Member Reviews

Favorite Quotes:

Do not sass me, Lincoln Alexander Moorehead. And do not call me G-mom in front of the goddamn staff. How am I going to keep my battle-ax reputation with you shouting nicknames that make me sound like a second-rate rap star?

I don’t know what kind of karmic bomb your parents managed to set off when they created your brother.

I’m startled out of my thoughts when my brother jumps up and shouts a bunch of profane nonsense, hands flailing like he’s trying to swim on land, or approximate the chicken dance while on an LSD trip… He keeps jabbing his finger at me, as if he’s engaged in a finger sword fight.

Gwendolyn’s expression is slightly pinched— which is saying something because most of her face usually doesn’t move.

Dear sweet baby Jesus riding a unicorn.

He wasn’t faithful to my mother, and maybe I can understand that, since she has the warmth of a corpse…

My Review:

I am stunned and truthfully mortified to report that this was my first Helena Hunting experience… where have I been? The woman is a prolific and clever wordsmith and has a backlist a mile long - I am so ashamed of myself ~ hangs head… But now that I am in the know I plan to make amends for my slothful and inattentive ways and greedily latch on to as many of her skillful arrangements of words as possible. I am totally enamored with her wit, observantly descriptive writing style, and irreverent humor.

Handle With Care was written in my favorite dual POV with sparkling levity, titillating family scandals, smoldering sensual scenes, vile yet quirky villains that I loved to despise, and a plethora of enticing and intriguing primary and secondary characters. I adored every well-placed word and smirked my way through this absorbing and refreshingly entertaining tale. Sigh, I enjoyed these characters so much I am more than a bit reluctant to let them go, but at least I now have a new favorite author to fangirl.

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Absolutely Fantastic! Smart, sexy, funny and very entertaining. Wonderfully written with characters that jump off the pages. The banter between the grouchy he-man, Lincoln, the reluctant heir to the massive Moorehead Media empire and his PR handler, the beautiful, smart and capable, Wren is marvelous and so much fun. The two hotties soon find a sexy chemistry that can't be deny. She handles him into the groomed-to-perfection face of the company while he melts her panties (and mine) in the process. Even though he looks the part, behind the scenes he's still the man with an axe to grind with his family and itching to return to his altruistic endeavors to help the less fortunate in third world countries. It looks like their relationship has an end date plus it's not the best for his optics as CEO. Also, his scheming mother has other plans for her eldest that doesn't include a romance with a woman she considers beneath the powerful Moorehead dynasty. The secondary characters are terrific and I love the glimpses of Linc's cousins from previous stories. Oh, those sexy men, Lex and Griffin! The way Wren handles Linc's nasty brother, Armstrong is hilarious! I guess there's no redemption for him in the future. This author's writing is just spectacular and the characters she gives to enjoy are terrific in every way. This story has everything you could want in a sexy romance with humor and enough drama to keep it interesting for a divine couple in Wren and Lincoln and a little mystery surrounding Linc's recently deceased father. Great ending. Loved it! I voluntarily reviewed an ARC.

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I've got to say, I think this is my favorite of the series! I absolutely loved this book! I completely adored Lincoln and Wren, their dynamic was just perfection, making me laugh and swoon, I couldn't get enough of them.

I was very excited about this book, I've been curious about Lincoln and Helena Hunting gave me everything I wanted and more. I really loved how strong both of these characters are. Wren knows who she is and what she wants, and Lincoln, well he's certainly his own man, not taking crap from his family. These two are thrown together and they definitely figure it out. The perfect amount of drama, heat and humor, this story just delivered 100%.

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4 Stars

Handle With Care is book 5 in the Shacking Up series, but can be read as a standalone and I have to say I enjoyed the crap out of this one. Lincoln and Wren are both great characters and I loved both equally. Their chemistry is off the charts hot and they couldn’t be anymore perfect for each other. Their banter had me laughing out loud so many times I lost count. Another great addition to this series.

Angela - Alphas Do It Better Book Blog

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The Shacking Up Series continues and only gets better as Lincoln Moorehead is featured as the delectable do-gooder brought in to help fix his family’s multi-million dollar business.

Having been a fan of this series since the beginning, I have been waiting for Lincoln’s story for some time and Hunting does not disappoint. Always writing her heroines to be fierce, no-nonsense, with a side of allure, Wren was a character that I won’t soon forget!

This outrageous book, full of great one-liners and smoking hot chemistry is sure to make you smile from ear to ear. Whether you read this as a standalone or in order with the rest of the series, I am sure you will be delighted.

