Member Reviews

Let me start by saying that I have not read the other books in the series, and it's not a requirement. There weren't a lot of in jokes, or updating on previous couples that I sometimes see in other series. Nothing that made me stop and think, "How much did I miss previously?" or "Why does this feel like a part is missing?"

Now, Lincoln. What a fun character! Big, burly, and brooding but with plenty of tenderness to his personality. His love for his G-Mom was adorable, and the way he quickly came to rely on Wren was so much fun. Yes, I think he dragged out his baiting of her a little too long. But who hasn't let a joke (or TV show) go on longer than was necessary?

And Wren was a kick-ass woman, literally. I loved that she was able to put Armstrong in his place when got out of line. The fact that it wasn't just a one-off situation and then ignored as happens so often in other books was a joy. And she had goals. Goals that she didn't let a man distract her from. (I didn't like the "wind storm" scene because it bordered on "clumsy woman" a little too closely for me. Not a fan of humiliating women, in books or in real life. Where is the male humiliation? YMMV)

Now, when the two of them come together, they are so much better than apart! When problems rear their ugly heads, sure, there's a bit of a communication struggle. But then they - GASP - have a conversation about things. They handle it with logic and as a unified team. Together. I loved that because too often in stories problems are based on lack of communication and misunderstandings. It's a cheap gimmick that I find lazy authors rely on too much. There was plenty of tension, and serious obstacles, to be overcome without resorting to hackneyed tropes.

When Lincoln's doubts surface, does he do the childish thing and flirt with another woman? No. Is he mean to Wren? No. Does he do something that could irrevocably damage the relationship that so many other writers use to build tension? NO. This is a true story of two adults coming together in a relationship, and you can clearly see how they will handle future interactions. It's clear that these two know how to make things work, for themselves and as partners for each other.

Wren handles Lincoln, but then he handles her right back. They are the balance the other person needs in their life.

I did think Armstrong was a bit over the top. Narcissists cannot be "cured", so to bandy that word around seemed to set him up as un-redeemable. But I wait eagerly to see what happens next with such a repulsive character.

G-Mom was great, although we don't get to see her nearly enough. (Is anyone else wanting her to have a gentleman caller of her own?)

I'm looking forward not only to the next book in the series, but also to catching up with previous books. Female characters who aren't simpering idiots are always a plus, so I need to read more of them. Great for fans of Penny Reid.

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4.5 stars

"She's like sunshine cutting a bright line across my desk, melting the chocolate bar sitting on the corner."

Oh dear, this one was exactly what I needed after a book that broke me and a bully romance. Handle With Care is a romance that handles love with care. Seriously, I can't remember the last time I've read such a carefree, almost drama-free lovestory that will capture your heart immediately.

"I hope you are ready, Wren. I'm about to make it fell like and apocalypse is taking over your body."

With its beyond charismatic characters this book has everything a great romance needs. I love the pace, how the story unfolds without unnecessary drama, how the characters work together so flawlessly. This story might be simple, but to me this means so much. I love Wren, I love Lincoln and I love them together. And I guess Lincoln almost stole the throne from Bancroft as my favorite bookboyfriend within the Shacking Up series, but only almost. Nevertheless, Lincoln is beautiful and I wish I could meet one like him in real life.

"Are you ready for the ride of your life?"

Handle With Care is such a cute story, that will leave you doe-eyed with a lovey-dovey feeling and a big fat smile in your heart.

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I was given an advance readers copy of this book and have decided to write a voluntary honest review. At first I have to be honest I didn't like Wren much, I thought she treated Lincoln like a baby and he's definitely no baby. But once I saw her out of her work eliment I saw a different person and I truly liked her. Lincoln I liked in Griffin book I knew he was gonna be special and I was right. He's truly amazing and I'm not surprised he's nothing like his douce of brother. Armstrong had a lot of growing up to do. Now I'm hoping hope will be next.

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I am loving this series of standalones! There is something about that sucks me in and I can't help but love each and every character and their stories. I've always been slightly intrigued about Lincoln and his story with Wren didn't disappoint. Their chemistry is unreal and has you loving every word of their story.

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I have not read any other books in the Shacking Up series and it did not get in the way of me enjoying this gem, but now I want to read the rest of the stories in this world. Wren and Lincoln's story is not just sexy alpha guy gets girl, we have moments of sweetness and moments of laughter.
When the opportunity came up to read this story early I just new I could not pass up this offer and I was not disappointed. I LOVED IT!! Absolutely a must read!!

