Member Reviews

I’ve really enjoyed the majority of this series. Most of the books were the perfect recipe of funny and heartwarming. I would get the warm giddy feeling of reading a perfect book. Making Up and me just didn’t vibe. The challenges the couple faced just went from crazy to eye rolling. The small part that I didn’t enjoy about Handle With Care was more or less the same as the previous book. I definitely enjoyed Handle With Care more.

I voluntarily read an early copy.

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Handle With Care is the last book (for now!) in Helena Hunting's Shacking Up series. It is centered on Lincoln Moorehead, the cousin of Bancroft, Lexington, and Griffin Mills and brother of douchecanoe Armstrong who have all appeared in the previous books. Lincoln is back in NYC after his father unexpectedly dies of a heart attack and surprisingly, is named to succeed to him as CEO of Moorehead media. Wren is a PR consultant who was hired by Lincoln's late father to clean up his younger brother Armstrong's messes and she is also contracted by his mother to make sure Lincoln appears the part of CEO. She fears that he will be just as much of a mess as his brother.

I loved this book! I loved that both Lincoln and Wren could hold their own with each other and truly felt like equals.I also really enjoyed Lincoln's moral compass, as I think that's something we don't see enough in romance novels (especially when billionaires are involved!) While reading about Armstrong sucks, the family drama was so interesting and made me want to keep reading just to see how it was all going to play out. Normally, I hate external drama like that, but this wasn't necessarily interfering with the relationship so much as providing an interesting plot. This book does have a more serious and mature tone than Helena's usual rom-coms, but it worked so well for these characters. I could've easily read another 300 pages about Lincoln and Wren; I didn't want their story to end. I think this is some of Helena Hunting's best writing yet!

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I was super excited when I found out that Lincoln was getting a book. If you have read any of the previous Shaking Up series books there was mention of him throughout, but he was always a bit of a mystery. I mean, who wouldn’t be curious about Armstrong’s brother?
I loved loved loved Wren. How can you not love a woman who is willing to put Armstrong in his place. She is a genius when it comes to PR. So when Lincoln returns to town and has to take over as CEO for Moorehead Media she is hired to help his image and help him with the PR side of things, as Lincoln likes to call her, his babysister. Lincoln was a mystery but the more and more we got to know about him the more I LOVED him. He is selfless, he is the complete opposite of anyone in his family. I loved the relationship he has with Griffin. Despite being cousins, they are more brothers.
I loved the banter and chemistry between Lincoln and Wren. It was instant and truly got better throughout the story. I loved how caring Lincoln could be and possessive, especially when it came to keeping Armstrong away from Wren. The pop ups from all the previous characters was great and I’d love to have seen a girls night with Ruby, Amalie and Wren. Armstrong, he is a man I love to hate. Compared to the other books, we got the most of him in this one. The man is a complete train wreck. Am I the only one hoping that Helena writes him a book?!
For any fans of the Shaking Up series this a MUST READ or really anyone looking for a laugh out loud romance.

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The ending was soooooooo good.
Lincoln and Wren were perfection. Their chemistry, sexual tension, witty banter..ughh..everything about them was delicious.
Highly recommend this one!

Plot~ 5/5
Main Characters (hero/heroine)~ 5/5
Secondary Characters~ 5/5 Armstrong sucked a$$. I hope he never gets his own book.
The Feels~ 5/5
Pacing~ 5/5
Angst~ 5/5
Steam/Hotness/Chemisty ~ 5/5
Theme or Tone~ 5/5
Flow (Writing Style)~ 5/5
Backdrop (World Building)~ 5/5
Originality~ 5/5
Ending~ 5/5
Book Cover~ Romantic
Series~ Shacking Up #5
Source~ Kindle eBook - ARC for honest review
Would I read more from the author? Yes
Would I recommend this book? Hell Yes

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If like me you are a fan of Helena Hunting then book will be right up your street. I devoured this in one afternoon in the garden enjoying the sunshine with a few drinks. The characters and banter had me engaged from beginning to end.

