Member Reviews

Wren and Lincoln blew me away! From the beginning you could feel the connection that these two had. From the very first night they met and Wren took care of Lincoln you could tell she knew they had immense chemistry. Lincoln was the perfect book boyfriend. Standing up for what he believes in. From a rich family but does charity work in Guatemala. Perfection!

I loved watching these two fall for each other and unravel the mystery that is Lincoln's family. There were some laugh out loud moments and while listening to the story I was smiling a lot. The plot was interesting and I loved the characters. Both of them had strong moral compasses which served them well.

I'd love a follow up story with this group and where the family ends up!

I listened to this one on audio and absolutely loved the narration. It really got me into the story and I enjoyed listening to the snark and animation of the characters. Great story!

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Helena Hunting has gone and kicked it out of the park once again, throwing me into a plot of heat and humor, but there was more than that. This was different in a sense. I mean it is still a classic Helena Hunting book, and a perfect addition to the Shacking Up Series, but I felt it was a little deeper than her other books and that's not bad at all. Sometimes I need light reads, sometimes I need deeper reads. This one was in the middle.

Lincoln wasn't exactly close to his CEO father, but father passes away he is expected to take his fathers position and a position he never wanted in the first place but everyone is looking to him to lead the business on.

When Wren Sterling is put in charge of his PR work. She is the one that is meant to keep in out of trouble. But they never said anything about keeping out of each other's beds. Sparks fly between the two and they find themselves tangled up together. Rolls were reversed and who was meant to be the handler is now being handled in the bedroom... And it was insanely hot. Damn this author can write heat.
So. Much. Heat
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The chemistry between these two was on fire, the push, the pull, the way they tangled into each other. Both their personalities being the opposite you wouldn't think would work, but they bounced off each other. It was addictive... AND HOT.. Have I mentioned this was hot as hell?

This was more than just heat and humor... This family holds secrets, ones that could course more drama than anyone would want. It kept my attention and I couldn't put down until I found out more and more about this family, the drama and secrets and of course where Wren and Lincoln end up.

Highly addictive, extremely hot, and full of laugh-out-loud moments, Helena Hunting delivered an epic plot that had me invested from page one.

5 Stars

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Handle With Care by Helena Hunting is such a treat to read. It was Loaded with Full of Hot Moments, Humor, Romance, Comedy. I Could not put it down. It was Amazing.

I Highly Recommend it to all Readers. A 5 STAR READ FOR ME.

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I absolutely adore this author first oglf all! Everything I have ever read by Helena has been amazing and she is always a 5 star author for me. The romances are always so beautifully written and I always get hit right in the feels. This book is no differnt and gets all my love and praise. If you're looking for good romance and something that will wreck your heart then Helena is the author for you!

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I left a 4 star rating when I read this book 3 years ago but didn't write a formal review. I am marking the rating here to move this book off my shelf.

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Watching these two go from sniping at each other to friends is so refreshing. I absolutely loved this book so much! Their chemistry is off the charts hot and their banter is so damn perfect you’ll just fall completely for them.

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Lincoln Moorhead’s life is in the tank. He was spent most of his life avoiding his family. His parents sham of a marriage and his douchebag younger brother made it east to want to be far away from them. But when his father does he has no choice but to one back into the spotlight. He would much rather be in a different country helping those in need.

Wren Sterling has the task of transforming Lincoln from rough mountain man to a refined man who could take over for his father as CEO. His attitude towards her softens and though she knows getting involved with him will turn her life upside down she can’t help falling for him.

I really liked this story!! Wren was a great heroine and I loved her spunk. Lincoln has a shitty immediate family, well except for G-Mom. When his life is int he shitter he finds Wren and with her help he is able to overcome some of his past and realize that maybe not everything is as it seemed for him and his father.

I loved that Lincoln hated his brother as much as I’m everyone who has read this series from the beginning has! I also loved that he isn’t afraid to stand up to his mother and take out his brother if need be! I really hope we get Hope’s story!! I want to know more about her and I feel like her story would be a great one!!

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I was looking at what I was reading last year at this time and saw I was reading Handle with Care by Helena Hunting , so I looked up my review to share it and realized I somehow never reviewed it! So I went back through my notes and found the review, almost finished, but not quite. Then I remembered that it was also the same week I filed for divorce, so I had a good excuse for not finishing. So I just did a quick re-read via audible and loved it again. Helena Hunting never really disappoints, and the Shacking Up Series is one I truly love.

(Bookstagram photo)

Wren is a PR consultant who was hired by Moorehead media to clean up the messes that the younger Moorehead son, Armstrong, kept making. When Armstrong’s father, the head of Moorehead Media passed away, the grandmother asked Lincoln, the older brother, to stay home and help run the empire for the next 6 months.

