Member Reviews

After reading MAKING UP, I was really hoping to like HANDLE WITH CARE more. And while there wasn't as much drama in this one it still wasn't the success I was hoping for. The characters bordered on juvenile and the humor mostly cringeworthy.

I didn't care much for Lincoln - while I understand that his brother was a major douchebag he was a little too punch-happy for my taste. His thoughts circled around what kind of physical harm he could do to Armstrong. He was grouchy, snapping at people, and especially Wren, for no apparent reason. And who the hell calls his grandmother G-mom?  I can't say that I cared for this heroine more. She was supposed to be strong but I didn't really feel that.

And don't get me started on the side cast. The characters of the villains were drawn in such an exaggerated manner, it was a little bizarre.

I have given this author two chances to wow me. I think this is the point where I have to admit defeat. Helena Hunting and I just don't mesh. That's fine. We'll both live.

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Wow!!!! What an highly 5 star entertaining and funny story this was. I devoured this book.

Lincoln doesn’t want to run his late father’s company. He’s used to the simple life of underdeveloped country’s. Wren is hired to keep him straight while he makes a go at being a CEO.

This was a very funny and entertaining story that had me laughing out loud quite a few times. The bantering between these 2 was fun. A great page turning experience. An amazing storyline that was full of surprises. Bottomline this is a must read.

Can be safely read as a standalone. Told in a dual POV with an HEA. I strongly recommend this story.

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I have been anticipating Lincoln's story and believe me, HH does not disappoint! I have been drooling over Lincoln for awhile in the Shacking Up series, and you will find in this book that he is seriously swoon worthy! Wren is a piece of work and I loved every second of it! These two are dynamite together and you will be waiting for when it all goes down.

Handle With Care with give you the goosies, blushes, and an excitement you weren't expecting. Hands down Lincoln is my number one book boyfriend that Helena has written. I never want to leave the Shacking Up crew!

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That ending!
Do not cheat and read the end first (I’m guilty of this sometimes). You’ll ruin it for yourself if you do.
I really enjoyed these characters. Wren and Lincoln have great chemistry! I’m so happy there wasn’t any unneeded drama with these two. Sometimes it seems like books add it in for a plot twist. Not here. These two were mature adults.
Now Armstrong on the other hand.... I hope he never gets his own book. I cannot see how he can ever be redeemed. He was a jackbutt in a previous book and he’s the same in this one.

I really recommend you try this one.
You won’t be disappointed.

P.S. I love the name G-mom. :)

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Handle with Care is the 5th standalone in the Shacking Up series by Helena Hunting. Her books always manage to crack me up and put a huge smile on my face. This one was no different! While I haven't had he pleasure to read all the books in this series I can say for certain that even with the 3 I have that it's one of my favorites. No wonder so many people love her books! They are a delight to read! Top favorite books for so many people so that tells you something- her words are like MAGIC.

In this one, readers will finally get the story behind Lincoln. I didn't know too much about his character going forward (as I mentioned, I haven't read all the books) but I did like what I saw in him. Even more so when he was hooking up with Wren who is a powerhouse of a heroine! If you have read all the books I guess you'll finally come to figure out Lincoln though this one!

Anyway, this is a great book. No surprise there. Helena writes dazzling romances with humor, heart, and spark! I truly recommend all the books she produces. Each on is different in their own way but has Hunting's trademark style!

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Well this one is a doozy. I don’t even know where to start to explain to you what a train wreck the Moorhead family is. When patriarch Frederick dies suddenly, his firstborn, Lincoln, steps in to take the helm of the Moorehead Media conglomerate. It’s not Linc’s choice, but he gets conned by his G-mom. His brother Armstrong, who already works for the company, is out of control and needs a handler to clean up his messes, so he's certainly not a viable option.

Since Linc has been heading up construction projects in underdeveloped countries and hasn’t exactly been groomed for his position with the family business, he gets to share his brother’s handler, Wren Starling, for the time being. As Linc settles in, he finds some of his father’s files that were locked away and learns just how deep the secrets and manipulations of affluence and wealth go within his family, and he realizes how wrong some of his perceptions about his family are.

It may come as a shock, but this is my first book by Ms. Hunting, and she quickly won me over. These characters are lively, quirky and loveable (or despicable, as the case may be) and the storyline carried me along as I devoured these pages. With a style that is witty, clever and delightfully off-color, I found myself chuckling and laughing out loud, only to be followed with a direct hit to the heart, giving me the best kind of emotional whiplash throughout the book.

