Member Reviews

A delightful read! Kicking off a new Ice Knights hockey series, Avery Flynn brings her signature spunk to life with a set of unlikely-to-hook up characters who are stuck going on dates through a dating app. The hockey action was a bit light, but the characters were fresh and lots of fun to watch get into one mess after another. Well developed characters, funny dialogue and lots of spice made this a really enjoyable read!

When pro hockey player Caleb Stuckey finds himself in the middle of a PR nightmare, he has to suck it up and take one for the team in order to get himself out of it and back on track before the season starts again. Turns out Lucy the PR queen has cooked up a plan with none other than his mother to help him save face and make the fans not turn on him. How embarrassing is this going to be? His mommy is going to choose a date for him while controlling his dating app? C'mon!

Zara Ambrose doesn't need a man. She's doing just fine in life on her own, and has no use for the things they bring ... or don't bring ... into her life. If only her Dad wasn't guilting her into a favor at the same time that her BFF decides it's in her best interest to blow off some steam with a date ... make that five dates ... with some hockey stud. Just what she needs!

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Reviewed by Deborah from <a href="">Alpha Book Club</a> <br><img src="" width="150" height="150" alt="description"/> <img src="" width="150" height="150" alt="description"/>

Zara and Caleb have been set up to go on five dates by their parents and who knew you could even do that. Caleb needs an image overhaul to get back in the good graces of the hockey community and his mom is the key to it all. She gets to pick the woman he goes on five dates with unknowingly she picks someone that just might be his perfect match. Zara is anti-love and only wants to focus on her goal of being a successful artist of miniatures. Zara’s best friend throws a challenge to use a dating app that lets her father set up her on a date. If she goes on these dates her friend will let her get her work in front of a famous collector. Zara and Caleb are total opposites in every way and after their first interaction with one another you will want to keep reading. Their dates and chemistry will keep you guessing and wondering what will happen next. As they go on the five dates, they quickly put aside the rules they made at the beginning. It’s like a tug o war with their feelings and Zara keeping her feelings close to the vest. Caleb is all in and will fight for her till the end if she will just open her heart to him.

Their story is a romantic comedy that will sometimes make you laugh but then the other times the dialogue it a little too much. I love Caleb because he is like a soft teddy bear and sexy hockey player. He is all in the first time he meets Zara and it didn’t matter what he agreed to in the beginning he wanted her. Zara was stubborn and afraid to let people get close to her. I didn’t like her that much and I so wanted to but her pride would get in the way her relationships. Both characters had past that shaped them and they had good background to give them a great sense of depth. There is good writing in this story and the romance will keep you on your toes.

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Format: Kindle Edition
I have read a few of Avery Flynn’s books before and I have enjoyed every single one of them.
Parental Guidance had me laughing throughout the whole story. Zara and Caleb’s relationship starts off completely different to anything I have read before. I thought it was amazing and sets the rest of the story up so well.
The main reason I wanted to read this story was because sports romance novels are my favorite genre. If they happen to be about hockey I already know I am going to love it. The sports side to this novel is very light, but I wasn’t disappointed because the story was not really about that.
As this is the first book in the Ice Knights series, I can’t wait to read more. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book.

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Caleb saw a night out with his teammates turn into a PR nightmare. With the bad repercussion of the viral video, the only alternative left is to try to solve the situation. But the solution found has everything to be his worst nightmare.
Zara is a workaholic. Her profession as a miniatures artisan pay the bills, a fact very important to her, but her dream of having her work recognized is her main goal. With a difficult childhood, relationships are not in her plan because her entire focus is on her career.
But what does a famous hockey athlete and an artisan have in common? A profile in a dating application may be the answer.
Caleb is required to be part of launching a new app to cleanse his image. The icing on the cake? His mother will choose the woman, and interviews will be recorded and used as advertising. His own version of a reality show from hell. Zara, meanwhile, is blackmailed by her friend to participate in the experiment in exchange for an invitation to a party that can leverage her career, as well as pressured by her father, who is seeking a new endeavor doomed to failure.
Does Caleb's control freak and competitive mother, and Zara's dreamy, irresponsible, and somewhat eccentric father, hit their choices?
Forced to have a total of five dates together, the two make a pact to survive this fiasco. But as time passes and the dates progress, the two begin to trust each other, to share secrets and even admit that they are attracted to each other. And so, the most important rule among them, of not to get attached, may be hanging by a thread..
Add a huge dog who thinks he's human and has anxiety issues, creative dates, a TV presenter with indiscreet questions, and the hilarious merchandise scenes involving Zara's father, and we have a highly entertaining, funny, and even sweet book in some points.
Caleb is sweet, Zara irritates at the end, with the bullshit she tells Caleb when he just wanted to help her, and the team players show that they are more than just coworkers, they are a family.
A good lightweight book with a funny story and a couple with chemistry.

