Member Reviews

J’ai lu tous les tomes précédents de la série c’est donc avec impatience que je voulais découvrir l’histoire du dernier frère Mills.

Ici nous suivons l’histoire de Griffin, qui travaille pour les Hotels Mills comme ses frères Bancroft et Lexington.

Griffin, c’est le plus sérieux de la famille. Mais durant un séjour à Las Vegas, pour un enterrement de vie de garçon, il se retrouve de corvée pour aller dans un sex-shop acheter des goodies à offrir à son ami. C’est là-bas qu’il rencontre Cosy, une vendeuse avec une personnalité qui détonne.

La suite, vous la voyez venir : Griffin va courageusement draguer Cosy et cette dernière va accepter de sortir avec lui. S’en suit une relation plutôt tranquille car ils ont, en quelque sorte, une date d’expiration. En effet, Griffin doit rentrer à New York une fois sa mission terminée et Cosy doit finir ses études.

Mais tout va basculer quand Imogen, l’ex de Griffin va débarque à Vegas avec une surprise de taille.

Ce qui m’a le plus séduite dans cette histoire c’est le personnage de Cosy. Elle est pétillante, originale, avec beaucoup d’humour et de répartie. Elle se démarque dans l’univers de Griffin, et c’est ce qui lui plait.

L’auteure soigne toujours ses personnages secondaires et j’ai beaucoup rit avec l’attitude de Nevah, la sœur de Cosy.

En bref, coup de cœur pour cette comédie romantique qui a tous les ingrédients pour passer un super moment. J’espère que vous apprécierez Cosy autant que moi, et que vous craquerez pour Griffin comme vous avez craquez pour ses frères !

Cependant ce n’est pas, pour moi, un standalone, comme indiqué dans le résumé. Il y a beaucoup de spoilers sur les tomes précédents, je vous conseille vivement de lire tous les tomes dans l’ordre pour bien les savourer.

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I never realized when I started this Griffin was related to Bane and Lex until later on. Aside from hIt isn't a Helena Hunting book if they work for that happy ending even with light moments and humor. The first meeting definitely left an impression and was a pretty unusual meet cute. Cosy was definitely interesting and a free spirit, part time in sex toy shop she has to go with that image. Griffin struck her notice and the attraction was there. He's there to scope out a hotel and while striking up something with Cosy doesn't seem the best idea they are both in Vegas for a while so it works.

Cosy has never fallen in love despite wanting to, she doesn't like being tied down so no relationship. Griffin is a serial monogamist and experienced. Both are opposites but rapport well and banter. The significant age gap doesn't seem to hinder them. I like how they aren't so instant lust it was drawn out, Griffin made Cosy feel comfortable and is understanding.

I like them together they are fun and delightful, they play well off Cosy's wit and Griffin being a good guy. The had tons of chemistry and some pretty steamy moments are very much expected from the author. The angst and drama when conflict arises and people wanting to break them up and Griffin's own issues come up he needs to deal with.

As a nod to the title there is some making up for both of them. They need to tackle some real life stuff and the author handled that well. I didn't expect some of twist and hey faced but it worked out well enough. It was an enjoyable book maybe not my favorite of the series but a good summer read.

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Making Up by Helena Hunting is book four in her Shaking Up series. Every book is about another couple and while interconnected, they easily can be read as standalones. For best reading experience I recommend to read the books in order. The previous books are Shacking Up; Hooking Up and I Flipping Love You.
Making Up is Cosy and Griffin's story. Cosy is a sassy 22 year old college student who' working in , lets call it retail. A nd when 33 year old heir to an empire Griffin Mills meets her, he's a goner, hook, line and sinker. He's helpless in all things Cosy.
Making Up is a beautifully thought out, beautifully told and beautifully written story, a perfect rom/com. I loved meeting characters from previous books and the story gave me all the feels. Making Up is the perfect summer read, 4,5 stars.

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This one started out funny and clever, I mean who doesn’t think awkward convos in a sex shop hilarious?

As Griffin and Cosy started knowing each other we saw sparks fly. It was fun read for the most part and yeah Griffin was hot af.

I found it awkward how the characters made the age gap a big deal. It really wasn’t honestly. Same with the sister/ex fiancé deal, I saw that coming from the beginning and the reactions lol from all parties was just not appealing.

It’s a solid 4 star read, easy to read and follow along, some sparks and fun banter.

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3.5 stars

Helena Hunting's signature style of the super awkward meet cute continues in Making Up. It's an adorable story of awkward beginnings and love that doesn't end.