As Always, Happy Reading!

“5/5 Beaming Brains!” – Lit-Up My Mind

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In book five of the “Shacking Up” series, we have Lincoln and Wren. He is a reluctant temporary CEO; she is a media-handler for the company (well, more for his wayward brother). Sparks fly, but family secrets and other twists get in the way. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Handle with Care. I liked the interplay between the characters and thought that the plot was realistic. For more thoughts on this entertaining book, please visit my blog at Fireflies and Free Kicks Fiction Reviews. Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press, and the author for a complimentary, pre-release digital ARC of the book.

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Another perfect story from this author. The hated Armstrong was back, and we got an even closer view at his horribleness, but it was more amusing this time as we weren't watching him actually ruin someone's life. The romance between Lincoln and Wren was a really good one. And I liked a lot how the whole big issue at the end of the book was handled with honesty and just not letting the bad person get away with it. With confronting them, with people not doubting the other's honesty. I feel like this was such a realistic romance. I liked how we got our glimpses into the other couples that we've met in the other books in the series. And even though Armstrong still can't be redeemed, he just can't, we were able to laugh at him, and enjoy seeing him get what he deserved, but in a lesser way, just for the ridiculous comments he made. It was great to see just how what someone did in the past, that may have made them look like bad people, could possibly have other origins that made them not quite the villain you may have thought. Except Armstrong. He's just a jerk.

Loved this one, and could barely put it down to do anything else!

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Handle with Care is the fifth book in the Shaking Up series by Helena Hunting. Each book has intertwining characters but can be read as a standalone. This may be my favorite of the series so far.

Lincoln Moorehead has to take over the family business after his fathers passing. The problems with that include : he strongly dislikes his family (the only member he likes is his grandmother), he hates the city, is more of a t-shirt and jeans guy vs a suit and tie guy. Wren Sterling's job was to keep Lincoln's train wreck of a brother from ruining the family image but now she is tasked with making sure Lincoln's transition into head of the company goes smoothly. It isn't long before they can't deny their attraction to each other but when they finally embrace it, secrets and scandals make their happily ever after difficult.

Lincoln and Wren are two great characters. Wren is strong and snarky with an underlining tenderness. Lincoln is gruff and grumpy, his sarcasm is on point, with a heart of gold. They both wish to devote their endeavors towards making the world a better place for those less fortunate. The first half of the book is filled with a great build up of sexual tension between them and when they finally come together the wait is worth it. Their passion is hot as hell, but the relationship is more than the physical and comes through when they face family secrets coming out.

Handle with Care is a great contemporary romance. Lincoln isn't your typical CEO and Wren isn't every day PR consultant which leads for a refreshing take on an office style romance.

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I still need a few seconds to breathe again, such was my surprise at everything that happened at the end of this book ... Just WOW.

Wren was hired by Moorehead Media to lessen the damage caused by the stormy Armstrong, son of the powerful owner of the company, but when his father dies and his older brother returns to take over the transition, Wren is again summoned to look after Lincoln's image.

Lincoln was raised from an early age outside the clutches of the complicated family and plunged deep into social projects in Latin America as an adult. He doesn't care about his father's company for whom he has a very strong rejection, but when his grandmother asks him to help keep the company standing, he can't say No to the only person who took care of him.

The encounter between the Wren and Lincoln is stormy and complicated as both imply with each other and the sparks of this explosion can ignite a dangerous fire between them both.

Even though it was a romantic comedy, Helena Hunting put a good deal of suspense and drama into the book and I stay alert until the end to know everything what would happen to the couple and their families. I really enjoyed the romantic moments and the hot moments.

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QueenZany 4 Star Review
by Helena Hunting

HANDLE WITH CARE is yet another sweet, complex, and tug heartstrings kinda love stories! You know the kind where you're laughing your ass off one minute then the next your heart my heat in your hands! Plus the banter and whit that Helena Hunting puts into her characters are just unparalleled!
Boom a must-have!

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Wren and Lincoln’s love story in Handle with Care by Helena Hunting, book five in her Shacking Up series, was a wonderful and emotional story. Wren was overworked trying to silence the indiscretions at Moorehead Media when she’s tasked with another responsibility, work with the reclusive oldest son transition into the role of CEO. Yes, there were incentives, and it would help her pursue her own dreams sooner. After the unexpected death of his, in name only, father, Lincoln returns to NYC only to find himself in the midst of family drama and being named the CEO of the family business; much to the displeasure of his brother. Lincoln has spent most of his life avoiding his family, so he is not a happy camper being asked to give up his charitable life, establishing water access for third world countries. Working together, both find themselves attracted to each other, sparking an electric chemistry that could set off fireworks. When Wren agreed to this job with Lincoln’s mother, she had no knowledge of what a manipulative, crazy woman she truly was. At the threat of a scandal, Wren is forced to choose between her family and the broody, cynical Lincoln who she deeply cared for. Lincoln decides he had a few things to say about that, especially since he felt quite strongly about Wren.

