Member Reviews

I was definitely late to the party on this one, but it was absolutely worth it!

This was the grown-up version of Pretty Little Liars we all needed, and I was here for it! The whodunnit was awesome, the T Swift prologue was amazing, and this was just such a fun, campy ride!

Amazing job, Sara!!

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Recommended for pretty little liars lovers. Really loved the beginning but keeping up with all the characters was difficult for me. It did keep me intrigued, the mystery held well throughout the story.

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TW: Cheating, underage dating, suicidal tones,

About the book: Aldrich University is rocked to its core when a hacker dumps 40,000 people’s e-mails—the entire faculty, staff, students, alums—onto an easily searchable database. Rumors and affairs immediately leak, but things turn explosive when Kit Manning’s handsome husband, Dr. Greg Strasser, is found murdered. Kit’s sister, Willa, returns for the funeral, setting foot in a hometown she fled fifteen years ago, after a night she wishes she could forget. As an investigative reporter, Willa knows something isn’t right about the night Greg was killed, and she’s determined to find the truth. What she doesn’t expect is that everyone has something to hide. And with a killer on the loose, Willa and Kit must figure out who killed Greg before someone else is murdered.
Release Date: 12/03/2019
Genre: Domestic Thriller
Pages: 373
Rating: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

What I Liked:
• The plot line sucked me in
• I like Sara Shepherd

What I Didn’t Like:
• All the different perspectives came off confusing
• Half way through the book and nothing really has happened.

Overall Thoughts: I felt like this book was a pretty solid thriller. The characters aren’t likeable and sometimes it can be confusing

Final Thoughts: I love Sara Shephard though so maybe I am bias

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Things are not going well at Aldrich University. A hacker has broken into the university's servers and has released an easily searched database of all the emails of each student, administrator, faculty and staff as well as the medical personnel attached to the university. This leads to revelations of many scandals and gossip runs wild. The ante is upped when Dr. Greg Strasser is found murdered in his kitchen the night of the Aldrich annual fundraising gala. Strasser is married to the university president's daughter, Kit Manning, the main fundraiser. Did she kill him?

Greg had been revealed as having a torrid affair. Kit doesn't remember coming home that night from the fundraiser just finding Greg. Although she didn't drink at fundraising events, that night she had in order to face down the gossips whispering about Greg. But Kit isn't the only suspect. There is Laura, a nurse whose newborn baby has Greg's piercing blue eyes. Kit's daughters are acting strangely. Willa, Kit's sister and a scandal journalist comes home to support her sister and investigate the mystery but she has secrets of her own. There is Raina, a student who worked as the university president's assistant and who has befriended Kit's daughter. She seems to have some connection to Greg as well. Then there are the men whose wives, daughters and girlfriends have been seduced by Greg.

This twisty tale of gossip, backstabbing and secrets is a real pageturner. There are multiple characters and the story is told in turn from each character's point of view. Everyone has a secret they don't want revealed and the hack puts all those tawdry actions out in full view of all. This book is recommended for mystery readers.

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Pretty Little Liars was a guilty pleasure read of mine when I was a little younger. I didn't think it was great literature or made a lot of sense but I thought it was enjoyable so I wanted to see what Sara Shepard would do with a more adult mystery. And it just did not really work for me.

I am kind of sick of YA authors marketing a book as adult and then having the only difference between their YA books and their adult books being the ages of the characters. None of the characters in this book acted even remotely their age and most were downright stupid. I'm not saying adults can't be stupid but literally every single one ended up doing something majorly idiotic and most didn't even seem to realize or care that what they were doing was wrong, immoral, and sometimes downright illegal.

For example. An apparently business savvy woman in her 30s put a sleeping pill in a coworkers alcoholic drink and literally said, "there's no way I could get in trouble for that." And she didn't understand how her husband would have a problem with her having done so. You're a grown adult and don't know that drugging someone, especially when they're drinking, is wrong?!

I did kind of enjoy how everything was wrapped up at the end but it was long and drawn out and I would have liked it better if there was one less PoV character. Obviously she wanted some red herrings but there were too many.

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I tried to love this book, but I couldn’t get past how horrible the main character was. Couldn’t finish this.

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This one definitely gave me PLL vibes! Loved the pace and the plot. One of my favorites! Would definitely recommend to others if you’re a big fan of thrillers.

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This was an absolutely crazy story that I could not put down. Can you imagine if all of your emails were put out into the world for anyone to read? Everyone’s lives get turned upside down and secrets are exposed that shouldn’t have ever been found out.

It was a little confusing at first trying to keep all of the characters straight and differentiating between each of their personalities and parts in the story but once I got those down, this book flew by. It was absolutely addicting to read and it had it’s own twists and turns that I wasn’t expecting to happen.

I have been a huge fan of Sara Shepard since her Pretty Little Liars series and I’m glad that she’s still writing such juicy, crazy books. This was great and I’m excited to see what she comes up with next.