I giggled so hard when these two meet in the adult toy store and swooned even harder as Griffin tried to win over Cosy. For me, it was a little too drama filled as it seemed they couldn't get through one thing without another cropping up but I still enjoyed these two characters. I hadn't read the other books in the series so I'm interested to catch up with the brothers and cousins. Great book full of giggles and awes.

AnnMarie - Alphas Do It Better Book Blog

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Griffin Mills and Cosy Felton’s hilarious meet-cute is a whole lot awkward with a good amount of embarrassment, and its setting is definitely not a place most would go to find unless they were looking for a kinky someone who would love to use any of the sex toys that fill the shelves of Cosy’s place of employment, Sex Toy Warehouse.

And, let me tell you, the sales mask that Cosy wears along with her required ‘uniform’ enable her to ‘sell sexy toys like nobody’s business,’ even if she doesn’t have a lot of experience in the actual act of sex. So the fact that Griffin drew the short straw and had to venture into a adult toy store to pick up the necessary gag gifts for a bachelor party is actually quite fortuitous because Cosy and Griffin never would have met if he didn’t have to embarrass himself by venturing into Sex Toy Warehouse and learning about the many different types and sizes of dildos.

The best thing about Griffin and Cosy is how much they seem to own their awkwardness and make fun of themselves as they try to figure out exactly what’s between them. And, the fact that they are opposites in almost every facet of their lives, but still find a common ground and extremely enjoy being in each other’s company prove that age is just a number, baggage can be let go of, and that life doesn’t always have to be planned out - spontaneity might actually make their lives fuller.

Cosy was my girl from the start - I adored her quirks, her wanderlust, her easy going spirit, and the fact that she lived her life according to her own dictates, no one else’s. She’s quite an amazing heroine, and while she’s not into staying in one place too long, moving on to her next adventure on a whim, as well as living as uncomplicated a life as possible, there’s something about Griffin that makes her want to be where he is, giving into a lifestyle that she’s never had and a plethora of surprises, which she never enjoyed.

Griffin, just like the other Mills men readers have met, is totally swoon worthy, and even though he’s a bit jaded and has quite a bit of baggage due to his previous relationship, it’s clear that his an upstanding guy who deserves to be happy and despite their age difference, the fact that he lives in New York, and Cosy’s need for things to be uncomplicated, Griffin can’t help but love spending time with her and like who he is with her, which means that when his time in Vegas is over, he’ll have to hope Cosy isn’t afraid of complicating things.

Making Up is a sweet, steamy, and humorous read with a bit of drama in the mix as well, which is exactly what I’ve come to expect from Helena Hunting’s stories and characters, making her one of my absolute faves!

4.5 Poison Apples

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I first fell in love with Helena Hunting's writing in 2015 and have not stopped reading and loving it since. My love affair with her books continues with MAKING UP, the fourth book in her Shacking Up Series. This book features Griffin, the eldest Mills brother, the serious numbers guy who travels a lot. However, he just might be my favorite Mills sibling of all.

Griffin is a hunk, and so sexy. Not just because he's described as having a six pack and an enviable physique, but because he's smart too. Most off all I find him beyond attractive for how kind and caring he is when it comes not only to Cosy, but also doing the right thing. I adored the way he was with Cosy. They seemed like mirror opposites on the outside but were twins on the inside.

Cosy might seem like a young woman, but at 22 her exterior does not match her personality and character. She displays maturity uncommon for women her age, but she's not jaded. She's both lively and sensible. I loved how she pulled Griffin out of his usual routine and also supported him. I loved how Cosy didn't fixate on their age gap, when women get more flack for being in relationships with men significantly older than them, which was not the case here.

A Helena Hunting novel has a few hallmarks-well developed characters, steamy chemistry, a great story, laughter, and substance. Her stories never fail to make me smile and laugh, as well as swoon and fall in love. MAKING UP is funny, but it's also as real as it is dramatic. This book had so many twists I didn't see coming and I didn't want the book to end! I loved seeing the other Mills men again and seeing how they handled Griffin not only being in a relationship, but also in love. MAKING UP is the perfect summer read, and is another great addition to the Shacking Up Series!

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Making Up by Helena Hunting is a fast-paced romantic comedy that's filled with witty banter and sexual overtures.

I'm going to come out and say it... the placement of this book in the series feels awkward and the story felt rushed at time, but overall I still enjoyed Making Up. I thought Cosy was hilarious and Griffin was charming in a boyish kind of way.

