Member Reviews

He wants to lose control and she’s trying to hold it together!

This is the fifth installment of Helena Hunting’s Shacking Up series, but can be read as a standalone.

I can’t believe we finally got Lincoln’s story, I’ve been so curious about him ever since the first Shacking Up book in this series.

This book had it all, it’s fast-paced and easy to read, it features an office-to-lovers romance and it is done so well!

Wren Starling is a badass and I want her to teach a self defense class! She is strong, she’s confident and she gets shit done. She’s is so likeable and I can honestly say that I loved the heroine and hero equally in this book. Wren takes her job seriously and knows how to handle Armstrong Moorehead better than anyone and when Lincoln Moorehead returns to Moorehead Media after his father’s death, Wren is there to bring him up to speed.

Lincoln Moorehead, Mr. Manbun turned holy smokes hot business man. He falls for Wren and my goodness, he is the sweetest. I adore his relationship with his grandmother and he made me laugh several times over!

The banter between Lincoln and Wren was amazing and their chemistry was so palpable! I love how they are equals and how they handle their differences and obstacles in a mature way and how they actually communicate with each other! It was so good to see a couple talking things over, instead of internalizing their emotions.

Make sure to check this one out, Handle With Care has it all – amazing characters, steamy scenes, fun banter and a great storyline.

ARC generously provided in exchange for an honest review.

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If you like quirky humor, ridiculously handsome men, feisty women, and sizzling chemistry, Helena Hunting is the author for you and you should definitely pick up this new book.

Lincoln Moorehead has returned to New York for his father’s funeral, but is persuaded by his grandmother to stay a few months longer to allow for a smooth transition within the family business. This much to the chagrin of himself, who’d rather head straight back to his humanitarian project in Guatemala, as well as his brother’s, who’s power hungry yet highly incapable. To help him ease into things and provide, if necessary, a media buffer, Wren Sterling is assigned to be his handler. She’s been doing the job already dealing with Armstrong’s many indiscretions, and she expects Lincoln to be a similar case.

Boy, is she wrong.

Yes, he’s moody and grumpy at first, but who wouldn’t be when forced out of their comfort zone and having to spend more time with a family they can barely stomach? Wren is determined to carry out her duties, though, so she powers through, and her tenacity eventually grows on Lincoln.

I liked how he’s described as a cross between Aquaman (the Jason Momoa version, obviously) and an unpolished lumberjack. This provides quite the image for my mental drooling. Then he gets cleaned up a bit, and I’m picturing the very inspiring model for Randy in the Pucked series…

There’s plenty of humor, a lot of it in the form of a malfunctioning brain-to-mouth filter, often aided by alcohol. Also: witty banter, funny internal musings, hilarious mishaps, and lots of innuendo. All things I enjoy in Helena Hunting books. But it also has a heavier side, with Lincoln uncovering some of his family’s more unsavory secrets, and Wren revealing her own “sordid” past. This provides a nice balance in the book and helps solidify the characters’ relationship.

I enjoyed seeing a bit more of Griffin and Cosy as well, since I really enjoyed Making Up earlier this year. Lincoln and Griffin are more like brothers than Lincoln and Armstrong. Who, by the way, is a douche extraordinaire. How deluded and egotistical can one person be? He’s almost a caricature, if it weren’t for the fact that we all know these kinds of people actually do exist, tragically. Wren doesn’t take any crap from him, by the way, and has even included bodily harm as a defensive clause in her contract regarding handling Armstrong. Kudos for this girl putting him in a headlock!

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Wren has been hired by the Moorehead family to handle the youngest of the family, Armstrong who is a PR nightmare. When the patriarch of the family passes away suddenly, the older son, Lincoln returns for the funeral. What he's not expecting is for his grandmother and mother to ask him to take over the company. Being a CEO has never been in Lincoln's mind, but he made a promise that he would stay for 6 months. Wren is then tasked with helping Lincoln to become the face of the company, which will be difficult since he's covered in fur. When Lincoln first meets Wren, he thinks she nothing but a high paid babysitter, but there is something about her that has sparked his interest and finds that he enjoys her being around. Wren feels it too, but knows her job is more important. Will they be able to keep their feelings to themselves, or will it all be too much?

