Member Reviews

Cosy and Griffin are such a realistic couple, I loved the story. Cosy is sassy and independent. I could just feel how Griffin kept falling deeper and deeper for Cosy. Eventhough Cosy tried keeping herself distanced from Griffin, you could tell she was falling hard too! Their chemistry was hot! Really liked this story!

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I am a fan of Helena Hunting's books but unfortunately this one was less than stellar for me. The writing was fantastic like usual but the storyline was just lacking in my opinion. It started off so strongly and just went downhill from there. I loved the initial meeting between the Hero and heroine. There was great chemistry between them that I wished the author would have delved into more. There was way too much emphasis on the Hero's ex-fiancée and the problems that she came to cause. I felt like if the focus was more on the main couple and not the drama caused be the ex, the story would have been much stronger. I will continue to read this author's work but am hoping that she won't continue to rely on these overused tropes in her future work.

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Making up was OKish. I enjoyed myself at times throughout the book. Helena just had a gift of making it fun. The obstacles this couple faces, except for the age gap, just made me roll my eyes. At about 70% I just didn’t give a damn anymore. It was hard to finish this book. This makes me sad. There are so many books by Helena that I’m obsessed with. Recently I’ve just been disappointed by them. I’m not giving up yet. I will be reading her next book.

I voluntarily read an early copy.

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This book had me rolling from the first page! It had a lot of ups and downs, sexy scenes and sweet scenes as well. If you know me, you know I am normally not a fan of the older man stories. I personally prefer a younger man myself, so a lot of times I just can't enjoy the opposite. However, when it is Helena Hunting, she can pretty much write any story and it seems I will be sucked in and love it. There were so many issues that Cosy and Griffin had to overcome, some having to do with that very age difference, but then others having to do with Griffin's past dalliances, and even Cosy's own sister threw a wrench into their relationship! But I like the way all of the obstacles were handled, realistically in my opinion, but with enough drama and even romance to make it worth reading. I've only read one other in this series, but I seriously need to go back and read all the rest!

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I was given an advance readers copy of this book and have decided to write a voluntary honest review. After pucked came out I've been obessed with Helena writing and books. And now after reading making up I can't wait to jump right into series. I absolutely became infatuated with Griffin. I swear I saw him didn't more like an Alex waters. But Griff is like perfect boyfriend material and he doesn't have much game but with his looks and personality he doesn't need it. And now cosy I absolutely loved her she was so sweet and outgoing I loved her personality. She's so not whay expect once you get to know your gonna be shocked I know I was. I can't wait to read. Lex and bane book now. And Griff cousin I'm hoping something will happen with him and Nev. Oh I can't wait!!!

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Making Up was my first book by Helena Hunting and I wasn't disappointed. I'd say it's a good sign when a romantic comedy makes you laugh after reading only a couple of pages! That wasn't the last time that happened while reading this story and I'm sure I got some weird looks while reading on the train when I was laughing out loud.

Cosy works at an adult toy store and how she describes it makes you cringe, but laugh as well. Hopefully there aren't too many Eugenes out there! I really enjoyed Cosy as a character. She may take her time finishing her college classes, but she's doing what makes her happy! Getting her degree and traveling in between semesters. Cosy is an independent woman and works hard for what she wants. She's not really open to relationships after seeing her sister experience things and of course, because of the few experiences she had herself.

Griffin is an interesting character. I think he's really sweet and even though he has a lot of money, he's not arrogant. He may not think of what he spends, but he doesn't make it known to everyone how rich he is. On top of that, he's kind of a number nerd. Griffin works for his family's business and loves what he does. He hasn't had the best record in relationships even though he's more of the serious relationship type. One night stands aren't his thing.

Their relationship is pretty interesting, but what do we expect when you meet the person you're attracted to at an adult toy store. I love the connection they have from the start and how they flirt with each other I also love all of the awkward moments they experience that you could definitely relate to if it happened to you. I couldn't put this book down, because I was enjoying this so much. They have a lot of amazing moments to read about and I love the romance and steamy moments.