We once again had the evil villain here to cause an abundance of drama due to his evil selfish ways. I seriously cannot stand this man. You might recognize him from the other books in the Shacking Up series, specially Hooking Up, when he cheated on his bride ON THEIR WEDDING DAY! Throughout this entire series Armstrong has done nothing but caused problems for his entire family, but honestly without him... the series wouldn't be the same.

Anyway, I really enjoyed how Griffin spoiled Cozy with affection and how they balanced the difference in upbringing. And the hand kisses? SWOON! Outside of Making Up feeling a bit out of order in reading order I enjoyed this fun, sexy story!

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I can't quite recall Griffin from the previous Shacking Up books, but that's more than okay because he has taken over the top spot as my favorite Mill's brother. It's just so refreshing to read about a guy who is not a manwhore. While his fling with Cosy was always intended to be short term, he never viewed her as just some girl he's using to fill his time. He spoiled her in the most precious way. The same goes for Cosy. She might have been young, but she had a solid head on her shoulders. She wasn't willing to compromise that for anyone. I was jealous of how well Cosy knew herself and what she wanted out of life. Cosy wasn't blinded by Griffin's ability to spoil her, and when she found out who he really was, she was put off, rather than thinking about what she could get out of his position.

There weren't too many side characters here to take away from their story, but we did have a few notable ones, like Cosy's sister. My first impression of Nev was not a positive one, but she definitely won me over in the end.

There was some drama, but let's be honest. This is a Helena Hunting romance novel. I had all the confidence in the world that I'd get my happy ending. We just had to work a little bit harder for it. I loved the writing and storytelling. I really loved the way Hunting showed us Griffin and Cosy falling in love and didn't just tell us about it. It felt like I was along on their roller coaster ride, and I couldn't wait to see where they ended up.

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Lots of laughter and heart…

Cosy and Griffin’s story hit me right in the feels! From the opening pages, this author had me laughing with their flirty banter and their sexy shenanigans.

Cosy was practical, down to earth and not afraid to put an obviously wealthy Griffin through his paces. Not that she was torturing him needlessly. A woman has to protect her heart, especially when she has goals and a wandering spirit. Her inner monologue was a sweetly wry, never bitter, observation on dealing with life that had me chuckling throughout…

Griffin was delightfully caught up by her beauty and her irresistible charm, deliciously awkward in his attempts to storm her defenses. Together they were so much fun, whether it was laid back diner meals or over the top surprises, meant to spoil her as well as dazzle her (just a little)…

“I promise I won’t be someone you’ll think back on and regret.”

There were rocky patches, drama boosts and through it all, a love story with heart and soul. Get ready to fall in love with these characters just like I did!

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Making Up is the newest stand alone in Helena Hunting's Shaking Up series. This one is the story of Cosy, a 22-year old who lives in the now, and Griffin, a 33-year old who happens to be hotel royalty. They are opposites in a lot of ways, but they really have great chemistry as friends and more. She's not looking for a relationship because she doesn't stay in one place for long, and he's only in Vegas temporarily anyways. Yet, somewhere along the line things become more than casual but it seems like the universe it trying to get in their way with multiple "plot twists".

I enjoyed Cosy, she was loud, unabashed, and true to herself. She was a strong character and I feel like she carried the book. Griffin fell flat for me, no personality , he was sweet but that's the extent of my feelings towards him. He at times would become alpha and possessive but it felt random and didn't seem to fit him. I had trouble feeling the emotional connection between them, i just didn't feel the passion. Also, their age gap wasn't really a big deal and in my opinion shouldn't even be considered an age gap romance, except you know they pointed it out constantly which was tedious. That may have been because I felt the story was a little predictable and nothing really happened to make this stand out from other rom coms I have read.

Overall, Making Up was another enjoyable romantic comedy from Helena Hunting and I am still looking forward to the next book in this series.


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Making Up by Helena Hunting
Shacking Up #4

Cosy Felton is a college student working in an adult toy shop to make ends meet. When Griffin Mills stops by the store to buy a list of items for a bachelor party Cosy makes a less than fun shopping trip a lot less embarrassing. As Griffin is drawn to Cosy he returns later to ask her on a date...and though she says no they do eventually go out. For awhile the eleven year age difference seems it might be a stumbling block but not for long...nope...soon other things seem to pop up that cause problems. There are ups and downs in their relationship but throughout the story it is impossible NOT to see them together.

