Member Reviews

This book brings me back to what I love about Helena Hunting’s writing, especially in her Shacking Up series/world. Lincoln returns home from his volunteer work in other countries after his father dies and he needs to fill a leadership gap in his family's company. Wren is tasked with handing his public image and helping him meet expectations. The chemistry and humor between the main characters is delightful and hot, and we even get to spend some time with prior characters from the series. The conflict resolution at the end of this book felt a little rushed, but the drama does not disappoint and there is a sweetness behind it all. I found myself reading through this quickly and will definitely be rereading.

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I absolutely LOVE Wren and Lincoln! Her fiery sass and his surely attitude made them the perfect pair! I loved their banter and Wren’s quick wit! And G-Mom made this a rom com you definitely won’t be forgetting!

I love Hunting’s ability to create a storyline that I didn’t expect and how she brings in past characters you love and even if you haven’t met said characters you get to know them without feeling left out!

A definite summer must read especially if you’re needed a few laughs to carry over into the coming winter months!

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This was a really cute story and I adored it.

I love Helena Hunting’s work and this is just another great one.

Handle with Care is the fifth book in the Shaking Up series and while I haven’t yet read the other three, I have read the fourth and this one and honestly, the lighthearted, funny and witty storyline was lovely.

On the whole, the chemistry was fairly evident between Wren and Lincoln and that was a huge factor in the book’s rating.

Not only that, but the way that Wren and Lincoln both showed tremendous character growth and let the other in as well as having been completely honest with each other, regardless of whether the other had “proven” themselves yet.

It was cutesy and a great lead in to what I hope is Armstrong’s book.

That boy has it coming.

Besides that, Wren and Lincoln were very frank with each other, including in manners of family. The things Lincoln and Wren go through, both as individuals and as a couple, are atrocious and I really hope only exist in books and other media.

It’s the perfect beach read!

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This was a light-hearted, witty story about two people finding each other unexpectedly through circumstances mostly out of their control. While I did enjoy it for the the aforementioned reasons of being light and fun I wasn't overwhelmed by it at all. Nothing struck me as particularly unique and parts of were drug out. The humor made me laugh however and the main characters stories meshed really well with an obvious connection. It's told from dual points of view and can be read a stand alone in the series. I have not read any book of this series prior to this and didn't feel left out of anything in the story. Handle With Care was sweet romance with family drama mixed in that was entertaining as a nice, beachy type romance.

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5 star Review Handle With Care (Shaking Up #5) by Helena Hunting

From start to finish Helena Hunting wove together a story that I simply could not put down, she had me totally engrossed and staying up way past my bedtime. This was an entertaining, at times frustrating story that seemed as though it was plucked from the minds of television executives, such was the drama, secrets and scandals.

Wren Sterling is tasked with recreating the image of Lincoln Moorehead who suddenly finds himself at the head of Moorehead Media after the death of his father. Linc has done his best to keep away from his family and the dramas that fill their lives but now he has been thrust smack bang into the middle of it with no choice but to step up.

The chemistry between Wren and Linc was intense, almost electrifying. I loved how they both tried to ignore the attraction growing between them until it became too hard to ignore. I was captivated by Linc from previous books but wow, Ms. Hunting has given us a story that made me fall head over heels for him. I love how feisty, sassy and put together Wren is, she was a fabulous match for Linc.

All is not as it seems as secrets from both sides are revealed. Will Linc and Wren be able to make a go of it or will they be pulled in different directions?

I love Ms. Hunting's style of writing, she ensures that her characters are not “perfect”and I found it easy to relate to Linc and Wren. A thoroughly fantastic book which has jumped up to be one of my top 3 from Helena Hunting.

I received an ARC of this book through the publisher via Netgalley

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I absolutely adored this one. Lincoln and Wren’s chemistry is scorching hot from the get go. Their banter will make you go back and forth between laughing and swooning. This forbidden storyline with twists and turns will keep you hanging on every word until the end. A definite must read!

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Handle with Care by Helena Hunting, the fifth book in the Shacking Up series was a fun romantic comedy with some blackmail thrown in to make things that much more interesting.

There were moments in Handle with Care that had me cracking up and others where I was so angry at the people in the story that if they were standing in front of me I would be tempted to throat punch them. Probably the most shocking thing I'm going to say in this review is that ... Armstrong was not the main source of anger in this story, which is surprising because he has been the biggest jerk throughout this series.

In face, and I might be in the majority here, but I'm starting to feel bad for Armstrong.

