Member Reviews

So far I'm loving these books that are.outside of her pucked series. I love Helena Hunting's humor and this book had some really funny parts. The characters were quirky and interesting. At no time was I bored or did I put the book down for something else. I enjoyed it alot.

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I LOVED THIS BOOK!!! Handle With Care has it all!! So don’t hesitate. Just go get it. You’ll laugh and shake your head and sigh and maybe even get teary-eyed. It’s perfection.

I'm seriously in love with all things Lincoln and Wren. They had some of the BEST banter of any duo I've read lately. This was a definitely a book with lots of push pull between the characters. They are both attracted to the other from the start, even if they don't want to be. They are both dealing with secrets their families are keeping. Both have to deal with Lincoln's dysfunctional mother and brother. Seriously if there were ever two more morally bankrupt individuals it has to be Gwendolyn and Armstrong Morehead. How Lincoln turned out so normal is a testament to the incredibleness of G-mom, who I loved!

When Lincoln and Wren give in to their attraction all holds are off! They are HOT together and I absolutely loved Wren's obsession with Lincoln's chin dimple! They both distracted the other in the best ways. Throw in the way they both put Armstrong in his place with a well placed barb, or in Wren's case a quick Krav Maga move, and well I was highly entertained from GO. The element of family secrets both broke my heart and kept me turning the pages. This story had it all for me and I loved every morsel. I'm definitely a #LincolnLover for life!

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I absolutely loved this story, Helena Hunting is a great author and this book was by far my favorite of hers. Wren and Lincoln had such amazing chemistry and their relationship was sweet, sexy, and entertaining. I enjoyed everything about this book, from the banter to the crazy family drama that they were both involved in. The secondary characters were very entertaining as well. The storyline was very engaging and held me all the way through to the end. I love how there wasn't any clichéd drama from ex's and the focus was solely on this great couple. This was a fantastic story, one of the best I've read this year.

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Will I ever be disappointed with a book written by Helena Hunting? Probably not! I’ve been waiting to really get to know Lincoln since book 1! I’ve loved his cousins, despised his brother, Lincoln but have definitely been intrigued by Lincoln. The guy that has had no part in his family business and has been out of NYC the moment he could. Unfortunately after his father’s death he back to help with the company because clearly his brother Armstrong isn’t the one for the job. He agreed to help his G-ma with this until they could find a replacement. What he didn’t expect to encounter was Wren. His brothers “handler” she’s been the one in charge of helping Armstrong’s image since he’s been known to make bad decisions. She’s also taking on the role of helping Lincoln’s image for the company.

These two are definitely two peas in a pod! I absolutely love their banter and chemistry!!! Definitely pick this one up! You won’t be disappointed!

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I loved Lincoln and Wren. They are one of my favorite book couples. Wren was sassy, no nonsense and had no problem taking charge when needed. Lincoln wasn’t your typical rich boy jerk which I loved. I loved that Lincoln and Wren resolved their issues in a mature fashion. It was very refreshing not to see as couple break up over the silliest things and spend the last few chapters whining and moping. They communicated with each other and worked on reaching a resolution together like couples should. This book was laugh out loud funny. There were some surprises I didn’t see coming. This was a really good read that left me smiling when it was over.

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It is no secret that I am obsessed with Helena Hunting. I absolutely love her writing. Helena manages to do what many other romance writers fail to do: write a romance novel with characters that have depth and realistic, interesting problems. I loved Handle With Care, which is a part of the Shacking Up series. Handle With Care has lengthy appearances from past characters, such as Armstrong the philanderer. We also see brief appearances from past characters such as Cosy and Griffin, Lexington and Amalie (my favorite couple). I love the appearances of those characters, and think that Helena handles them well in ALL her novels, not just this one.

I received an advance copy. All thoughts are my own.

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A very solid 4 stars for me on this read! I have quite enjoyed this series and this book may just be my favorite out of them all. If you haven't read the rest, although I strongly suggest you do, you don't need to have read them to fully enjoy this one.

I really liked the main characters - Lincoln is a man who just wants to do good in the world but gets dragged back into his VERY dysfunctional family drama when his father dies. Enter Wren, a career woman determined to make her own way in the world who is a 'manager/wrangler' for Lincoln's younger brother Armstrong (if you've read Hooking Up you will definitely remember him and all his lovely a-hole ways). She is asked by Lincoln's family to also manage him during his return to New York society and his new role as CEO of the family company.

Sparks fly between these two because he feels he doesn't need her help AND also because they are both attracted to each other right from the start. I loved that they didn't have too much angsty back and forth with the should I/shouldn't I go there because of work conflicts. Also once they were together they stuck by each other and didn't let the villain in the story come between them or let their respective dramas get in the way either.

