Member Reviews

I can't even with the banter and the chemistry in this book. It is off the charts fun and so hot. I loved this story. This has to be one of my favorites in this series. I adore the characters and I cannot wait for more!

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This is my first Helena Hunting ARC but I've read some of her books. I was excited for this ARC because the blurb lured me in.

This book was a combination of enemies to lovers and falling-for-your-boss trope... though technically Wren was hired by Lincoln's mother. I won't get into details because I'm afraid I might divulge spoilers.

The pacing was great, the characters meshed well... character's growth was apparent as the story went on ... and there's that plot twist you didn't see coming... great word building... and depending on your mood, I'd say it's an easy-read... I said that because the plot twist might be a trigger for some for readers.

I enjoyed the book. Lincoln and Wren's love story is sweet and swoony and it's definitely something every romantic sap would want to read.

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**I voluntarily read an early copy of this title courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

I love a Helena Hunting book anytime, but there was something about Handle with Care and specifically Lincoln and Wren that I was so captivated by! Lincoln might be my favorite Hunting hero ever!

Lincoln has come home to attend his father's funeral and he reluctantly agrees to help his G-mom (I LOVE this moniker!) out by acting as CEO of Moorehead Media until they can find a suitable replacement because it's clear Armstrong, Lincoln's brother isn't the man for the job.

Wren has been working at Moorehead for the last several months trying to keep Armstrong in line. Clearly that is a full-time job, but when Lincoln shows up, she's asked to work with him as well. At first she's afraid she's going to uncover all kinds of things about him, but she quickly finds out that she might have judged him wrong.

As the two begin to spend time together, their chemistry is undeniable. They work well together and as the book moves on, they become a formidable team. While they are dealing with all sorts of things at the office, they are also dealing with the sparks flying between them. When they decide to give into their feelings, but to keep them under wraps from the general public, it proves to be more difficult then they expected because of the strength of them. Will they be able to fool everyone around them or are the feelings too transparent?

This was an amazing book with the humor we are accustomed to from Helena Hunting, but there was also plenty of heart, emotion and drama. While this can be read as a standalone, I'd highly recommend the rest of the series as well as picking up this gem!

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Special thanks to Helena Hunting, Social Butterfly PR and NetGalley for providing the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Handle With Care is a smoking hot romance with a different twist on the office romance troupe.

I fell in love with the main characters so quickly. Wren is my favorite type of heroine - a tough, butt kicking female who doesn't bow to anyone. She is driven and pushy. She's a Handler like Olivia Pope in Scandal but without all the political drama. Wren is tasked to handle Armstrong, an entitled jerk who can't keep his trap or his zipper shut and Lincoln, the prodigal son who wants NOTHING to do with his family.

Lincoln, who only comes home after his father has passed, comes across as a rough and tough. In the beginning his hatred for his family (minus G-mom) just radiates off of him. He even earns himself the Dick of the Day Awards (LOLOLOLOLOL). But slowly, as in all good romances, he begins to bend.

Apart, Wren and Lincoln are awesome but together, they are combustible. They are a force to be reckon with. I just love their banter. It oozes sexual chemistry. It isn't annoying or overbearing. Their banter screams HOTNESS. I also love that when the bond between Wren and Lincoln begins to form, it does not waiver. It does not break. They come to rely on each other which then makes their attraction to one another explode.

I totally recommend Handle With Care. Wren and Lincoln are just about perfect. The villains of the story gets their due. And you get the always needed HEA.

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It feels like I have been anticipating Lincoln's story forever. To be honest, I was worried that I was blowing it up in my mind and was heading for disappointment. I thought the expectation would overshadow the reality...and it did. Because my expectations didn’t come close to how fantastic this story was. This was exactly the book I wanted, and Hunting delivered. I could not put it down!!

Wren is what every romance novel heroine should aspire to be. I was in awe of Wren. I wanted to be Wren. The way she handled not only herself, but Lincoln, Armstrong, and their shrew of a mother was inspiring. I loved her quiet confidence, but more so, I loved the way she didn't hide who she was or stifled the love and care she showed Lincoln. And that “clause” in her contract? It pays off in the most spectacular way.