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this book. Even though this book is part of a series, it can be read as a stand alone. I've read 3 of the books in this series and they are all hard to put down.

I love Wren in this book. She is a no-nonsense woman who knows how to handle difficult men. Armstrong is more than a handful to deal with and Wren hopes that Lincoln is not the same. She will soon come to realize that he is a totally different beast. This book was full of romance and suspense. The Moorehead family had secrets and Lincoln is determined to find them, not only for his sake, but for the sake of the entire family and the business. You don't want to be on the wrong side of this brother.

So far, I have loved everything Helena Hunting has written. The books are hard to put down. They have romance mixed with a little suspense. The characters are ones you can imagine yourself being friends with in real life and you want to spend time with them, well most of them, Armstrong can stay far away. If you have never read one of her books, I suggest you pick one up right away!

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4.5 star

I was pulled right into this story. The story has laughs, surprises, and heartache.

If you have not read the below I would recommend reading those books(s) first
Shacking Up (Shacking Up, #1)
Getting Down (Shacking Up, #1.5)
Hooking Up (Shacking Up, #2)
I Flipping Love You (Shacking Up #3)
Making Up (Shacking Up #4)

This is Wren and Lincoln’s story. Wren was at her wits end with her job. But when she is offered a different job doing different things she jumps at the chance. She never imagined that the man she would have to help would knock her over with lust. The chemistry is off the charts, but she can’t act on it. Lincoln always tries to avoid his family if he can but when he is named CEO of the family business, he knows he can’t do that anymore. What he never expected was to fall for the woman who is supposed to clean up his act. What happens when another scandal hits the family will he lose her or will she fight for a place with him?

I felt I could connect with the characters and the story was a great read.

I highly recommend this book.

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I think maybe HH is not the author for me. I keep trying her books and sometimes they hit but many times they miss. Handle With Care is unfortunately a miss.

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Reviewed on behalf of 3 Degrees of Fiction book blog.
I believe this is the last book in this series, which is bittersweet for me. I am sad that it has come to an end, but also excited to see what Helena writes next.
I loved Lincoln and Wren’s story. I am a big fan of office romances, and as Helena is one of my favorite authors I knew I was half in love with it even before reading the first chapter.
Wren was the standout character for me. She is a strong woman and stands her ground when she needs to. But is also woman enough to be humble and admit when she is in the wrong.
Lincoln was absolutely perfect for her in every way. He pushed when she pulled and vice versa.
This was such a wonderful book to read and I cannot wait to read Helena’s next book.

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I have devoured this book and I could not put it down! It made me laugh, swoon and it was hot hot hot!!

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When you think you have a favorite character in the series, Helena give you Wren. And Lincoln. I loved this book from the first page to the last. Hot, funny, delicious. If you haven't started this series yet, I truly recommend it.

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Handle With Care was a really good read. I loved Wren and Lincoln. Wren is so pulled together and accomplished. She's done an amazing job of handling the constant scandal that is Armstrong Moorehead. Her goals are on track with the recommendation she'll have from this job that will land her the dream job at a non-profit foundation. She reluctantly agrees to take on the job of ensuring Lincoln Moorehead's take over of the company goes well. She's busy creating a media presence for the sexy hunk of a man. She's attracted and it's obvious Linc is too but there's too much on the line and they must keep it professional. There are several really unique situations between the two that had me laughing and saying "wow'. They definitely added to the appeal of this story.

The fact that Wren never loses her edginess and control over her work environment were huge plusses. That Linc felt zero need to change her was also attractive. The couple was the type you cheer for each time they get together.

Then all heck breaks out. Linc finds some things out that shock him despite a life-long knowledge that his family lacked morals and common decency and Wren is there for him through it all. The story has plenty of tension and intrigue to make an already good story all the more engrossing.