Wren and Lincoln might be strong, determined, and stubborn but they brought out the best in each other. I loved Lincoln’s grandmother, his G-Mom, and her machinations to remove Lincoln from his unhappy and toxic parents. Lincoln’s brother Armstrong was difficult to like as well as understand his outrageous behavior and temper. The close relationship between Lincoln and his cousins said a lot about Lincoln’s view on family. Wren’s parents were amazing and supportive; not allowing anyone or anything to get the best of them. Then there is the mystery condo owned by Lincoln’s father and the unexpected answers found when pursuing that lead.

Ms. Hunting wrote a wonderful, steamy, and emotional story that is not to be missed. She provided a tale rich with sexual chemistry, amusing banter, and endearing characters giving Wren and Lincoln a chance for happiness, love and a future together, one neither expected. I highly recommend Handle with Care to other readers.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

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Every family has its own set of drama; some worse than others, but it's there. Imagine going through life, believing your father to be such a horrific dad, you leave town at the first opportunity and only come back for his funeral. This is Lincoln Moorehead's reality. Lincoln is the ever altruistic son who builds wells in third world countries so everyone can have drinking water. He doesn't want to CEO of a multimedia corporation. He also doesn't look the part; this is where Wren Sterling comes in. She's there to handle whatever situation comes up with the company, including turning the recluse son into a CEO and keeping the other out of the headlines. What happens when the recluse and the handling fall for each other? Secrets come out, and nothing is ever the same again.

My goal with this book was to read half one, and the rest the next day. I took a break at the halfway mark and thought to myself, "I'm only interested in finding out what the scandals are." However, I just couldn't stop reading. I finished this book in one sitting. Lincoln and Wren are hilarious together, but I have to say, I think while Armstrong is a despicable human being, he was funny. It's easy to feel sorry for both Lincoln and Wren. The pain and traumas they had to endure would be more than enough to anyone fold, but they dedicated themselves to altruistic causes. Figuring out what most of the secrets were wasn't hard. I thoroughly enjoyed how all the secrets and drama played out. What I didn't know was this book is a part of a series. I haven't read any of the previous four books, but that's okay. I never felt like I was missing something. 

In a book with so many interesting characters and subplots, I can't say I was left feeling like something was missing. If there was a series created around just these two characters, I'm all for it!

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Another blockbuster from Helena Hunting! I swear she gets better each time! With lots of sensitivity, lots of humor, lots of feeling, she threads a lovely story about a wildebeest of a man, the woman who handles him and makes a CEO out of him.

Lincoln Moorehead comes to New York City for his father’s funeral. His grandmother, whom he affectionally calls G-mom, convinces him to stay for six months and take over the company because his younger brother is useless. Armstrong Moorehead is a narcissistic a-hole with a legion of sexual harassment cases and temper tantrums. We saw him first in Hooking Up and learned about his bad ways.

Wren has been working with Armstrong for months, trying to clean up his act, and in the absence of improving his manners, has taken to manipulate and control him, using self-defense action, menace, and child psychology. Now that Lincoln has arrived to take over, she’s tasked with handling Linc also. He’s a giant of a man, with long hair and bushy beard, atrocious clothes that seem two sizes smaller than they should be and the manners of a bull in a glass shop. Wren is tenacious, snarky and determined so she takes the bear on, and Lincoln is entertained and entranced with her. He cooperates somewhat, and she coerces, bullies and connives to get him spruced up and ready to look the part of an executive. Lincoln is a Harvard graduate, he just prefers to work in poor countries building habitats than joining the rat race. He doesn’t care about the trappings of New York’s financial world but his G-mom and Wren are the incentives to do this job.

