Member Reviews

Avery, Avery, Avery Flynn!! If you liked her Hartigans Series. You will love her hockey series. If you hockey guys, meddling mothers and dating this is the book for you. This book is hilarious and funny. :)

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3.5 Stars

Parental Guidance is a delightfully fluffy rom-com where two parents set their kids up on a dating app to find love. Who wouldn’t want to read this book off the premise alone?

Flynn only adds to her premise by creating two completely opposite characters who are both determined to humour their parents and turn their luck around by five little harmless dates. Caleb is a recovering douche canoe hockey player who stunned all of America with his puck bunny antics. While Zara is a determined, snarky and very feisty artist determined to take her career to the next level. Sounds like everything you want in a romance right?

While Flynn had all the makings of an epic romantic comedy there was just something missing from this novel. I’m a huge fan of books written in the first point of view where both characters share their deepest dark secrets. Maybe because this book was written a little differently that was a little more off putting not enabling me to really connect to the characters. Because I soooo wanted to connect! In the end this novel was good, charming even. However it hasn’t left me salivating for what’s to come from the Ice Knights series.

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I heard a lot of buzz about the story and wanted to read the heck out of it! I got approved on Net Galley and started in right away! What was a funny premise, fell flat for me. I felt the hero was too juvenile and I didn't really care for him or the parents trying to hook up the main leads. I made several attempts to get back into the story but it wasn't able to hold my interest. While this wasn't a winner for me, I can definitely see why so many readers enjoyed it! The writing was on point, but the story just wasn't for me.

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I love a fun and sexy hockey romance, and Avery Flynn nailed it with Parental Guidance. I have to say I laughed out loud on more than one occasion and fell absolutely in love with Caleb and Zara as a couple.

So I'll say right now I didn't think it was fair that Caleb took all the grief for the video with his playmates being jerks about puck bunnies. He never said a word during their tirade, and yes that was a mistake someone who wants to be a leader shouldn't make, but still felt others should have been on the punishment end. That being said, the fact that his mom and Zara's dad were put in charge of picking out their dates on their dating app had me laughing so hard. Zara's profile post alone had me crying I was laughing so hard.

Caleb and Zara were so very different, yet I felt like they pretty much connected from the first time they met. I loved all the rules they set for their arrangement in the beginning and loved even more seeing them not breaking all the rules, but really working hard to never meet a couple. It was fun for me to see them begin to share more with one another the more time they spent together, even to the point they each seemed to make of reasons to see each other or chat on the phone either via text or facetime. There really was a sweetness about them as a couple I didn't expect, considering their chemistry was off the charts hot.

Avery Flynn once again delivered a strong, funny, sexy, and emotional romance that had me wanting more. I first fell in love with her voice with the Harbor City books, then the Hartigans, and now I need all the Ice Knights books now. I highly recommend Parental Guidance and suggest all of her back list as well.

Rating: 4.5 Stars (B+)

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I loved the concept of the dating app that lets your parents pick your dates. It’s a cute idea, and one that, frankly, once I read this book, I’m surprised doesn’t already exist. I think there may be a reality show with a similar concept, but I also could have imagined that some NyQuil-fueled night when I fell asleep with the TV on.

Caleb Stuckey finds himself in need of PR makeover, quickly. Fortunately for him (maybe?), his tough-as-nails hockey coach mom has been talking with the front office of his professional hockey team, the Ice Knights, and they’ve come up with a way to rehab his image. He’s going to use a new dating app, Bramble, that lets his mom pick his dates, then agree to be interviewed about the resulting 5 dates he goes on. That’s 5 dates with the same woman, being interviewed after each one, sometimes by his mom, and sometimes by the media, about the dates.

Zara Ambrose, for her part, also has no interest in dating a stranger for the benefit of millions of other strangers, but she agrees to do it because the resulting media interviews and press would allow her dad to get his SAG card, and fulfill his minutes-long dream of becoming an actor.

There was a lot I liked about this book. Clearly – or I wouldn’t have given it four stars. Caleb and Zara are good together from the very beginning. They have amazing chemistry, both sexual and just life chemistry. You know those people you just click with? Sometimes it’s tied up with sexual chemistry, and sometimes it isn’t. Caleb and Zara had both. The attraction was instant and obvious, but they genuinely liked each other as well. When they missed each other while Caleb was on the road, I believed it. They had that instant connection that happens in the best relationships. And while they were separated, their texting conversations were so cute and so real. A few sexy texts, but also just some general how-was-your-day updates, cute dog pictures, and funny things they’d overheard. They were adorable.