Lincoln works building homes in poor countries. His humanitarian efforts are all he wants to do and the big city is the last place he wants to be. He is certainly not at home wearing suits and conducting business. So Wren is given the additional responsibility of whipping the older Moorehead into shape.

"Better get used to me, Lincoln. I'm going to be like your shadow for the next several months."

Lincoln is gruff and angry to be pulled away from his life’s mission to have to wear a stuffy suit and run a business. But he has a heart of gold and will help his grandmother because she asked. Wren takes none of his crap. If she was able to control Armstrong's wandering pervert hands (headlock for the win!) she could certainly handle Lincoln’s brooding behavior.

(quote graphic)

I loved their banter! Hate-to-love is probably my favorite kind of story because I love all the banter that happens before they give in to their feelings. Lincoln and Wren were perfect for each other, and Helena’s writing had me smiling the whole time.

"You know, Wren, until you came along, I didn't think love like this was possible." I smile up at him. "You just needed someone who could handle how amazing you are."


•Stood alone perfectly but is even better if you have read the ones before.
•Helena writes amazing banter.
•Not too angsty.
•Wren was an amazing, tough woman and I loved her.
•It took a little time to like Lincoln, and I loved that I didn’t love him right away.
•Some of the plot twists surprised me.
•Great communication between the couple.
•Lincoln & Wren were adults who didn’t play games.
•Villains you love to hate.


•Some of the family drama was just too over-the-top.

The Narration:
Andi Arndt and Jacob Morgan were absolutely perfect for the characters of Wren and Lincoln. I read it the first time and listened the second and feel like they really brought the characters to life.

The Down & Dirty:
Handle with Care by Helena Hunting may just be my favorite of the Shacking Up Series. Not only did it make me so happy to see Armstrong get put in his place, but I just loved getting to know and love Lincoln. Loving the heroine is so important to me loving a book and Wren was awesome. They had a mature relationship without silly misunderstandings, a rarity in romcoms. While this one wasn’t quite as over-the-top funny as other Helena Hunting books, it didn’t need to be. It was still a happy, sexy, feel-good romance that I loved both times through.

Rating: 4.5 Stars, 4 Heat, 5 Narration

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This was a sweet conemporary romance. I liked Wren and Licoln as a couple. Both had major secrets held by parents but they didn't let that affect their romance. 3 stars

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Love love, double loved!

Here’s what I loved:
These characters are phenomenal. I adored both Lincoln and Wren. Wren is a boss babe who didn’t take meds from anymore! Not her employer or her douchey son, Armstrong. She’s talented, honest, and about her business. We could totally be best friends!

Lincoln was in such a tough situation, but he always did what was right and put others before himself. I loved him immensely.

Those two know how to steam up a boardroom! I love that this was an office romance with a hint of forbidden romance.

There was a bit of OTT family drama, but it worked well with the plot and overall execution of the novel!

This was a super fun listen! The narrators were awesome and really pulled me into the story. Overall a supremely enjoyable read! Recommended!

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Disclaimer: I received an Advance Reader Copy at no cost from the publisher/author. All opinions in my review are my own.

I recently read my first book by Helena Hunting. It was the book prior to this one in the Shacking Up series. When I read that book I knew that I had stumbled onto something special. Helena Hunting is a remarkable storyteller. The way that she can capture emotions, lives, and moments is brilliant.

This book completely enlisted my attention from the start. I was very curious about Lincoln after reading Making Up. His story did not disappoint. I loved the enemies to lovers trope mixed with an office/work romance.

Wren is a strong female lead character. She is ambitious, she knows what she wants, and she goes after it. She isn't a pushover either. She works hard and doesn't rely on anyone else. I adored her. She is a character that is so easy to connect with and her confidence is inspiring. Lincoln was such a sweet and broody male lead character. He is called back to the city to run his family's company when he would rather be doing samaritan work in other countries. He likes to stay away from his family's drama. Even though he can butt heads with the best of them, underneath he is generous and kind.

Wren and Lincoln have some excellent banter. The chemistry was there from the start. Even when they weren't getting along. Once the romance finally made an appearance it was the perfect mix of steamy and sweet. Their attraction was undeniable.

Overall, this was an excellent love story that was entertaining and heartfelt. I am sort of sad that this will be the last book in this series as I have come to love these characters. Helena Hunting will forever be an insta-read author for me from here on out. I am so jazzed to read more from her!

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Another great book by Helena Hunting.

If you are looking for a fun super romantic read this one is for you, in fact this applies for any book by this author, she is so good at creating wonderful and insightful stories that create butterflies in your stomach and stay with you long after you finish reading them.

In this book we have two amazing characters that managed to make their relationship work despite many set backs and Wren is such a role model it was refreshing to read about a woman who is in control of her life and calls the shots.

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Handle with Care by Helena Hunting is great romance novel with wonderful characters. I loved Wren as a heroine.