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Be still my heart <3 I absolutely am enamored with this novel! This book was so well written without being over the top cheesy. There are lots of laugh out loud moments, and i totally ship Caleb and Zara!! I love how Zara stays true to herself no apologies, take me or leave me, kind of girl. Finally a novel where a girl stays true to who she is vs changing herself for some dude! Also Caleb was great. You can tell he is more or less just wrong place, wrong moment, misunderstood type of guy! This was a one click read from page one and was so thankful to have an ARC of it! I defn found a new favorite author!!! Romance writing at it's finest right here in Avery Flynn

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This was a fun, easy read! I loved Zara and Caleb. I didn't quite get why he was the one who got in all the trouble for the video since he never opened his mouth, but I loved the result of his punishment :)

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Imagine if arranged dating was a real thing. Could you be happy with your mom or dad picking out your date for you? Yeah? Then step right up, the Bramble app is just what you’re looking for. This was the premise behind Parental Guidance (Ice Knights #1), a spin-off from the Hartigans’ series by Avery Flynn.
This is how Caleb a defenseman with the Ice Knights hockey team and Zara, a miniaturest meet. Caleb has gotten into some hot water with the management and his punishment is to fix his sucky media presence. Zara was basically blackmailed by her bestie into joining the dating site. They’re both pretty much about and not having a relationship. Zara works too hard and has zero time for outside interests, or so she thinks.
Caleb gives a lot to his team, and wants to focus on that for now, but things start to change once the go on their first date, even though Zara insists the make some rules and stick to them.
Rules are made to be broken, aren’t they?
The chemistry between these two was intense from the outset, however, until a lot of highly attracted couples out there in bookland, they keep their feelings to themselves. And their hands… well, to start with.
I loved the slow burn of this story, the getting to know them and meeting up with the secondary characters that had made appearances ‘Tomboy’. This was a fun, just a teensy bit angsty story that I loved. Can’t wait for the next book to come out.

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How would you feel if your parents took over your dating profile?

Because of a viral video fuckup, hockey player Caleb Stuckey is forced to go on a dating reality show where his mom picks out his date. Zara Ambrose is just trying to keep control of her life and advance her career as a miniatures artist when her best friend tells her to go on the dating show in exchange for a meeting with a top art collector. The rules are this: 5 dates, parental guidance after each date via TV interviews, then you’re home free. When Caleb & Zara meet for the first time, they both realize they are only there to get something and love is not it. They form an agreement to get through it but can they really stop after only 5 dates? I love a good fake relationship romance! This one was so fun. I loved the depth of the characters which shows in their getting to know each other but also each of their relationships with their parents. Caleb & Zara had sparks flying from the start and it only got better as they started to realize them.

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I thought this was a good read! The writing flowed well for me, and I liked Caleb and Zara together. I thought they had great chemistry, but it was frustrating watching them get in their own way about their relationship. Caleb came around a lot sooner than Zara, and I thought the argument that blew everything up was painful. Zara turned into a b**ch, and said some pretty horrible things to Caleb. Caleb only told her the truth. Caleb was still the one that made the grand gesture, even though I felt like that should have been on Zara. I loved Anchovy, he was a great dog, and added some funny moments to the story. I can't wait to find out what happens with the rest of these hockey players!
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book.

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I love this world that Avery Flynn has created! The Ice Knights game and Harbor City is on my wish list of places I wish I could travel too!

Imagine your parents picked your next date. I know I’d probably hate it. Giving up complete power. Caleb, however, has no choice. The concept of this book is so unique and I loved every minute of it!

This was such a fun, light read. Caleb and Zara’s banter is great. They have great chemistry and they become actual friends. Each is forced to be on the dates, but they have fun anyway. Which was not what either were expecting. It truly was a laugh out loud book. Let’s not forget the ultimate scene stealer, Anchovy! He’s hilarious and smart.

I’m so glad there are going to be more books in the series!. I love all the characters!

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This book was a barrel of laughs. The chemistry between Zara and Caleb is amazing, and puts all their five dates only and no strings attached BS in the dumpster where it belongs. Even funnier are their parents. The overbearing mother/hockey coach and a head in the clouds/dreamer dad are just fixing to get a novella of their own. You will meet up with characters from Hartigans and the Harbour City series. I can't wait to see what Avery has in store for the other Ice Knights. Definitely looking forward to Tess's book that is coming up next because she has always intrigued me. This is going to be a great new series.