Anyway, because I don't want this to be a review on just him, let's talk about his brother the 'black sheep' of the family, Lincoln. First of all when we first meet Lincoln, he is broody and angry and I love me a broody hero! I don't know what it is about them, but I find them irresistible!

Anyway, the transformation in Armstrong, brought out by Wren was amazing. And can I just stand up and applaud their communication? Is it weird that I find communication sexy? Because I did. When couples in romance novels actually overcome obstacles by talking them out versus you know hiding things it just makes me happy!

Handle with Care may not be my favorite in the Shacking Up world, but I still enjoyed and I was dying to know how everything would play out.

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Reviewed on behalf of 3 Degrees of Fiction Blog
Handle with Care is the fifth book in the “Shacking Up” Series by Helena Hunting and my first book in the series. I did not read any of the previous books but that was not a problem, since this book can be read as a complete standalone and while the hints on previous books were nice and made me interested in the rest, they were not necessary to understand and like it. The plot was very well developed and the writing style was good and easy to read. I clicked with the characters almost immediately, even though I expected something completely different after I finished the first chapter.
The character development was exceptional especially for Lincoln. I really admired how the author managed to turn his view of Moorehead Media around without making him loose himself. I liked to see how he slowly developed trust in himself and in the people he surrounded himself with and I ADORED how this became clear during the final showdown. I never ever expected this solution and was positively surprised about how it went.
Wren’s character was a bit more difficult for me to like, because so many things didn’t make sense in my eyes till we came to the big revelation in her life and I was flabbergasted. I have to repeat myself, but I never expected that. Not what happened. Not her feelings. And especially not the way her parents dealt with it. I loved it so much!
The book had its fair share of laughter, but also tearjerking moments where I had to pull out a lot of tissues and cried a few tears. I liked how the author managed to weave the funny moments in scenes that were rather serious and spoke about topics that are not so easy to deal with. I laughed and cried and really enjoyed reading this book.
4.5 stars

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In Helena's newest book, Handle With Care, we meet Lincoln Moorehead, Armstrong's brother and cousin to the Mill's brothers. Helena does the Shacking Up world justice in this newest romance.

Linc and Wren have fantastic chemistry, while finagling the Moorehead Media world and dealing with the Moorehead family circus. Okay, they aren't really a circus, but Armstrong is as close to an ape outside of a zoo that you might find.

When Lincoln's father suddenly passes away, Lincoln is named CEO of Moorehead Media, even when he doesn't want it, but with his MBA he is the most qualified to take over in his father's absence. Wren Sterling has already been working at Moorehead Media as the PR handler over Armstrong's many, many, many screwups and given Lincoln has been absent for the past decade, living in the jungles of third world countries, her contract is extended to make sure the face of Moorehead Media continues to look good.

There is an instant attraction between Wren and Lincoln, but unwilling to act on it, given how it appear to the public eye, they both try to avoid it, but it doesn't take long for the strong chemistry to take over and they find themselves falling. However, a scandal that is neither of their doing, may end things before they really get going.

While you don't need to read any of the other Shacked Up series, this reads as a complete standalone, I think you will enjoy Handle With Care more if you've read them. They do interconnect, pulling characters from each book, but Helena does a great job with backstories if they are referenced.

Handle With Care held a bit of a mystery in the plot, which was a fun twist, while combining all of the elements we have all come to love in a Helena Hunting book.

Hands down you will love this new romance and love this new addition to an already well beloved series.

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I really loved this book! We have been introduced to many of the characters in this book throughout the Shacking Up Series. Lincoln Moorehead is the brother of Armstrong, who was the dastardly, cheating groom in Hooking Up. Lincoln has been off saving the world when his father dies. He is back for the funeral, when his grandmother talks him into taking over the family media corporation. Since the only immediate family member he respects is his G-mom, he acquiesces. Wren Sterling was initially hired as a PR fixer to cover up Armstrong Moorehead’s many indiscretions. She is now tasked with transforming Lincoln from a scruffy do-gooder to a Fortune 100 CEO. Of course, while they spar verbally, they are insanely attracted to each other. Wren and Lincoln are truly enjoyable characters and I loved their banter, I also loved that the odious Armstrong finally got his comeuppance. I am sad to se the end of this series. I was given an ARC of this book from the author and NetGalley for my honest opinion.

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4.5 Stars

Lincoln's father just died and his grandma wants him to take over the family business. Because his idiot of a brother Armstrong would run it into the ground within months.