The initial parts when Linc and Wren are inveigled in their battle of wills and wits to wrestle Linc into shape are entertaining and comical. Linc ignores the million messages, emails, phone calls and voice mails that Wren sends, out of pure mischief due to his reluctance to deal and also to see what Wren does. He likes to walk around the penthouse in his tighty whiteys just to see Wren drool and stutter. Wren got accustomed to the beautiful sight that is Linc semi-naked and loves dressing him like an oversized toddler. They are such a cute pair! Eventually, there are workplace intrigues, family intrigues, and the increasing attraction and affection that develops between those two. One of the things that I liked most was how upfront Wren was. In all her dealings, she was true and sincere and honest. She always dealt with honor and integrity, which is what made Linc fall so hard. On the other hand, although Linc was wayward and exasperating, inside that gorgeous body and face was a man with a good heart who was mourning a father who died, whom he never really knew, and a family that never felt like a family should. Wren’s no-nonsense and direct manner is what won him over because she didn’t bend over to please him. I also loved their squabbles, they were like foreplay and so endearing.

Another thing I loved is seeing characters from other books and appreciate all the ways they are inter-connected. This book was like a breeze of fresh air on a hot summer day, entertaining, feel-good, fun and adorable.

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Eek, this book was so fantastic. The perfect combination of sweet, snarky, witty and romantic with a dash of mystery added in for good measure. Lincoln and Wren are a match made in heaven. Their immediate chemistry had me hooked from the beginning.

Lincoln’s transformation from brooding mountain man to sexy NYC business man had me drooling right a long side Wren. Who can resist a charming clean cut Adonis carved from marble? He’s got a heart of gold, brains to match and has his priorities straight. He’s the perfect book boyfriend. Wren is Lincoln‘s perfect match!! She’s a ball busting, super smart, boss babe. She’s gorgeous and sassy, and cares deeply for her circle of family and friends. She’s adoring and loyal. There’s no one better to stand by Lincoln’s side ♥️♥️

I’m still fairly new to Helena Hunting’s books but I’m quickly becoming addicted to her writing style. I loved everything about this book!

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Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln, oh how you make me swoon. There is just something about a man that will put doing good above making the almighty dollar that really calls to me and that is Lincoln through and through. He and his brother, Armstrong, couldn't be more different if they tried, where Armstrong is 100% about making the almighty dollar and screwing every woman that crosses his path, Lincoln would rather be in a third world country working hard to get them better living conditions and he has much more respect for women than Armstrong does. I mention his brother because it's the reason Lincoln is back in the states for a while, his father has just passed away and named him CEO of their family company, Moorehead Media, his grandmother begs him to stay on for six months so his brother doesn't run it into the ground and she can find someone to help run the company in his absence.

Another reason Armstrong is important to bring up is because of Wren, it's her job to keep him in line and make sure he doesn't do anything to embarrass himself or the company and this poor woman deserves every cent she makes! Wren now has to make sure Lincoln doesn't get out of line either, but honestly with him she doesn't need to work nearly as hard.

The chemistry between Wren and Lincoln was great! This was a steamy, fun read that will have you falling in love with Wren and Lincoln from the very first page. If you enjoy Contemporary Romances that fall into the Office Romance trope this is a must read!!!! I would love to say that I can't wait for Armstrong's HEA but honestly I don't know how Helena Hunting will ever find a woman that would put up with his crap and make him change for the better, right now he just seems lost...but I do hope it happens for him.

Happy Reading!!!

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This is book 5 in the Shacking Up series, but it can be read as a standalone. This is the second book in the series that I have read (#3 was the first, which can also be read as a standalone). I was expecting this book to be anticlimactic, but I was pleasantly surprised. I absolutely loved Lincoln. He was gruff, sweet, an a-hole, cocky, funny...I could go on. Wren is the perfect match for him. She doesn’t put up with any of his crap. The sexual tension is high. There are secrets to be discovered. The story played out well. This was a very satisfying read.

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Finally Linc's book. I've been following the brother's and cousins and it's always entertaining. This book got me hooked right away. I love a good office romance this one had some kind of forbidden feel to it. It started as Wren being Lincoln's handler/PR person grooming to be a temporary CEO.
Lincoln has been away building housing and sustainable communities. He's reculsive looks needing fixing. As Wren was already handling Armstrong she fit the bill.

I like that he's so different from his family. Wren is witty, no nonsense and snarky. Their interactions at first weren't so good. But they become amusing as it goes along. Linc transformed is a sight to see. Wren is good at her job but often at heads with Linc over things. The banter, tension all ramped up slowly it it jusf had to happen.

These two were steamy at first but it evolved into more. They were there for the other. I appreciated Wren's honesty during that tough time and not just oh break up now. She's loyal and because she can relate to what Linc going through her integrity ro see it through. Solid these two. Ugh I knew I didn't like the mom when I first read her. Lots of growth in Lincoln too he grew to his role and made it his own.
Anyway I really liked this one solid plot with twists, good characters and chemistry. Funny times too with Linc and Wren of course Wren's friend Dani.