Linc and Wren are both amazing characters that will stay with me for a long time. Linc is swoon-worthy in so many ways – strong, sarcastic and caring with devastating hint of vulnerability. And Wren is amazing. She's smart, strong and can take care of herself, and the way she reins in the spoiled, misbehaving Armstrong and puts him in his place is a thing of beauty that had me cheering for her. I adore these characters and every minute of their story and will definitely be reading more from this author. Whether you’ve read her work previously or you're new, like me, I have no doubt that you’ll love this sassy, fun, heartfelt read!

*I read an early edition of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide feedback and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source. Special thanks to St. Martin's press and NetGalley for providing the early copy.

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This was so much more than I was expecting. It was fun and flirty with a little bit of mystery and suspense. It was sweet and sexy with off the charts HOT chemistry.

Helena writes characters to fall in love with and stories that have depth. She makes you laugh one minute and fan yourself the next. This was a great story that I couldn’t put down and never wanted to end. I love all the stories in the Shaking Up series and can’t get enough.

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I'll agree with other reviews, that this is the best book in the series. Why?
- A Hero who oozes masculinity yet is not too Alpha to refuse a woman's hand. Check
- A heroine who is great at what she does, and has long terms plans that are admirable. Check
- A healthy dose of drama to keep the reader on their toes. Check
- The H and h actually communicate with one another, minimizing said drama. Check
Put it all together and you have story that was enjoyable from beginning to end.

Lincoln Moorehead passes out one night, recovering from his dad's funeral. And he wakes up to a very different world.
One where he can't escape the hellhole that is NYC.
One where he has new responsibilities.
One where he has a handler, aka Wren Sterling.
Wren's sole job is making sure the company, Moorehead Media, stays afloat following the death of Lincoln's father, as well as sustaining the daily f-ups by Lincoln's brother, Armstrong. If you've read the previous books in this series, you already know how much of a douche Armstrong can be. So, if Wren can handle him, Lincoln should be a piece of cake. While he is resistant to being pushed out of his comfort zone of jeans and silly t-shirts, into fancy suits and manscaping, he doesn't fight Wren too much. And with time, he takes personal enjoyment in her attention.

Wren's sole purpose is keeping scandal away from Moorehead Media. But things get complicated when some family history comes to light, and I was surprised who tried to threaten Wren. Fortunately, Wren and Lincoln are both good, smart people and don't weaken when threatened. I loved how they came together eventually, communicating what was wrong and solving it together. As stated earlier, they are a great couple.

This was an enjoyable read, and if you liked the previous books in this series, this one will be a special treat for you. I'm not sure where this series is headed, but I do have a thought.
As much as I hate Armstrong, is it wrong that I want him to get his own book? A redemption story, perhaps? He may be too far gone to change minds, but I wouldn't fault the author for trying . . .

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This story captivated from the first line to the very last page and it was everything I expected and so much more. It’s a fun entertaining flirty read with just a hint of mystery and suspense and it will certainly appeal to all romance lovers. Helena Hunting always gives us characters to fall in love with and Handle With Care is no different, you will swoon, you will be intrigued, you will laugh and I’m sure that by the end of this story you will be left smiling like a Cheshire Cat. If you are looking for a fun, sweet yet sexy read look no further I’m sure you will love this book which also happens to be a great addition to The Shacking Up Series. Can’t wait to see where this very talented author takes us next. This is a must one click for all romance lovers !!!!

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It was so easy to like Linc and Wren. But Linc's mother and brother, no so much. When Linc comes back to New York to his father's funeral, he finds out some things about his family that he really doesn't want to know. The only bright spot is Wren. She had been hired to handle his brother. His brother is always into some kind of trouble and his family always bails him out. Their father was mostly absent and Linc was sent to boarding school so he didn't have much of a relationship with them. Now the company needs his help and he really doesn't want to be in New York. Wren is a breath of fresh air in all the terrible things going on. Wren has her own secrets and Linc's mother is using those secrets to control her. Will Wren and Linc have a chance at something permanent? Can he stop his mother?

