Member Reviews

Helena Hunting's Handle With Care was a great read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Lincoln Moorehead has been working for charitable organizations around the world but is called home due to the death of his father. Once Lincoln returns he finds out he is the new CEO of his family's company. As if that wasn't a shock he finds out he has a "handler." Wren Sterling doesn't really aspire to be a "handler" she really wants to start a children's charity. But until then she uses her "handler" talents to help her reach her goal. A strange relationship develops between Lincoln and Wren. At first, there is a mutual distrust between the two. But as time goes by they must acknowledge the chemistry between them. Together they work through their own family lies and secrets. I would recommend this book.

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Handle With Care is my second Helena Hunting and I totally loved it!! Wren and Lincoln were HOT!! You have handsome mountain man transformed into sexy, ruggedly handsome CEO and the PR consultant tasked with “handling” him to transition into his new position at his family’s media business. Lincoln Moorehead only returns to NYC because of his father has passed away. This is one pretty dysfunctional family and lots of resentment between Lincoln and his father. While searching to understand his new responsibilities as CEO and his father, Lincoln discovers a double life. I must say this is one plot I have never read before. It was done well. Lincoln’s mom on the other hand, is a piece of work. She is manipulative, cold, and puts her children behind money and power. The bedroom scenes were HOT. I really did not want to put the book down. There are lots of ways that I could spoil the book if I give too many details. Not happening. If you like Helena Hunting, you will like Wren and Lincoln’s story. I received an ARC in exchange for a honest review. 5 stars*****

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If you want a heroine that will stand her ground and a hero that will make you drool, then look no further than Handle with Care and Linc and Wren. This was an unputdownable 5 star read for me.
I will admit that I read the first book in the series and didn’t like it, (don’t throw things at me!) but there was just something about the description of this story that caught my eye and I’m so glad it did because I absolutely loved this book.
Linc and Wren were such a fun, hot and interesting couple to read that I was hooked and could not stop reading once I started, Goodbye sleep but it was so worth it,
This story is a must read for romance readers who love a story with everything including a few secrets that will have you gasping and thinking “oh crap I do did not see that coming”.
Dive in regardless if you you’ve read any books in the series, you will be able to keep up and it will no doubt make you go back and snap them all up like I did.

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Hands down the best book in the series! Be back with my review!
Aaaand the cover omg I liked it before but OMG I love it so much more after reading the story!

I’m back. I could not put this book down. It was amazing and the story line! Yes Helena!

We’ve been introduced to Lincoln many times in the other books of the series and I’ve always been curious about him. Lincoln is NOTHING like his brother Armstrong which we got introduce to in Amalie and Lex’s story. He could not get away fast enough from his family. His relationship with his parent and brother were strained and one of those reasons was that he was sent to boarding school when he was young and returned home only when he needed to. If he did not need to be there he was at his grandmother’s house or at his cousin’s. Another was that he knew his dad cheated on his mom and there marriage was always strained. But after coming back for his dad’s funeral and having to temporarily run the company, things change for Lincoln in a way he was not expecting.

Wren’s dream has always been to start up and run her own charity. Her family has been involve in charity work and events since she was little. She would do anything to help achieve her dreams and that means a hefty paycheck and an amazing recommendation letter from one of the biggest donator’s the Moorehead family. When her mom got her a job opportunity with the Moorehead family she could not say no. She was hired to be Armstrong’s handler. She was supposed to keep him in line for the media and handle anything he did that cause the family to look bad, which was a lot. Her contract was almost over and she was so excited, but what she was not expecting was Armstrong’s mom to ask her to stay on for an additional 6 months to help handle her other son Lexington that has been MIA for years. She did not know what to expect, she needed to make him look and act like the CEO of the company since he was the one taking the responsibility after his father past away. Wren’s plans completely changed after she met Lincoln.

The love these 2 have for each other was amazing. You felt the connection from the first moment, even though they made it seem like they didn’t like each other. Both of them went in this with different end goals, Lincoln to leave the country again after 6 months and get as far away from his family and Wren to start her own charity and help others, but at the end those goal changed. They changed because when you find someone you love you would do anything to make them happy. This book was a roller coaster of emotion, but I was not waiting for what happened. Helena is amazing and I highly recommend this series and all her books!

Received this ARC for my honest review and opinion.