Lincoln was just … gah!! I thought Griffin was Huntings swooniest hero, but I think Lincoln just edged his cousin out. He wanted nothing to do with his legacy, but not only did claiming his birthright bring him Wren, it gave him a future and a life he never expected to have. I was rooting for Lincoln from the start, and his character development was exactly what it needed to be

There was a moment in this book when I thought it was going to go south. When a lack of communication was going to derail everything Lincoln and Wren had worked towards. But no! I was so, so, so pleased to see them handle conflict in this story like adults and talk it out. No one ran to their corners to brood and overthink. Drama for the sake of drama really bugs me, and there was not an eye roll to be found. I absolutely loved Handle with Care from the first word to the last.

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I am a new fan to this author and I have read this entire series (except for the book featuring Lincoln's brother's ex wife) and I have really loved them. That said this book is the best one in the entire series, maybe even the best story the author has writtend that I have read. It is definitely a top pick of mine for 2019. And the reason is it is so much fun.

Lincoln is the cousin of Griffin from the last book and he has an evil brother and an evil mother as well. But he has a wonderful grandmother and a father who is now dead who he never really knew.. He comes home for his fathers funeral and he is appointed as CEO and while he has no desire to stay, his grandmother asks him to stay and so he agrees.

Wren is in publicity and her job is to make sure that Linc's brother stays out of trouble plus she worked with Linc's father. Her new task now is to help get Linc acclimated to the company and well she does an awesome job. To some degree these two are opposites who clash, think grumpy mountain man and big city girl and thats the trope here plus romance in the workplace with a dash of fun annoying each other.

This book from top to botton is so much fun. I laughed I cringed and I even bit my nails as I tried to figure out the mystery of just who Lincoln's dad was and what he was hiding. Both characters, Wren and Linc were absolutely wonderful and so perfect for each other I loved how close they became and how they were always honest with each other. This book was simply wonderful and I plan to re-read it again, it was that great.

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Hunting has really spoilt her readers this summer with two stand-alone novels in the Shacking Up series but sadly, Handle With Care is the last one. What a send-off! As per usual, I read the book in one sitting; however, this one felt totally different. Laugh-out-loud scenes intermingled with intrigue had me hooked. Something just didn’t seem to add up and I wanted to find out what it was.

The mysterious Lincoln Moorhead is not a happy man. Back in New York City to attend the funeral of his father, never did he expect or even want to be tied to the family-run business. A good chunk of his life had been spent shirking them, and now he has little choice other than to accept his grandmother’s proposal. Moorhead Media’s future meant the only person to be trusted at the helm was him. Well, how could he not say no to her! Sharp and oh-so-witty, I’d love to have a grandmother like Lincoln’s in my life.

“I don’t even know who I am. I don’t want these people to be my family. How is this the legacy I’m supposed to uphold?”

Understandably, Lincoln’s short-tempered. Especially knowing full well he’d have to deal with his infamous brother’s compulsive and bizarre nature inside and out of the office. You really must meet Armstrong if you haven't already. You probably won’t like him, but his outrageous shenanigans added a whole lot of spice to the story. No wonder he rubbed Lincoln up the wrong way!

“Are you ready to deal with Armstrong now?”
“Is anyone ever?”

Nonetheless, the surprise was the jaw-droppingly beautiful gal who’d already been contracted to put out the flames, making everything look like false publicity. Now it's the new CEO's turn but for different reasons. Organising Lincoln's agenda and giving him much-needed makeover is on the cards.

“You can’t tell me I can’t shave me head or force me to get a haircut.”

Laugh until I cried, Wren Sterling’s modus operandi regarding Lincoln is really a case of snip, tuck and straighten. Although he wasn’t at all keen on the idea, I never heard him complain when she ran her fingers through his hair, tucked in his shirt or fiddled with his tie before attending meetings. The forces of attraction cannot be denied, but the job comes first. She’s very, very good at it and although Lincoln doesn’t feel comfortable being back after such a long time, he’s adapting slowly and doing a damn good job, too.

