Member Reviews

I have been really enjoying this series by Helena Hunting, each book brings a new set of loveable characters, in this book we meet Griffin and Cosy.

Griffin is adorable! From the very beginning he made his intentions clear and didn't hesitate in seekeing a relationship with Cosy, these two go through so much, every time everthing seemed to be going perfectly something would happen and . . .

Anyways, I really enjoyed this book, at first it was a bit hard to get into but after a couple of chapters is was hard to put down.

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This book was hit or miss for me. There were times I found myself laughing and having a good time, as one expects with Helena Hunting. But then there were other times, the ones where I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the contrivedness of the age gap "issue". Oh and the drama.

I love romance and I can even get down with some capital D drama, but there is such a thing as too much. I felt like every time things were finally settled, up cropped another issue that needed to be dealt with so there was no peace. Ever. Cosy and Griffin were great together and the writing style was on point but I never quite warmed up to Cosy the way I expected to.

Making Up was an enjoyable read from an established author, just not my favorite of hers.

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DNF at 30%. Brain cells dying.

It seemed like a lot of effort went into the meet-cute between Cosy and Griffin, which resulted in an amusing beginning, but then it felt like everything went downhill. The novel has some definite pacing issues.

And then there's Cosy, who seems like she is supposed to be a manic pixie. She is young and acts very young, and the relationship with a man 11 years older began to feel icky considering her immaturity.

For a rom-com, I expected more laughs. This was my first Helena Hunting book. Maybe her others are more appealing.

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Griffin Mills, the oft referenced, yet never seen, Mills brother. Who is the eldest sibling of this prolific hotelier family? If you have met Bane and Lexy, what is their big brother, the calmest of the bunch, really like? Could be even be as wonderful and as perfect as he seems to be in the conversations where he is mentioned?

Yes. Yes, he is! He is all that and more!!!!

Griffin was a dream, and Cosy was his silver lining. Griffin did everything right, no drama, no missteps, he was living his life and it was fine, and he was okay with that. Cosy was living out her life in her way too. Surrounded by drama, she flowed along on the waves, making her way in a way that felt good and right to her. Their meeting was unorthodox, and their dating wasn’t what either normally did. It all fit though, and then the tides changed. Their differences seemed overwhelming at points, but they figured things out. The emotional ties they made were unexpected, and those took them both off-guard. But they were willing to try.

Griffin and Cosy were human, flawed, wonderful, and sexy. They were opposites attract, and that gave me some cringes, some tears, and some giggling out loud moments, “Living my best gay life” in rainbow glitter 😊 and the antics of our peeks at Lexington and Bancroft. And by the end, I was like them, deeply in love with these characters, who so richly deserved and needed the other, to balance the perfection that was their life!

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I started reading Making Up just after sunset and finished it at sunrise. Getting hooked on a book at daft o’clock usually means trying to get a couple of hours shut-eye in before making a move. My modus operandi went to pot! The only way to stop my thoughts racing was to jot them down on paper. What. A. Read! The magnificent job Hunting did with the plot and character development kept me engrossed from the first page to the last word written.

It was a joy meeting Cosy. Yeap, her name is a tad strange but oh-so-fitting. Wise beyond her years, her outlook on life and career ambitions I found totally refreshing. Juggling a job with her studies works perfectly well; she doesn’t need anyone for anything and her foolproof plan for the future seemed to be unbreakable.

“Hold up. Her name is Cosy? Like, let’s get cosy by the fire?”
“Yeah, or tea cosy, but the British spelling.”

Griffin Mills wasn’t on her agenda but let’s be honest; how could one resist such an irresistible guy who wears a suit like a second skin! Where they’d first met wasn’t exactly a place which made him feel comfortable. He came across as a tad shy and lacking in confidence, but his savoir-faire kicked in pretty darn quick. Getting to know him; what he did for a living, what he wanted and his true thoughts enthralled me.