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Forced to 'babysit' two grown men can be challenging, but can come with great rewards. ;) She's been hired as PR to make sure the two brothers don't do anything to damage the family name... or rather to cover it up when they do. And boy, does she have her work cut out for her. In addition to the romance, there is a little bit of mystery involved. There is some angsty-ish involved as both she and the boys have issues with their pasts that they are still trying to over come. Of course there is plenty of laughs and sexiness. She is smart, strong, tough, sexy. He is un-materialistic in a materialistic family. He is also sexy and smart and quite the humanitarian. A fish out of water in the crazy city business world. The characters are well developed and the additional side characters will make you either laugh or scream. This is part of the Shaking Up series (can be read as a stand alone without troubles) so you may recognize some of the cameos. It's a fun story with the exception of those few angsty moments. While the story isn't all roses, there weren't any overly emotional scenes that require Kleenex's, so other than the risk of laughing out loud, it's safe to read in public. ;) It's easy to read. Alternates between POVs. Well written, and hard to put down.

*I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley.

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What a book! So much to love about this book. Two incredible characters in a real adult relationship with very little drama. It was unexpected and wonderful. This is a standalone. I have only read one book in the Shacking Up series but was able to not feel lost at all. Several of the characters from previous books do show up in this one, and I’m intrigued enough about them to go back to the beginning.

Lincoln’s dad has just passed away and he is expected to take over the family’s substantial media company. He’s spent the last decade doing good in the world. Wren was hired on originally to deal with Lincoln’s brother, Armstrong, who is a pretty horrible person with a whole lot of bad transgressions. She stays on to help transform Lincoln into a CEO. Their first meet was entertaining, and they spend so much time together that they eventually fall for each other. There is some family drama, but surprisingly, these two characters handled it maturely together.

I loved these characters, the storyline and the writing. It was entertaining, fun and grown up and it was super refreshing. Highly recommend!

* ARC provided by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

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Bravo, Helena Hunting, bravo! Handle with Care has been my FAVORITE standalone in the Shacking Up series, and I absolutely adored Lincoln and Wren’s sexy, funny, angsty, drama-filled story!

Helena Hunting knocked it out of the park with Handle with Care, and I absolutely loved everything from beginning to end. The plot had so many unexpected twists and turns that had me on the edge of my seat, and I was highly entertained throughout. The storyline, characters, and writing style were all incredible, with the exception of a few secondary characters, and I was ecstatic with the conclusion.

The Shacking Up series has been AMAZING, and every single standalone, especially Handle with Care, is a MUST READ! I have become addicted to Helena’s books, and can’t wait to devour more from this incredibly talented author!

ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This is an exceptional story, & I enjoyed reading it. Lincoln is a great leading man that makes the transformation from being a little rough around the edges to rough with some polish. Wren is a fantastic female lead that can kick butt & look good doing it. Reading about their relationship & how it flourishes is incredible. I highly recommend reading their story.

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There's nothing better than sitting down to read a book by Helena Hunting. She always ensures that they are thoroughly entertaining, incredibly hot and with just the right amount of humour and drama to keep you totally enthralled. HANDLE WITH CARE was definitely another one. Every book in her Shaking Up world has been addictive, so now this one gets added to the list.

Lincoln Moorehead is such a likeable character, even when he's a long-haired, bearded man stumbling around from too much alcohol. As the story progresses, Linc just seems to get sexier and sexier, if that's even possible. This is a man forced away from the work he loves doing into a job, at the family business, that he wants nothing to do with, but he handles it with absolute class.

Wren Starling is the perfect foil for Linc. She more than adequately fulfils her position within Moorehead Media. Not an easy one given the task she has to perform ... turn "mountain man" Linc into a suave CEO. She copes with any given task, even with a nasty Gwendolyn Moorehead. Nothing seems to phase Wren at all.

I absolutely loved Linc and Wren's relationship. From the minute they meet their chemistry is obvious and way of any chart. Not only that, they draw the reader into their relationship through their banter and the way in which they play off one another. They may start off rocky and not particularily liking each other, but once they both realise that feelings are becoming involved, professional boundaries become hard to maintain. I'm so pleased it wasn't a case of instalove, instead it was a gradual realisation, a discovery of sorts.

Nothing is ever smooth sailing though, and Ms Hunting superbly throws in a few twists and turns and one major surprise that certainly upsets the status quo of the Mooreheads.

Another brilliant read and one I would definitely recommend.


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Wren Sterling's dream job is to work as a PR person for a big charity, preferably something to do with pediatrics. When Wren's mom suggests working with her friend, Gwendolyn Moorehead at Moorehead Media, Wren thinks this could be just what she needs in the form of connections. What Wren didn't expect was that her PR job was more of a babysitter for the younger, narcissistic Moorehead son, Armstrong. When the patriarch of the family suddenly dies, the oldest son, Lincoln, has to come back for the funeral.