Wren has been hired as a handler for Armstrong Moorehead as his behaviour is not good for the public image of the company. When his father dies his older brother Lincoln returns for the funeral and gets guilted into staying to head up the company as the CEO. Wren ends up having her contract extended so she can help Lincolns image transform from hot mountain man to hot CEO.

The chemistry between Wren and Lincoln is OFF THE CHARTS hot from the minute they meet. The more they deny and ignore their feelings the hotter it gets. Wren makes it almost bearable for Lincoln to be in the city.

With visits from some old friends from previous books it was lovely to see them and catch up.

Am I the only one that wants Armstrong's book? The way Wren handles him is simply brilliant so I realy want him to meet someone else that can do that. That will knock him on his ass. I do love a good redemption story.

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Let’s face it, dear readers. The world in which we live is chaotic, nonsensical, unsettling, and even terrifying.

Thank goodness, then, for Helena Hunting. Her books are balms for our troubled times. They make us laugh, cry, feel all warm and tingly, and they also make us feel more than a little aroused. These are all very nice things, non?

In Handle with Care, Hunting turns her focus on Lincoln Moorehead, the largely absent scion of the family that spawned the awful Armstrong, he of the very brief marriage thanks to him getting caught on the PA system getting orally serviced by one of the guests. Armstrong is about as delightful as an unlanced boil, maybe even less so, which helps explain why Lincoln has chosen to eschew the family magazine business for charitable outreach in Guatemala, amongst other third world locations.

With the death of Daddy Moorehead, however, Lincoln has been beckoned home. His Botoxed and preserved mother hired Wren, a public relations specialist, to be Lincoln and Armstrong’s handler, ensuring that any press about them is good press. This is an easy feat where Lincoln is concerned; for Armstrong, not so much.

The minute Wren and Lincoln meet, sparks fly. His initial wariness of her dissipates as he gets to know her, as does hers of him. Helena Hunting holds your anticipation tightly, building and building and building on Wren and Lincoln’s attraction until they (FINALLY! MERCIFULLY!) act on it.

My favorite thing about this book is the way Hunting shows you how tight Wren and Lincoln are. When conflict comes their way, their first reaction is to wonder how the other person will feel. Helena Hunting doesn’t engage in artificiality as she portrays these two. There is no forced, histrionic break-up. What transpires between Wren and Lincoln feels organic to who they are.

As much as you may loathe Armstrong, he is hilarious to keep around. His complete lack of self-awareness made me laugh out loud on more than one occasion. Yes, he’s gross, but you can’t help but enjoy him when he’s on the page.

There is a mystery in this book that will keep you guessing. Elements of it are a bit poignant and even heartbreaking, but Hunting doesn’t overplay her hand or manipulate you. She uses this mystery to both further develop Lincoln and Wren and to further solidify them as a couple.

With each installment of the Shacking Up series, I fall in love with Helena Hunting’s Hot Heroes, and I fool myself into thinking she can’t top herself. She can. Lincoln Moorehead, I’m looking at you.

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My Thoughts:

I was thrilled to finally get Lincoln's story and is was such a fun and fabulous reading escape. We got a lot of his character in the previous book, Making Up, because it was his cousin/best friend Griffin's story, and the two of them are like brothers.

Lincoln "Linc" Moorehead comes from a wealthy and powerful family. However, he is not close to his parents or his younger brother, Armstrong. Lincoln attended boarding school since he was ten years old, his father was a workaholic who never really participated with the family, his mother was cold and pretentious, and his younger bother was not a good person. The only one that he could count on was his grandma "G Mom," and cousin Griffin.

Lincoln had his MBA from Harvard, but spent all of his time going to impoverished countries and building homes, wells so the people could have fresh water, and doing all sorts of humanitarian work. He was dedicated to his passion, and enjoyed the backbreaking hands-on hard work. When Linc's father dies of a heart attack, he is called back to New York for the reading of his father's will. He is shocked to discover that he has been named as CEO of Moorehead Media. Linc's G Mom guilts him in to staying on as CEO of the company for six months, until they can find and train someone else to take his place.