I love the entire story and was so glad to see Wren and Linc get the HEA.

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I am one of those readers who will read the book and then listen to the audio to see if the experience is any better or worse.. I loved both the book and audio book. Big Fan of Helena's. This Shacking Up Series has been a hard one for me, because I loved the Pucked Series so much. After reading/listening to Handle With Care, I went back and gave the whole series another listen. Handle with Care by far, Lincoln and Wren are my favorite couple of the whole series.

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Handle With Care is the fifth book in the Shaking Up Series, but can ultimately be read as a standalone. It mainly revolves around Lincoln, who was introduced to the series in Hooking Up, and Wren. One can already see the chemistry they have when they are first introduced to one another.Lincoln is irritated that he has to be there but then when his ill-mannered brother, Armstrong, acts out because he's not named CEO, it causes Wren to step in and put him in his place. From there, the story only gets better.

In the first few chapters we see their introduction, and sparse communication, between brooding Lincoln and fierce Wren. As Lincoln and Wren work together at Morehead, their hilarious banter leads to some serious sexual tension that just begs for one of them to make a move on the other. Their fun interactions and amazing chemistry made me enjoy the characters and the story that much more.

Handle With Care is a delightful romantic comedy, and an excellent continuation of the Shaking Up series, that I can not recommend highly enough. Be sure to check it out today!

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Handle with Care was my first Helena Hunting book, and I am totally in love!

This couple was everything. I loved both Wren and Lincoln. Neither was where they wanted to be, but made the best of it. Lincoln totally stepped up to the plate when he needed to and Wren was a total bada$$ when handling her bad boy clients. It was crazy fun watching her constantly put Armstrong on his butt and watching her out maneuver Lincoln to get him to do what she needed him to.

Linc and Wren’s chemistry was hot from the first time they met and a relationship between them was inevitable, but I loved how they didn’t let it rule them and they still were able to remain professionals in the workplace no matter how hot they were outside of it.

Handle With Care was such a surprising read! The ancillary characters such as Wren’s parents and Linc’s Grandma were entertaining and integral to the plot. And, while things with Linc and Wren worked out as expected, the other storyline drama was seriously well played and unexpected. I had no idea where things were going until they got there , and I was completely sucked in. I loved every minute of this book. 5 stars!

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I loved this book so freaking much!!! I started and finished it on the same day cause I just could not put it down.

Wren is such a badass and I loved her so much. I mean, she’d have to be to deal with Armstrong, but she’s just amazing all around. I loved her and Lincoln from the moment they met and loved watching the progression of their relationship.

With an awesome grandma, and an incredibly douchey brother this book certainly never lacked the entertainment factor. It was hot and it was sweet and it was hilarious and I loved every second of it.

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I have basically skipped around in this series, shame on me, Lol. I read Shacking up and then I read I Flipping Love you, to skip over another book to end up reading HWC., Lol. All in all, I don't feel left out, too much. I mean Armstrong is still a douche bag and we have Lincoln, the eldest and our CEO recluse, coming back to take over the reins. Wren is a PR consultant originally hired to make sure that Lincoln's brother Armstrong doesn't tarnish the family business, but she is now tasked in helping Lincoln make the transition into the corporate world. Filled with witty sarcasm, humor and hot loving that neither were expecting, leads to a HEA. I freaking loved it! 4 stars*****

*****I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book provided by St. Martin's publishing through NetGalley*****

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From Mills to Moorehead and all those in between, these men just keep getting better and better!

It’s hard not to fall in love with Lincoln from page one. This guy is oozing goodness - maybe not from the moment we meet him, but definitely for the rest of the story. Is he perfect? No, but his broodiness and grumpy personality is warranted, and it’s easy to see why pretty early on. And once you break past that gruff exterior, he’s a great guy. He’s funny, smart, altruistic, and slightly awkward at times. And I think that quality makes him even more endearing. Add in his blatant sex appeal, and you have the recipe for a perfectly imperfect book boyfriend.