*Thanks to Dutton and NetGalley for providing me with a complimentary copy for my honest review*

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Entertaining read with lots of twists and turns, but ultimately ended up being middle of the road and unmemorable for me. I liked the idea of Sara Shepard turning to Adult, especially when it's set on a college campus but it really ended up being just okay for me.

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Sara Shepard is a bit hit/miss for me and this was a definite miss. I ended up not finishing the book at all because it was a struggle to get into it. Perhaps another read will be more enjoyable.

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Review: 4 Stars

When I saw Sara Shepard’s latest novel was going to be coming out soon I jumped at the opportunity to get a review copy without even reading the blurb. In th past I have read some of Sara Shepard’s books and found them to be the perfect fluff reads. They had compelling plots and were filled with teenage girl drama. When I discovered that Reputation wasn’t a YA novel I almost didn’t want to read it. But I knew that I loved Sara Shepard’s stories, so I decided to give it a chance and I quickly found myself sucked in.

Reputation is certainly full of drama. The book was filled to the brim with scandals, lies and even murder. A university gets hacked and all of the emails are suddenly public, scandals, betrayal and lies all come to light and there is lots of drama. It was written from multiple women’s points of view that were all in first person, yet I didn’t get the characters confused because Sara Shepard wrote her characters well. The plot kept me guessing the whole time and there were so many incredibly well done plot twists. I couldn’t guess what would happen next, so I enjoyed the ride this story took me on with all of its twists and turns.

Parts of the story were so twisted and really gave off the psychological thriller vibe, which I really loved. But I felt like the ending wrapped up a little too neatly. Things worked out just a little too well that it didn’t feel completely real. I also got a bit of a poltical vibe, like the author was trying to get you to believe her political views and it was just a little much for me. The ending was really the only part that I didn’t really enjoy though.

Overall I can appreciate this book for what I wanted out of it. It was fun, fast and full of drama. This book was a quick and captivating read, which is exactly what I wanted it to be. I think the plot was pretty well done and that it was a perfect read for the mood that I was in.

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This book started off a little confusing to me, I was having a hard time following all of the characters and how they all played a part in the story. About 25% through it was easier to follow all of the storylines and I was hooked! We start off with this massive hack that exposes your personal emails, this leads to a few shocking discoveries (some of them are even jaw-dropping)! This book is just packed with lies, betrayal, murder, and scandal after scandal. I'm going to say that most of these characters are selfish and I did not like them at all, but in true PLL fashion, it felt like you couldn't trust anyone!

This book is SO twisty, just when I thought I had figured things out...something else was added in and had me second-guessing everything. I truly was shocked at the end revelation as it was a direction I didn't think the book was going in. If you're looking for an overly gossipy (think Gossip Girl) read, seriously pick this one up. It also touches on some heavy topics, but overall the book is really well done!
I would like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Money, secrets, scandals, Reputation has it all. I was intrigued by the premise of Reputation; thousands of personal and professional emails from a prestigious school are released by a hacker, and ifthat's not dangerous enough add in a murder. Sara Shepard offers readers an entertaining domestic suspense novel. I was disappointed to find that I wasnt able to connect to any one particular character. The many narrators voices were at times hard to follow and they began to seem two dimensional at best. The pacing was even and the twists, though a bit predictable, were interesting. I can say I was entertained by Ms. Shepard.
I received my copy through NetGalley under no obligation.

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This book is great! Would definitely recommend. Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Some unsavory truths come out about the students, faculty, and alums of Aldrich University after a hacker releases over 40,000 people’s emails on a database. Things escalate after Kit Manning’s husband, Dr. Greg Strasser, is murdered in their home after it is revealed that he had an affair. Kit’s younger sister Willa is an investigative reporter who decides to dig for information on her own. After all, Kit is the number one suspect and her memory of the night is fuzzy.

Although Reputation is not a top-tier book for me, it was highly entertaining. I finished it in less than 24 hours, which rarely happens these days. I liked that it followed multiple points of view, though most of which were white women in their 30s. I still think this book could appeal to younger adults or anybody who wants a reality TV feeling from the book.

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Loved this one!! It felt like a delicious, grown up version of Pretty Little Liars. Twisty, gossipy page turner- I couldn't put it down!

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Finally finished this book. It was a great psychological thriller but there were times the story just dragged on.

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This is the woman who wrote the Pretty Little Liars series. Don't expect anything terribly ground-breaking. but do expect a guilty pleasure read.

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Unfortunately this one didn’t work for me. I wasn’t interested enough in the characters to finish. Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for a free copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I wasn’t sure what to expect when I first began reading Reputation by Sara Shepard, but quickly I fell into the fast-paced storyline.

A hacker‘s secrets are exposed and many secrets are exposed!

Thanks to Netgalley and Dutton for the free copy. All opinions are my own

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