Enter the gorgeous and fearless "Wren Sterling." Wren was hired by Linc's mom, Penelope Moorehead, as a P.R. Handler to clean up indiscretions and bad press for Armstrong. She took the position as a favor to her mother. Penelope asks Wren to stay on and handle Linc for the next six months, and she'll double her pay for working with both sons. At the end of that time period, she'll give Wren a glowing reference so that she can get her dream job. While Wren would rather move on an d pursue her passion, she agree's because it is a good deal and she is trying to mend the fractured relationship that she has with her mom. However, between suit and tux fittings, charity events, and press conferences, Wren and Linc never expect to fall in love. How can these two navigate their sizzling chemistry, and growing feelings for one another, between business, and family pressures?

I love how strong Ms. Hunting's female characters are. Wren is one of the strongest to date. I enjoyed her confidence, assertiveness, strong moral compass, and her ability to not only verbally put people in place when they needed it, but utilize her strong verbal tongue lashings when needed, as well as her excellent self defense skills. She could even bring Armstrong to his knees by putting him in a headlock when he stepped out of line! She was such a strong female role model and I couldn't have possibly loved her more!

Lincoln was gorgeous, brooding, loyal, (to those who deserved it,) down to earth, and had strong ethics. He was a manly man, and I enjoyed his gruff, rugged nature! It was so much fun watching Linc and Wren interact with one another. The beginning of their story was hilarious! I loved Wren's bossiness when she dug her heels in to do her job, and I loved the way that Linc pushed back and could expertly push her buttons. Together these two were hilarious at times, combustible at other times, and adorable once they figured things out.

Handle With Care was another win for readers. It balanced Hunting's usual humor and light heartedness, with a little bit of drama, and a whole lot of sizzle! Romance readers, you are in for a delightful treat with this new addition to the Shaking Up Series, and don't worry if you haven't been following along, because each of these books can easily be read as a standalone.

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After Making Up, I was nervous to read this book. Having finished reading Handle With Care, I can say that all that fretting was for nothing. I should have had more faith in Helena Hunting.

If you haven't figured it out, Handle With Care is scrumptious!
I love an office romance! Add to that two strong characters and BOOM! You get one hot read!

But seriously, These two characters have their shit together. They wasn't a childish bone in their body and it made it weep for joy because after Making Up...this book was giving me life!

Wren is a badass! Such a strong, confident and proficient character! I loved her from the get-go. I feel like giving her a round of applause because she makes everything look easy. FYI she needs a standing ovation for how she handles Armstrong. She is one amazing character!

Lincoln... *sigh* if I could dream up my fantasy guy of the moment, it would be him.
I love an alpha male but Lincoln just takes it on a whole new level! He is understanding and respectful of a woman's independence. Gosh! Lincoln is ridiculously drool worthy.

Wren and Lincoln together are *fans face*

Handle With Care has it all. It has amazing characters, is filled with flirty banters, has steamy AF scenes, is high on passion, high on fun and humour, worthwhile secondary characters and a storyline that is fantastic.

You will devour this book....Handle With Care is a MUST READ!

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I loved this installment in the Shacking Up series. I found Wren to be an absolute badass and Lincoln was a great broody but sweet character. Now, you can't have a Shacking Up book without the drama & this one had ALL sorts of family drama!

If you have any experience with the Shacking Up series, you'll have met Armstrong, the most deplorable character. Reading about Wren being his handler and completely owning his ass was so gratifying!! Wren and Lincoln have a very palpable chemistry with quick-witted banter. I love an office based romances with the yea, we really shouldn't but WE CAN'T HELP IT! So good!! Plus, Helena brought the HEAT! Whew…

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„You and me? We were an inevitability. Sooner or later, one of us was going to cave.”

I’m such a sucker for a good office romance and Helena brought her best in this one! Handle With Care is adorably sweet and hilarious read, filled with pent-up desire and sexual tension. Forbidden note only spiced up this delicious story and fueled my excitement. Wren and Lincoln are such an amazing characters that I fell in love with both of them! They made me swoon, they cracked me up and they made me blush. I couldn’t ask for more- this book is just perfect!