For me the only reason this wasn't a five star read, because I thought there was just a bit too much drama. I mean in a romance I expect some ups and downs and bumps in the road, but there was just a bit too much. I mean for me only so much can go wrong before it doesn't feel real anymore. Besides that I loved every aspect of the this story!

All in all, a fun read with an amazing couple! There are plenty of laugh out loud moments and I came to really care for these characters. Even though this is a standalone, it did feel like there were a few things that came from previous books (like little updates). I will definitely have to pick up the first three books in this series!

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what a fun read! Cosy and Griffin worked together despite the differences they had. This was funny and steamy and I really enjoyed it :)

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I loved this book! It is quirky and so much fun. I laughed out loud so often reading this book. From the very beginning, I knew I was going to be pulled right in. This story is also full of heart and steam and I loved every minute of reading it. I can't wait to see what Helena will bring us next.

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QueenZany 5 Star Review
by Helena Hunting

MAKING UP is a deliciously sexy, brilliantly funny must have!!!
If you're looking for that one book that will keep you utterly engaged and busting at the seams with laughter then look no further!
Seriously, I’m not a Romcon fan normally but Griffin and Cosy storyline just had me from the start!!! Just over the top joy is what I got from this read!!

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3.5 Stars

Making Up was another delightfully witty romantic comedy from Hunting that I enjoyed. The banter between these characters had me chuckling and the fumbling hero, Griffin, was adorably sexy. Cosy, a bold and sassy chick which took a bit to get used too, was a likable character as well. This couple met under very unusual circumstances, had an overly bumpy road to travel when it came to falling in love, and had several hurdles to overcome. In the end, Cosy and Griffin's journey was certainly interesting.

There was an overwhelming amount of drama laced within this romance. Just as one situation or misunderstanding was resolved, another problem quickly arose. Some instances I found were unnecessary and a distraction from the love story itself. Regardless, Hunting always manages to make me smile and fall for her characters, and this story was no different. All in all, Making Up was a good read that I'm sure fans of this series will happily enjoy.

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Cosy has never had a serious relationship and she has no plans of changing that situation. Griffin shouldn’t even be thinking serious thoughts about anyone ever since he broke up with his fiance.

They didn’t anticipate the lust simmering between them and now keeping away from each other doesn’t seem like a viable option.

I think Griffin and Cosy’s meet cute was hands down the funniest. Him being all uncomfortable and awkward and her enjoying the heck out of his pain. I loved it and it got me invested in the story 100%.

Griffin is the adorable cavemanish man that you’d love to see in action. I think he was AMAZING with his charming smiles, cocky attitude, heartfelt confessions and load of baggage. He is a complicated man despite outward appearances and I loved the layers to his personality. I love that he didn’t waste anytime in telling Cosy exactly how he felt.

Cosy is young and funny and just a ray of sunshine. I love her wanderlust spirit and despite being so young I adore the fact that she is so grounded. She’s the kind of girl who lights up a room and you can’t help but be friends with her. I love her confidence.

I had such a great time reading this story. it was funny, warm and so heartfelt. I just had a little troubling connecting to it but otherwise I think it was a blast. This series is definitely a favourite of mine and I cannot wait for the next story.

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3.5 stars
I’ve enjoyed the Shaking Up series so I was very excited that we were getting more. Making Up is about Lex’s and Bane’s older brother, Griffin. I really liked Griffin-he was a little reserved but also had some alpha traits. Griffin and Cosy’s meet-cute was fun. It started the story off right and I couldn’t wait to see how their story would go. What came next was a sweet, sexy, entertaining, a little angsty read. Griffin and Cosy were opposites of each other but they were what each other needed. I enjoyed the buildup of their relationship as the story progressed. Both deserved the best and I wanted them to get that. I also enjoyed getting glimpses of Bane, Lex, Lincoln, Ruby, and Amalie-they were delightful. Overall, Making Up was a great read.

