Member Reviews

I didn’t actually realise this was the second book in a series. I might pick up the first but have to be honest that the magical elements were a little bit far out even for me. Belief had to be suspended to get through this! It is a good YA book and I’m not really the target audience.

I didn't read the first book in this series, but this one wasn't quite what I expected. Tess and her family live in a parallel reality, and have magical abilities to find cures for the illness that took her voice.
This was kind of out there even for me

Thanks to NetGalley. the author and the publisher of the book for a review copy in exchange of an honest review.
I was interested in the book mainly because of the cover. The cover made me check this book out. Also the main character of this book is mute, which is the second reason to pick it up! This was such a wonderful book! Even though I didn't realize this was a second book in the series, I was still able to understand and read the book.

Really nice teen/YA book that blends real-life struggle with fantasy and adventure. It's like The Fault in our Stars meets Twilight... (trying to think of a better example than Twilight as there are no vampires here but it escapes me!)
I would like to read the whole series in order, this is the second novel, so I was missing some background but you can also enjoy this book alone. The protagonist being mute is a really interesting and unusual literary choice and one I thought worked wonderfully.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for letting me read an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Loved this! Ella the main character didn’t let anything stop her, she was such an inspiration. I recommend this book.

With thanks to Netgalley and Alexis Marie Chute productions inc.
Below the Moon is a good book that had me in tears sometimes. Even though this a second book in a series, it is still easy to follow.

Not sure if having read the first in this series (my mistake for not!) would have made it easier to grasp not only the story, but also an attachment to the characters. Halfway through and I was not really engaged with any of them, although I will say Duggie-Sky was a favorite. There are many great reviews of this book, so I will attribute my confusion and inability to sync with the characters to jumping in on this second in the series. I would note, however, that Ella's illness and the quest of family and friends for her cure was a novel turn of plot.
Thank you to the author, Spark Press and Netgalley for allowing me to read and present an honest review.

I really enjoyed Ella, our main character, who didn't let her illness keep her down. She was quite an inspiration really. The pictures also added a nice touch of fun into, what is really, at times, a tear jerker.

This series is soooo good. I need the next one like now!! It was amazing and deserves all the love! It also needs more hype because this is just too good.

Below the Moon picks up exactly where Above the Star left off. I really enjoyed the world and all of the fantastical creatures in it. It's well written and has an amazing story line. I loved the writing style as it felt whimsical and romantic. This book blew my imagination and really hit me in the 'feels'. I loved the adventure, friendship and romance that this story offered! I cannot wait to see where book 3 will take us next.

This is a lovely book with characters that will stay with you long after you turn that last page. I'm so glad I picked it up and found it difficult to put down. There's action, emotion, some tears, and a sense of adventure. I really enjoyed it.

I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I really enjoy this series because its kind of lighthearted even though it has a lot of intense emotions. But it took me way longer to get into this one than it did the first in this series. It's not that it was a bad book, I just felt too much of the first book was retold. I did love how the author put the drawings that Ella had done in the book. It made for a unique read. It was an interesting book with a story plot that I have not seen told before. .I am not sure what I would do if I woke up and couldn't speak.
Thank you to the author, netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to review this title.

Another sweet, compelling read in the second book in the Trilogy by Alexis Marie Chute. This is such a creative series that tackles some intense issues including debilitating illness, intense relationships and most of all love. How much are we willing to give or sacrifice for the chance to save someone we love? This is at the heart of this series. Part two is even better than the first book and is hopefully a platform to lead into the conclusion to the Trilogy due out next year. For anyone who adores fantasy with some reality thrown into the story, this is for you.
Also for those looking for a little magic and a cure for what ails you, this is highly recommended.
#BelowTheMoon ##NetGalley #AlexisMarieProductionsInc #SparkPress #StreetTeam

Thank you Netgalley and Publishers for granting me early access to "Below the Moon".
I'm currently in the middle of a major move, and will definitely come back at a later time and write out a full review and rating.
Thank you so much!

Entertaining read , strong lead characters, well written and engaging, my only criticism is it was a lit slow to start, but once it got going it was worth the patience.
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

When I requested this, I didn't realise it was a sequel, which definitely added to the 3-star rating (why doesn't Netgalley always say when books are in a series??). But despite this, I actually enjoyed it a fair amount. It took me a while to get into and work out what everything was and everything that was going on, but once I figured it out, the adventure was a fun read. Ella's character was strong and she's been through a lot but that made her even stronger and I loved Luggie - cute!! It was a fairly average read but still an enjoyable one!

Unfortunately, this is a DNF for me.
I was only able to read 3% (Kindle reading) of the book when I could no longer continue.
The first several pages were nothing but info dump, back story, telling, and numerous character introduction/names and place names that held no meaning and quickly became confusing.
It would have been much better had the author focused on developing the relationship between the two main characters straightaway, then gradually give us the backstory as the relationship progressed. Or she could have begun the story in media res when they snatched the one character from his homeland and away from his sister so the reader could LIVE and experience the action and emotion alongside the characters.
It's like someone sat me down and said, "Here, let me tell you this story about ..." and muddled their way through from there. I felt disconnected and could gain no emotional attachment to anyone. The confusion with numerous names only added to my ire.
In order not to embarass the author, I will not post my review on Goodreads or Amazon.
Despite the above, I appreciate NetGalley and the publisher giving me the opportunity to read this ARC.

Unfortunately I just couldn't get into this book. Maybe as I've not read the first. I found a lot of the names and terminology difficult to get my head around. Certainly as a MG or YA book the audience will need to have read book one. I don't feel this could be read otherwise. The plot has good premise and it truely is unlike anything else I have read before, just not one for me I'm afraid.

4/5 ⭐️
This book was really really enjoyable! I’ve never actually read a book with a mute mc before so that was refreshing. There were so many good quotes in this, I jotted a few down. This is the second book in the dueology so it was a tad confusing at times.

3.5 stars
For some reason it took me a long time to get into the story. I haven’t read the first book so that could be why, but I did download it on kindle to check it out. About 75% through the story I really got hooked and couldn’t stop reading and now I need book 3 to find out what happens.
I loved how the author put in little drawings that Ella drew throughout the book. She also put a glossary if characters and other important aspects at the end along with a cool alphabet in the different languages. This was a very unique touch.