A more serious series than the others that this author is known for but there were still a lot of humorous moments and fun and quirky characters that made the book. For me this was an entertaining read and one I wouldn't hesitate to recommend!

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Lincoln and his brother Armstrong could not be more different. Armstrong is self centred, completely inappropriate and behaves like a teenager whereas Lincoln is philanthropic and loves doing things that make a difference to people’s lives. When their father dies suddenly, Lincoln returns to New York to take up a temporary position at the helm of the family business.

Lincoln is way more comfortable in a t-shirt and jeans than the suit he is now required to wear in the office. Before he does that though, he decides to imbibe as much alcohol as he can at the bar in his apartment building. When he wakes the following morning he has some recollection of a woman helping back to his home and putting him to bed but it could have been a dream….

Once he arrives in the office he is introduced to the woman he thought was a part of his imagination. Her name is Wren. Wren has been appointed as a PR person to help Lincoln in particular as he adjusts to his new role. She will also help manage the bad PR trail that Armstrong manages to leave everywhere he goes.

Wren had no idea what to expect when she first met Lincoln and he is nothing like his annoying, handsy younger brother. He is the polar opposite, he has a beard, a man bun and is ridiculously sexy handsome. Her job is to guide him into his role and this means reworking his appearance into a clean shaven business man. And. My. God. Could a man look any more perfect than Lincoln.

The attraction between Wren and Lincoln is palpable and they dance around it initially before neither of them can ignore it any longer. The heat between is so much more than they anticipated and they can’t seem to keep their hands off each other. However, they know they need to keep things professional at work and their budding relationship on the down low.

While Lincoln is adjusting to his new job, he also begins to unravel pieces of his fathers life he had no knowledge of. He keeps finding things that make no sense to him and that only encourages him to dig a little deeper, despite attempts by his mother to confiscate his shovel. She will stop at nothing to hide things from him and blackmail anyone who gets in her way to keep up appearances in the public eye.

When Wren receives an ultimatum she has to choose between two of the most important things in her life. Neither decision is going to have a happy ending for someone. It’s time for Lincoln to step up and take control if he wants to have a future with Wren.

Another fabulous read from Helena Hunting in the Shacking Up series, there are also a few cameos by familiar characters from a previous book. Loved this :)

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I really love Helena Hunting. She always manages the perfect mix of romance and comedy. And even though she seems to have my sense of humour I still find I end up with a few unexpected laugh out loud moments that took me completely by surprise.

When I read the last book I was expecting more laughs from the book given the sex toy selling main character and the stuck up CEO counterpart and I was a little disappointed by my own expectations. So I really went into this one not expecting anything but a good story and I can say Helena definitely delivered.

Luckily this book can be read as a standalone since my goldfish memory had forgotten most of the details until I was reminded. And that just made me love it even more. I had all these reminders of previous couples I had loved. And I got a whole mess of Armstrong drama to make me giggle and judge.

Lincoln and Wren were perfect. And I seriously enjoyed every minute of the tease as much as I loved them together. Lincoln had so much going on and he handled it all so well, with the help and guidance of Wren. They were the perfect compliment to each other and I seriously enjoyed the epilogue and can't wait to see where Helena will go with the series next.

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Grande fan de cette série, et de la plume d'Helena de façon générale, j'attendais ce tome avec impatience.

Comme vous le savez, les tomes précédents étaient consacrés en grande partie au frères Mills. Celui-ci reste dans la famille mais se concentre sur Lincoln Moorehead, le grand frère d'Armstrong (Hooking Up). Rien qu'en sachant cette information, vous avez de la sympathie pour Linc !

Lincoln est donc un cousin des Mills que l'on a entraperçu dans certains tomes. Très proche de Griffin (Making Up), qu'il considère comme un frère, il se retrouve à la tête du groupe quand son père décède.

Habituellement, il fuit la ville et les affaires familiales, se consacrant à des œuvres de bienfaisance. Mais il va faire une concession et promettre quelques mois à sa mère pour essayer de remettre le groupe (et son frère) sur les rails.

Ce qu'il n'avait pas prévu, c'est Wren. Ce petit bout de femme plein d'énergie devient son bras droit, répondant aux souhaits de sa mère. Elle gère déjà d'une main de fer les faux-pas d'Armstrong et, quand vous découvrirez comment, vous allez tout de suite l'adorer !

Leur histoire est attendue, on la voit venir. L'alchimie entre eux est bien là, et on adore découvrir leurs échanges. Mais ce tome ne se limite pas à ça, et on en découvre un peu plus sur les Moorehead et notamment leurs cadavres dans les placards.

Vous l'aurez compris, j'ai vraiment aimé ce nouveau tome et la dynamique du couple. Wren et Linc sont des personnages attachants, et j'ai vraiment apprécié l'équipe qu'ils forment.

