Member Reviews

Lincoln was a sexy man beast and I loved him!! His and Wren's dynamic was awesome. Oddly enough, I loved how he hated his family. The way their relationship progressed was great and I appreciated that when Wren was faced with an awful situation, she did internalize and do something stupid. She made an intelligent decision and things worked out, angst free with Lincoln. "Hoping" for one more in the series!

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Lincoln is a wow character. I devoured this story, this book gave me all he feels, this has to be my most favorite book of this series and I want more!

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4.5 Stars!

I’m never let down by Helena! She always has strong women and humorous men in her books, I just love the combo!

I’m happy we finally got a Lincoln book. His bantering with Wren was classic, I loved reading them go back and forth with their sexual tension. They had such a fun relationship in this book.

I also loved how he handled Armstrong. Which, speaking of, I hope he gets his own book. He has to have some redeeming qualities after all the craziness he’s created.

Overall this book was great! The writing was wonderful, as always, and the characters were just fun to read about. It was a lighthearted, fun read if you need something with a little less drama.

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Wren is a take no crap, feisty chick, and Lincoln is a man that’s been out of touch with the modern world and the family business. He’s devoted his time to helping the less fortunate. So he’s a little rough around the edges when Wren is asked to be his babysitter. He’s taciturn and impossible but he’s also sweet and has a way about him that gets Wren all tied in knots. I loved this couples chemistry and the not so surprising antics from Armstrong are so cringe worthy. I would love to see him get a strong lady to turn his crap around lol! Another wonderful romcom from Helena! Highly recommend all her books.

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Excellent characters and new and innovative situations these characters go through in this book, I love that Lincoln never gives up or goes radio silent with Wren while everything is going down. He stands beside her, he chooses to be with her and he is just an awesome character in this book. G-mom is a spectacular character and is one anyone would want to have as their g-mom! Excellent writing and great story telling. This is a book you will not be able to put down because you just want to see what crazy is going to happen next. Such a fun read! Loved this book so much.

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First let me say I loved the story; I HAD to keep reading this story to find out how screwed up these people really were! OMG, there was goodness and there was light however the ‘dark side’ was pretty ugly. The author had me guessing which characters were on what side and it really kept my interest throughout the entire book. I couldn’t wait to find out what was going to happen next.

I don’t want to give any spoilers so I will say that Wren Sterling and Lincoln Moorehood are such interesting characters. And I mean that in a good way. Lincoln first comes off as totally out of step with the rest of the world but we find out he really is a good guy…he’s just been out of civilization for a while. Wren is the epitome of a strong female lead – wait until you hear the terms of her first contract with Moorehead Media! It cracked me up. Even better, she could actually follow thru with those terms without breaking a sweat. Read it for yourself so you are surprised and amused.

There are great secondary characters with some of them smarmy but they all fit in the story. It’s the typical ‘characters you love to hate’ but whoa. There really are people like this in the world so it brings it home for me.

Enjoyed the book; kept me reading to find out what happens. Wren and Lincoln are great together, even when they aren’t together, or when they are fighting to not be together…it hit all ‘the feels’ I like in a book. I received an ARC from NetGalley, and this is my honest review.

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Well, it's official! Lincoln Moorehead has dethroned my beloved Bane Mills as my favorite Helena Hunting hero. I still love Bane dearly, but Lincoln was pretty much everything I love in a hero and more. He truly snuck up on me and I never expected the reclusive Moorehead sibling and beloved Mills cousin to be any competition for the #ChurchOfBaneCock. Boy, was I wrong! From the very beginning, I was pulled into the story and didn't want it to end. Handle With Care is book 5 in the Shacking Up series, but can be read as a standalone. I highly recommend the previous books however, because they're hilarious and characters from those books do appear in Handle With Care.

It's so rare for me to love the hero and heroine equally, but this was definitely the case with Lincoln and Wren. I loved them so much both as individuals and as a couple. They had such electric chemistry and I thoroughly enjoyed watching them go head to head in this enemies to lovers/taboo office romance. They were both intelligent, driven, loyal, and stubborn people. They challenged each other and were so evenly matched. Both knew how to push the others buttons and that passionate banter and back and forth translated so deliciously well in the bedroom. I loved that once they were in, they were all in, and that there were no silly misunderstandings or unnecessary drama between them. They were an amazing team and handled problems maturely by communicating, listening, and supporting the other. The epilogue was sexy and sweet and left me with a happy heart and huge smile.

There were plenty of laughs in Handle With Care, but there were also more emotional moments too. The overall tone of the story was less playful than some of the previous books in the series, but it worked well with our characters and made me love the book more. G-mom was absolutely amazing and Armstrong and Gwendolyn played their roles perfectly. Handle With Care is my new favorite in the Shacking Up series (sorry Bane!) and you definitely don't want to miss it!

