Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this last one in the series.
At least I think it's the last one...

The mysterious brother Lincoln has returned to take over the family company after the death of his father. Of course, he has to deal with his a-hole brother Armstrong and his "handler" Wren. While Lincoln is dealing with being in NYC, and in once place longer than he wants, Wren is dealing with the Moorehead men as best as she can: Armstrongs PR nightmares, her and Lincoln's mutual attraction, and drama from their mother.

The cousins from other books in this series make appearances, and really round out the story.

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Well damn, this book blew my mind. It held my attention the entire time, 5 stars for this one!
Meet Lincoln, who has distanced himself from his disfunctional family as best he can! When his father passes away, he's forced to come back to town for the funeral, the only saving grace is is G-Mom, or grandmother on his dad's side. He's never been close to his dad, or mother for that matter, he just wants to blow in and back out after the funeral till his G-mom begs him to stay on for a bit to help the family company out.
When he meets his brother Armstrongs "handler" Wren, he's immediately smitten with her, the way she handles his brother is amazing. She's also signed on through his mother to "handle" him as well, but there is a definite attraction to him.
When Lincoln stumbles upon information about his father that he never knew about, all hell within this family will break lose and his only life line is Wren. Read along as you find out what the heck has been going on for so long, you will be amazed! Grab this on release day!

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This was such a good book. I loved the banter between Wren and Lincoln, it just made them getting together that much more explosive. All the secrets that were uncovered throughout the book were a surprise. This was a very good book and I can't wait to read more from this author.

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While I would always fall in love with the male character (because let's face it, I have a lot of book boyfriends) in this book, I bow down to Wren. Lincoln is handsome, respectful, honest, smart, trust worthy and with great values. So how can you not appreciate a specimen like that? BUT after reading how honest and strong Wren is, there is no other choice but to admire her. She is on top of things, doesn't coward away, takes control and is organized. And I have to mention that she deserves a prize for dealing with Armstrong alone. She is a power house! The story feels long but it packs a lot of information. Good thing is, even when I thought I knew what was going to happen, the story gave me an extra twist. Plus Armstrong is a great character in all the wrong ways LOL. Will have you thinking "how can anyone like that exists, and how come no one has strangled him already?" He keeps everyone on their toes, drives you crazy as a reader but keeps you entertained.

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Lincoln Moorehead becomes the heir and CEO of Moorehead Media after his father’s passing, but he is not ready nor does he want such a promotion. That’s where Wren Sterling comes in. She is tasked to prepare him in take over the company. Can she wrangle this Moorehead, who wants nothing to do with the company? It has to be easier than “handling” his brother Armstrong...right? This is part of the Shacking up series and Armstrong’s Brother. You are going to laugh out loud at some parts of this romantic comedy. As always the side characters are also fantastic. Armstrong is as juvenile as ever and that’s being nice! I’m loving Lincoln and Wren! Told in dual POV

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➳ Rate: 5 / 5 stars

Helena Hunting sure does know how to write an office romance. This book was impossible not to love. It had everything I enjoy and more. From the very first chapter, I feel in love with Lincoln. He is so different from all the other heros in the Shacking Up world. I loved that he hated his family because I think the whole world does too by now, so it was great to see a character feel the same way about them as me. And gosh I loved his friendship with Griffin, they were more like brothers than anything and I truly loved their bond and how even with all the distance they were always there for each other.

Lincoln and Wren were fun sinse the very beginning and watching them interact, banter with each other and try to fight off their attraction was so fun. I enjoyed it so much. But this book was different from the usual playful and fun Helena Hunting books because it had a lot more emotional moments. My heart hurt for Lincoln and what he found out about his family and how he'd never get a relationship with his father back and for Wren too when she was put between a rock and hard place. But gosh I loved that she didn't act up and do something stupid and instead thought it through and discussed it with Lincoln. I loved that they had that kind of relationship and they worked everything out rationally and together. They were a power couple and loved watching them together and how their lives and passions just fit together so perfectly.