Speaking of cute dog pictures – Anchovy is such a good canine companion. He was a big part of the entire book without resorting to plot moppery or taking it over. And his name is so cute. Based on Avery Flynn’s social media, her giving Anchovy a food-related name seems right on brand. I don’t think I could handle a dog as big as a Great Dane, but I would absolutely babysit Anchovy for the occasional weekend.

I couldn’t go with a full five stars, though, because the initial concept of the story, that Caleb needs an image overhaul, didn’t quite work for me. He’s in a car with a bunch of rookie hockey players, and all of the rookies are running their mouths. They’re complaining about the team, the coaching staff, their own play time, and worst of all from a PR standpoint, bragging and being really shitty about all of the “puck bunnies” they manage to sleep with on a daily basis. Caleb doesn’t actually take part in any of this discussion, but his silence is actually his downfall, because as the most senior player in the car, he should have shut it down immediately.

Avery Flynn isn’t wrong. Caleb should have shut it down. However, I find it difficult to believe that “Pro athletes are shitty about women” is newsworthy or a PR nightmare for any sports team. It’s exactly on brand. It’s not right, and it would be great to believe that there would be consequences for talking about women that way, but the reality is that there wouldn’t be. There’s also not much mention in the book about any punishment for the players who actually said the shitty things. Caleb is forced to completely revamp his image, even though before this his image was just fine, and there’s talk that maybe one of the other players may end up being traded, but that’s it. There’s no mention of any consequence at all for the rookies.

But this book is really, really cute. It broke a fairly brutal reading slump that I’ve been in recently, and for that alone, I say thank you to Avery Flynn. Zara and Caleb are adorable together, and I’m excited to dive into the rest of the series!

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Zara likes to be in charge of every aspect of her life. The only crazy part about it is her great dane Anchovy who in my opinion stole the book. Caleb is trying to clean up his image and agrees to date Zara with no strings between them. What starts out as no strings, quickly becomes knots to each other.

Flynn sense of humor was all over the book, with lots of giggling moments. I can't wait for more books about the Ice Knights.

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I was really looking forward to this one ! The description made it sound so funny, and intriguing. I enjoyed it , but was a bit disappointed.

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I tell you Avery Flynn has done it again. Another outstanding rom-com that will knock your socks off. This is the first book of the Ice Knights series, a spin off from The Hartigans series and I got to say that it is off to a brilliant start. Who doesn't love a hot hockey player right?!?

Caleb is a good hockey player and person, but when he lets the newbies talk trash about women and it gets caught on film, he is the one to blame. In order to get his image and the image of the team back to greatness, Caleb must follow the plan laid out by the PR group. He has to let his mother set him up on a dating app and date who she picks. Since when did he want his mother picking out his dates. Ugh!! But his career as well as another's is on the line.

Zara is a miniatures artisan. She wants to get her work noticed and to do that she must be her best friends plus one to a special auction. But her friend says she works to much and should get out more. So she blackmails Zara into a dating app and letting Zara's father pick her date. Ugh! Why do they have to conspire against her.

Upon meeting Caleb, Zara is not sure she this will work. He is not only handsome, but he is famous. But these two come to an agreement to make it work. The only problem do they not fall in love?

This book was such a fun treat. It is full of snarky humor and good nature fun. The characters are not only fun but entertaining. Caleb is a great guy, whom people don't give the benefit of doubt. He is really not what others make him out to be. He is kind, sweet and definitely not a man whore. Zara is sweet, blunt and very talented. The two fit perfect together and the chemistry is off the charts.

Overall the book is the perfect rom-com that I really enjoyed reading. After reading about the Ice Knights in the last Hartigan series, I was intrigued and hoping that Ms Flynn would continue their story. How exciting it is that she did that. This book flows nicely and is full of humor that will have you laughing out loud. The romance is perfect to give you that butterflies in your tummy feeling. This book can be read as a standalone, but if you want to get to know some of the other characters better then I would start with You are sure to enjoy this sweet romance. So pick it up today.

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This was ok. I felt like the main characters were just being stupid about the 5th date. I finished the book, but was kind of meh about it.

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Enemies with strong physical chemistry being stuck together for any amount of time is a tried and true trope. I definitely liked and connected more with the Zara than I did Caleb. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a good rom-com to read.

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Caleb and Zara didn’t want to date but both had their reasons for agreeing to go on 5 dates for dating app that lets your parents pick your date ! wow crazy right can you imagine! Well they make a plan and we all know what happens when you make a plan ..... everything goes the opposite of how you thought , between dates and interviews ( that they have to do after said dates ) and advice from friends and parents these two find away through the crazy , I promise you’ll enjoy the ride . I did !