*I voluntarily read an advance review copy of this book*

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There is something to be said for characters who have layers. And Lincoln Moorehead has layers. For those of you chomping at the bit to find out more about him, his cousins, and dimwitted brother, Armstrong, then you'll get all you want and more in this story.

Strong woman who negotiates chokeholds into her contract? Check
Pucked-type humor with sexy, strong, super tall men? Check
Interesting story with slightly flawed characters who have great personalities and qualities? Check

Bottom line up front: I loved this story and it was a perfect addition to the Shacking Up series

I adored that the story was multi-dimensional and made you wonder in which direction it was going to turn. Granted this family is grade A messed up outside of G-mom (I love her so much. She's a total battleax in the best way) and Lincoln. My heart ached for him, how lost he seemed to be in his family. And that made me all the more thankful for his grandmother and Wren. For those Pucked enthusiasts, she reminds me a great deal of Violet (yeah, digest that one a bit). On the surface, these two wouldn't be the first ones I paired together, but there's no denying that when you get to the core of who they are, they couldn't be better matched.

The only problem I had with this story is that it had to end.

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I’m a little bit annoyed with myself, somewhere along the way I missed book 4 in the Shacking Up series, I will rectify this, luckily all the books can be read as standalones. Enough of that, what about Handle with Care, what to say, we’ll not surprisingly, it’s funny, addictive (I read it in one sitting), sexy, and entertaining. Faultless writing and wonderful characters, Wren Sterling is gorgeous and astute, she knows what she wants, she’s smart and humble. Lincoln Moorehead too, knows what he wants, he wants to be left alone to do good in the world, the last thing he wants is to take charge of Moorehead Media, but with G-Mom’s persuasion tactics and Wren’s ‘handling’ skills, he just might be the person for the job, temporarily of course. First of all he’s got to deal with an idiot of a brother, and a pushy mom, and all that that entails. I was hooked from the first page. I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. This is my honest review.

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After the death of his father, Lincoln must take over as CEO of the family company as his younger brother does not have the maturity or the wits to keep it going. Wren has been in charge of making sure that brother stays in line and the PR for the company stays positive. Working together in close quarters connects both Wren and Lincoln, and even though each has their own family baggage the sparks cannot be resisted. But when some secrets are revealed and others must stay hidden will the two fight together? Or will Wren be blackmailed into walking away from it all? With great characters and a storyline that had me guessing to the very end this was a wonderful read. Filled with charismatic characters and enough layers to the family baggage to keep the pages turning, Helena Hunting has once again taken the reader on a wild ride.

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I adored this couple! this is my favorite out of this series for sure! I loved Lincoln and Wren, their chemistry and love was off the charts!!

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5+ Stars

I absolutely love Helena Hunting’s books! Her words had me howling in laughter, fuming mad at some characters antics, smiling like a giddy teenager or swooning like a woman on the edge. Handle With Care managed all of these feelings impeccably. I adored every word.

Lincoln is such a wonderful man, he is all kinds of sexy and just manages to get better with every chapter. He made me want to know him. I am so proud of how he handles the problems that arise throughout the story and how he falls for Wren is simply wonderful.

Wren is a fantastic match for the Moorhead family. She has her wits about her and can deal with any situation that arises, and boy do a few nasty people and problems come up. The writing is so superb that I felt I was there to could give them a well deserved pat on the back and a hug for being so wonderful.

This book is a standalone but has ties to previous, equally fabulous, books. I highly recommend that everyone should read this book. In fact, read all of Helena Hunting’s books, she is an awesome author.

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Thank you so much to St. Martin’s Press and Net Galley for this advanced review copy.

I loved reading Lincoln and Wren's story- I felt it was a real and honest read that was hard to put down. First off, I'll share that it's in dual POV's which I personally adore because it gives me more insight to how each character is feeling. This book definitely starts off differently with Wren having a PR job in which she's referred to as a "handler". After reading so many books that have similar themes, this was a refreshing new career for the h. I'll stop right here and say that her position which happens to be for Lincoln's family was very entertaining to read. She was initially hired to "handle" Lincoln's brother, Armstrong, and some of those moments just made me LOL. I'll share there were quite a few funny moments/one-liner's throughout that had me stopping and just laughing which doesn't happen to often in a book.

We're introduced to Lincoln who returns home upon his father's death to help run the family company. He's been abroad working with projects in poverty stricken countries and really wanted nothing to do with the family business. He initially doesn't know who Wren is and I couldn't turn the pages fast enough to see how their relationship developed. There was nothing "instant" about their relationship and as a reader you could feel every moment these two experienced.