Handle With Care is a new favorite from HH and in the Shacking Up world. It was so fun and heartwarming to read but also emotional and a tearjerker at times. And those are my favorite kind of books. This one is a must read, specially if you've read any of the other books in this series.

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Handle With Care by Helena Hunting is the fifth book in the beloved Shacking Up series and starts with Lincoln Moorehead. His father has just died and he’s been roped into to coming back to NYC to help with the family media business. Unfortunately that means reconnecting with his pretentious family and despicable brother Armstrong (who you may remember from MANY of the other books 😂.)

Lincoln gets to Moorehead Media and learns the family has enlisted the help of a “handler” for his brother to clean up the messes he leaves behind while maintaining a favorable PR image. Wren, the said “babysitter” is expecting to have to clean up after Lincoln all the same and is surprised when he turns out to be nothing like his family or at all how she expected. Down-to-earth and considerate, Lincoln is adamant that he doesn’t need to be managed and him and Wren barb as he tries to get rid of his new little shadow. But maintaining his image means he’s spending a lot of time with Wren and soon Lincoln learns sparring with her is quickly becoming the best part of his day. As more family secrets threaten to detonate on the Moorehead family, could this spark between Lincoln and Wren turn into something much much more?

Okay I LOVED THIS ONE. I always am a sucker for that hate-to-love push-pull banter that then explodes. This one did not disappoint. I’ll loved Wren’s sassiness and watching her manhandle Armstrong was hilarious and oh so satisfying. I loved that Wren and Lincoln really were honest and did communicate with each other and that nothing minuscule came between them. They were just normal people in a crazy circumstance and I loved watching it unfold. Plus you still get ALLLL of the trademark HH 🔥 that I’ve come to love. If you’re a fan of the Shacking Up series this one honestly may be my favorite one yet! Pre-order now so you’re all set when this one releases on 8/27!! // ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️

SIDE NOTE: I got to meet Helena in NYC last weekend and IT. WAS. EVERYTHING. She’s the BEST! 👸🏻

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The perfect summer read. I fell in love with this book. The characters were easy to relate to and I loved their personalities. The plot was planned perfectly and I enjoyed the pace of the book. The story is a twist on an office romance. I was hooked after only a few pages and I adore Helena's writing style. She is an author that definitely stands out amoung the rest.

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Omg I absolutely in love with every book in the Shacking Up world. I’ve been so interested in Lincoln that I couldn’t wait too dive into his story. Lincoln and Wren are scorching hot together and their chemistry is off the charts. I loved every minute of their story, once you start reading you won’t want to stop. Another amazing read that everyone must read.

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Feels 1
Steam 5
Storyline 5
Overall Rating 5
Kindle eArc provided by Netgalley
Reviewed by Robin

More of my favorite characters in the Shacking Up series. We were teased with Lincoln in the last book and man ol’ man he does NOT disappoint. He is like a rare breed of man even though he comes from an entirely selfish family. Wren is the woman brought in to manage the Moorehead brothers. Armstrong...well, you know how inappropriate he can be but Lincoln just needs a guiding hand or stroke to lead him in the right direction. I loved the feisty banter and the crazy attraction these two had for one another. They knew how to push each other’s buttons and that made it all the more fun. Lots of family secrets and manipulative maneuvers in this story. I loved how teamwork and good intentions win out in the end.

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Handle with Care is a book I was so excited to read once I binge read the first few books in the series earlier this year. I love getting so many books from this world and with these characters, and was so excited to read Lincoln's story, especially since we finally got to meet him in Making Up after hearing about him mentioned in earlier books.

I sped through this book so quickly! I had this on my tbr for The Reading Rush, and used it for the prompt of reading a book in the same place. Going into the book all I knew was that it's about Lincoln, and honestly that's all I needed to know.

"It's only taken me more than a decade to realize that healing happens a lot faster when you stop placing blame and start putting in an effort to make a change."