“…You need to relax, Suit, you’re too buttoned up.”

The scorching hot chemistry between the two of them is so realistic and so palpable, it felt like the pages were going to ignite! However, an unexpected surprise which couldn’t have been revealed at a better moment literally floored me…lol, and Griffin!

“You named your vibrator?”
“He’s been around for years, and he never lets me down. I figured he deserved one.”

The most dramatic part of the story was held back until nearly three-quarters of the way into the read, throwing the protagonists and myself into a turmoil. Emotions run high and Cosy experiences feelings she’d never thought possible. Griffin. Well, he’s bloody furious with the whole debacle and having trouble finding a solution. Loved the advice from his cousin who I might add is gorgeous but the question is, will Griffin’s moral compass influence his decisions.

“You’re talking about her like you’re in a relationship with her.”
“It’s not a relationship.”

I floved the age gap. Despite not being one of the most important issues for either of them, Cosy teases Griffin quite a lot. Other concerns take precedence on a much more emotional level. I understood how Cosy felt, seeing as she’s so independent and I loved how Griffin respects her wishes.

“Yes. I’m your girlfriend and you’re my sugar daddy.”
Griffin rolls his eyes. “It’s a decade, Cosy. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“I know. I just like how much it irritates you when I say things like that.”

Cosy’s older sister is a case and a half and although she’s not very reliable, she does step up to the plate in a critical moment. Griffin’s folk are adorable, except there’s one black sheep in the family who knocks everyone for six with their deceptive ways. Won’t go into details but I’d gladly have given this individual and a couple more a hearty Kindle bashing!

Anyone who’s read my reviews knows that dialogue is my favourite thing and here Hunting has delivered in spades. This book gave me all the feels, lots of laughs, has the right amount of angst and regardless of the title which speaks for itself, I really enjoyed not being quite sure how the story was going to pan out. Bravo Hunting!

ARC kindly provided by the publisher.

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“Dear sweet Jesus on a cloud of marshmallows, this is my lucky day. The suit is gorgeous.”

This book should come with a warning!
At no point should you start before bed!
One chapter will not be enough!

And before you know it you will have inhaled the whole book in one greedy book binge and you will be left laid in bed with a cheesy grin on your face, with the birds waking up outside your window, wondering what the hell just happened!

I dare you not to fall in love with Cosy and Griffin!

A new standalone, laugh-out-loud romantic comedy by New York Times bestselling author Helena Hunting. Making Up is the latest instalment in the Shacking Up Series and is one not to be missed. Written in Hunting’s signature style with laugh out loud one liners, hilariously funny awkward situations and quirky, charming dialogue mixed with enough sexual chemistry to power the whole of Sin City. Hunting had me eating out the palm of her hand from the first line to the last word! It would be a sin not to meet Cosy and Griffin.

An absolute must read for fans who enjoy a mixture of humour, angst and sexy all rolled into one.

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From the author of 2019’s summer beach read “Meet-Cute” comes a meet cute that surpasses the standard. When Cosy and Griffin become acquainted through her job at a sex toy shop it didn’t appear that anything would come of it. But Making Up is pure Helena Hunting gold and it may be one of my favorites yet. The writing is clever, funny, and engaging and Cosy and Griffin a wonderful dynamic duo who I couldn't root for much more. I was particularly intrigued by the "older man/younger woman" trope and found myself completely engrossed in their story.

Everything about how this story unfolded made me happy – even the angsty and perhaps relationship ending moments. I’m usually not all that impressed with the billionaire characters trope but Griffin is wonderful. There’s nothing reflecting a huge ego in his activities and he really comes across as a steadfast and genuine man. Cosy may be my favorite HH heroine. there is something so infectious about her personality and I loved her for Griffin. The balance of their distinct personalities and that age gap created a scorching hot and yet soothingly sweet and fun chemistry. Making Up is certainly another #mustread from HH.

