Member Reviews

I read Tomboy by Avery Flynn a few months ago and was introduced to a few of the Ice Knights, so when I found out that Caleb (an Ice Knight) had his own story I was so excited! Thank you to Entangled Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Caleb is in a PR nightmare and to make things right with the Ice Knights front office he has to agree to go on 5 dates with someone that his mom chooses for him through a dating app. Zara’s best friend pushes her to enter the same dating app and as fate would have it the two end up matching and agreeing upon 5 dates. That’s when the story really picks up. Zara and Caleb aren’t exactly falling over each other when they first meet, but of course that changes the more they get to know each others vulnerabilities, deepest secrets and fears.

Flynn writes some steamy sexy scenes and the ones with Caleb and Zara were hot! I enjoyed all of the secondary characters and getting to see Fallon and Zach again (loooove them). I read this book over the course of one weekend and am looking forward to the next in the series.

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this was an okay book, it wasn't very romantic, more like a romantic comedy though. I will keep going when the second book comes out though more than likely.

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After reading Tomboy I was really hoping for more of the Ice Knights and Avery Flynn did not disappoint! I could not put this one down. It was funny and charming but also had some seriousness in spots.

First, I adored Zara and Caleb. I loved how different they were but how they made sense at the same time. I also really liked Jasper and Brittany. You could tell they were great parents but also made some mistakes. I love Avery Flynn's writing style and loved the dual point of view. I cannot wait to read the next book in this series!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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I really enjoyed the setup of this book, with Caleb and Zara's parents having responsibility for matching them on the dating app. The story started off a little slow for me, with a good bit of setup and the first couple dates them treating things like a business deal/agreement. Once they both warmed up to each other and their mutual interest began to grow, I liked watching Caleb and Zara try to delay the remainder of the 5 dates and sneak in extra time together. Cute story and entertaining.
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I have to say this was an incredibly fun entertaining story that made me laugh and tear up! A story with a definite difference!
I just loved the premise of the storyline! A dating app that uses the guidance of your parents??? Strange??? Somewhat!! Does it work?? Well you have to read it for yourself to find out! This is a story that centers on Caleb and Zara! Yes there are rules, dates and a whole lot of fun conversations/banter!
Zara is a woman with a strong will and tells it like it is, who had an interesting job and I especially loved her huge dog! What fun he was! Add Caleb, the hot hockey player into the mix, well you are definitely in for a treat! Then add his teammates into the mix as well and oh boy!!
I just loved the comradery, the friendships, family and the sense that you should jump into something fun, you never know what you might miss out on! I literally cannot wait for more of this series as Im sure the author will write something equally amazing!

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Hilarious new romcom by Avery Flynn. I not only fell in love with Caleb and Zara and their ultimate genuineness, but also their adorable banter, hot chemistry and all around charming odd pairing (which is perfectly made for each other). Parental Guidance will melt your heart and tickle your funny bone.

Can you imagine your mother setting you up on your next date? I'd rather stick a stick in my eye.

Then can you imagine that your mother is involved because you've screwed up - viral-video-level screwed up and she's now involved to help save not only your image, but also that of the team you play for. I'd still rather pick death, but...

Caleb opts for five dates and saving his face and that of his team. Not only does Caleb go on the dates, he does it with humility, humor, and he finds that he actually enjoys them more than expected.

Zara is a small redhead filled with lots of gumption, saying what she thinks, and Caleb can't help it, he's drawn to her instantly. However, they both decide their "dates" are just for the duration of his penalty and once he's out of the sin bin they can each go their separate ways, even if each date proves to be less and less of a punishment. How can he spin this to keep her without breaking all the rules once again?

Zara joins the dating app on a bet and decides to go on the dates to help her dad. Once she meets Caleb she knows that rules must be instituted, a man who landed himself in his predicament obviously needs guidance and Zara is a woman who likes order, rules and she isn't about to let Caleb get past her defenses. Five dates and that's it, no matter how charming and sexy he is.  