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This was a fun, sexy read. It's light and quick, but not lacking in depth and romance. I cared about the characters, I felt for them, and I wanted them to be happy.

Griffin and Cosy meet, where else? In a sex shop. And, it's instant attraction, even if Griffin has no game. (Trust me on this.)

But, there's some depth to it. Some struggle. A couple of people who are figuring out who they are, and what they want, while trying to make a new relationship work.

Age gap romance can be a lot of fun when the attraction is allowed to be the most important part of the story. And, in this case, while them being in different places in their lives did cause some issues, mostly it was just who they each were. I liked that. When you like a person, age is just a number.

I thought the end, and the resolution of making his job and hers work together, was a little too easy, overall I enjoyed and recommend this title.

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From their ridiculously adorable meet-cute, to the first date asking attempt, through the very end, I absolutely adored the romance between Cosy and Griffin in Making Up.

Cosy’s a bit of a free bird—she makes her own way, forges her own path—and doesn’t let much stop her from her destination. She’s young, smart, sexy, and can handle herself in just about any situation with grace—even with the skeeviest of customers at the adult toy store.

Griffin is trying to find his way through life and work in the family business. He’s a bit jaded in the love department and is definitely caught by surprise at his attraction to Cosy.

I loved these two together. Cosy is the unpretentious, vibrant, laidback woman that the somewhat uptight, stiff, possessive Griffin needs to balance him and his life. I loved their banter, their easy and comfortable relationship. Sure there were issues, big issues, that wanted to keep them apart, but Cosy and Griffin got it together in the end. And what an ending!

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A non spoiler review.....

I adored this book and this couple, they were awkward yet refreshing. This was such a fun loving light read with all the little perks that happened along the way. There is no way you won’t fall in love with these two. Her quirkiness made this book. Cosy is such a different kind of character you won’t help but root for her.
Read this book it’s one you won’t be able to put down and will keep you smiling from ear to ear.

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Wanna grab awesome book, that will make You cry and laugh in the same time ???? YOU can be sure - Making Up by Helena Hunting is perfect story for You.

Making Up is just exactly like Mrs Hunting at her finest writting style - sweet, sexy, impossible hilariousl , with the right dose of the drama in the back ground... HOWEVER... need to admit something- I was expected this.... maybe even more than, just a little, BECAUSE - Helena is a trully Queen of rom com, right ??

Since the very first pages I COULDN'T put this book down. I DIDN'T only read this book, I was devouring every word in the speed of light... Cosy and Griffin are so freaking amazing together !!!!! Obviously.... they are different like day and night, and just as a day and night they match so perfectly together. Chemistry between them is over the charts !!! Where Cosy try to be safe with her heart, Griffin knows exactly how to make her feel much more, than she want. He's so manly, presistent.... and caring... he seriously melted me, since the moment "I've read" him first. Gahhhh.... Yes Ladies, Griffin knows exactly how to seduce woman's heart.

I can't count how many other things makes me fall in love with Making Up !!!! I find there everything what I love to get in my books - amazing characters, great story line....Helena created another epic book, can't wait for more !

Be ready - I'm sure- Making Up should be in every woman's library.

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GAHHH whyyyy did I wait soooo long to read Helena Hunting?? This book is perfection! Cosy and Griffin are incredibly charming, the writing is flawless. I devoured this book in an afternoon, I couldn't put it down nor did I want to. Real life totally forgotten, I was sucked in the Vegas spotlight that was the blossoming relationship of Cosy and Griffin. Their chemistry was off the charts addicting, combined with snappy wit and HAWT passion. They are the perfect couple!