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4.5 Stars
I always look forward to a book by Avery Flynn because I know I'm going to be for a great book and one you're just going to gobble up. I laughed a lot while reading this book. It packs the humor, but it also delivers on the feels. I love Avery Flynn's Ice Knights hockey series. the characters are great. I loved Zara. I want to be friends with her. Her quirky dog Anchovy is awesome. He just added so much to the book. You can't go wrong with adding pets to books. Caleb messed up big, but what should be torture to make it right may just be the best thing to ever happen to him. Zara and Caleb bring out the best in one another and great support for each other as well. I highly recommend this one! I can't wait for the next book in the series!!

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Avery Flynn’s latest romantic comedy is sweet, sexy and sassy, and it’s the perfect feel-good summer read. Caleb and Zara meet when they agree to allow their parents to take over their dating app profiles as part of a publicity stunt. Neither is looking for love and both are forthright about their reasons for agreeing to five public dates, but they soon find themselves enjoying each other’s company and leaning into their attraction. They are refreshing, well-matched romantic leads with chemistry that leaps off the page, and their evolution as a couple is both charming and romantic. The memorable cast of secondary characters, including their hilarious parents and a dog named Anchovy, adds to the entertainment and adorableness of this story, and you don’t want to miss Parental Guidance.

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3 stars
A very cute idea and the couple have all sorts of chemistry. What could go wrong with the 5 date rule... Well, I don't know, maybe feeling like they want more than the 5 dates, like maybe this is the real thing!

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Such a great book
5 stars

This book. Oh, this book. Every now and then I read a book that just grips me by the heart and holds on tight - and this book was it for me. It sucked me right in and I couldn’t stop reading - or thinking about it when I wasn’t able to read.

The first thing I noticed was that it’s witty as hell. I found myself laughing out loud and then highlighting the funny passages, banter and character ponderings as I read. Luckily, it was quite early on when I realised that if I continued, I would end up highlighting the whole damn book. It was just my kind of humour.

The story is a fun and unique take on the dating game - and a twist on the whole ‘fake relationship’ trope - seeing as Zara and Caleb are not a relationship and neither want to be. Right? Right.

But the story was so much more - and that was down to the truly excellent characters. Zara is everything you could want in a heroine. She’s feisty and funny with enough hang-ups and quirks to make her likeable and relatable. She’s insecure in some areas but it never feels like she’s moaning or looking for sympathy. But truly my favourite thing about her is that she’s never anyone but herself. She knows what she wants (and doesn’t want) and who she is and she’s not apologetic for it - but in the nicest possible way! She’s just fab.

And after that glowing character reference - I have to admit that Caleb was even better. Every single author should read about Caleb Stuckey and then make every single other hero in the world just like him. He was everything. He’s tough, kick-ass and knows what he wants - but it’s his vulnerabilities and fears that sucker punched me right in the heart. I felt for him so much which just added to his hotness. The perfect hero all round but more than that, the perfect hero for Zara.

And a quick shout-out to the other hero of the book - Anchovy. I love a dog in a romance novel and Anchovy was a dog and a half. I hope he pops up in the other books in the series.

Speaking of series’, this is the first book in the Ice Knight series. However, the Ice Knights’ captain, Zach Blackwell, is the hero from Tomboy, part of the Hartigans’ series. Zach appears in this book (as does Fallon) and there are a few references to their love story - but this book does stand completely alone. But, trust me, you’re going to want to go back and read Tomboy, and all the rest of Avery’s books - much like I’m about to do. And I CANNOT WAIT for the rest in the Ice Knights’ series where I hope to see Petrov, Christianson and Phillips (with or without Marti) meet their matches.

Ms Flynn’s writing style is so easy to read that it belies just how clever it really is. It’s witty, fun, fresh and by God it keeps you reading and reading - and falling further and further in love with her characters as you go.

I honestly cannot recommend this book enough. It’s one of my best reads of the year so far and I am now a firm fan of Avery Flynn. A definite 5 stars.

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Haha!! Totally smitten with this sweet and adorably hilarious romantic comedy! Over the last year or so I have read at least four Avery Flynn books and I'm just so happy to have found an author this just plan tickles me pink!! I love the storyline of a hockey player being disciplined and the punishment is his mom taking over his dating life... or at least with an app he doesn't really want to do... I mean, don’t you just FEEL the hilarity coming for ya?!