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Handle with care is a story that reads like a soap opera! Its entertaining, has so much drama and dilemmas surrounding the characters and the sizzling chemistry between Linc and Wren is hot!
Wren is definitely a take charge woman who can handle her own! Shes now become Lincoln’s handler as he helps his family’s company as CEO!
Needless to say what eventuates is nothing short of an enjoyable story! I love this book so much and its a fantastic addition to the series and definitely a book to be devoured with characters that will make you feel happy!

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How do I love this book? Let me count the ways, lol. As is usual for me, I am never disappointed in a Helena Hunting title. Her style of writing has always been the main aspect that keeps me coming back for more. Her characters are flawed and complex and while their backstories can be intense and even sad, there is always humor to balance out the emotions. This particular book had me laughing in so many places. Smiling constantly and having to explain to my daughter why I constantly have a goofy expression on my face. Never mind the glowing smile I'm showboating by the last page. This author's style of writing is fun and refreshing with a ton of sexy banter and characters you can't help but to fall in love with.

Handle With Care is the fifth book in the Shacking Up series. I loved them all but there was just a little extra something in this book that made this a perfect, all the feels, all the boxes checked, read. If you are a Helena Hunting fan, than I don't have to explain. If you are new to her, then I wish you happy reading. You'll love her writing and I absolutely recommend her as a must read author.

Lincoln and Wren.....
Wren currently works for Moorehead Media (Lincoln's family's company) as a handler for Armstrong who is Lincoln's younger brother. Armstrong is a complete misogynistic jerk who doesn't know how to be discreet or respectful. He is always in trouble and Wren was hired to keep him in line. Lincoln has been out of the country, intentionally for years. He doesn't hide how much he despises his family but when his father's heart attack forces him back to New York to take over the family business, it is Lincoln that will need Wren's attention. You'll enjoy finding out why, lol.

While Lincoln isn't a business attire, CEO of a prestigious media company type of guy, he is a gentleman. Lincoln is intelligent and selfless and he is one of, if not, my favorite hero of this series.

I don't want to say too much about how the story goes. There is a significant suspense element that kept me completely engaged. And while I had some ideas of what was going on, I was just as surprised as Lincoln when the resolution came. That said, the confrontation with the antagonist was one of my favorite moments. I strongly believe in karma. And I love it even more when it has a little push. Trust me on this one my friends.......this is a must read! Add this book to your TBRs.

This is my honest and unbiased review. Thank you for taking the time to read it. :)

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Oh what a good read! It's got everything! Humor (too many lol moments), passion, steaminess, family secrets and plenty of sexy alpha men! If you've read the other book in the Shacking Up series you'll know how sexy alpha men the Mills and Moorheads are and Lincoln is no slouch in that department! Sexy with a sense of humor--melted panties! These cousins have found their matches and Linc's choice of Wren is no different. Wren it hired as a PR consultant to contain Armstrong but when Linc comes back from his charitable work in South America to step into his recent;y deceased father's position her duties were extended. The teasing and banter between Wren and Linc is so much fun! But when family secrets begin spilling out do their real feelings level up. Great read!

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We begin our journey to love with Wren trying to get a drunk Lincoln Moorehead to his suit without making the tabloids. How had she gotten to this point in her life where she essentially was babysitting rich, spoiled, men. When Linc wakes the next morning he is not only hungover but extremely confused as to how he got to his room and in his bed. His father passed away and he was forced to come back and now he is going to have to take over the family business to keep his irresponsible brother from squandering everything.

This book is a somewhat enemies to lovers with the exception Wren and Lincoln aren't actually enemies. More like she is a irritation to him but he finds he enjoys her sass and the more he is around her the more he respects and comes to depend on her. She thought Lincoln was a spoiled, brooding, lumberjack but when she gets to know him she discovers there is so much more to this handsome man and she loses her heart in the process.

I really enjoyed this book. I loved everything about it from the beginning to the end. There are so many funny moments it had me laughing out loud, there are also serious parts where your heart will break a little. There are surprises along the way, no spoilers here, but it keeps you guessing along the way. All the characters are well thought out and developed and I got wrapped up in this book. I loved it and I highly recommend it.

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I absolutely adore the Shacking Up series, so naturally I was really excited to read this one!

Lincoln and Wren had really great chemistry from the moment they met when Lincoln was drunk to the end of the book where they handled everything together. One of the things I liked most about their relationship was the lack of push and pull. I find myself getting a little bored with that so it was nice to see two characters who genuinely cared for each other.