'That lipstick drives me up the wall. It’s always on. Always perfect. Always a distraction.'

Told from a dual perspective in present and overflowing with playful banter and steaminess, Lincoln’s narrative of his past evoked all the feels. Wren’s put between a rock and a hard place, faces it head-on and had me happy dancing. Here’s one spunky woman who’s not going to take shit from anyone!

“I don’t know how every man who crosses your path doesn’t fall in love with you. Everything about you is incredible.”

Guessing the twist before the ending didn’t spoil my reading enjoyment in the slightest. My only wish was the person behind some awfully cruel manoeuvres would get what they deserved. Hunting’s wrapped up this series perfectly and I couldn’t recommend it more. Bravo!

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Handle with Care is a sexy, fast-paced office romance book. Lincoln and Wren were characters that have great chemistry on page. Lincoln Moorehead has always been distant with his crazy family. He's stayed away from the family's multi-million business, Moorehead Media, for years. Until his father's passing and he became CEO. It's the last thing I wants to do, but for six months he told himself and he can do it. And do it for his "G-Mom" - grandmother. But little did he know Wren Sterling would change his life.

Wren Sterling has been working for the Moorehead family for awhile - trying to clean up the image of the younger brother, Armstrong, through good PR. And when she's been asked to stay on longer to help maintain Lincoln's image for the new role as CEO, she never expected to fall for him.

Lincoln and Wren are constantly butting heads when it comes to his public image and working together. But the more time they spend with each other, the more they have a lot in common. But being together is not easy. Both Lincoln and Wren's families have dark secrets that if exposed can ruin a lot of lives.

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I think this one is my favorite so far. Not sure if it’s because of Linc, Wren, or just the entire thing that is just perfect.

So remember Armstrong? Amie’s ex that cheated on her at their wedding reception? Well… his ways have not change. He’s still entitled, spoiled, horrible and pretty much disgusting. But his older brother isn’t.

Lincoln Moorehead is back from wherever he’s been working on his projects for underdeveloped communities in third world countries. He’s gruff, looking too worn for wear and is very much not wanting to be in NYC. Not for his father’s funeral (which he wasn’t close to and pretty much couldn’t stand and didn’t appreciate), and definitely not to head Moorehead Media, his family’s legacy, his father’s company, and the establishment his younger brother is sinking slowly but surely.

He’ll do pretty much anything for his grandmother, so he’s willing to give her a few months of his time and head the company until they can find a permanent solution. And he’s willing to work with a handler that will make sure to ease him into things as a public figure, managing his social media, and pretty much his life.

Wren Sterling is that woman. She’s beautiful, competent and was retained by his mother to deal with Armstrong’s shenanigans, and now to help Linc. She starts by helping him to his room after he’s gotten himself drunk, and once Wren gets him cleaned up and fitted for suits, she’s also starting to feel very much drawn to him.

The dynamics between the two is like fireworks from every direction shooting all at once. Linc keeps pushing Wren’s buttons, but she’s standing up to him and is very fast getting him on her side. Linc on his end is mesmerized by Wren and pretty much confesses to her everything she’s doing to him.

Their romance should be kept a secret, but people aren’t blind, and when his mother finds out, she’ll do what she can to manipulate that to her benefit.

Lincoln’s coming to terms with his father’s infidelity helps him see his dad in a whole different light, and a little investigating by him and Wren show Linc his family’s true colors.

Everything in this book appealed to me. Wren’s feisty nature, Linc’s determination and good heart, their combustible chemistry, the humor, the fun and the slight investigative drama that’s going on there.

I don’t go with standalones that are part of a series, and I have read the previous books, but if you’re not into doing that – you can definitely enjoy this as a standalone.

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What a delightful addition to the Shacking Up Series!