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Handle with Care was a great read. Lincoln and Wren had a story to tell and man was it a good one. Lincoln is the older brother of Armstrong and he must be saint to deal with that lunatic. After a tragedy brings him home, Lincoln is thrust into a situation he was not expecting. But Wren is there to help him manage. What started out as animosity turns into something neither were expecting. I enjoyed seeing their relationship progress as the story continues. Of course there were outside circumstances that seeped their way through and I was interested to see how it would all connect. Lincoln and Wren were just so good together. They were what each other needed and they found each other at the opportune time. They had a strong connection. It was fun, sweet, and sexy. Lincoln gives good swoon. They were a great couple. I also loved the connection that Lincoln had with the Mills especially Griffin. He could always count on them. While I’ve enjoyed all the Shacking Up books, Handle with Care just might be my favorite. It has the right amount of entertainment-sweet, sexy, laughter, and mystery. It grabbed my attention since the first page and I was invested until the end.

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Book Boyfriend: 💋💋💋💋💋
Lincoln Moorehead wants nothing to do with his family and their wealth. He enjoys projects that give third world communities fresh water and shelter. Lincoln has a business and a masters of business degree from Harvard but he’s never been interested in putting them to use for the family business. Lincoln is down to earth and level-headed even though he grew up with wealth and going to the best schools. He is extremely good looking and has kind of a mountain man look going on. Lincoln loves his grandma, G-mom, and would do anything for her. He is loyal to those people close to him and has a kind and generous heart. Lincoln isn’t your typical alpha male but can command a room and make deals when needed. He isn’t afraid to state the truth or cut the crap and I love that about him. Lincoln is a big man with a big heart and I would love for him to be my book boyfriend.

Strong Female Lead: 💋💋💋💋💋
Wren Sterling grew up in the limelight with a father who is a Senator but always wanted to make her own path and not use connections to advance her career. She took a job at Moorehead Media to “handle” Armstrong and his MANY indiscretions but her heart truly lies in non-profit work and helping people. She is your typical beautiful, girl-next-door with sass for days. Wren isn’t afraid to stand up to powerful men and put them in her place. She even has years of experience in self-defense and can put a man on the ground in five seconds. Wren puts others before herself and loves fiercely. She never wants to put those she cares about in the line of fire and does her best to mediate situations with ease. Wren is a strong, independent woman that doesn’t need a man to be successful or happy but wants one to help her be better. I really enjoyed her character!

Plot: 💋💋💋💋.5
I thought the plot was very interesting and totally took a turn in the unpredictable direction. The death of Lincoln Moorehead’s father brought him back to New York but the family business and his G-mom made him stay. He agrees to 6 months tops to stay and run the business while training a replacement. Nobody trusts Armstrong, the younger Moorehead son, to do anything but be inappropriate and run the company into the ground. The plot is about the connection between Lincoln and Wren but it is also about the past. Lincoln finds out more about his family dynamic that will really leave you like, WHOA!!!

Steamy Factor: 💋💋💋
There is some steamy scenes that’ll make you squeeze your thighs together but nothing over-the-top or crass. It was a perfect addition to the story.

Overall: 💋💋💋💋.5
I really enjoyed this book!! I fell in love with Lincoln and his generous, straight forward personality. I also really enjoyed Wren and her ability to demand attention and respect from even the most powerful men. The plot wasn’t predictable and you learned more about why Armstrong is such a d-bag. It was a quick, easy read that I did not want to put down. Great ending book to a phenomenal series. Kind of sad it is over…😢😢

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New favorite of the series!

Lincoln is the perfect grumpy and unwilling CEO and Wren is the perfect woman to make sure that unwillingness doesn’t become a new family scandal...but there’s only so many times she can see him in his tighty-whities, and even less, and not think about starting some scandalous behavior of her own!

Wren’s competence and confidence was a huge turn on for not only Lincoln but for me too! I love that she was written as super strong but wasn’t forced into that “bitchy boss” box. Watching Lincoln rile her up and then fall in love with her was so much fun!

I also really enjoyed the exploration of Lincoln’s family and their less than functional dynamics and history and the way that loss and grief can be shaped and reshaped.

I’ve still only read the last three books of the series but I fully intend to read the first two, I even have hard copies waiting on my shelf!, but I can say with some serious confidence that Helena Hunting is a new favorite of mine!

I received a complimentary review copy of this book but all opinions are my own.

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