En bref, une comédie romantique qui cache quelques surprises, qui fait sourire et avec un couple qui fonctionne à merveille. Si vous aimez cette série et cette auteure, alors foncez !

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4.5 Hearts!

So charming and cute! Handle with Care is such a fun and touching story. I fell hard for Lincoln and Wren and just cannot stop swooning over them. I haven't read all the books in the Shaking Up series, but there's no denying that this series is intoxicatingly GOOD! Helena Hunting seriously knows how to write adorable, sweet, sexy, and heartfelt romance stories that will make you smile, laugh, swoon, cry, and captivated until the very last page. And yes, I'll admit it now... I got teary eyed a few times.

Hunting's storytelling is simply addictive and amazing that I was enamored with this book. I enjoyed the writing, the pacing, the character development and all the surprises throughout the story. The plot is entertaining with plenty of angst, family drama, steamy scenes and endearing moments. I laughed out loud a few times, got a bit frustrated, felt my heart break, swooned like crazy and fell in love with the story and characters... well most of them anyway. I don't want to spoil anything, but the last few chapters and the ending definitely filled my heart with millions of warm fuzzies that left me smiling and so darn happy.

Wren is a fantastic heroine and I adore her completely. She's confident, determined, fiesty, and strong. She doesn't let anyone take advantage of her and always says what's on her mind. She definitely has a rough edge, but she also cares and loves deeply.

Lincoln stole a piece of my heart. He's sexy, broody, adorable, funny, and incredibly swoony. He does have a temper and a bit impatient at times, but Lincoln definitely has a sweet and gentle side and a heart of gold. I love his relationship with his grandmother and the work his doing for other communities that need help. And that totally makes him irresistibly swoony and one of my favorite book boyfriends I got to meet this year.

I absolutely love the romance in this book! Wren and Lincoln are fantastic together. The sexual tension between them is so hot and swoony. I love their chemistry, their playful bantering, their sexy times and all their emotionally touching scenes. I enjoyed their relationship from start to finish and seeing them handle things together. I love how supportive they are and how much they're willing to do for each other. Such a perfect couple and I wholeheartedly rooted for them.

With plenty of heartwarming moments, swoony scenes, and an adorably sexy romance with all the feels, Handle with Care by Helena Hunting had me utterly smitten, feeling giddy, and smiling like a dork. But more than anything, I love that this book has heart... it's an achingly wonderful story about family, love, forgiveness, second chances, and new beginnings. Really loved this one and cannot wait to read more from Hunting.

I received an advance reader copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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When I realized I hadn’t read a single Helena Hunting book, and one of my closest book friends couldn’t stop talking about her, I decided I had to start somewhere. With Handle with Care just coming out, why not start there! I must say I didn’t know what to expect from her writing and was pleasantly surprised with this one. I fell in love with these characters and with her writing and can’t wait to read more from HH.

In Handle with Care we get the story of Lincoln Moorehead. Recently named CEO of his family company, bad attitude to boot, he must step into the role he was born into. He isn’t exactly CEO material however, when he is suddenly expected to fill the shoes of his father. In comes Wren. Her newest task with Moorhead Media is to make the rugged and bad-tempered caveman and make him into the leader of the Moorhead enterprise. What she doesn’t expect is to actually grow to like him as she attempts to work her magic on his looks and personality. Their chemistry is such a refreshing change and was truly fun to read. I love seeing the black swan of the family come to the light and how everything unfolds between him and Wren. This was a sweet romance with a little scandal thrown in to shack it up a bit.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and can’t wait to go back to read more of this series as well as Helena’s work I’ve heard so much about. I shall start with Pucked!

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I have read many of Helena Hunting's books and I have read every book in this series so far.

I love the writing and I find her books are super quick to read.

Handle With Care is another quick easy read that got me laughing out loud and I just couldn't put it down because the story is so darn good.

You don't really have to read the previous books but I do recommend you do because you get to meet previous characters and you will want their story.

I give this 5 out of 5.

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Wonderful contemporary billionaire romance. Lincoln has chosen to stay away from his wealthy family until his father died and he has to become the CEO. He loves to work in third world countries building health facilities, schools, and orphanages. Wren is hired by his mother to handle Lincoln as she has been dealing with his brother. Their meeting is entertaining. Many family secrets come out through the course of the story. I received a complementary copy of this book via Net Galley and chose to write a review. I look forward to reading future books by Ms. Hunting.

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Lincoln has been hard at work living a philanthropist life when he is called home for his father’s funeral and will reading. Lincoln has broken from contact with his family and their self-indulgent life style. Imagine his surprise when he discovers his father has left him completely in control of the family’s Mega media corporation. His grandmother, his only solace as a child, convinces him to stay and help out the family.