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There is no denying why Helena Hunting is a New York Times best-selling author! She is one of the few writers that can consistently deliver and she does it again with this one! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!

Wren is a strong woman with a take no prisoners attitude, who is hired to handle Armstrong and his indiscretions and help Lincoln settle into the role of CEO or Moorehead Media. Lincoln is a good man and the brother who is nothing like his family. Taking over as CEO is the last thing he wants. When Wren and Lincoln meet, it's not love at first sight, they butt heads until they can’t fight the attraction anymore.

The banter between Lincoln and Wren had me laughing out loud often and their chemistry was sizzling hot. I loved how they were very much equals and that Wren was a tough as nails Heroine. I found myself breezing through this one. There was never a lull during the progression of the plot, which I was grateful for.

This story is funny, engaging, has a few twists, and lots of sizzle. You will admire Wren and fall in love with Lincoln. The chemistry between the main characters had spark and sizzle. The side characters were fantastic. But what I loved the most was the slight mystery aspect. It made the story exciting and I loved the twist.

This is definitely a WIN for me this month!!

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5 Stars!
Lincoln Moorehead is the reclusive eldest son and the heir to the Moorehead Media fortune, but he could care less about status or wealth. He has nothing in common with his entitled family, and has tried over the years to put as much distance between them as possible. He would rather be off helping others in developing countries, but is forced to return home to New York after the death of his father. He plans to hop back on the next plane out as soon as possible, because being in the city makes him miserable, but soon gets sucked into the family drama when he's appointed CEO of Moorehead Media. He has no interest in the company, but his family's legacy can't be left in his brother's hands. They ask him to do the one thing he desperately doesn't want to do, which is stay and help manage things. He just needs to try to survive his new reality while temporarily running the company. Then things get interesting when he meets his new "handler". The woman in charge of helping him transition into his new role at Moorehead Media.

Wren Starling is an independent PR consultant who began working for the Moorehead's about eight months ago when they needed someone to clean up their younger son's messes. She is the best at reshaping reputations, and cleaning up scandals. Now that the older Moorehead son has returned, she's been asked to stay on and work to overhaul his public image. As the new face of Moorehead he has to dress and act the part. She will be his shadow for the next several months while she cleans up his appearance and gets him ready for interviews. When they meet she quickly learns he's his brother's opposite in every way. He looks like a rugged, bearded mountain man, but is generous and kind. He also can be quite difficult and challenging in his own way. Then he has a make over, and she can hardly contain her desire for Lincoln Moorehead clean shaved and in a suit. He's absolutely gorgeous! Doing her job becomes more difficult as the sexual tension builds. Soon they both have trouble fighting their attraction and the growing feelings between them.

Handle With Care (Shacking Up #5) by Helena Hunting was fabulous! I love this entire series, and have been looking forward to Lincoln's book. The man is sexy, genuine, and swoony to the extreme! I couldn't put this book down, and loved it from start to finish. It's a fun, flirty, slightly forbidden office romance full of fantastic banter, emotion and love. Everything I love about a Helena Hunting story!

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Handle With Care is the 5th book in the Shaking Up world, but can definitely be read as a standalone- although I’m not sure why you wouldn’t want to read the rest, as you’d be missing out on my favs Ruby & Bancroft, Lexi and Amalie, et al, and getting to know the bane of everyone’s existence, Armstrong Moorehead.
In HWC we’re finally treated to the story of the reclusive Moorehead brother, Lincoln. And oh my, my, what a story it was...he was definitely worth the wait! But as much as I was loving Lincoln, I have to say I had a major girl crush on Wren. She was awesome! I seriously want to be her when I grow up.

Wren started out as Armstrong’s handler, but when Lincoln returns to the city after his father’s death, she has to take him on as well. And let me tell you, girlfriend could hold her own up against these men- I loved her take no prisoner attitude! There was a bit of animosity at the start, but then things between Wren and Lincoln started to shift into more personal territory, and I was there for it! They had such sizzling hot chemistry, but you could tell how much they really cared for each other.
Considering their work relationship, things weren’t always so easy when it came to their personal lives- having to keep things on the “down-low” tends to start to weigh on a person. But I loved that these were 2 adults who talked through things and dealt with any issues as they came about.

I really enjoyed everything about Handle With Care. It was thoughtful, sexy, and funny. And there was a bit of mystery thrown in, which had an outcome I was not expecting! Overall, this book was a delight.