After his father dies, Lincoln Moorehead's grandmother talks him into becoming head of Moorehead Media. Lincoln has never wanted anything to do with his family (other than his grandmother) nor the family business. If it wasn't for his grandmother's asking, he would have gladly continued building homes and helping communities in developing countries.

Wren wants to move on from Moorehead media at the end of her contract and begin doing the charity work she has always dreamed. Only, Lincoln's mother holds all the cards. She initially hired Wren to be Lincoln's brother, Armstrong's handler. Armstrong was a PR nightmare for the company and it was Wren's job to do damage control. Now with Lincoln coming home, Lincoln's mom insists that he needs help with not only his wardrobe but in learning how to behave like a proper businessman. If Wren agrees to overhaul his public image, Lincoln's mother has agreed to give Wren a shining referral.

The only bright side to working the family business was having a handler. And Lincoln wants nothing more than for Wren to handle him.

"God, she pisses me off and makes me hot at the same time. I've never encountered a woman who I simultaneously want to screw and tell to screw off."

These characters were great! They shared amazing chemistry and hilarious banter.

HANDLE WITH CARE was an entertaining, quick read, that left a huge grin on my face!

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*4 Stars*

ARC kindly received in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed reading this one. Wren and Lincoln were fantastic main characters, and we had a host of interesting secondary characters as well.

Lincoln clearly does not want to be back in NYC running his family company, but he is suddenly thrust into the situation and to go along with it, is assigned a handler, who is Wren. These two seem at first like they're going to butt heads, particularly after Wren's experiences with Linc's brother Armstrong (who is still the douchiest of all douches), but as it turns out, Linc is very different from his idiot brother.

Learning about these two and watching their bond grow was great, and I loved how there was actually proper communication between them for the most part as well. They have great best friends as secondary characters and some family members are pretty cool too (Oh hey, G-Mom!).

I really enjoyed this read, and sped through it fairly quickly as well. Definitely recommend.

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Wren has become one of my most favorite heroines!
I kept picturing her as a modern Nanny MacPhee and instead of toddlers and children she had to handle two adult brothers.

This was so unusual, incredible and funny!

Wren had been contracted to handle Armstrong. Armstrong was...a total immature douchebag!
He ran after everything sporting a skirt, never owned his mistakes and put real tantrum (also known as ADF emergency as in Armstrong Douche Fuckery emergency).

That's really desperate when your damily has to contract someone to handle the adult you because you keep messing things so badly that it would cost the family company a lot of money!

But fear not Super Wren will have him in a headlock faster than you can say sorry. I kid you not. A real headlock at the office.
It seemed that doing or threatening Armstrong with bodily harm was the only way to keep him contained!

« In accordance with clause six-nine-six, appendix D of my contract, I’m invoking the right to use self-defense in the event of unwarranted physical contact.” (…)

“We’re in the middle of reading your deceased father’s will. Have some decorum and stop acting like toddlers fighting over a damn cookie.” She releases Armstrong from the headlock and points a finger at my face. “Sit down, both of you. This isn’t a playground, and you’re not challenging each other to a thumb war behind the slide.”

Impressive and efficient right? ;-)

The other brother Wren had to handle was Lincoln. He went from hot savage with a beard and man bun to spontaneous combusting panties unwilling CEO.

Wren had to threaten Lincoln with laser removal of facial hair for him to begrudgingly accept cutting his hair, beard and wearing a suit!

Lincoln is forced by his grand mother to step up in his deceased father's shoes for 6 Months the time to find a replacement.
Lincoln is not interested in working in that concrete jungle of New York. His jam is more of digging wells, building homes in poor countries.

But soon enough his verbal paring with Wren, riling her up every day become the best part of his days!

This was a fun and light read. Low on angst and starred by an excellent character cast:

-the hot but with backbone of iron babysitter herm...handler;

-the extremely handsome and devoted to charity projects male hero;

-the totally immature and jerk of a brother;

-the modern business woman yet kind G-mom or grand mother;

-the evil queen because, of course you need one!

You will have some secrets, rampant sexual chemistry and ... a lot of fun!