Lincoln hates New York. He wants to build houses in Guatemala!
But he promised grandma he'll stay for six months.

Enter Wren. She's been hired by Lincoln's mom to keep idiot Armstrong out of the tabloids and away from law suits. And now that wilderness-lumberjack Lincoln is back in town - she's also been tasked with making him presentable.





Another cute and funny and sparky and sexy and serious romance in this amazing series!

I just loved Lincoln and Wren. I loved how they just meet and argue and fall for each other and start seeing each other with no unnecessary drama and other stuff we usually get in books.
I just loved that. Then I hated the thing that happened at the 70% mark - I hated that it looked like they were going to do what all book people do and NOT talk to each other. But they did and I loved it.

The story was maybe not as funny and über-amazing as I wanted it to be... but I really loved the people in it and there were great moments.
I just love this series!
Can't wait for more!

► HANDLE WITH CARE was an adorable & funny & sexy office romace! I LOVED it! Run to your nearest amazon for your own Lincoln - this one is MINE!!

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Ok, it’s safe to say I loved every single second of this book! The banter is hilarious, the characters are fantastic and the story keeps you guessing without being confusing! I also enjoyed the evolution of Armstrong’s character. Overall, a fantastic read!

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All the books in The Shacking Up Series are amazing but Handle With Care blew me away. Helena delivered a story with so many layers; this book dealt with family secrets, family drama, finding your place in the world, stepping up for your family, and being willing to take a chance on love. This story did not disappoint.
Lincoln is a dream; a man whose mission in life is to help the disadvantaged but who doesn’t truly hesitate to step in to help his family even though he can’t stand them (yeah he grumbled a bit but you know he was so good that he would do it). It doesn’t help that he is absolutely gorgeous, smart and super witty. Wren is AWESOME!!! Smart, tough, gorgeous and anyone who can wrangle that *ss Armstrong is A++ in my book. Lincoln and Wren have an instant connection but he doesn’t want to be there and she’s been hired to wrangle him so there is tension between them. Yet because they are just such good people they take the time to get to know each other and in the process find a love neither expected to find. Together they are perfection. They were willing to fight for each other no matter what they faced...and we know the Moorhead family never makes anything easy.
Wren’s reactions to Lincoln’s “makeover” had me laughing hysterically and when Lincoln asked for tap water I fell in love with him myself. Steam factor is: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 5/5

This book has it all: friendship, laughter, drama, crazy family members, a bit of intrigue, passion and love. There are even some cameos from our favorite Shacking Up series characters. That Epilogue!!!! I didn’t think it was possible to make me swoon anymore.
Plus any book where Armstrong is punched in the nuts TWICE is a fantastic book in my opinion.
I’m so sad this is the final book in this series. I could read about these characters forever. Lincoln might have even replaced Alex from Pucked as my favorite hero by Helena.
I was gifted an ARC by the wonderful Helena, NetGalley and St Martin Press in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Although is the fifth of a series it can be read as a standalone. Since it was my first of this series I’m glad I don’t have to know much back story.

Wren Starling has been hired by Moorehead Media to handle repercussions of scandals associated with Fredrick’s younger son.

Old Fredrick passes away and Lincoln, his older son, comes back for the funeral and he’s asked to help with the company for a few months.

Lincoln has no interest in living in the city, only a few months and he’s going back to his own projects. Will it be?

So now Wren's job as a PR includes getting both brothers out of trouble. Plus getting a better relation with her own mother.

Armstrong the younger selfish sex addict son will make you wonder about how Lincoln is so different. Would love to read more about Armstrong though.

Maybe mother Gwendolyn Moorhead should answer our question. Not a very good person, although I could learn why she is this way behind her story.

Wren who knows how to stand up for herself, little by little does win Lincoln's heart. Lincoln after learning how Wren ticks, they are good for each other and feel good together :)

Not trying to spoil so, very easy to read book, with a little comedy and romance fun, excellent for the summer.

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I never read a book with a warning in the cover, but this one you have to handle it with care. This new novel by Helena Hunting is the perfect summer read: light, fun, sweet and sexy, with amazing new characters and some great cameos of our favorites on the series.

Lincoln is Armstrong (Amalie's ex-husband) older brother, and as much of us he can't stand him. Well, as a matter of fact his relationship with the family is kinda complicated so he has been 'disconnected' from them. Until his dad passes, and he is summoned to rule the family business. Something he doesn't want.