What I liked:
* Griffin: WONDERFUL book boyfriend!
* Cosy: a nice balance to Griffin and his soul mate
* The meet cute
* The way the two usually ended up talking things out rather than giving up
* The steamy scenes
* Griffin’s family
* Knowing how the characters were feeling and what they were thinking – first person dual points of view
* How it all worked out

What I did not like:
* Imogen – Griffin’s Ex-fiance
* Armstrong – Griffin’s cousin
* The drama of the ups and downs though they did allow for a lot of making up
* All the comments about the age difference although there were times Cosy seemed younger than 22

Did I like this book? Yes
Will I read more in the series? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4.5 Stars

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This story is EVERYTHING, it was everything I expected and more. And with it Mrs. Hunting proves again that she is the queen of the romcom. A perfect mix of sexy, hilarious, charming and steamy, that kept me laughing  and sighing again and again.
Cozy, oh how I love her, she is so funny, sassy, I loved her free spirit and how she is always sure of what she wants and does not live according to social standards. Like all the female characters of the author is so unique and made me laugh so much.
Our Griffin, ** sighs ***, I love him so much, I fell in love with his way of seeing love and looking for what his parents had, so romantic and sexy, but at the same time so real, so charming, that he owns my heart.
See how both fall in love through the story, gahhh, I loved it, so delicious, their relationship has some drama involved, this mixture of elements so perfect I had reading as if my life depended on it, I could not get enough of the plot and the characters.
Making Up is unique, fun and sexy story, its characters will possess your heart, definitely if you are a fan of Helena Hunting and her stories this is one you will not want to miss.

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Griffin and Cosy were so cute together! Love this almost "Pretty woman" in Vegas type of story!

Lots of laughs, love and scandal!

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Truly loved this new installment,Making Up, within the Shacking Up world. Cosy and Griffin were such interesting characters and a joy to read.

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Two people at very different stages in their lives. A good combination or not so much? Making Up tells the story of Cosy and Griffin, who live in totally different worlds, but who are not so different after all. I’ve enjoyed this sweet story very much.

Cosy is a student / adult toy store employee who’s living her life. Spending all her time on her study and her sometimes bit awkward job doesn’t leave her with much time for anything else. Love and men are not on her radar, not that she doesn’t want a boyfriend, but Cosy has met a few too many not so nice guys. Griffin is a bit older than Cosy and is living the life of a guy with money and a good career. Cosy thinks Griffin is a bit too old, Griffin is not so sure about a 22-year-old… But staying away from each other is not possible.

Cosy is a sweetheart who doesn’t mind hard work and late hours studying. She has a good plan, and she’s going for it. I admire her drive; she’s doing it all on her own, with little help of others. Griffin is a distraction, but a very welcome one. Griffin is a successful guy, but his latest relationship ended badly. If I were him, I would be so angry, but Griffin is a mature guy. Not that he isn’t hurt, but he also knows he will find love again. Cosy and Griffin seem like an odd match, but they are a great couple. I love them for each other.

Making Up is already the fourth book in the ‘Shacking Up Series’, and I love it. Like the other books it has funny moments that make you giggle, but also touching and serious moments. The story has a great leading couple, and the characters from the previous and future books in the series make their appearance. There is a bit of drama in the book, but since this is a romantic book, you know love will conquer all. I can’t wait for the other books in the series!

4.5 stars

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3.5 Lots of Making Up Stars
* * * 1/2 Spoiler Free
Helena Hunting has been front and center on my desired reads, lately. The Shaking Up series has been a fun and heartful experience. This new entry has many of the winning elements I have enjoyed.

We are given Griffin, the more established and sort of nonflashy Mills Brother. He is in charge of running the numbers for the Mills Hotel Group, looking to find new locations and seeing if a hotel open for purchase makes sense. We find him truely uncomfortable standing in front of an adult sex toy store. He drew the small straw and is tasked to get a list of stuff for the bachelor party of the wedding he is part of...

Cosy Felton is working her plan, a concept she feels will give her life experiences while she is young enough to enjoy them. Instead of following the usual of going to school, get the degree, marry and save to finally after most of your life has been lived, travel; Cosy has learned to take the adventures now. She has done her college time with interruptions of traveling and working when she can. Right now she is back in Las Vegas working at the adult sex toy store while finishing up her hotel management degree. Her next big adventure will be an upcoming internship somewhere with a hospitality venue.