I adored Lincoln’s unkempt look, selflessness, his altruistic nature. How he didn’t care about appearances and superficial things, but really cared about his loved ones. He had his share of awkward moments, but was awfully adorable at the same time. When he let go of his brooding self he was insanely loveable and charming. Wren stole my heart with her down-to-earth attitude, competenty, self-esteem and determination. She wasn’t intimidated with Lincoln’s status and she didn’t hold back in her actions to polish this rough diamond. And that’s exactly why they worked so good together and why the sparks were constantly flying. Reliability and honesty are rare in the world they’re living and they found these traits in each other. Although their acquaintance started as a constant banter, with sizzling chemistry and intense infatuation they became impassioned lovers. Can I point out once again how good is Helena with intimate scenes? Because my gawwwwd… Those between Wren and Lincoln were insanely HOT! You can expect a little plot twist in this book, but believe me, it only spices up the storyline.

Handle With Care became my favorite book in Shacking Up series. And that should tell you a lot, because every single book in this series is simply phenomenal. I loved how Helena filled this story with the perfect amount of cuteness, steam and humour, without unecessary drama. Even with a little complication the whole story is kept with lightness and familiar for Hunting’s books playfulness. I loved every second of this story and I highly recommend it!

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Handle With Care by Helena Hunting
Shacking Up #5

Couldn’t put it how!

Wren Sterling is a “handler” of people and situations they create. Her job is to keep the PR positive even when the person responsible for messes deserves to take a hit. Having worked for awhile to clean up Armstrong Moorehead’s messes and try to control his antics she is asked to take on the other brother – Lexington. With the goal of starting her own business and the job lucrative enough to perhaps do so...she signs on the dotted line.

Lexington is NOT like his brother and has managed to distance himself from the dysfunctional family he was born into...until his father dies suddenly and the will is read. With a plea from G-Mom to help run the media company and no way to say no he settles in to see what has happened and needs to happen to keep the company going and perhaps thrive again.

Wren’s meet-cute with Lexington was...interesting and the hook that started the book. The next one had to do with an interesting situation involving a breeze and a skirt flying up and from there on this book had me smiling and caring and laughing and sometimes wanting to pound on a few of the family members Lexington had to contend with. And, that secret apartment that is found and the mystery that unearths is...VERY interesting. I am now wondering if perhaps a person introduced near the end of the book will get a story of her own – I do Hope so ;) As for Armstrong...I have no idea if there is ANY hope for him but perhaps there is a woman somewhere in the world that can redeem him...or perhaps not.

The chemistry between Wren and Lexington was definitely there and when they acted upon it...oh my! I so enjoyed reading their scenes together. I found them both intelligent, warm, caring and just the sort of people I would like to be friends with.

Did I enjoy this book? Definitely!
Would I like to read more in this series? Without a doubt

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Paperbacks – This is my honest review.

5 Stars

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Handle With Care is the fifth title in the Shaking Up series, but can easily be read as a standalone. It’s a fast paced, sexy contemporary office romance, with a pair of incredibly endearing characters and a plot with a few unexpected surprises and twists and turns.
Lincoln Morehead is a philanthropist, and a duck out of water when he takes the reigns of Morehead Media. The last place Lincoln wants to be is in New York City, but there’s a bright spot in his life, his PR handler Wren, and he knows he can’t leave this disaster that is Armstrong in charge. Lincoln is a sweet, kind, compassionate and incredibly driven, dedicated and hardworking man. He’s quite charming and has a fabulous relationship with his Grandmother.
Wren Starling is a PR consultant who is fabulous at her job. She has to be in order to not only keep Armstrong in line, but to transform his online persona. She’s no wilting wall flower, with a feisty, fierce and sassy persona.
Wren and Lincoln have an undeniable and instant chemistry and their shared banter is fun and flirtatious. Their story is full of the heat, heart and humor I’ve come to expect from Helena Hunting’s work and a thoroughly enjoyable read.
I’ve quite enjoyed the previous books in this series and it was wonderful to see some of the previous hero and heroines make cameo appearances within this title.

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”It’s always been real, Wren. This is you and me choosing to acknowledge it and own it. Now we see where it goes from here.”

Book : Handle With Care (Shacking Up #5) .

Author : Helena Hunting . 