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This was my first Helena Hunting's book, and won't be my last. This is the fourth book in the Shacking Up Series. Cosy and Griffin's story is sweet, fun, sexy, and romantic, filled with twists and turns. They are both such great characters and I loved their story. The ending is beautiful. This story is beautifully written and captivating. I enjoyed my reading, and highly recommend it. Now, I'm looking forward to read the other books in the Series.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 STARS

I found myself another EPIC read by Helena Hunting!!!

Making Up is the fourth book in the Shacking Up Series by Helena Hunting. Helena is so great at creating characters that are equally intelligent and attractive with a twist of quirkiness that has you truly laughing out loud. I enjoyed Griffin's and Cosy's interactions and how it proves opposites do truly attract!

Each time I learn that Helena is releasing a new book, I know that once I read it I will not be disappointed. This is definitely one of those times. Making Up by Helena Hunting will join the ranks of the BIBLIO-ARISTOCRACY!!!

~ Thank you to the author, St. Martins Press and NetGalley for generously providing me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Soon as I see Helena Hunting has a new book out I get all giddy and excited. She has never disappointed me with her brilliant rom-coms. Trust me you will be unable to out this one down once you start.

I loved how this story started, I could honestly picture it in my head and it had me crying with laughter. I was practically cringing with Griffin and his unease whilst being amused by Cosy and her entertaining wit and banter.

I loved Griffin and Cosy from the very beginning. They were total opposites but they suited each other so well. Cosy is a free spirited hospitality college student who works in an adult toy store part time. Griffin a hot AF suit wearing businessman, who is the poor unfortunate soul who is sent to the adult store for suppliers for a bachelor party. Maybe it wasn't unfortunate as Griffin got to meet Cosy. Despite his unease at being in the adult toy shop this girl wakens something in him that he never anticipated.

The chemistry and connection between Cosy and Griffin is off the charts hot and instant. Despite the ae difference (Which I didn't think was bad) they just need to get past the obstacles they have put in their way.

I laughed, I felt all the emotions, it was simply a brilliant, flawless read.

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It’s Griffin’s story!!!! I can’t tell you how excited I was for this book. I loved Shacking Up and Hooking Up so I had very expectations for this and it didn’t let me know down.

I love Cosy, I want to be her BFF, she is so great and hilariously funny, she definitely kept Griffin on his toes. Speaking of Griffin he is such a sweetheart and like the other 2 Mills Brothers, he is smoking hot! Lex is still my fav though.

My favourite part of this book is when Cosy and Griffin meet for the first time, I don’t think I’ve read a more funny and awkward exchange between two characters, the banter between them is highly entertaining, I couldn’t get enough.

Finally, this book is set in Vegas, which is probably my favourite city in the world, and it just really topped off the story for me. If you love romance with lots of comedy then this one is for you.

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Another 5 Star read for me from Helena Hunting! This lady knows how to make us readers laugh out loud and swoon!

Right off the bat with Cosy and Griffins awkward, yet HILARIOUS meet cute this book had me all in. Cosy's character is so funny and down to earth. Helena wrote her so well that she was definitely a woman I would love to be friends with. Griffin is swoon-worthy and the kind of man every woman wants in her life!

I'm absolutely loving this series and it's definitely a GREAT summer read!! I highly recommend picking it up!!

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4.5 Stars
I am such a huge fan of Helena Hunting and always get excited when she has a new book out. Making Up was such a fun quick read. I am loving this series and these characters.

Cosy works at an adult toy store while finishing up college. She has no problem switching to work Cosy when people come in the store where she works. One day she meets this hot sexy man who has a list a mile long. She helps him and thinks she will never see him again.

Griffin is in Las Vegas for work and has the task of buying gag gifts for a bachelor party. When he meets Cosy even though she works at an adult toy store he can’t seem to stop thinking about her. Will he be able to get Cosy to give him the time of day?