Lincoln Moorehead has spent most of his life avoiding his entire family except for G-Mom, his father's mother. When Linc gets blindsided by G-Mom that she wants him to be the acting CEO for 6 months until they can find a suitable replacement he is not happy but reluctantly agrees. Then he meets her.....his brother's babysitter....and he is smitten!

The attraction between Wren and Linc is off the charts and they have a hard time keeping things platonic. When they finally give in to their feelings they both start to rethink things in their lives. Just when it looks like things are going wonderfully, secrets from both of their pasts come back to stir up trouble. It will take a strong faith in each other to get past these issues so they can find their happy ending.

I just adored Wren and Linc. Wren is such a fun, tough woman and she really knows how to handle anyone! Linc is the perfect guy. Tall, sexy and loyal! He really has his priorities on straight. Together these two just fit so well together and made this story such fun!

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I loved Wren and Lincoln, like, want to hang out and be friends with them! Wren is so smart, self-confident, no holds-barred, and full kick-butt with anyone and everyone. Lincoln has a strong social conscience, sense of loyalty, and a huge heart. Together, they are an unstoppable team, and putting them together for work purposes, well, there was no way that wasn’t going to lead to more

Having only seen one person from the Moorehead family, and we all know how much we despised, and you will continue to despise, that person, Lincoln is much the Moorehead family member who escaped the family, and it’s drama, and it’s backstabbing, and it’s craziness, and made off to make the world a better place. His mind and actions slowly turn as the story progresses, and he does possess some of wildness in his family tree, he just uses his for good and not evil

Wren knew what she was up against with one brother, and handling Lincoln was not something she was worried. Until she met him, and saw him, and the attraction sparked between. A smart and sexy romance develops, and when the evilness threatens them, they rally and respond smartly. Nothing is going to prevent these two from their HEA, and they are facing everything together

And thanks to a great big surprise, more please!

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Another kicking great story in this series. Lincoln doesn’t want to be in New York or have anything to do with his family. Wren is tasked with giving him a makeover and corralling him. This story gets intense as they cross swords in a witty war of words. The attraction between them is intense and eventually they they are burning up the sheets. I love the nickname he gave to his grandmother and their interactions. The characters and dialogue is superb and will make you laugh out loud. As they get closer together that have to fight the bad family dynamics and resolve all the secrets that could tear them apart.

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Lincoln is only back in town for his father's funeral and then he plans to get back to his work in Guatemala. He wants to spend as little time as possible with his family, but then gets roped into the family business.

Wren is just doing her job as PR and handler for Lincoln's brother Armstrong and now Lincoln himself. She wants to finish her contract and move on to working with non-profits.

Helena Hunting has written a number of books set in this world with the Mills Brothers and their extended family and friends. My favorite is Shacking Up with Ruby and Bake, but Wren and Lincoln might take the number one spot.

Wren is not afraid to stand up for herself and she excels at her work. It was fun seeing her put Armstrong in his place more than once. She is a strong character who I liked from the get go.

Lincoln has appeared briefly in at least one other book, but there wasn't much mentioned about him except the basics. Getting to know him here was fun. He isn't interested in the trappings of his family's wealth and instead would prefer to be far away from it all.

Lincoln and Wren together were hilarious, entertaining, and perfectly matched. Their relationship evolved naturally from mutual respect to attraction to more. When some of the conflict occurred in the latter half of the book I was a little nervous about how it would be handled, but it was so we'll done. I hope they make appearances in future books!

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I am so in love with Helena Hunting's Shacking Up world! It's sexy, funny and has all the hallmarks of her hilarious wit. Handle With Care fits in perfectly with the rest of the series. It reads as a complete standalone but it is connected to the others with recurring characters. Please note that you do not need to read prior books in this series to enjoy Handle With Care!

I absolutely adored Wren. She is such a badass chick! Her snarky attitude and her ability to manage even the most outrageous characters with just one look (paging Armstrong Moorehead!!) was my favorite thing about her. Lincoln was also amazing. His transformation from mountain man to commanding CEO was done to perfection. As Hunting peeled back his layers, there was so much depth to him. Together, these two were dynamite. I loved their chemistry but my favorite was their hilariously witty banter. Hunting, as always, nailed their humorous foreplay in spades.

With old favorite characters and new ones (oh, hey there G-Mom!), Hunting delivers the perfect rom-com that will keep you engrossed throughout. Dive in to Handle With Care and enjoy the fun!

5 stars

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