One of the things I love best about Helena Hunting is her ability to write such a wide range of characters and stories. From the Clipped Wings series, to the Pucked series, to the Shacking Up series, and everything in between, you never know what you’re going to get from her.
I’ve read 3 of Ms. Huntings books in the past month- all 3 were contemporary romances, which, if we’re being honest, can sometimes all start to run together. But in the talented hands, and mind, of Ms. Hunting, all 3 of these books were quite distinct.

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4.5 STARS!

“Dear sweet baby Jesus riding a unicorn.”

Handle With Care by Helena Hunting is the final installment in the Shacking Up series. This is Lincoln's time to shine and his story has been a long time coming y'all!

Lincoln Moorehead returns back to New York to help run the family company, Moorehead Media after the death of his father. One thing that must be said is that Lincoln is nothing like his douche brother Armstrong. They're like oil and water.

Wren meets Lincoln at the bar of one of the Mills Hotels and she soon has to carry his drunk ass up to the penthouse. Lincoln, of course, has no recollection of the event so you can imagine how things go the next time they meet... And now they'll be working together. Wren will be his PR image consultant. Sparks fly. Sexy banter commences. The pages are filled with lots of snark, plus equally sexy and sweet moments...

I loved Lincoln's lumberjack look. With his long messy hair in a bun and his beard #beardgasm. Humble, humanitarian, and gorgeous! How can one not swoon over him 😍 #lesigh.

Wren does not take shit from anyone. She's smart, independent, driven and sassy. Lincoln and her would constantly argue back and forth and in time they formed a team. They complimented each other perfectly!

Handle With Care was an exemplary office romance. Funny and adorable with great writing! Helena, thank you for these wonderful characters. I will miss them dearly. #ineedmore

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from St. Martin's Press through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.*

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It’s been a few weeks since I read this book, it’s taken me a while to get around to writing the review but I did really love this story. I’m a huge fan of the entire Shacking up series but this one is my new favorite, move over Lex you have been dethroned as my favorite…

To say that I loved Linc is an understatement of epic proportions, he is rugged and rough on the outside but is a big softie on the inside, also he has zero patience for Armstrong’s bullshit so that makes him all the more attractive. Talking of Armstrong, he is still a first-class douche which brings us the Wren. Wren is Armstrongs paid handler and she is given the additional responsibility of helping Lincoln take over as CEO, she is such a great character feisty and funny and is excellent at controlling Armstrong.

This story has some shocking revelations and big scandals that kept me on the edge of my seat. I was so intrigued to find out what all these secrets were that I read this far quicker than I wanted. I won’t say much more because spoilers but seriously if loved the other books in the series than this is a must-read!

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4.50 Stars

I love this author. I haven't read a book of hers that hasn't made me LOL. She just knows how to mix laughter with love and so much more.
This one was no different. The chemistry between Lincoln and Wren was so good and not to mention the laugh out loud banter they had with each other.

Lincoln is the eldest brother in this series, and the heir to the Moorehead Media fortune, but he was so not interested in any of it. He would rather be helping other people in other countries that be with his own family. But when his father passed away he is forced to return and take his place as the new CEO of the company. Not what he would ever wanted to do, but when he meets his new 'handler' Wren Starling maybe things wont be as boring as the thought.

Wren Starling is an independent PR consultant and has worked for Moorehead for the last eight months cleaning up the youngest brothers messes. Now that the eldest brother, Lincoln has returned she is asked to stay and help him with his public image. She expected another wild one but what she got was a sweet and kind rugged looking mountain man. But not without his own difficulty and challenges. She also can't deny the sexual tension building between them and especially after his whole makeover how is she going to contain her growing feelings for him??

Everything in this book was just right. From the start to finish you can't help but be invested in this couple. And even though there isn't a lot of drama (and you know me, i love drama,lol) there was still some suspense in the book.
A bit sad this series is coming to an end, but I think i will be going back and doing the audible books as well.

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4 stars. Aww, this was a really cute, sweet and funny book! Handle with Care is Wren and Lincoln's book. Lincoln is Armstrong's brother, from previous books in the serious. When Lincoln and Armstrong's father dies, Lincoln is summoned from his charity work in Guatemala to help out with the family company. Wren also works in PR for the company as Armstrong's handler, keeping him from making any more embarrassing headlines. She meets Lincoln and sparks fly between them. She is also tasked with helping him get settled and keeping his image clean as he takes over running the company. As Wren and Lincoln spend time together, their relationship deepens and they fall for each other, all while navigating family drama.