Genre : Fiction , Romance , Contemporary .

Rate : 4/5 .

Review In One Word : Entertaining .


As Always Hunting Wrote a great and highly entertaining Novel , full of Humor , sarcasm, romance and interesting  characters .  

In this story we meet , Wren and Lincoln .                                                                                   
Beautiful , professional , confident , kind and sexy Wren .                                           
  Kind , hot , freespirit and sweet Lincoln .

With their "Office Romance " and funny characters , you won't be able to put this book down .

This Novel got  Helena Hunting Signature Humor and touching words  . With her amazing Writing style , interesting Plot and Characters , No wonder she has become one of my all time favorite Romance Authors .

For me , I really loved Handle with care and if you are searching for a sweet , Interesting and highly addictive romantic novel , This book is for you .

You can find the full review :

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Handle with Care by Helena Hunting is the fifth book in the Shacking Up series and my favorite one so far! We finally get the highly anticipated story of Lincoln!!Lincoln Moorehead has spent most of his life avoiding his family. His brother is a pain, his father was never around and his mother never cared. The only real family he ever had was his grandmother. So when his father dies, he can't refuse her request to take over the business for six months while they try to figure out what to do with the company. But Lincoln isn't a suit and tie kind of guy. He'd much rather be out helping impoverished countries and getting his hands dirty. So his family hires Wren, a take charge lady who is going to transform him from hipster lumberjack to suave and dapper.

“I don’t know how every man who crosses your path doesn’t fall in love with you. Everything about you is incredible.”

Wren is tenacious and firm when it comes to her work into transforming Lincoln into the model President the company needs. But she wasn't prepared for the feelings they would have when they worked so closely together. At first, they butt heads left and right because Lincoln really doesn't want to be President and doesn't want to change. The more time they spend with one another though, the more those feelings can't be denied. The back and forth banter and teasing quickly turn into more and you get a great enemies to lovers feel. But when Lincoln and Wren discover a secret about his family, the two will have to work together to uncover the truth, even when those secrets threaten to tear them apart.

“You almost kissed me in your office.” I caress the edge of his jaw, seeking confirmation that I’m not misinterpreting signals.“Almost,” he agrees. “If we hadn’t been interrupted, I’d know what your mouth tastes like.”I run a finger along the contour of his bottom lip. “Is that what you want?”His voice is low and rough like his stubbled cheek. “Yes."

I can't gush enough about Lincoln. He's that perfect, down to earth guy who's family is a mess but it doesn't make him bitter or resentful. He paved his own way and held on to his real family like his grandmother and cousin Griffen. The whole story is just a delight and I'm glad that the secret doesn't get overly dragged out and that it doesn't bog down the story or overtake the romance. It happens and they deal with it. I am so bummed that it's the last book in the series as they introduced a character that I would love to know more about.

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I absolutely loved this book. I have been curious about Lincoln’s book since this series started and now to see him fall the way he did was fantastic.

Wren has her hands full. She is an employee for Lincoln’s family and is in charge of keeping Armstrong out of trouble. If you have read the past books, you know that this isn’t an easy feat. That boy has issues a mile long and is a toddler on most days. She is one tough character who has walls so high and doesn’t get close to anyone. This is due to the struggles she has when it comes to her family. Their past has heartbreak that hasn’t been healed and it has changed them all.

Lincoln wants nothing to do with his family. His work is his passion. He is one that tries to always help others and is always looking toward his next big project. Even though his family is last on his list, he still proves he is selfless when he is tasked with an undertaking he doesn’t want.

These two together have a chemistry that builds and builds. I was basically holding my breath the entire time just wondering when one of them would combust!

The antics, mystery, lies, and overall plot had me on the edge of my seat. I couldn’t read it fast enough. Not only did I want them to finally get together, but I was wanting to figure out all the family secrets that had changed the way these two viewed their parents over the years. It’s definitely a book you don’t want to miss.