Wren is a force to be reckoned with. Her take-charge attitude is a delight to see and I love watching her wield her power over the men she’s in charge of. She isn’t afraid to tell it like it is, she won’t take no for an answer, and she’s not above getting physical if the situation calls for it. She’s full of sass, sarcasm, and sweetness, and is an absolute delight to watch.

I love this book and this story! Witty banter, plenty of heat, snarky bickering, and awkward moments galore, this book is tons of fun but still manages to take you on a roller coaster of emotions. It’s a classic Helena Hunting romcom that you can’t pass up. This one is a definite must-read for me. Lincoln and Wren are too good to miss!

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Handle With Care is a feel-good, sexy story of Lincoln and his “handler” Wren, that had me laughing out loud, wishing for the best and plotting on how Armstrong will finally get his!

The Shacking Up Series is quickly becoming my favorite of all Helena’s work. The banter and chemistry between Wren and Lincoln, the family dynamics, the slow burn and the crazy way in which this story goes down has this book as my favorite of the series. The twists and turns that I NEVER expected had me on the edge of my seat! I could not get enough of Lincoln and Wren!!

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Given ARC.

This book was amazing, Helena Hunting never disappoints. Lincoln and Wren are two of the most steamiest book couples I have ever read. I am not talking about non-stop sex, I'm talking about the love-to-hate -you, hate- to love-you kind of tension that makes you all hot and bothered while reading. Lincoln is a jerk but Wren is such a strong leading lady that she gives and much as she receives... pun intended.

Handle with Care starts off right with a tragic death but boy does that death unleash the only Pandora box of secrets, everybody has secrets and I could not put this book down because I needed to know what was it that Lincoln's father was hiding.

I am starting this series a little out of order, this is the 2nd book I have read and I think it might be the best one yet, I loved Lincoln and Wren they were truly a power couple. I think I have a new book boyfriend and his name is Lincoln Moorehead

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Helena Hunting is one of my fav authors and this book is evidence of that fact. This a a stand alone book but part of a series in that you will recognize characters from other books. I love this type of series where you can visit with other characters from book you've loved! Lincoln and Wren are perfect for each other! There are lots of awkward and sexy moments. Wren especially is sexy and awkward and strong......which makes for a perfect heroine for Lincoln. This is a fun and sexy book.....happy reading!

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She’s a sexy, sassy handler and he’s the man she’s been hired to make look like a competent CEO. Both are about to get a whole lot more than they bargained for.

She was a handler. Her job was to clean up public image and keep them out of trouble. More often than not, she felt like a glorified babsitter. Wren’s current charge was a total handful and a D-bag with a capital D. Now she’s expected to take on his brother too. Her life is about to get sexy complicated.

Lincoln ran from his family. Completely dysfunctional with a concentration solely on image, Linc wanted no part of them or their fake lives. However, the sudden loss of his father derails his plans. Now he’s forced to take on his role as CEO at the family business and leave behind his life of philanthropy. To say he’s not happy about it is an understatement.

Linc has no desire to be in NY, but once he meets his handler, Wren, NY is no longer looking so bleak. He may have been a grump to start but once he gets to know Wren, he’s ready for a more hands-on approach to keeping him in line.

The story was witty and sexy! Wren is a woman who knows exaclty what she wants and doesn’t hold back. She was awesome. She could wrangle grown men and make them hang their heads in shame from their juvenile behavior. Linc had his baggage when it came to family, but he was determined to know the truth.

You’ll love these characters and their story. It had it’s funny moments and did not hold back when it came to the chemistry between Wren and Linc. The characters are forced to face some difficult truths and they come out stronger! Enjoy.

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I love the ebook so much I purchased the audiobook and loved it so much as well! It is narrated by two of my favorites, Andi Arndt and Jacob Morgan. They did a fantastic job! Wren and Lincoln's romance was so swoony, and fun and flirty. G-mom was a hoot! This drama-free romance was perfection and I enjoyed every single minute.

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