who he is: heir to the Mills Hotel dynasty. If you've read some of the previous books in this series, we have met him before. But Making Up reads as a true standalone, and his story with Cosy is self-contained. Cosy, meanwhile, is a great combination of sweetness and sass. Hi Together, they are absolute magic and I connected immediately with them as a couple, rooting for the college student and wealthy hotel exec to make things work.

The 11-year age difference between them does come into play a few times through the course of their relationship, and it's interesting to see that Cosy is the one who makes the more mature deisions. Especially when there is some OW drama that occurs, thanks to Griffin's ex-fiancee, Imogen. (Oh my goodness, what a bee that woman is!)

We get some appearances from Bane and Lex, the other Milles brothers from some previous Shacking Up books, and spend some time with cousin Lincoln. (I can't wait for his story!) Overall, Making Up is an an absolute delight! I received an advanced copy and voluntarily left a review.

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This story is filled with ups and downs, with misunderstandings, and with plenty of drama. Griffin and Cosy’s story is one of overcoming obstacles and making difficult decisions. These two shouldn’t really be together, after all there’s a ten year difference in age between them and a whole lot of social status difference. However, they both battle the obstacles and jump the hurdles that are put in front of them in order to get their happily ever after.

I liked Griffin’s sensible, smart side and, of course, his sexy side as well. He’s an established business man who’s been hurt by love in the past and isn’t looking for a repeat performance. Cosy is a young woman who’s trying to finish college and doesn’t want to be tied down. Of course, when she meets Griffin, that all changes. After an interesting first meeting, these two battle quite a lot of obstacles in order to build their relationship. This is a story that requires the characters to offer explanations and provide forgiveness to each other several times. These two were fun to watch but I must admit that I didn’t feel as much chemistry from them as I’d like…as much as I always feel in Ms. Hunting’s stories. I’m not sure whether it was all the drama or the fact that Cosy was quite immature at times (probably done to accentuate the age difference), but, although I wanted them to be a couple, the fire just wasn’t there for me. Regardless or this, I did enjoy their HEA very much.

Overall, this was a fun story that, in true Helena Hunting fashion, brought some humor and some unexpected twists. It’s definitely not my favorite in the series but it’s an interesting addition to it. This is a great series, one you don’t want to miss.

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Cosy works at an adult store in Las Vegas. She is also a college student, nearly at the end of her degree but in her spare time she hangs out with a variety of different lubes, vibrators and everything else you can imagine buying from a store like this :-) A bit of harmless flirting and tight fitting clothes increases the chances of making sales so she is friendly to everyone who enters the store. This is how she meets Griffin.

Griffin has been tasked with picking up supplies for his friends bachelor party and he is a reluctant customer. He is embarrassed to be there, has no idea where to find everything he needs and a bit flustered about the pretty girl working there. Cosy is happy to help this guy out with his list, good sales commission for her and he is really hot so bonus experience all round!

‘The suit is gorgeous. Like the kind of hotness that sucks the breath right out of your lungs and sends all the blood in your body rushing between your legs. It’s a good thing clits don’t react like penises, otherwise mine would be hanging out the bottom of my shorts with excitement.’

When Griffin shows back up a couple of weeks later, wanting to know if he can take Cosy out on a date she is secretly delighted and surprised that he is interested in her. There is definitely an age gap between them and as a rule she doesn’t go out with her customers. Some guy’s assume that she is into all kinds of kink because of her job but they couldn’t be more wrong.

Despite the self imposed rule, Cosy does end up on a date with Griffin. They get on so well and there is definitely something there worth exploring. Griffin finds her so refreshing to be with, she is confident, isn’t impressed by money or social status and has this infectious love of life. So different to his past experiences with women.

Cosy knows that Griffin is only in town for a short period of time so having a time limit makes her feel better about relaxing her rules and just going with what is happening between them. I think they are both realising that the pull is not something either of them want to ignore. However, Cosy definitely makes Griffin work hard prove himself to her, she knows her own worth.

When their time together is coming towards the end, both of them are rethinking the casual aspect and maybe exploring something more long term. Everything feels good, they are the happiest they have ever been and then a couple of plot twists come along to mess things up - popping the happy bubble completely. I guess the book title hinted that this would happen huh?