Handle with Care follows Lincoln and Wren. For most of his life Lincoln has been away from his toxic family, but has to come back and help with his family's business after his father dies. Since his family's business is well known, and everyone will be focusing on him, his mother hires Wren to help Lincoln adjust, and to make sure he acts and looks the way that is expected of him. As the two begin spending so much time together, they start having feelings for each other.

I loved reading this book, Lincoln and Wren had so much chemistry and the slow burn was amazing. I kept wanting to get up and pace and tell them to just get together already. I loved their relationship, and how they actually communicated with each other when a big issue comes up. It was so refreshing to read a romance novel where the angst doesn't come from the characters not communicating with each other.

My one complaint with the book is that I wish some of Wren's backstory would have been explained more at the beginning/throughout the novel instead of just being alluded to, because when it comes into play I didn't feel the emotional impact I was expecting to.

Overall this was an amazing addition to the Shacking Up series, and I highly recommend it to anyone who loves Helena Hunting, as well as to anyone who wants to read a fun contemporary romance!

Have you read the Shacking Up series yet?

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4.5 Ethics and Kisses Stars
* * * *1/2 Spoiler Free
Blood Families aren't chosen, they just are...And if Lincoln Moorehead had his way, the only family he would keep would be his grandmother G-Mom. You see Lincoln walked away from the corporate dog eat dog world years ago and devoted himself to helping others. But now G-Mom has asked him to come back from where ever he was and step into the seat of CEO. She claims it will be for just a little while to make sure things transition smoothly but Lincoln has a gut feeling this may not be all she has up her sleeve.

Wren Sterling has her own backbone and ideas about the corporate world as well. She comes from a family which is welled versed in all the ins and outs of presenting just the right image. As the daughter of a senator, she knows exactly how important branding and publicity is. But this PR thing she has been doing is not her heart. Nonprofit is and Gwendolyn Moorehead had promised Wren her "handling and cleaning up the scandalous messes" younger son Armstrong was making would put her front and center with any charity organization she wished. Wren sucked it up and did her job, making sure Armstrong knew she would literally whack him if he so much as touched her.

Now Gwendolyn has promised more to Wren...If she assists in "Grooming, Outfitting and Handling Lincoln" she will double her pay. Makes it difficult to turn this is how Wren ends up in a bar meeting Lincoln for the first time. The funeral is over and Wren just needs to make sure Lincoln gets to his room all right. As drunk as he is...Wren does the job without Lincoln understanding who exactly she is...

When these two finally are officially introduced, both are on edge leading to a caustic reaction. Lincoln is annoyed he has to be there in the first place. Then his idiot brother has a hissy fit he was not named CEO and starts to act out...causing Wren to put Armstrong in his place, physically. After all that, Lincoln is asked/told by G-mom to have Wren make all the appointments for grooming, etc. Things Lincoln could care less about.

But Lincoln does care about all the people who work for Morehead and their families. He understands the importance of what needs to take place so he eventually softens to the idea of Wren and her arranging his life. It should only be for about 6 months or so...He sucks it up and starts to rely on Wren...

Well, he starts to do more than rely on her...He starts to look forward to the clip clip of her stilettos across his tile floor and wants to know what she is thinking behind those beautiful eyes. He and Wren start to see each other in a more favorable light and soon the chemistry is off the chain and they are acting on it...

This story has so much going for it. You have a couple who start out with misinterpretations and assumptions about each other. Then you have them become a team working towards common goals. And then they are confronted with something which will impact both of them and others. Watching how they handle all of this was insightful as to who they were and who they wanted to be.

Helena Hunting is known for delivering stories with many layers and with this last entry to the series, she did not disappoint.