- A copy was generously provided in exchange for an honest review.-

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Handle With Care by Helena Hunting is the final book in the Shacking Up series. They can all be read as standalones and are filled with great writing and characters.
Lincoln is a free spirit, and not caught up in the business world even though he has his MBA from Harvard. He is part of the Moorehead Media family. He has been living to help others and far from his family. When he is called back to the family business after his fathers death to be CEO and run the company, he is not too thrilled. Afraid he will not do as they need or have the right image, his family has hired a handler to make sure he stays in line. Enter Wren, an independent woman who is not afraid to give it to Lincoln straight, to be his PR handler. Lincoln likes her from the start.
As Wren and Lincoln progress from co-workers to friends to lovers, they are faced with some obstacles along the way. Through their journey they find they are a good team, both in and out of the bedroom.
They have great chemistry, banter and can put Lincoln's brother Armstrong in his place. He is a whole other story with his distasteful shenanigans. But makes for a great supporting character with his history, and flirty ways.
Lincoln's grandmother who he refers to as G-mom was a great character, and someone along the lines of who Lincoln wants to be.
Of course there is also the villain, with Lincoln's mom.
Lincoln an Wren have a fun love, will have you hooked and want their story to continue.if you haven't read Helena Hunting or are a fan of her books, definitely read Handle With Care. You will love it!

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I've got to say this is my favourite Shaking Up series book.
Lincoln & Wren have an unusual start to their relationship. They are essential thrown together by Lincoln's mother when he is forced to return home following the untimely death of his father & Wren is tasked as his handler to help him adjust to the role. The role he's conned into to taking by his G-mom, as his a%&£*¥e brother isn't capable of running a bath never mind the family business. They have to negotiate a raft of family dynamics, some startling revelations from the past & 2 narcissistic family members to get to their happily ever after.
Helena's books are full of great banter from sassy, smart heroines & hunky, interesting heros. Handle with Care doesn't fail to deliver on that. Wren doesnt take any nonsense from Lincoln, going as far as to threaten him with laser treatment if he grows his beard back.
It's a fun read with enough twists & angst to keep it page turning.

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I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book (given by Netgalley)...

4.5 stars

This book focuses on Lincoln, the buttmole Armstrong’s older brother.

I could not believe all the reveals in this book! There are so many secrets and I truly felt for Lincoln because the poor man never really knew his father. I absolutely adored Wren, she was totally bada** and didn’t let anyone undermine her work or accomplishments. I loved Lincoln and Wren together right from the beginning; their first conversation when Lincoln was drunk was so cute and definitely gave a glimpse into their future interactions.

Armstrong is still a turd burger and now at least we know why because that man is just annoying. I loved G-mom, her relationship with Lincoln was very endearing and fun.

Wren was essentially the other half of Lincoln and she was really the only person who could handle the grumpy bear. Lincoln was the only sane person, other than G-mom, in his family and you could see how he struggled being part of his tainted family. Wren’s family was completely different than Lincoln’s, but that not to say they didn’t have their own secrets.

I absolutely adored this book, but the epilogue really warmed my heart because I just heart this couple.

I would love to know more about Dani, Wren’s bestie, and definitely more about Hope.

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I loved this contemporary romance with amazing characters and a smartly-written, fast-paced story that included mystery, secrets, scandal, family drama, heartwarming romance and so much more. Even though this is the fifth book in the Shacking Up series, it is the first I have read and I had no problem reading it as a standalone.

I really liked Wren Sterling, a no nonsense PR consultant for Moorehead Media and her dynamic with the other characters especially broody, cynical Lincoln Moorehead who is named CEO after his father dies of a heart attack and she has been given the task of transforming him from the gruff, wilderness mountain man to a suave business man. I loved their immediate attraction, repartee and undeniable chemistry as their story unfolded.

Ms. Hunting blew me away with this book and I want to go back and read the rest of the series. This can't-put-down book is perfect for anyone who liked well-crafted romance.

I received an advance reader copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving my honest review.

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C'est toujours un plaisir de replonger dans la saga Shacking Up d'Helena Hunting car j'adore cette saga et j'avais hâte d'en savoir plus sur le cousin de Griffin, Lincoln Moorehead . Je n'étais pas aussi impatiente de retrouver Armstrong qui n'a pas changé du tout et qui devient pire encore.