Wren was hired by Moorehead Media as a PR person, or should I say PR reinventor…she’s got her work cut out for her with Lincoln’s family. Just when she thinks she can break free she is tasked with one more assignment, reinvent the reclusive Lincoln into CEO material.

The chemistry burns between Lincoln and Wren and sparks start to fly with the secrets, betrayals and what is uncovered all in the line of duty and family.

I flat out loved Handle With Care. Both Wren and Lincoln are likeable, relatable characters that suck the reader right into their plights. With Scandal and financial / career mayhem at hand, they have their work cut out for them but the bickering duo provide a truly fantastic romantic comedy read.

I received this ARC copy of Handle With Care from St. Martin's Press. This is my honest and voluntary review. Handle With Care is set for publication August 27, 2019 and will be included in St. Martins Publishing tour and paperback giveaway on Tome Tender on September 6, 2019.

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Once again, Ms. Hunting has given us a story filled with humor and heat. I fell in love with these characters quickly – Wren, a sassy, smart PR consultant who can keep her cool even in the most difficult of situations, and Lincoln, a sexy, socially-conscious man who would rather help those in need than spend time with his rich family – both won my heart quickly. The connection between them is undeniable and had me turning the pages quickly. Add to that the fact that I got to enjoy spending time with the other characters I’ve met and loved in the previous books and this was a truly enjoyable read.

As I’ve come to expect from this author, this story gave me twists and turns, laugh-out-loud moments, and fun characters who I would like to have as real-life friends. Their interactions and banter added dimension and depth to the story and watching Lincoln’s growth into an amazing CEO who will make a difference in the world was a great ride. I really enjoyed the fact that Wren and Lincoln’s relationship wasn’t instantaneous. I like watching them try to hold back and, ultimately, failing. After all, I’m a sucker for a happily ever after and couldn’t hide my smile as their relationship headed in that direction.

Even though this is the 5th book in this series, you don’t necessarily have to read the others to enjoy this one. So, if you haven’t enjoyed reading Ms. Huntings word yet, or just haven’t started this series, it’s perfectly fine to go ahead and start with Lincoln and Wren’s story. Trust me, you’ll love it…but be prepared to have an uncontrollable need to go back and start from the beginning! This series is such a fun ride!

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Lincoln and Wren, office romance at the highest best. Sparks fly everywhere, the bantering is so entertaining to read. all the antics and the feels are there. I love every page of it. This series is one I will recommend for everyone. I think this is the best one in the series. I was looking forward for Lincoln's story and the delivery surpassed my expectations in a great way. Can't wait for more!

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I absolutely loved this book. Helena always has such great characters with such a fun story. Wren and Lincoln make a great love story

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Undoubtedly one of my favorite books of the year! I love Helena Hunting’s writing and this book did not disappoint. The combination of humor and storytelling is spectacular. Any time that I see she has a new release coming I want it immediately. Lol!
Getting to watch Lincoln and Wren work their way into a relationship was a gift.

*arc provided by Netgalley 💕

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There are few tropes I like as well as the rough and gruff jerk turned sweetheart and Handle with Care is the blueprint for how to do this storyline justice! To say that Lincoln is rough around the edges would be a gross understatement. But, when Wren is assigned as his handler she vows to turn him into the camera-ready CEO that his company needs. Along the way they find that while Lincoln isn't perfect, he's a perfect fit for Wren.

Lincoln is rough around the edges. He's harsh and cynical. He has ZERO interest in staying in the city and even less interest in taking over his family's business. This family has more issues than all of the magazines their company creates combined. Lincoln has to determine what battles are worth fighting and just who the true enemies are.

Wren is not thrilled about being the handler to the newest Moorehead arrival, but it's got to be better than constantly cleaning up after Lincoln's brother Armstrong. She's confident and capable and focused on seeing this job through successfully to achieve her bigger personal goals. What she discovers is a softer side to Lincoln that goes beyond a shave and a haircut. Deep down he's thoughtful, caring, smart and kind. And they can't help their mutual attraction.

Handle with Care is a terrific story with two strong, independent and individually likeable main characters. You will appreciate both on their own merits and be thrilled when they give in and give love a chance. Their attraction is immediate, but the affection and respect builds over time and pays off gloriously in a twisty-ending that you likely won't see coming! Handle with Care packs a huge romantic payoff and should definitely be put at the top of your TBR!

An advance copy of this book was received. The reviewer purchased the audiobook copy. Receipt of the advance copy did not impact the content or independence of this review. BFF Book Blog also uses a set of icon ratings. This book received additional icons for: butterflies, hero, heroine, mind-twisting, romance, steamy and sweet.

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