This was another fun, light hearted and sexy read from Helena. Plenty of laugh out loud moments and a bit of angst to mess with your heart too.

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4.5 Stars. Griffin and Cosy seem like such polar opposites at first, but they fit so well. Cosy is young and sassy and has a smart mouth. Griffin is ten years older an an heir to a hotel empire. As his brother's say he has no game and it's so cute to see him try to woo Cosy. Their story is a lot of fun and unpredictable too. I loved all their ups and downs along the way. Such a good book and I love the characters!

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Making up was just so so so good!! Helena Hunting never fails to impress me with her storytelling. I love Griffin and Cosy and they are one of my favourite couple of hers. Needless to say that Griffin made it to my book boyfriend list.

Griffin, newly single, was not looking for love or a relationship, however when he meets Cosy he is intrigued and drawn to her.

Cosy is a quirky, funny and Independant young girl who strives to live her life to the full, carpediem should be her motto!
She travels a lot and doesn’t do relationships.

Griffin is ten years older than Cosy but their relationship is full of surprises and so so endearing!
The way Griffin reacts when he sees Cosy wearing her short shorts made me LOL and I could so picture it!!
Nev, Cosy’s sister was also a great secondary character and I hope she’ll get her story!

What happens when you have a casual “relationship” and suddenly it became more? What happens when you realise that the guy you’ve been dating for months is a billionaire?

Well go and grab it! It’s a great read that will Male you swoon and put a smile on your face .

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It's Vegas, baby!

Gah, this series just keeps getting better and better. I LOVED Griffin and Cosy! Their witty banter and crazy chemistry definitely makes them one of my favorite Helena Hunting couples. These two just really melted my heart (and other things, at times. 😉) I loved watching them come to realize that in all of their differences, they were very much alike and could rely on each other. HH knows how to put the swoon-factor in her book boyfriends and Griffin is no exception. The supporting characters, as in all HH books, were a great addition the story. This thing was jam-packed with tons of heart, heat, and so many belly laughs (I mean, the book starts out in an adult toy store, so what would you expect?)

Although this is book four in the Shacking Up series, it can absolutely be read as a stand-alone. I've completely fallen in love with these characters and highly recommend the whole series.

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You know a book is going to be hilarious when it open in a sex toy shop and Making Up definitely did not disappoint!!

I have been a huge fan of Helena Hunting since I discovered the Pucked series in early 2016. There's only 2 books of hers that I haven't read and they're at the very top of my TBR. HH writes rom-coms like no other but she also can write angst and when she blends the two, it's like *mind blown*.

Griffin and Cosy's story was so funny!! Age gap isn't usually my jam but I thought this book was everything!!! The connection between these two was pretty instant considering their weird first meeting: her working at a sex toy shop, him buying a bunch of weird stuff for a bachelor party. I snort laughed my way through this entire book but there was definitely some angst that balanced this story perfectly.

Even though Making Up is the 4th book in the Shacking Up series, I definitely think it can be read as a standalone but you need Bane, Lex, and Pierce in your life. If you've read the first three books in this series then you know that Armstrong is the actual worst. Making Up made me hate him even more and wish that he would just fall off the face of the Earth. He has to get his comeuppance sooner or late but I'd really like it to be sooner. Fingers crossed it happens in Handle with Care!!!

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Making Up uses one of my favorite romance tropes with the Older Man/Younger Woman love story, then it combines that with one of my least favorite plot devices for the required bit of angst. I won't go into details on that so as not to give spoilers, but it just felt unnecessary to me. That said, it was handled a little differently than the norm, so that was a plus. Other than that one drawback, this story is hands down my favorite in this series of standalones. Griffin and Cosy are both terrific characters and they just fit together even when they're butting heads. Cosy is outgoing and fun, and an absolute hoot, and she certainly knows how to keep the sexy Griffin on his toes. Griffin does a bit more groveling than I care for in a male love interest, but he's so darn adorable about it that it's impossible not to love him. The story is witty and fun, and makes for a great weekend read, especially if you're looking for an HEA.

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Cosy works in an adult toy store. She meets Griffin while he's shopping for a friend's bachelor party. The two have chemistry from the start with hilarious situations. This is a feel good romantic comedy that will have you sighing and laughing at the same time. Cosy and Griffin are the cutest couple ever!

I received a copy of this book via Netgalley and am leaving a review.

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