Lincoln Moorehead a toujours vécu le plus loin possible de sa famille et c'est simplement par obligation qu'il quitte son chantier à l'étranger pour revenir à New York pour enterrer Frederick, son père. Leurs relations ont toujours été tendues dans le sens où il détestait l'attitude de son père et ses frasques sentimentales. Il savait qu'il avait des maîtresses et donc il avait une image très particulière de lui. De plus sa mère Gwendolyn est loin d'être un modèle de chaleur humaine et d'amour maternel. Elle ne se préoccupe que de l'image de Moorehead Enterprises et elle doit donc étouffer tous les scandales engendrés par le frère de notre héros. Il est évident que Armstrong est toujours aussi tordu et sans la présence de Wren au sein de l'entreprise, les dégâts seraient phénoménaux. Il continue de n'en faire qu'à sa tête et il refera un caprice en apprenant que son frère va occuper le poste de PDG pour un certain temps. Je me demande si un jour Helena Hunting fera un tome particulier sur lui car cette bête de foire n'a pas fini de susciter en nous des sentiments très intenses. Heureusement , il y a Penelope , la grand-mère de Lincoln et qui sera la seule raison pour qu'il accepte de tenir le rôle qu'on exige de lui. Sa G Mom comme il aime la surnommer n'est que bienveillance et amour avec lui. Ils s'entendent à merveille et c'est vers elle qu'il peut se tourner en cas de doute. Elle est le seul maillon fiable de sa famille et il ne compte pas la décevoir.

La tâche de Wren sera d'autant plus dure que Lincoln est quelqu'un qui n'aime pas qu'on lui dicte sa conduite . Plus à l'aise en creusant des puits au Honduras que derrière un bureau dans un tour de verre, il va devoir subir un relooking en profondeur. Il va devoir dégager une image parfaite et s'adapter à une vie urbaine qu'il déteste au plus profond de lui. Les scènes où il va devoir changer de look sont vraiment comiques car ce n'est pas lui et on pourra compter sur lui pour le faire comprendre à Wren. Il est plus intéressé par le fait de récolter de l'argent pour des causes qui en vaillent la peine que de pavaner dans des costumes dont le prix est très indécent. Heureusement la lueur d'espoir dans ce cauchemar sera Wren car même si les débuts sont tendus entre eux, on va vite sentir une complicité s'installer. Il est tellement habitué à vivre en solitaire depuis des années qu'il n'a pas compris certains signes. La tension va donc devenir très vite sensuelle et on attend avec impatience qu'ils craquent l'un comme l'autre. Cela pourrait être soit explosif soit salvateur. Mais quand le compte à rebours entre en compte, cette relation mérite t-elle qu'il prenne certains risques?

Wren Sterling est une héroïne comme je les aime. Elle est droite dans ses bottes et elle sait mener sa barque. La preuve est qu'elle parvient à gérer le capricieux Armstrong donc s'occuper de son frère ne devrait pas être une mission impossible. Lincoln va susciter en elle des émotions contradictoires mais surtout des sentiments qui devraient être interdits. Si le temps d'adaptation entre eux nous proposera des scènes comiques, il se pourrait que la sensualité soit aussi de la partie. Mélanger vie privée et vie professionnelle n'a jamais été au programme et un choix important devra donc s'opérer. J'ai aimé l'intégrité de cette jeune femme qui ne reculera devant rien pour faire éclater la vérité et qui va se retrouver dans une situation assez délicate. Elle saura utiliser son intelligence pour se tourner vers les bonnes personnes et espérons le prendre les bonnes décisions. Son implication réelle (et non mise en scène) dans les organisations caritatives pourrait être un premier commun entre nos deux héros. Quand les squelettes du passé vont resurgir, il sera temps de prendre LA décision de toute une vie.

Bref, une fois de plus je me suis régalée avec ce nouveau tome de la saga Shacking Up. Helena Hunting nous offre le cocktail parfait de scènes comiques, de joutes verbales et de sensualité ambiante. Ses héros sont forts , directs et ils nous proposent une intrigue intéressante et intrigante. L'amour sera t-il au rendez vous dans ce monde où les apparences sont tellement trompeuses ?

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