Caleb and Zara set out, each with their own goals to meet, never expecting that their goals would mesh in the middle and that they might actually have a good time. Who would expect that having your mother pick out your date would actually mean having a good time on one?? Certainly not either of them.

Pick up Parental Guidance and hold on to your funny bone because it will be tickled over and over again.

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I love me a hockey romance I know I always say this but this is another one I loved loved it was so funny and cute and steamy!!! Everything I love in a book. Anyone that loves a sports or let me say hockey romance should read this one!!!

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I read the excerpt for this book at the end of Tomboy and pre-ordered it right away. What a thrill to receive an ARC!

Parental Guidance opens with Caleb agreeing to go on Bramble for PR reasons, and Zara to help her dad get his SAG card and to convince her best friend she isn't all work and routine. They don't expect to like each other, but both agree to continue the five dates and then move on.

Zara and Caleb are very work focused and creatures of habit; Caleb as a pro hockey player and Zara is a miniatures artist, currently working on a piece featuring female authors for a library benefit (I loved this!) Having the pressure off lets them show their true selves to each other and of course they fall for each other. But what are they going to do about that five date agreement and who's going to admit they want more first?

Readers will see more of the Ice Knights (that we were introduced to in Tomboy) and Caleb's role on the team. It's all new for Zara, who doesn't watch hockey so she has no preconceptions or expectations of Caleb, unlike everyone else in his life.

Parental Guidance is such a fun contemporary romance, I couldn't put it down. Zara and Caleb's relationship develops as they both work on some of the issues that led them into online dating in the first place. Zara's dog, Anchovy, has some hilarious moments. No spoilers for the dates that are arranged by the app but they're also fun. This is my favourite Avery Flynn book so far!

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In Parental Guidance, hockey player Caleb Stuckey gets caught in a viral video in which he is completely silent while his teammates bash the girls that they’ve slept with which deems him a Horrible Dirtbag in the media. In order to clean up his image and save his teammates from team trading, a plan is devised in the form of the dating application Bramble. Bramble offers a Parental Guidance feature that allows your parents to pick your date for five times.
Hello: Zara Ambrose. Zara is a workaholic artist with a spunky demeanor who loves her dad enough to go through with this dating experiment to help him for his own personal gain. I.e neither Caleb nor Zara particularly wants to be dating the other. They in turn form a coalition where they agree to stick out the five dates for their own personal gain with rules galore of the no-touching variety. Yeah, you can see how this turns out.
This was a quintessential fake-dating story that held a lot of repetitious conversations between characters and repeated internal reasoning for why each character should not be with the other person. There were some endearing moments— Zara’s dog Anchovy really steals the show with his antics, however a dog alone cannot save an entire story from dragging and repeating. Sorry, now I’m repeating.
3 stars, because I smiled a time or two, but I was frequently annoyed by the repetition and feels-done-before fake dating trope.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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I love the concept of your parents finding your perfect mate. That’s the premise of this book. Five dates was the agreement. What happens before date five is a beautiful story.

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Fun, fluffy, and charming are all perfect descriptions of Parental Guidance by Avery Flynn. Caleb has royally messed up. The viral video featuring him in an uber with his hockey teammates talking about girls they've slept with made him out to be a Grade A Dirtbag. If he wants to have any hope of redeeming his reputation and keeping his friend on the team, he's got to do something to get out of this. Enter Bramble - the dating app with a new Parental Guidance feature - your parents pick your date and you have to go out with them five times.

Zara is completely absorbed in her work. She's a miniatures artisan, scraping by with her Etsy store but wanting to branch out to do more artistic works. It's not unusual for her to spend 10+ hours in her home/studio working under the supervision of her Great Dane, Anchovy. When her best friend bribes her to give in to this Bramble thing and help her dad get a SAG card, Zara reluctantly gives in.

I really enjoyed the characters in this story. Caleb was a sweetheart and Zara was fiesty and adorable. I loved their banter, plus all the kissing parts. They both had clear motivations and baggage and seemed pretty realistic and well-rounded, which isn't always the case with romance novels.