Being in the media business, his mother thought it was a good idea to hire a "handler". A public relationships consultant named Wren, who's an expert fixing... well, every possible kind of (public) mess. And despite their initial animosity toward each other, soon the things start to get too hot to handle.

This book has its soap-opera-like moments, yes, but they are hilarious. Wren is like all Helena Hunting's heroins combined: baddass, sassy, witty, strong and smart; and Lincoln... well, he is totally swoon-worthy. I loved them together, and I rooted for their HEA every single chapter of the book.

Something cool about this book? We get to see Griffin and Cosy again. YAY! Also there's a little cameo of Ruby, Bane, Amalie and Lex.

One of my favorite characters in this story is Lincoln's G-mom. And Hope. She's pretty cool too.

I finished this read feeling it's possible to redeem Armstrong in some point. I really hope Helena writes a woman capable of shake that assholiness out of him and turn him into book-boyfriend material. Who know. Everything is possible in fiction.

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This is the story of the elusive Lincoln Moorehead, we got hints and peeks of him in the other stories in this series. So I was so looking forward to this and Ms. Hunting gives us readers another amazing story!

Handle With Care is not only funny and full of the heat you come to love in Ms. Hunting's stories, this one has some twists and turns that are gonna leave you with some OMG moments! 

Lincoln in forced to become something he doesn't want or need.  He has always been the absentee family member and with good reason. 

Wren is hired to polish Lincoln's image, but what starts as a professional relationship becomes so much more! She is a bit of a mystery, but good at her job of handling both Lincoln and Aaron...(still the complete jerk he has always been!)

Quick witted banter and fantastic dialogue make this story a page turner that you won't be able to put down till the end.

Past characters make appearances and it's lovely to read up on what they are up to.  It doesn't distract from the main story and brings just more.

Each story in this series just gets better and better! Get you hands on this story, you won't regret it!

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I love a romance where the writing is intelligent and witty and the characters are well thought out. You get exactly that in Handle with Care. Admittedly, I have not read the entire series, but this was such a great read I’ll definitely go back and get them in.

Wren Starling and Lincoln Moorehead are exactly what I crave in a romantic couple. She is no-nonsense and fierce both in and out of the office. Lincoln is charming, altruistic, handsome. Both are devoted to those they hold dear and believe honesty is the best policy. They are not without flaws because what human isn’t? But I’m I finding characters written with these types of traits far more sexy and way more interesting than any other.

The really enjoyed their banter and chemistry. The pacing and progression of the story is great. It’s a sweet and swoon-y read i thoroughly enjoyed.

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I have been on a reading high with this author after her last few releases. I have been so ensnared in her stories, that I couldn't wait to pick this one up.

I am saddened to say that I struggled with this book. I knew this one would be more drama than others, but I still struggled. It was just too much. I wasn't a fan of Wren. She was just too "immature" for a character who is supposed to be more of an old soul considering her place in the book. I just couldn't jump on the Wren train.

The drama in this one was just too much for me. I had to put the book down and walk away a few times. It was annoying me instead of holding my attention. It felt too much like a soap opera.

There were things I did like about this book. I found myself chuckling from time to time. The book wasn't all bad. It is definitely a lighter read and for some most likely a quicker read. I can't deny the writing itself in this one. It's definitely written well. This one just wasn't for me.

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This is my favorite Helena book to date! I instantly fell in love with Lincoln and his gruff teddy bear self. I love how polished and sassy Wren is, and together I love them even more. I have love Lincoln's mysteriousness since the beginning and I loved getting to know him more and seeing him get his HEA. Now Armstrong on the other hand...he still needs a good old fashioned a**whippin' and I still get frustrated just hearing his name lol. But that is a huge testament to Helena's writing that we can get frustrated and angry with a fictional character and feel real feelings towards them. She's just amazing and I love her more and more with every book and interaction I have with her.

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Handle With Care was similar to Making Up in the sense that it stared off at a slower pace and picked up later in the book. There was a lot of interesting drama, surprisingly not all of it pertaining to Armstrong. He really is a jerk and an idiot, but he does add some humor to the book. Their mother is also a piece of work and I definitely did not like her. Lincoln is a good guy, he's quite similar to Griffin. He can be gruff and surly, but also sweet and caring. I like how Wren can handle him and make him happy. I also love how she can put Armstrong in his place. Wren is a hardworker and a good person. I like how her and Lincoln just seem to fit and work together. The storyline was interesting and entertaining and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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