These two have amazing chemistry but Griffin has to work to get Cosy to trust him. There was so much sexual chemistry between these two and the banter. I loved this book and all the characters. There were times I laughed and times I felt for the characters. If your looking for a book that will make you laugh and give you the feels this is it. This was a one sitting read for me that I highly recommend.

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The Shacking Up series is back! I have loved getting to know this family, everything about them is fun and I end up having a new favorite couple with each story. Cosy and Griffin are no different and their story is seriously perfection. Everything about these two is amazing. They are an unlikely couple, but that made me love them even more.Their meeting is unusual, but it totally fits them. Everything about these two says "opposite" but that is what made them even more unique. Griffin's determination to make Cosy's his had me swooning.

Griffin and Cosy seriously needed each other, they just didn't realize it. I loved getting back to the Mills family. I was just what I needed to get out of my book funk!

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3.25 stars. This was a pretty good read, but it was not my favorite of the series (looking at you Shacking Up!). Making Up is Cosy and Griffin's story. Cosy is a college student and virgin who works in a sex toy store. Griffin is a millionaire who works for his family business running a chain of high end hotels. He is in Vegas for a few months as he works at the hotel there. He meets Cosy when he comes into her store to buy a bachelor party gift for a friend. He is interested in her right away and pursues her. Neither of them want a serious relationship, but they have great chemistry. So they agree to a short term fling while Griffin is working in town. But as they spend more time together, they develop stronger feelings and begin to want a future together. They have some pretty big obstacles to overcome before that can become a reality, but they do eventually get their HEA.

I really liked Cosy and Griffin as a couple. They really seemed to love each other, despite a significant age gap. I will say, I liked this book in general, but I felt it had too much drama, breaking up and getting back together, etc. Also, this book had a few tropes that I don't like and maybe wouldn't have wanted to read this book if I had known they were included. I liked the first part of the book before those tropes were introduced much more. The OW (ex) drama continued on to the end of the book. It affected their relationship right up until the last page (before the epilogue), which I felt was such an odd note to end on. I had a hard time feeling strong love between the couple after all that drama happened, which stopped the relationship momentum. The tempo of the book felt off to me, as well. Still, I liked the main storyline of the book and I liked Cosy and Griffin. They were sweet and sexy together. They just had bad luck from their pasts and outside sources which affected their relationship.

Overall, I liked this book, but didn't quite love it. Still, I do enjoy this series. I look forward to more from Ms. Hunting in the future.

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A little bit of a slow start, but I liked it once the action picked up.

Cosy and Griffin shouldn't work together. There are so many differences, from their ages, where they live, and their family backgrounds. Somehow, though, they connect despite it all. They definitely hit a number of bumps in the road, but Helena Hunting did a nice job of tackling each issue so there weren't any loose ends when they got their HEA.

The first book in this series, Shacking Up, is my favorite by Helena Hunting and I am so glad she's continuing to write books on this world! This is a standalone, but I recommend reading the first couple books in the series just to get to know some of the secondary characters too.

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A perfect addition to the 'Shacking' family.

Making Up by Helena Hunting was a fun, flirty, light-hearted romp, through the world of high-class hotels and sex toy stores. Not something you’d expect to come in contact with one another but in this quirky romance it sure does.
Griffin Mills has been tasked with the craziest bachelor party job ever, as far as he’s concerned. When he meets Cosy in the most unlikely of places, he’s drawn to her exuberance and pure unadulterated confidence.
Cosy dreams of travelling the world, not just the US as she works part-time towards her degree, while working in a store she’d never imagined herself in, but needs must and it’s not every day a gorgeous man in an expensive suit appears in her store. He’s a bit lost and kinda needy too.
She’s intrigued by him though and finds herself fixating on him.
Griffin is totally genuine, sweet and as he admits himself, he has no game. But, he does have a huge heart of gold, a caring side and just wants the kind of loving relationship his parents have. He just needs to find the right girl.
These two are outrageously funny together, they have a spitfire banter, sexual chemistry that could rival the Sun with its heat and they are just the perfect match. I loved them both.
The secondary characters were fun, both old and new… well most. Some needed a smack. But, thankfully they didn’t detract from the overall fabulous story. This was the fifth in the ‘Shacking Up’ series, but it can easily be read as a standalone.