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I'm so in love with Lincoln and Wren. You will love them too. Wren doesn't take crap from anyone. She is bold and not afraid to put anyone in their place for their own good. She is good at her job and it shows when dealing with Lincoln's brother Armstrong (if you've read any previous books then you will know Armstrong) and Lincoln's mother. Lincoln is his own man and not afraid of hard work. He is amazing and so hot. I love his relationship with G-Mom. It's so fun to watch him and Armstrong interact. You will be giggling at times just as you are fanning yourself too. Lincoln and Wren are so hot together. I love how well they bring out the best in each other. The pull between Wren and Lincoln is strong and will pull you in. I love what Helena Hunting gives us with Handle With Care. She knows how to suck you in and give you just this carefree laugh out loud read. This is one of my favorites in the Shacking Up series.

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What’s not to love about this book? It was wonderful! Loved the humor, the chemistry and above all the storyline! Great job!

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Need a summer crush? 💋

Handle With Care has everything you could want in a romance: Sexy times, a whipsmart heroine with a complicated backstory, and a hot brooding lover (who speaks with many tongues). Give him a chip on his shoulder, hyenas for family, and the chops to keep up with her. Add intrigue, the timely topic of the have vs. the have nots, some hipster man crushing, and a tube of everwear lipstick, and Handle is unputdownable.

Did I mention Helena Hunting wrote it? Probably because I can't quit grinning long enough to write a coherent review. If you've been reading the Shacking Up Series, you are well acquainted with the players. If not, HWC is the perfect place to start. The vivid scenes had me rolling with laughter, trading messages with my reader wife, only pushing on the break to sigh or sob at the really moving bits. And this book is packed with plenty of everything.

Wren and Lincoln’s story is equal parts swoon, smarts and smarm. Add in long-simmering family drama within two of New York’s toniest families, and you get this delightful romance from the queen of funny romangst. 🔥Life is good, Helena Hunting is even better.

I highly recommend this fun and tender story that packs so much emotion and love.

kc caron
Aphrodites Reading Alphas

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4.5 Stars

Handle With Care is the latest installment in the Shacking Up series, and somehow this series just keeps getting more amazing!

Since the very beginning, I have been wanting Lincoln's story, and the brief glimpses we've gotten throughout the series just left me wanting more. And he is even more incredible than I thought! Unlike his brother and cousins, Lincoln could care less about the fame and fortune that comes with their family names. He'd rather help the less fortunate than spend thousands of dollars on worthless possessions and prefers the quiet of underdeveloped countries than the hustle & bustle of NYC. But when his father suddenly passes away he flies home and is thrown right into the craziness of his family and everything that comes with the Moorhead name, no realizing just how drastically his life is about to change.

Wren has been working for Moorehead Media, attempting to keep Armstrong in line and the family name as pristine as possible. When she is asked to stay on and help with Lincoln's transition back into the company - and media - she agrees, knowing it's what she needs to do to achieve her goals. After dealing with Armstrong, Lincoln should be a walk in the park, right? Only this job is much harder than she ever thought - for her sanity and her heart.

I absolutely adored these characters! They were so genuine, both working towards future goals and putting their families first no matter the personal cost. The chemistry between Lincoln & Wren was almost palpable, and the flirty banter and steam levels were off the charts. I loved Lincoln's grandmother, she was the perfect addition and I only wish we had met her sooner!

While there was definitely a healthy dose of drama thrown in, it wasn't what I normally expect and definitely set this book apart from the others. Handle With Care is flirty & fun, and I couldn't put it down! Here's to hoping for more in this series, and these characters!

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As a fan of Helena Hunting and the Shacking Up series, I was thrilled to get my hands on this title. Let it be said that this book did not disappoint. Handle With Care, the fifth book in the Shacking Up series, is the story of Lincoln Moorehead and Wren Sterling.