In my odd way of reading between the lines, I like the deeper meaning that it isn't ok to just let things happen around you. We should always stand up for what's right. But more so, hockey players should be defending their teammates even if it's from a verbal assault behind someone's bad. Anyway, Zara and Caleb are fabulous together!! I laughed throughout their troubled road while getting where they need to be. I sure hope Avery Flynn keeps these quick-witted and fun characters and storylines coming! I can't seem to get enough of them!

I received an ARC of this book with the hope that I would leave an Unbiased Opinion. I was not required to leave a review, positive or otherwise, and my opinions are just that... my opinions.

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Parental Guidance is the first book in Avery Flynn’s Ice Knights series, a spin-off from her Hartigans series. Although it is not necessary to read the Hartigans books first, I do recommend reading them for a lot of fun. When you reach the end of Tomboy, the third book in the series, you’ll be desperate for more of the Ice Knights. Therefore, whilst it’s not necessary to read one to enjoy the other I do recommend reading both series.

In truth, I did not enjoy Parental Guidance as much as I enjoyed the Hartigans books. Despite this, Parental Guidance had me hooked throughout. I powered through the book in a single sitting, addicted in all the best ways. It was a quick and easy read, one filled with quite a few laugh out loud moments, and by the end I was desperate for more of the series.

In many ways, Parental Guidance reminds me of the first Hartigans book. It was a lot of fun and promised plenty of great things to come, although it wasn’t quite everything I had expected. It’s a book filled with promise, and with the way my love of the Hartigans series grows with each book I’m sure the same is going to be true for the Ice Knights series. This first book may not have been perfect, but it’s ensured I’ll be back for more.

Overall, Parental Guidance is perfect for a quick read. If you’re a fan of Avery Flynn’s Hartigans series, you certainly need to pick this one up. There’s no doubt this is another series I’ll be addicted to.

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5 Dates and 5 Stars!

Parental Guidance by Avery Flynn was precisely the feel good, laugh-out-loud book I expected. Not only did the author explore some hot button topics in this book, but she set them in the backdrop of of a mother choosing a date for her son, and a father doing the same for his daughter! How can you resist that premise?!

Zara is a workaholic miniatures artist (I learned this is an actual thing!), while Caleb is a hockey player with the Ice Knights. He got himself in hot water when he kept quiet when teammates were commenting about the women they banged, and it was taped. Of course, the conversation went viral! And since Caleb was the most senior there, it was expected he set his teammates straight. To fix his reputation, and save one player from being drafted, he agreed to allow his manager mother to set him up on 5 dates to be reviewed on a morning show. Zara got pulled into 5 dates by her father who is looking for his SAG card and her best friend who believes Zara needs to have some fun in her life.

The results are a messed up but wonderful look as their worlds collide, complete with a Great Dane named Anchovy (I loved this dog!). I knew from the beginning I’d love this book! When there’s a reference to Loki, and you can just picture it, you know you’ve struck gold!

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of Net Galley and Entangled Publishing. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely.

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Okay, I’m going to be real honest here. A hockey player having to fix his image, a dating app with parent involvement, and two adults that don’t even want to be on the app? I. AM. HERE. FOR. IT. Then I got to the female lead and PUMP THE BREAKS, a miniature artisan. Um what? How was I going to get invested in this randomness? Then all of a sudden I was half way through this book wanting to be friends with Zara, and completely and utterly invested in both her and Caleb. Avery Flynn’s hilarious writing pulled me all the way in and I COULD NOT PUT THIS DOWN.

I was cry-laughing at Zara’s Dad’s antics when they were first being interviewed on the morning show. I loved it. This is a rom-com at its finest. Not only was I laughing, but I was also feeling the emotions of the characters. I cannot say enough about this book, and I’m so excited for it to be out in the world for everyone to enjoy!

Thank you to Social Butterfly PR, Entangled, and Avery Flynn for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!!

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Oh, relationship pacts never end as cleanly as the H/h expect them to! And it's no different for Caleb and Zara in parental guidance. Thanks to some pressure from their respective parents, they meet on a dating app and set out to go on 5 dates and nothing more. But the best laid plans, and all that!

When it comes time for their 5 dates to end, can Caleb convince Zara to take a chance on something more?

The characters have a nice connection, cute banter and are fun together. The supporting players on Caleb's hockey team seemed to take up more page time than I would have liked, but I'm sure AF was planing the seeds for those subsequent books.

What didn't sit well with me was the viral video that was about to ruin Caleb's career. It didn't seem like that big of a deal to me and it was just kind of dropped. It set up the story for him to meet Zara, but I dind't think it was that awful to begin with.

I received an advanced copy and voluntarily left a review.

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