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Making Up is the fourth book in the Shacking Up series by the talented and hilarious Helena Hunting. I love this series and I never doubt that Helena is going to give me exactly what I need. This is Griffin's story. He's Lexington and Bancroft's brother and you know we've been waiting for him to get his happily ever after! He's in Vegas on business and has to buy the gag gifts for his friend's bachelor party. That's where he meets Cosy. At the sex toy shop. He's embarrassed out of his mind and she's young, fresh, confident and gorgeous. Cosy never trusts men who come into the shop. You never know if they're freaks or not, but this man is so gorgeous, she's temporarily dumbstruck. She uses her assets to sell him more than what he needs and watches him walk away. Only to show up weeks later and ask her out. Awkward! He's so freaking cute with the way he stammers. He's thirty-three he should be able to ask a woman out! Cosy takes pity on him and his handsome face and goes out this him. They are opposites but they just get each other. He's rich and fancy. She's a struggling student. But their attraction is off the charts. He's only in town for a while, so they decide to see each other while he's there. Things are fun and sexy, and easy. And then those pesky feelings start to happen. And then the past comes back to get them? Can Cosy and Griffin survive and fight for each other? I loved this story! This series is one of my favorites and Helena always cracks me up, makes me swoon and leaves me wanting more! I loved it all! The shwarma in her shirt? OMG! The crazy awkwardness. Griffin's lack of game. Poor thing! Total perfection!

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I am the first to admit that I am horrible with remembering characters' names in standalone series. I have been reading this series since Hunting first started it. I didn't remember Griffin at first... But, some of him previous came back to me while I was reading this one.

I can honestly say that I enjoyed this book. As always, I went in mostly blind. All I needed to know is that it's a Hunting book and part of a series I am familiar with. I definitely wasn't expecting one aspect of the story, but I think that was an added benefit. I am unsure to say what that is. I don't want to spoil it. I have already seen reviews spoil it, but I am not that reviewer. 

I liked the age difference between them. It isn't large. It's realistic. And it shows a true picture of what age difference can be in the positive and negative when it comes to relationships. 

I can honestly say that I enjoyed this book. It was funny, charming, and over all an easy read. I devoured it in almost no time. I was truly a little sad to see it end.

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I have loved this series since we got introduced to this band of characters in Shacking Up. Each and every book is a whole new adventure with a different couple in the starring roles.

Griffin is another of the Mills brothers, we have already met Bancroft and Lexington in the previous books. Griffin is the quieter of the brothers and he drew the short straw and was sent to an adult toy store to pick up “stuff” for a buddy’s bachelor party. Cosy is the salesclerk at the store that ends up helping Griffin make his choices to buy for the party. She also teases him about the reason for all of the toys he is buying, not believing he is buying them for the reason he’s saying!! After getting him fixed up she sends him on his way. She was in shock when a week later Griffin shows back up at the store asking her out on a date. Cosy is suspicious of what he really wants from her and makes it extremely difficult, but he continues to pursue her until she gives in. Griffin’s self esteem had taken a big hit recently when his fiancé broke up with him in a very cruel way.
I loved the story there were several misunderstandings and little more drama and angst then in the previous books but not too much that it hurt the story. Once we got thru that Griffin and Cosy begin to build a relationship, Cosy helped Griffin believe he wasn’t a worthless human and Griffin helped Cosy learn to except that she could have more. It was a great story with an outstanding ending!!
And oh my I can’t wait for Lincoln book Handle with Care coming up next!!

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