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Handle With Care is the fifth book in the Shacking Up series and it was one of my favorites! Throughout the series we've heard of Lincoln here and there, but haven't really had a chance to meet him yet. He does a lot of charity work in third world countries and doesn't really want anything to do with his family for very good reason (you'll get the pleasure of meeting his narcissistic brother Armstrong and ice queen mother Gwendolyn if you haven't met them before). But after his father suffers a heart attack and passes away, Lincoln is now CEO of Moorhead Media and that comes with his very own "handler" in the form of one Wren Sterling.

Immediately from the beginning I loved the chemistry between Lincoln and Wren. The quips and witty banter between the two of them was so fun and sexy! Also - Lincoln walking around in his tighty whities all the time - HOT!!! The scenes where Lincoln is getting a makeover were some of my favorites (swoooon). The slow burn between Lincoln and Wren was so so good and I couldn't wait until those two combusted!

What I loved the most was about Wren and Lincoln's relationship was that it was built on trust and their communication with one another. They were always on the same page, and always thinking about one another.

Helena Hunting is so great at writing funny scenes that make you laugh, but also sweet scenes that make your heart break for these characters that you care so much about. These two people have such big hearts, but they are also holding on to so much baggage and hurt. I loved all the twists and turns and Handle With Care definitely had that "couldn't put it down" quality that I love in a good book. Thank you HH, for giving me two new favorite characters and a story I loved so much!

** Thank you to SMP and Netgalley for my ARC in exchange for my honest review **

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This will post on the Romance Reviews Today website in early Sept.

HANDLE WITH CARE – Helena Hunting
St. Martin’s Paperbacks
ISBN: 978-1-250-018399-6
August 27, 2019
Romantic Comedy

New York City – Present Day

After the sudden death of his father, Lincoln Moorhead returns to New York City after spending years in Central America doing charity work to avoid being around his parents and brother. He thought it’d be a quick trip, but it turns out it will be longer. In his father’s will, Lincoln has been named the temporary CEO of the company for six months. While he doesn’t want to do it, he really has no choice. And he will be under the tutelage of a “handler” by the name of Wren Sterling, who will make sure he dresses properly and says the right things. Wren annoys the heck out of Lincoln, yet she intrigues him. Because they have to work so closely together, it’s inevitable that their relationship soon turns into a mutual attraction.

Wren sees Lincoln as a caveman. He’s big, uncouth, and scraggly. It’s up to her to turn him into a New York City businessman. At first, Lincoln resists the changes, mainly because Wren is a stick-in-the-mud, but soon he’s going along with her suggestions. Especially once he sees the effect his new appearance has on her. Their attraction leads to kisses, and much more, but neither wants to risk a scandal if their affair is discovered. Wren doesn’t want anyone to think she’s trying to sleep her way to the top.

There’s a battle brewing in HANDLE WITH CARE as Wren is tasked with the job of turning Lincoln into looking like the CEO of a multimillion-dollar company. Wren comes from a good family—her father is a Senator—and she only took the job as Lincoln’s handler at the request of her mother, who is friends with Lincoln’s mother. The moment they meet, sparks fly, though he is pretty much on his way to being drunk. After discovering what Wren will be doing with him, Lincoln balks, but his mother is insistent. He only agrees because his beloved grandmother encourages him to cooperate, for the company’s sake. Lincoln’s relationship with his mother and brother is tenuous at best, and with him back in town, it’s exacerbated even more. Turns out Wren is a breath of fresh air while he’s doing a job he really hates.

HANDLE WITH CARE will have readers chuckling as Wren and Lincoln face-off right from the start. She’s not afraid of sparring with him, while he’s fascinated by her mouth, specifically her lipstick that never wears off. He wants it off—and more! Even as they fall for each other, Lincoln and Wren face outside forces that want to sabotage their relationship, which includes a little blackmail. By the end of HANDLE WITH CARE, they will become a force to reckon with, as Lincoln learns a few truths that open his eyes to exactly what his family is. Will it end with him returning to Costa Rica? Will Lincoln and Wren be able to find a future together?