I think my biggest complaint about this novel is that it's forgettable. In two weeks, I probably won't remember the title, let alone the characters or storyline. It was an enjoyable read, but some parts were just a bit too cheesy, even for me.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC!

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After getting to know a little bit about Caleb in the previous series, I was so excited Avery decided to give us his story! As somewhat of the golden boy of the Ice Knights, all Caleb has ever wanted was to fit in, but when that leads him to hot water with the city and the team, he agrees to whatever he needs to do in order to continue doing what he loves. Zara has a quirky job, quirky dog, and quirky personality, but it doesn’t stop her from putting everyone but herself first. When her best friend blackmails her and her dad guilt trips her into signing up for a dating app, she has low expectations. Thankfully, with Caleb’s mother picking his dates, the two get matched and come to an agreement that changes everything. I really love the approach to comedic romance that Avery takes in this book, much like her others as well. The premise of this storyline is unique yet contemporary and it works so well for readers! I really enjoyed this book and can’t wait to see the next Ice Knight who falls for a girl!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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When I saw the synopsis of this book, it sounded a bit quirky and funny so I figured why not give it a chance? I am glad that I did because this sports romantic comedy had me laughing and some places and happy sighing in others. The concept behind the dating app, Bramble, is quite comical albeit unrealistic because it involves 5 dates and the parents are involved in picking out who they date followed up by TV interviews. Both Caleb and Zara really don’t want to participate, but they each have their reasons for doing so.

I really liked Caleb, a defenseman for the Iced Knights. He lands himself in hot water and I admire that he would do what it takes to protect his team. He has some personal struggles and the author does a beautiful job of showing how it has affected his approach to life. Zara is a likable character as well. She a miniatures artisan who craves stability and order given how she grew up. She is full of sass and I love her sarcastic nature. Zara and Caleb make an unlikely pair, but the two of them together just work. Each date is unique and fun to read and there are a few steamy scenes. The question is, will they admit their growing feelings towards each other and what will happen after those 5 dates?

The secondary characters are a hoot. Zara’s dad is absolutely hilarious when they all have to do the reality TV portion. Caleb’s mom is a ballbuster and I found the banter between the two parents to be quite entertaining. Caleb’s teammates and Zara’s best friend are also great additions to the book.

If you are looking for a light-hearted romantic comedy with likable characters, then you will enjoy this book. I received Parental Guidance for free and I am looking forward to read more books from her Ice Knights series.

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I swear even though my name is patricia I am not a horrid little nit when I tell you to READ THIS BOOK! Caleb and Zara are hilarious! Both are so jaded by life but go through with this horrid idea because both have a lot on the line!

I loved how the story was written! Dialogue and setting seemed to flow perfectly and I loved how we had an inside to both characters during crucial moments! I wasn’t left wondering anything and I felt a part of the action! This book was refreshing because it was a twist to the “fake boyfriend” tropes we see a lot! I also enjoyed seeing some of my fave Avery Flynn characters and can’t wait for more!

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Parental Guidance was a light and fluffy romcom, but I don't think it was for me. There were some little things that bothered me, like the inconsistency with Zara and Gemma's friendship (have they been friends for only 2 years or since grade school?), the repeated use of the phrase "bag of dicks", and the specific mention of Fallon Hartigan. I normally don't mind when authors include little cameos of characters from their other books, especially if it takes place in the same world, but this is the first novel of a new series, so I don't understand why this particular character had to be mentioned so often. It was a little jarring because I thought I was missing out on some things since she was brought up repeatedly.

I also feel like Zara and Caleb's relationship wasn't well developed. I don't understand why the rules had to be so strictly enforced in the first place and we don't really get a sense of what they see in each other besides physical attraction. I was also hoping for some resolution about Zara's hesitation with Caleb pertaining to his lifestyle as an athlete, but the conflict in the end has nothing to do with it. There was potential with this story, but ultimately it fell a little short for me.