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***I received an ebook copy from the author at no cost***

Helena has so many good series and, next to the Pucked novels, the Shacking Up ones are my favorite.

Handle with Care is the fifth book in the Shacking Up series. This tale focuses on Lincoln Moorehead. In lieu of working for the family business, and thus having to deal with their drama as well, he spends his time working on charitable causes in third world countries. This fills his cup and keeps him happy.

And then he’s called back home in the wake of his father’s death. Afraid that the younger generation might bring some negative attention to the family, Lincoln’s mom hires a publicist, Wren, to ensure that the Moorehead name stays relatively untarnished.

As it turns out, Wren and Lincoln get along well … VERY well. The two click, sparks fly, and there’s a nice slow-burn filled with so much UST it’s not even funny. Their banter is fun and flirty and, the more they get to know one another, the more each realizes just how amazing they could be if they were with one another.

Fear not, there’s more to this story than just romantic comedy. Hunting weaves a bit of thrill and mystery into the pages, which leaves readers craving to learn more and guessing what could be going on along the way.

Hunting’s writing is good, the characters are well-developed and relatable, and the story reads easily. If you’re a fan of the other books in this series, then you definitely need to grab this book and give it a read.

If you haven’t discovered the genius that is Helena Hunting yet, then please grab any one of her books and give it a go.

Five stars to this novel!

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I really want to love this like everyone else seemed to, but I have such a hard time with this writing style. It just lacks a bit of.... substance for me I guess. I know this book has great humor and is really well liked by many readers, so I think this is a me problem and not a problem with the book

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Once again, Hunting hits it out of the park! Love Lincoln and Wren!!! I feel like a broken record but it's true- Hunting never fails to make me laugh and swoon.

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Love the Shacking Up series and this installment is no exception!

Lincoln and Wren were great, totally fabulous and I loved them!

The back and forth banter in this book had me snorting and the sexy times? S.T.E.A.M.Y

And one final note....the title of this book totally fit this story....and guess what, I loved that as well!

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Helena Hunting really did amazing job writing about a big burly man, Lincoln, who transforms into a classy multimillionaire CEO, who is a truly good man that has a heart of gold especially for his G-mom.
Wren has been hired to manage his brother the constant playboy of the family, Armstrong, but when their father passes away her contract is extended. Wren needs to help turn the burly Lincoln into a CEO that can help the Moorehead Media business.
However, while dealing with each other and the craziness of life the two find themselves falling for each other. But with great love comes great conflict. Grab Ms. Hunting's book to see how they figure out the business world with a side order of love.

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Author Helena Hunting did something in Handle With Care that very few authors manage to do, she wrote a complex story filled with a couple of plot twists that I didn’t manage to figure out completely which is a rarity for me. Handle With Care was a more serious story than the other stand alone books in her Shacking Up series, not only did I love this story but it is one of my favorite books of 2019.

This book ticked all my boxes when it comes to contemporary romance:

→ Nice guy hero with a heart of gold despite his brooding nature

→ Smart, capable, self-sufficient heroine

→ Sexual chemistry that leaps off the page

→ Conflict comes from outside sources not from within their relationship

→ Learn early on that communication between them is key

→ An epilogue that makes me happy

Following the death of his father, a father according to him in name only, Lincoln Morehead returns to New York from where he’s been building homes and helping communities in developing countries, something near and dear to his heart, and at the request of his paternal grandmother (G-Mom to him) agrees to 6 months as CEO of Morehead Media. The one bright spot in it all is Wren Sterling, a PR consultant and “handler” for lack of a better word. After cleaning up Lincoln’s younger brother’s indiscretions over and over, she agrees to a contract of helping Lincoln emerge as the capable head of Morehead Media. From the minute they meet there is chemistry, a whole lot of verbal foreplay, and a mutual respect for one another neither one would probably admit.

I loved that Lincoln was a bit of a fish out of water at the start and Wren managed to help him get comfortable not only in his new role but in his new clothes when he wasn’t giving her a show by being out of them trying to prove a point. There was a bit of cat and mouse going on, but above all Wren was worried about the professionalism of them becoming involved. There was so much I appreciated about this story including that both Lincoln and Wren were grown-ups, they didn’t play games and they communicated quite well throughout this book. I loved that even before they got involved there was a trust between them and Lincoln discovered early on that Wren grounded him. Wren wasn’t quite as open as Linc, but over time she did realize that she needed to share parts of her life with him that she’d never told anyone else she’d been close to. These two burned up every surface they touched together proving that no matter how hard they tried to stay away their passion won out.

Lots of twists and turns kept me guessing at every turn only adding to my enjoyment of this very well thought out and well written story.

I have always enjoyed Helena Hunting’s work, but for me Handle With Care is not only my favorite book in this series, it is my favorite book she’s written. I feel like she took her writing up a notch in this one and I am already looking forward to a re-read.

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