Grab a copy of HANDLE WITH CARE, then sit down with a cool drink and prepare to fall in love with two mismatched characters. They will have you laughing, smiling, and squealing throughout this fun tale.

Patti Fischer

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I guess I am officially a fan of Helena Hunting. This is my 3rd book of hers that I've read and I have found her stories to be so funny, cute, and sexy. Even when told in first person POV, which is not my usual go to POV. Usually I really dislike first person narratives but Helena Hunting's stories suck me in so well that I don't even notice it anymore. In Handle With Care, Wren and Lincoln's chemistry is palpable right from the start. I loved their interactions. They were so cute. Wren is a very strong woman. She can totally take care of herself and she doesn't take BS from anyone. Loved that about her. And Lincoln. He was just hilarious. I loved his character. The things he says. The way he acts. He's just perfect. Even though the majority of the story was fun there are some parts that pulled at my heartstrings and made me shed a tear or two. Really enjoyed this story and how everything played out.

*I voluntarily read an advance copy of this book*

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Handle With Care is a wonderfully fun-filled, sexy and warmhearted addition to Helena Hunting’s #Shackingup series.

Lincoln Moorhead wanted nothing to do with his drama filled family, much less be part of their business dealings. However when his grandmother asks for his help after his father’s death, he’s unable to say no, but his surly disposition is assuaged by the beauty who’s been hired to help transform his wild and curt image into that of the polished head of company.

Wren Sterling is a smart, capable and independent woman with a goal. To achieve it she must first work with the newly appointed CEO of Moorehead Media, the do gooder oldest son of the recently deceased owner. She never expected to like the bristly recluse, much less fall in love with him. But will she choose him when she’s forced to pick between love and family?

I always get excited when I see there’s a new Helena Hunting book coming out because she unfailingly creates wonderfully fun to read stories that leave this booklover very satisfied. In “Handle With Care” we meet Wren Sterling, a PR consultant who knows how to do her job including, but not limited to, manhandling self-absorbed, tantrum throwing man-boys, a.k.a. Lincoln’s younger brother Armstrong.

Despite being dismayed by having to go back to New York, Lincoln is absolutely captivated by the witty, snarky woman who doesn’t put up with anyone’s BS. Their initial verbal sparring is fun to read and soon transforms into delicious flirting and a deeper connection when Lincoln finds himself trusting Wren while she sees the genuinely sweet and honest man behind the cynical gruff.

Both Wren and Lincoln are delightful characters on their own and as a couple. He’s giving and charismatic while she’s strong and smart. I loved that they both behaved maturely when things got tough. Their romance had the perfect amount of sexy fun, drama and heart. I just adored everything about it!

Handle with Care is book #5 of the Shacking Up series by Helena Hunting. It is a standalone contemporary romance told from both points of view with a happy ending.

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“Dear sweet baby Jesus riding a unicorn.”
Is it hot in here or is it SCORCHING HOT in here!!
Helena has created the hottest, swooniest brothers that could make water boil with one of their sexy looks.
Lincoln Morehead is not only a Mountain man physically but he has an immensely generous heart to match. His swoonworthy good looks, dimpled chin had me tripping over with lust.
“I don’t know how every man who crosses your path doesn’t fall in love with you. Everything about you is incredible.”


That's the thing that attracts his Babysitter/Handler, Wren to him more than his millions.
She's not a bottom feeder or social climber, she genuinely falls for him and thus begins their secretive love affair which suffers opposition form his mom and idiot brother
"God, she pisses me off and makes me hot at the same time. I’ve never encountered a woman who I simultaneously want to screw and tell to screw off."
The story is again pure perfection in narration, in plot, in characterisation and the twists and turns.
Apparently there are many secrets in the Morehead penthouse that need to be taken care of!!
“The truth doesn’t always set you free,Sometimes it becomes the noose around your neck. You’d be wise to remember that.”
Story is full signature Helena style of very witty banter & smart Ass ribbing, but there's also a lot of heart.