I loved all of the side characters, even Armstrong who is a terrible person but still intriguing. I cannot believe I am saying this, but I wouldn't mind a story featuring him if it could be done without him being super annoying! One of my favorite things about Wren was how well she jived with the Mooreheads and how much they all respected her. She could even keep Armstrong under control and that is saying something!

The plot line was a nice romantic read and I loved everything about it. It was funny, witty, and just an all around great read. If you've loved this series so far then you will love this book!

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Handle with Care is the fifth and final book of Helena Hunting's 'Shaking Up' series and it was so good! I was intrigued by Lincoln throughout the series and his story didn't disappoint. He was great, and so was Wren. This was the perfect work place romance/enemies to lovers tale and so much fun to read.

The last thing Lincoln Moorhead ever wanted to do was come home and take over as CEO of his families business. He's never been close with most of the family, between his parents dysfunctional relationship and his awful brother Armstrong, who could blame him? But with his father's untimely passing, he doesn't have much of a choice. Wren has been 'handling' Lincoln's brother, Armstrong, and what a job that is... Armstrong is nothing but trouble. When their mother also hires her to acclimate Lincoln, she doesn't know what to expect.

Wren and Lincoln butt-heads so much at first. Lincoln doesn't need a handler. He can dress himself, make sure he's at his appointments and do his work all on his own. At first, Wren infuriates him. With time, he realizes how much easier she makes his life. Wren and Lincoln have a lot of back and forth banter. They definitely don't get along well at first, but with time they get closer and their chemistry is sizzling.

This couple was perfect together. Once they were together, it was so steamy and sweet. But on top of all that, there are some secrets in Lincoln's family they're trying to figure out. I liked that aspect of the book. I'm kind of sad this book series is over because there was a new character introduced I would love to read more about.

If you're looking for book that's sweet, swoony, and highly entertaining, pick this one up!

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Helena Hunting always delivers.

Terrific pacing, a great voice, and colorful characters surrounding an appealing hero and heroine made this book such a fun read.

Hunting does great setups, anchoring the sympathies of the reader with the heroine then gradually introducing the hero as the sparks fly. Hunting is an expert at the friction that becomes attraction and then heat, with engaging humor and a sure pace.

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Helena Hunting has never let me down! In her typical fashion this book has all the heart and hilarity! Lincoln and wren are adorable together!

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I was nervous to start Handle With Care so I kept putting it off, and putting it off simply because I was not a huge fan of Hunting's previous releases. Now, I am over here scratching my head like " What the heck? I totally should not have waited." I seriously devoured Handle With Care in a matter of a few hours. It kept my attention, and at times found myself laughing uncontrollably. I am in love with the main characters. I love how personable they are, and how they do not tolerate being backed into a corner. They had such strong back bones, and had some serious chemistry. The story developed extremely well and it was handled with such care. It was amazing to see the way things played out without an explosive plot. Overall, Handle With Care is the best book written by this author.

Wren is astounding, with a backbone made of steel. She is firm and can take a grown man down like it is nothing. She is bossy, and can pretty much make anything happen when it comes with her job. Deep down, she has a gentle soul, with more kindness than you can possibly imagine.

Lincoln is a say it like it is person. He is funny without trying to be and has some seriously amazing insults, that I am probably going to use in the near future. He is charitable and so dang giving that it made my heart sing. A dirty talker in secret and authoritative cocky a-hole in the room.

What happens when Wren and Lincoln are forced to work together?

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4 stars
This has to be one of my favorite Helena Hunting books EVER! The perfect combo of humor, family, drama and romance! Love Lincoln and Wren!

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4.5 Stars

Handle with Care is the fifth book in the Shacking Up series, but it can be read as a standalone – although it does contain minor spoilers to previous books. If you’ve read the series, this book is about Lincoln. Lincoln’s brother is Armstrong, who you may remember from the first couple of books in the series as being engaged to Amalie.

Lincoln is forced to return home to run the family company after the death of his father, much to the dismay of Armstrong who already works at the company. Wren also works for the company, basically as Armstrong’s handler in order to keep him out of trouble. As you can imagine, chaos soon ensues.

One of the things I loved about this book was the communication between Wren and Lincoln. Just when you think, oh, this is where it all goes down hill because they are keeping things from each other, nope – they actually talked about it with each other. It was so nice to read about a mature couple, but still get the humor, and even a little bit of a mystery, in dealing with the rest of the family!