But until the end of the term, Cosy is doing her time at the sex toy store. As she returns from picking up her much-needed lunch, she spies the suited man waiting in front of the store. She sees how uncomfortable he is and puts on her game face. Cosy has learned how to work this situation and settles him down.

Griffin is taken by Cosy; she is someone he has never experienced before. She is stunning and seems like she sparkles. Her humor relaxes him but also causes him to flirt back with her. She is like no one he has ever met and wants more. This attraction is flashing between them and causes Griffin to be caught up by this meeting.

Griffin was not alone in feeling like this meeting was more than what it first seemed. Cosy keeps thinking about him and when Griffin comes back to the store just to see Cosy, Cosy decides to carefully go to dinner with him. This starts a dating dance between the two of them.

The first hiccup for Cosy is the idea Griffin is much older than any other guy she has dated. The gap is something she needs to get used to...It isn't seriously huge...but more than she usually would date. She is still in finishing college and he is a very established man...But the draw and level of interest are too much for both of them to ignore.

This story has a lot of situations which Griffin and Cosy have to handle. The way they are handled does highlight the age differences between them, I think. Communication and being willing to hear what someone has to say is the life lesson both need to learn.

There is much to love about this couple, though. Griffin is all in with Cosy and she is someone who can be admired for her strength in knowing how she wants to live her life.

The HEA is there, the sexy times Hunt is known for, the brothers make appearances, and another entry to this series is on its way soon.

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I laughed. I cried. I caught the feels. Oh, and I love Griffin's game (or total lack thereof)!

So I liked this book...a lot. I love the Mills men. Bane and Lexington carried the family name well, but it was the eldest brother who shouldered so much of the family responsibility. Griffin is everything I had hoped he would be - the consummate older Mills brother. So of course it made sense that he needed someone who was his polar opposite, someone who would add some spice and fun in his life.

Cosy is young with a fresh outlook on life. Though for being so young, she's seen quite a lot in her life. And she appears to be exactly what Griffin needs. And to think it all started with a double-ended phallus...

What made them such endearing characters is the fact that Griffin is already an upstanding, honorable man who remembers how to let go and be fun and Cosy has the perfect level of sass, spunk, and insight. While Cosy has led a far more humble life, she's had fun and is free-spirited. Moreover, despite their age gap and seemingly diametric difference, they are truly alike at the core of their beings; they are both kind, compassionate, intelligent, and caring individuals, and yet they're both just different enough to offer a fresh perspective for the other and be a strong shoulder when needed.

Way to go, Helena. You knocked another one out of the park!

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Love, love, love! I love her crazy hockey stories, but this new series that is a little less hilarious and a little more angsty are just fantastic. I love her characters: Cosy who is spunky, friendly, outspoken and just a bit snarky. Griffin is a billionaire heir, works in his father’s hotel empire, has all the merits to be an entitled jerk, and yet he’s a nice guy with a big dose of humility. A recent break up has broken him a little and he feels a tad loveless.

Griffin and Cosy initially meet when he goes to a sex toy store where Cosy is a clerk. He’s a little shy and embarrassed, Cosy is helpful and gets him his shopping list for a bachelor party complete. She’s so charming and entertaining he’s hooked but she won’t date customers. One, they may be kinky, and two, it might affect future sales. But Griffin is insistent and off they go into a fantastic love affair. Lots of yummy sex, cheeseburgers with lots of onion and great conversations. They get along like a house on fire, and pretty soon, what should have been a two-month affair, turns a bit more serious and both don’t want to let go....

Griffin has secrets and they come out one after the other. Cosy is understanding but not that much. When she hits her limit, her heart breaks but she breaks up with Griffin. Then it’s up to Griffin to make things right.

I loved how Cosy handled Griffin! She kept him on his toes, she made his life brighter and happier, and he loved to pamper her. Cosy is a wanderer at heart, and Griffin understands her and accepts her and even panders to the wanderer in her. I also loved seeing old friends, Lex and Amie, and meet new Nevah, Cosy’s sister. I hope to see more books in this series!

As with HH’s books, there is always family, both the nice ones and the douche ones, plus always a witch to throw a wrench in the works. It was entertaining, lovely, warmhearted. I loved the story, the characters, enjoyed reading this so much, I totally recommend!

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Another hit in the Shacking Up series!

Cosy and Griffin, really 2 different personalities coming together as one but totally belonging together......and that's what I love about this series.

It had some laugh out loud moments, some sweet moments, some awkward moments (my faves!) and of course the meet cute moment!!!

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