Wren is kick Ass, takes no Shit kinda gal and the way she puts Armstrong in his place was so impressive, I might have had a teeny tiny crush on her.
Smoothly flowing, fun to read, sparkling with humor and wit, this story just touches your heart and you won't forget it easily.
5 stars for Red Tints

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Oh, rich people have such problems. The Moorehead family’s problems are so bad that they have to hire Wren to hush up all the scandals resulting from one son’s scandals from screwing or harassing every woman who crosses his path. And now the father has died and the older son, Lincoln, has had to leave his charitable work in Guatemala to come back and take up the reins of their multi-millionaire media company. So now Wren has to help get Lincoln up to snuff. Mostly, her job seems to be getting him a haircut and fitted for clothes while sending him lots of reminders about his schedule.

But that’s all a set-up in the novel for Lincoln and Wren to fall for one another and then have to deal with a blackmail threat. It’s a lot of made-up drama for people who care about scandal about their family playing out in the tabloids.

I’m not sure why anyone would care particularly about the scandals beyond prurient interest. What super rich family hasn’t had its share of scandals these days? It doesn’t necessarily threaten the business, especially if it’s a privately held company.

I’d be more concerned about the financial challenges facing media companies these days. And the solution would not be, as it seems to be in this story, for the company to launch a new outlet devoted to serious looks at charities and problems facing the poor in other countries. Yeah, I don’t see that being a major money-maker these days. It’s as if Hunting, an author I really enjoy, is trying to have her cake and eat it too by having a super rich couple who also are devoted to charitable endeavors.

I still really enjoyed the novel and Hunting’s romances are always fun. I just found it harder to suspend disbelief as the story went on.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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4 to 4.5 stars

Lincoln has avoided his family as much as possible since he was 10 years old. His home life was cold and unloving most of the time, so when he was sent away to private school he seized that opportunity to go back only on very limited occasions. His cousin Griffin became his best friend and more a brother to him than his blood, the waste of oxygen and walking sexual harassment suit waiting to happen aka Armstrong.

Now duty requires that he return from the wilds living off the grid doing humanitarian work in third world countries in order to attend his father's funeral in NYC. Since the man was a virtual stranger to Linc, he has no plans to stick around until his firecracker grandmother who he affectionately calls G Mom lays a guilt trip on him. As the only family member he truly loves and who has always loved him, she is in a unique position to convince him to get the family business back in shape.

His glorified babysitter/ handler is a whole new wrinkle that he was not expecting. Wren was originally hired to try to control Armstrong's bad behavior and resulting negative publicity, so working with Linc should be a cakewalk. Throw in some childish pouting, bad manners and complete unwillingness to cooperate with her and she is ready to rethink her acceptance of this new position regardless of the doors it will open for her in the future courtesy of support and a recommendation from Linc's socialite mother. Add a little inconvenient simmering attraction between her and her new charge, especially after he cleans up quite nicely, and things get interesting fast!

Nothing is what they expected though. Secrets of the past from both their families threaten everything if exposed, and Lincoln's mother shows her true colors. My thoughts on that woman cannot be shared with polite society but I am sure you can use your imagination! Needless to say, both Lincoln and Wren's worlds are turned upside down and inside out in the space of a month, and they have to decide if their amazing chemistry and growing love is worth risking so much pain to others when those big secrets are revealed.

Handle with Care is another amazing read and great addition to Ms. Hunting's Shacking Up series!

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Lincoln and Wren were one of those couples that had to grow on me. Not because they were unidimensional but precisely because they were too real. The twists and turns regarding Lincoln's family were enough to keep me curious without giving me whiplash. And if you think there aren't people as devious as Armstrong and Gwendolyn, you just have to watch the news. And they don't need to have money either, although money and power are great motivators. A solid read from Ms. Hunting. I would indicate, however, this is not so much a romantic comedy and more drama (saga, as it's part of a series)

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