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Five Stars!

What a cute read! It’s everything I love in a romance. These two really didn’t want to do the dating app but both did and they both had rules. But rules are meant to be broken. And Caleb and Zara both broke the rules. Five dates and nothing more but what they didn’t realize is they didn’t need five dates. These two were perfectly paired. They fit each other even though they were opposites. And in the end they did get their happily ever after.

Parental Guidance is a must read romance. You get all the emotions and you get a lot of belly laughs with this read.

Highly recommended to any romance lover.

Andrea B
Reviewer for Everything Marie Book Blog.

*I was given an advanced copy of this book by Net Galley in exchange for my honest and voluntary review. All thoughts and opinions are those of my own.*

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I really enjoyed reading Avery Flynn's Hartigans series earlier this year so I was excited that she's starting a new series set in that world. The last book, Tomboy, introduced Caleb Stuckey and the rest of the Harbor City Ice Knights hockey team. Zach and Fallon from that book appear in Parental Guidance, along with Lucy from Muffin Top and Mrs. Carlysle from the original Harbor City series.

I enjoyed the romance between Caleb and Zara. The Fake Relationship is one of my favorite tropes and Flynn put an interesting twist on it here. I love it when everyone except the main characters sees how they feel about each other! But the other elements of the story fell a bit short for me. I wanted more build up to the first date and explanation of the dating app plan. There's a reveal at the end that fills in some of the blanks, but I wished that more had been done with that information.

I thought Zara's career as a miniature artist was so interesting. I kept thinking of Anna Farris's character in What's Your Number even though her style is supposed to be quite different. I loved her apartment in the movie so Zara's apartment looked a lot like that too. But mostly I'm intrigued by the guys on the hockey team and I'm looking forward to more of their stories.

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I fell in love with Avery's romance books with The Hartigans Series and now I hope to have more sporys romance on the horizon with the Ice Knights.

Caleb and Zara are the perfect duo to trudge through the Brambles app. They both got blackmailed into doing it, but that left the readers with a perfect recipe for romance shenanigans. What I loved most was all the quirks they had and the chemistry was off the charts. It's amazing what happens when you have an athlete with strong matetnal figure and a daddy's girl with an absentee father. Is it going to be Cole, Phillip or Petrov for book two? Either way, I can't wait

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**4-4.5 stars**

Hot Hockey Players √ Sexy Times √ Laugh-out-Loud Humor √

Avery Flynn has scored another winner with Parental Guidance, the first book in her new Ice Knights series! This story was so much fun to read!

Caleb & Zara may have been opposites in many ways, but I loved these two together. Their chemistry couldn’t be denied. I loved their “dates” and how much fun they had together. You couldn’t help but root for these two and their HEA! I also have to give a shout out to Zara’s adorable Great Dane “Anchovy”. Loved him!

Avery brings on the sexy, sweet and fun times in Parental Guidance and I can’t wait for more in this series!

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After being introduced to the Ice Knights in Tomboy I was hoping with all hope that we would get to see these guys again. So I pretty much squealed and then jumped on the chance to read this book as soon as I learned there was going to be a series for these players. And then once I got my hands on it I pretty much devoured it in one sitting. I'm not even sorry because this story was brilliant.

I loved Zara and her take-no-crap attitude. She made no apologies for who she was and never tried to conform to other people's wants. Which I thought was really fun to read about and it's a quality that I love to see in my heroines. Caleb seemed to like her sass just as much as I did and I really enjoyed that about him. These two fit so well together and they had me smiling like a crazy person on more than one occasion. They are definitely high up on the list of my favorite Avery Flynn characters.

The bottom line is, you need to read this book. It had so many adorable moments that made me happy sigh, and the characters were so easy to fall in love with. I already know I'll definitely be re-reading this book many times in the future. I made the mistake of reading the little teaser for the next book so now I'm going to be even more impatient to get my hands on some more of these hockey players.

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