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I read a LOT- so it's worth mentioning that about 50% in, there's a moment that makes me laugh harder than I have while reading in a long time. Lincoln is such a grumpy butthead, but it seems he turned out great considering his family. And Wren has been dealing with his brother, the man we all love to hate, and now has to handle Lincoln. Though that doesn't turn out so bad. I love that she's tough and can hold her own. I also love his grandma. And I love that Wren is the calming presence in his life he can lean on.

I am so addicted to this series. I think each book gets better and better. I was lucky enough to read this right after Making Up, so now my only regret isn't having a book after this to dive into and keep going.

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Handle With Care was hands down my favorite book in the Shacking Up series. It was the story of a son, Lincoln Moorehead, of a CEO who didn't really know his father. When his father dies, he is the one everyone is looking to pick up the pieces and lead the company he wants no part of. His handler, Wren Sterling, is put in place to handle his PR and keep him out of trouble.

I am a huge fan of Helena Hunting and was excited to read book 5. I started reading and I was captivated. Lincoln is such a confident and attractive man but is damaged. He grew up on his own not really knowing his father. When he returns to New York to attend his father's funeral, he doesn't know how to act. Everyone keeps talking about how great his father Frederick was but he wouldn't know that from personal experience.

This was more than just a romance. It was filled with secrets and family drama that made Handle With Care such an addicting story. The vulnerability of each character pulled me in. I loved getting to know more about Lincoln and Wren's past. There was also a dash of forbidden romance to the story. Lincoln and Wren didn't get off to a great start, but their attraction won out. But not everyone thought it was a good idea for them to be together.

There were so many amazing moments in this book that made it unputdownable.

I give Handle With Care 5 stars. It was romantic, unexpected, and addicting. This book read like a movie and I think this might be my favorite read this summer!!

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Both Wren and Lincoln are delightful characters. I loved how strong and controlled Wren is when dealing with Lincoln's crazy family. Their love story is compelling and fun to watch develop.

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I enjoyed this book tremendously and had a hard time putting it down. The characters are all likable, at least the ones who are supposed to be, and their personalities are strong. There was enough mystery to the plot to keep me guessing. The less likable characters are awful to the point of cartoonishness once in a while, but that just adds to the fun of the book.

The reasons I have for not assigning 5 stars are personal idiosyncrasies no doubt. There were too many incorrect assumptions made by the author about Harvard and Princeton that should have been researched, but to explain them here would mean adding a spoiler, and I won't do that. And the other problem I have is a supposed Harvard grad using such awful grammar as, "Me and my friend did..." It drives me nuts. Even my spellcheck is going nuts with it here!

So if you can get past those issues, and I assume most readers are not familiar with Princeton's student housing policy, etc., then I'm sure you'll love the book. this author has a history of misrepresenting Ivies, and I seriously wish she'd do her homework.

Anyway, who wouldn't love a book that assigns the moniker G-Mom to the grandmother?

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Wren is my favorite Helena Hunting heroine (say that fast ten times) ever. A strong, smart, sexually confident woman who knows exactly what she's capable of, and Lincoln, after a rough start, was all for it. Lincoln might have started off a drunken mess but his deliciously slow slide into totally worship of Wren was everything. However, the second half of their story was nowhere as compelling as the first.

After their rough beginning, Lincoln falls for Wren's snarky, fearless, take no prisoners style. It is delightful how much Lincoln admires Wren's capabilities and strength, especially when dealing with his horrible relatives:
“You were incredible; you know that, right? Watching you level him verbally like that was sexy as hell.”

I hold open the conference room door and brace for the potential headlock, except that’s not what happens. Instead, surprise crosses her face and she smiles, her eyes meeting mine for the second time today. “Thank you.”
And it is just as sweet when Lincoln falls even further head over heels for the woman who makes sense of his new life in NYC:
“I don’t know how every man who crosses your path doesn’t fall in love with you. Everything about you is incredible.”

Unfortunately, after the seriously fun chemistry brewing between them and then fantastically fun sexy time, reality rears its ugly head. Lincoln and Wren are ensnared in some weird family dramas involving adultery, blackmail, and too many secrets that took too long to uncover. I loved the first half of the book, but then the story just started to drag into some soap opera drama limping to the end.

4.5 stars for Lincoln and Wren + 2.5 stars for the family drama(s) = 3.5 stars.

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