Every page of Making Up is so smart, the writing is effortless, the characters true to themselves. With obstacles standing in their way, Cosy and Griffin had a thousand reasons to not be together, but their attraction was undeniable from their first meeting at the sex shop. From then on, they were inseparable. Their story is smooth, funny, sexy and I loved every bit of it.

I can't wait to go back and read the rest of the Shacking Up series as it seems like I missed quite a bit before Making Up (but this is a complete standalone). I can't wait to submerse myself in HH's amazing world.

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Cosy and Griffin weren’t anything I expected but definitely everything I NEEDED! Cosy is a woman who knows what she does and doesn’t want from life and Griffin is a man who does what’s expected! Together these two pushed each other’s boundaries and opened one another’s eyes to how majestic love can be! The only downside; how painful it is to lose that love!

This book was packed with hilarious wit and steamy moments I won’t soon forget! I loved both the hero and heroine equally and I loved just how relatable the characters were! Absolutely love these two and can’t wait for the world to be able to read it!

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3.5 stars
Well, color me disappointed. I have loved, loved, LOVED the Shacking Up series. The books have charmed me, entertained me, and made me double over with laughter. While Making Up is entertaining, when compared to the other books, it doesn’t quite measure up.

You’ve got an 11-year age gap between Griffin, a billionaire hotel magnate, and Cosy, a college student who works in a sex toy store. Let that sink in for a minute. I’m all for age gaps, but wouldn’t Griffin’s friends and family question Cosy’s motives in dating him? Maybe it’s just me. Nonetheless, I enjoyed their flirty chemistry and the fun times they share, even though I didn’t always believe in the strength of their connection.

I really didn’t have a strong attachment to anyone. Hilariously zany females have been a huge appeal of the series for me, but we aren’t introduced to any standout characters here. Cosy’s sister is superficial, thoughtless, and just plain annoying. I liked Cosy. There’s just nothing remarkable about her other than the fact that she is really young, wears inappropriate clothing, and is a sweet carefree girl that happens to sell dildos for a living. Griffin comes across as bumbling and clueless, albeit very charming.

A romantic comedy should make the reader laugh and swoon, so I guess I expected the writing to be funnier. There is some predictable drama, but the story is cute and honestly not that bad. It’s simply not great. I have a feeling I might have liked Making Up more if I hadn’t read the other books in the series.

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***I received an ebook copy from the publisher at no cost***

Helena Hunting has a knack when it comes to developing hilarious and relateable characters and crafting humorous plot lines. Making Up has both these elements and has easily earned a spot on my favorite books of 2019 list.

Cosy is in college. She’s working towards earning a degree and, to support herself, has a job at sex toy store. She’s the kind of character that I just want to pluck off the pages of the book and drop into my own social circle. She’s funny, sometimes naive, sassy, and craves adventure in life. She’s up for anything and lives every day like it’s going to be her last. I loved her character and she felt like a kindred spirit for me.

Griffin is a bit of the polar opposite to Cosy. He’s an heir to Mills Hotels, so he’s comfortable in life. He’s not interested in relationships, but is open to flings. He lives a bit more on the serious side, especially when it comes to the work he does for the hotels.

Griffin and Cosy cross paths in the funnest of places—the sex shop she works at! He’s immediately smitten with her and despite the fact that he isn’t looking for a relationship, he asks Cosy out and the two start seeing one another.

There was so much chemistry between Griffin and Cosy. They clicked with each other right off the bat and even though they’re opposite in a lot of ways, they complimented one another very well. They get along, they have fun together, and I was rooting for them to turn into something more than friends or bed buddies.

This story flows perfectly. I had it read within a few days and had a huge book hangover (something I’m accustomed to when it comes to Helena’s books). This book had a good balance of humor (there were plenty of laugh-out-loud moments), hot moments, and romance elements. I loved the characters, including the secondary ones. It was easy to adore the world Helena created with Shacking Up, so I’m thrilled that she’s continued to give us stories set in that world and including those characters.

Five stars to this novel!

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