These two had a slow burn yet there were lots of romantic moments and some well written bedroom scenes. Lincoln is definitely my type of H and was strong when he needed to be but also had a soft side. Wren, meanwhile, was one of my favorite h's to date with how strong she was especially in the position she worked in. Probably my favorite part of this book is that I really liked how these two communicated. There weren't any misunderstandings and they talked alot which helped with giving it an honest feel yet was entertaining too. I won't go into details but there's a twist in the book that drives that latter part of story which I also liked.

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Ever since Lincoln was mentioned in Hooking Up I have been very curious and excited to hopefully get his story and now it’s finally here.
The first chapter delivers an amazing introduction to Lincoln and Wren. Their first meeting and interaction with sparse communication left me pretty damn happy. A brooding Lincoln with a man bun and beard. Yes please! Wren is a fierce kickass woman who knows how to handle Lincoln’s irresponsible brother Armstrong. Putting him in a headlock. You go Wren.

Lincoln and Wren has to work together and it creates some very delicious unresolved sexual tension and hilarious bantering between them. As opposed his is to being in NY and helping his grandmother with his father’s company Lincoln also finds positive things about it too. His sexy and opinionated handler Wren. They’re fun and share amazing chemistry. When secrets threatens to be revealed I feared the good old omission plot but thankfully the author goes another route and made me enjoy and appreciate the characters and the story even more.

Handle With Care was a fabulous romantic comedy and great addition to the Shaking Up series. Lincoln Moorehead was so worth the wait.

4 Red Lipstick Stars

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Handle With Care by Helena Hunting is the fifth in the ‘Shacking Up’ series about the Mills and Moorehead families. This is the mysterious, long talked about Lincoln’s story. He and Wren were so perfect together it just made me never want to stop reading this book.
Lincoln’s been called back to New York by his father’s sudden death. He’s reluctant to go, and even less desirous of staying.
But, meeting Wren changes that feeling, even though she’s been hired to make his change from surly outdoor’s man to man about the city. He’s poked and prodded within an inch of his life and that’s before he comes face to face with his family.
I loved how these two. The banter was spot on, the chemistry scorching hot and the storyline was filled with fun, love, a little mystery and some serious mom-hate!! That Gwendolynn!
This is yet another fabulous story from an awesome writer,

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MAN, the Mooreheads are a hot mess of a family, aren't they? Sure, Lincoln's on the up and up, but his brother is a jerk of the highest order and his mother isn't the most maternal of women and his father had secrets that could blow apart their dysfunctional family. Yeah, hot mess. And Lincoln is VERY not into being forced back into the fold to deal with things after his father's unexpected death.

Good thing Lincoln has Wren there to keep him from losing his cool. Admittedly, he's a lot easier to wrangle than his brother (that douchecanoe), but she never expected to start to develop feelings for the new CEO. Or that her family's secrets would be threatened by her relationship with him.


In a nutshell, there are a few ups, a few downs, and a lot of crazy family stuff to navigate. Plus, Lincoln has to come to terms with the whole 90 degree turn his life is taking now that his father's gone. Plus-plus, there are those secrets. SECRETS. So many secrets.

Man, what a good time.

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Helena Hunting knocks it out of the park with Handle With Care. It is Book 6 in the Shacking Up Series and features Lincoln and Wren. There were some funny moments which is perfect as the queen of rom-com knows when to lighten the mood but it was slightly different than the previous books. I suppose it is because of Wren and her mature, give no $hit attitude. I totally loved her! Lincoln was pure male and I loved how the two meshed so well together. The handler became the handled in the bedroom. Sexy and Hot! Their chemistry and connection were off the charts. Of course there is drama but true love prevails! You will be not be disappointed as this is a real page turner. The story is fantastic and the characters are great!

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I always look forward to reading a book by Helena Hunting! She has a way of making you laugh with her witty humor and deeply feel for her characters at the same time. Handle with Care is an excellent example of this beautiful balance between the two.

The characters have a depth to them that will make it hard for you to put down the book because you want to continue to reveal a new layer. Their dialogue alone was organic and made everything flow so well.

Perhaps some of the most satisfying moments of the book were also the funniest for me because of a certain shacking up world character.

Definitely 5 stars of devour worthy words.

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Helena has done it again! I swear whatever HH writes is amazing. This has all of her humor that you will find in the rest of her books, the heat oh my! Perfect summer read. Thanks for the ARC!

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I don’t know how it’s possible, but I’m starting to feel like every time I read a new book by Helena Hunting, it some how starts to feel like they just keep getting better and better.

That’s completely the case here with Handle with Care. This was Hunting’s masterpiece.

The chemistry between the main characters had spark and sizzle. The side characters were fantastic. We got to see a lot of old favs (and not so favs). But what I loved the most was the slight mystery aspect. It made the story exciting and I loved the twist.

I absolutely recommend reading the entire Shacking Up series. Each story is unique and wonderful.

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