After the death of his father, the reclusive Lincoln is bamboozled by his grandmother and convinced to stay on with Moorehead Media during its transitional period. After a stint as the "babysitter" (image/media handler) for the ridiculous baby Moorehead brother, Wren is presented with the opportunity to help transition Lincoln into his role as the new CEO of Moorehead Media. The chemistry between Lincoln and Wren is high from day one, but so is the irritation brought on by their respective roles. The ups and downs brought on by their jobs, ridiculous family members, and growing relationship make this a fast, fun read that you don't want to end.

ARC Provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I never thought I would say this…but Lincoln Moorehead just kicked Lexington Mills right off the pedestal I had him on and has claimed his spot as my favorite guy from the ‘Shacking Up’ series! Ugh, Lincoln is just all of the best things wrapped up in one very handsome package.

Lincoln has done his best to stay away from New York and away from his family. When his father passes away, he’s forced to come back, not only for the funeral, but to take over as CEO for Moorehead Media. This is only for 6 months, and Lincoln isn’t pleased, but when he meets his ‘handler’ he realizes maybe New York isn’t as bad as he thought.

Wren has one goal, and Armstrong Moorehead is a stepping stone to that goal. However after the unexpected passing of Fredrick Moorehead, Wren gets a new contract, not only working with Armstrong, but also with his older brother Lincoln. She’s ready to handle Lincoln just like she handles Armstrong but the more time she spends with him she realizes the brothers couldn’t be more opposite. As the two spend more time together, their attraction becomes harder to ignore, can they keep it professional or will they throw caution to the wind?

Helena never disappoints. I’ve read every book, and never, not once have I been disappointed. ‘Handle With Care’ had my laughing out loud at times, and feeling like my heart was going to break at others. The banter between Lincoln and Wren was out of this world hilarious, and the way she handled Armstrong was AMAZING! These two characters were fun and their chemistry jumped off of the pages. This was a book that I refused to put down (sorry boss for not getting any work done…lol). I have to say though, as much as I can’t stand Armstrong, I almost want him to get his own book where he redeems himself and proves all the haters wrong. Regardless, Lincoln is the hero we all need, and Wren is the sassy heroine we want to be!

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"Holy shit. I've been so wrapped up in hating my family and this job that I failed to recognize I have a serious hard-on over my handler. Quite literally."

Handle With Care kept me entertained from beginning to end. I have a fondness for alpha assholes and Lincoln fits that description perfectly. There are also quite a few other descriptions I could throw in that might not be exactly flattering but wouldn't detract from his deliciousness in any way. Many women would like a taste of him, but she's the one that's captured his attention. "Half the time, my irritation and her snark seem a lot like flirting."

The sparks fly between them from the beginning. She gives as good as she gets, and he likes it, even when he doesn't want to. She tries to control herself around him. "For the most part, I avoid making prolonged eye contact with Lincoln because my panties feel like their going to explode when I do." Yup, the explosion is inevitable, and it's so fun to anticipate when it will happen. So, grab some popcorn and wine and enjoy the show. You won't be disappointed.

Not only did the witty banter keep me giggle-snorting there was a bit of a mystery that kept me intrigued as well. Then there's the sexual tension between the handler and the one that wants her hands all over him. I couldn't find anything not to love about this story. I am especially excited about a new character that I hope to see featured in an upcoming installment. The line forms here...

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I received an ARC of this book and voluntarily give my review.

Having devoured the first 3 books of the Shacking Up series months ago I pounced on the opportunity to read Making Up. When reading a book from Helena Hunting I have come to expect a few things.
1) I am going to laugh, a lot.
2) There will probably be some drama, bad decisions or misunderstandings
3) When the couple gets together the sparks will fly.

Cosy and Griffin are fantastic characters independently and when they are together. Cosy's job, attitude towards life and level of experience (or lack there of) makes her a firecracker who is a little unpredictable. Griffin is clearly outside of his comfort zone in pursuing Cosy, but there is something so addicting in his awkwardness and nerves when it comes to her.

I have read most of Helena Hunting's books and found this one to be relatively tame in terms of adult content, but still smokin' hot. I couldn't put this book down, I read until 3 in the morning and have no regrets.

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