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Parental Guidance is book number one in the Ice Knights series by Avery Flynn. This is Zara Ambrose and Caleb Stuckey’s story.

This story was hilarious. Caleb is in over his head between his mother and Zara. There were so many funny moments. I loved their characters. These two are perfect for one another. I had so much fun reading their story.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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<i>*** ARC graciously provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. ***</i>

I really enjoyed Caleb and Zara's little internet dating story. Can you picture it? A new dating service that lets your <i>mom</i> or your <i>dad</i> choose your dates. Let me be the first to say: NO FREAKING WAY.

But that's exactly what has happened to Caleb, a professional hockey player who got himself into deep water by being present when a video was taken that has now gone viral, and paints he and his teammates in a really bad light and has created a PR nightmare for he and his team.

Zara, too, has opted into the experiment. Her dating life has been lackluster at best, but now she's got Caleb. They've agreed to get through this--five dates, and their done. Except once these two meet, everything changes. It's a bit cliche, but no less fantastic to read how these two come together and realize their feelings. I enjoyed this one quite a bit, and I'm definitely looking forward to the continuation of the series.

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Parental Guidance was heartwarming and funny. Some plot points were out there, but got a pass with the romance genre. I found myself rooting for the characters the whole time.

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❤️❤️❤️❤️ out of 5
Mmmmm I love a good sports romance and ice hockey is my latest favourite. This one was cute, sweet, hot and definitely fun. I’m also obsessed with any romances that have to do with dating apps considering how predominant it is in today’s society so I couldn’t wait to read this because the main character meet through a dating app.
Our hero is suffering from a PR problem and the solution (apparently) is to go on this dating app where your parents choose your date (I would actually die of my mother did this and I know she totally would). When the hero meets the pint sized heroine they immediately dislike each other but as they get to know each other there is a lot less disliking going on.
This book was cute and sweet and definitely had me laughing out loud a couple of times. Both characters were well fleshed out and they fit together perfectly as well as having some excellent chemistry 🔥🔥. Did I mention that the heroine has a Great Dane almost as big as she is? He has great presence (and I mention this because I’m a sucker for animals in books and I totally fell in love with him- Anchovy I love you forever ❤️❤️❤️).

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Such a fun read. Great characters and a unique story-line. Loved Anchovy. Cannot wait to read the next book, thanks to the glimpse at the end.

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So stinkin' adorable!

Parental Guidance *might* be my favorite Avery Flynn book yet--though it's pretty darn close to Tomboy (probably not a coincidence, since PG's Caleb and T's Zach are teammates, so...), which has me practically salivating waiting for the next Ice Knights book...write quickly, Ms. Flynn! ;)

On the surface, the premise of two I-don't-want-to-date-ers being forced/conned/convinced to use a dating app for a set amount of time seems like a been-there, read-that kind of story. Ms. Flynn throws enough "new" in there to keep it interesting, though--and enough humor to keep me (snort) laughing--from the first page to the last. The parental guidance aspect was different (if kind of creepy) and the dates orchestrated by the app were really kind of neat. I loved Zara's dog Anchovy, and did I mention that Caleb's teammates cannot possibly have their own books fast enough to suit me? ;) That teaser for Cole's book made me want it right now...

So yes, I enjoyed the heck out of this book. It was a lot of fun to read, and more than made up for some less-than books that have crossed my path lately.

Plus, a hockey hero. You really can't go wrong with a hockey hero. Or a heroine with crazy red hair and freckles who creates tiny authors reading tiny books for a living. I mean really, what more can you want?

Rating: 4 stars / A-

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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2 stars
I so wanted to love this book so much, so much. But sadly, I couldn't even bring myself to finish it. It sounded promising, but it was just so.... blah.

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Parental Guidance is a fabulous start to this new series ! I am such a fan of Avery's way with words and characters that I can't help but fall in love with and their story.
Zara and Caleb are funny, cute, and laugh out loud funny. Neither one wants a relationship. Zara is a home buddy, workaholic miniture characture artist and Caleb is a star hockey player who is always in the spotlight . Zara is a feisty, honest red head packed into a petite package . Caleb is a burly athlete that finds the sassy Zara a bit refreshing . They are now both on a dating app that neither one wanted a part of. It is just five dates .....they can do it but they soon realize that no matter how much you think you don't have in common the more the pull towards one another !!
~~Michele McMullen ~~

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I love all of AF books and this was no different. I thought the characters were different, they were funny and I thought the book progressed right along. The storyline had me at the getgo and it kept me engaged. I would definitely recommend.

I was given this book from NetGalley. It does not in any way change my review or influence it.

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