I really liked Wren and Lincoln a lot. They had great chemistry and were a good match. Wren is no nonsense and career focused, but not hard or bitchy. Lincoln is wry and funny, sexy and sweet. There is no huge break up or pushing away, which I really appreciated. The main angst was from outside forces. This story is well written, fun and sexy. This book is my second favorite (after Shacking Up) in the series.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. Wren and Lincoln's story is an entertaining, funny, sweet, sexy easy read. I look forward to more from this series and Ms. Hunting in the future.

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I have been patiently awaiting Lincoln's story in this series and I fell in love with him at the start of his book! I loved all his interactions with Wren and at times found them to be LOL funny. The chemistry between the pair was off the charts. Their story moved along well and I was hooked on it from the first chapter. I enjoyed the return of Griffin and Cosy from the previous book in this series as well as the mention of the other characters from the previous books in this series. There were a few twists in their story that I did not see coming but overall, their story was amazing and I would recommend reading this book to others.

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If you want to have a good reading experience, this is the book.
It's fun, sexy, fun.
you will love its main characters, Lincoln and Wren distill chemistry on each page (you have to read it, trust me)
also as every good story has its villains, Gwendolyn and Armstrong seriously you will hate them.

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I’ve been eager to read Lincoln’s book since he was introduced in the first of the Shacking Up series. I’m pleased to say Miss Hunting delivered and Handle with Care was everything I’d hoped for- funny , flirty, sexy, and oh so entertaining. While this is the fifth in the Shacking Up series and includes some cameos from past couples and characters, it can read stand on its own.

Each of the couples and books are so different in the Shacking Up series, but I think Handle with Care may be my new favorite. I really enjoyed getting to know Lincoln and was pleasantly surprised that he was pretty different and better than I anticipated. Furthermore, I loved that he was paired with a strong female lead who pulled no punches. I love when both main characters are strong enough to handle themselves and rather than one rescuing the other, they find they are unstoppable together.

Handle with Care was exactly what I hoped for and more when I started it. I’d definitely recommend this title to fans of romantic comedies, this author, or those looking for strong, poised heroines and heroes who embrace that strength.

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***ARC Provided by the Publisher***

Authors have a style, a certain thing that you expect of them.

And, when it's Helena Hunting, you know that something crazy, off the wall, and unexpected is going to happen. At least once. And, there's a challenge in balancing the expectation of the insane with the enjoyment of the title.

Lincoln and Wren hit this balance splendidly. There is an attraction immediately (and, it has nothing to do with one of the most embarrassing Marilyn Monroe style moments in the history of, well, ever) but there is also a reluctance to get involved, a belief that life is leading them in different directions.

I also liked that there was no dramatic realization moment, no moment where Lincoln all of a sudden realized where he wanted his life to go...rather, he changed and adapted, while making sure the life he was thrown into was also one that he wanted to be a part of. It left me believing that they are a long term couple.

I think one of the reasons it worked so well is that both of them seemed like characters not only while they were together, but separately. I feel like I know who they each are, that I got to know them as people as well as part of a couple.

Also, I really dislike his family. Well, most of them. There is an exception, but as that is a main part of the story, I am not going to tell you about it here.

I enjoyed and recommend this title.

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Another winner from Ms. Hunting. Wren has the misfortune of trying to keep Linc's brother's reputation clean, which is like saying she is putting a square peg into a round hole. When her boss dies and his wife takes over, she is hired to help clean up Linc's persona. He isn't a creep or anything, he just isn't refined enough to take over the helm of the company.
To say Linc hates not only his family, but living in the city, is an understatement. He has no use for either, but comes home when his dad dies. He doesn't really like his dad, because his dad was never really there and he was a cheater. When he meets Wren for the first time, he assumes she is another of his brother's mess ups.
As Wren changes his image, she realizes he isn't as gruff as he appears. They both have trust issues and don't upen up to each other very well or fast. The secrets he learns about his father will change is life forever. She has known about a secret her parents kept from her, and feels horrible and has a rocky relationship with her mother because of it. When Linc's mom threatens her with releasing the information, she has to make a decision: leave Linc or hurt her family.
I loved every minute of this book. Linc was a wonderful character who had many layers. Wren was a spitfire who didn't put up with anyone's crap. Whether they can find happiness with each other after all the threats, lies, and secrets will prove to be an uphill battle.
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest, voluntary review.

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So far, 2019 has been a year of underwhelming reads for me. I was stuck in somewhat of a book slump, but thank goodness for Helena Hunting. Handle With Care delivers the kind of entertainment I was craving.

I find brains and confidence to be wildly appealing in female protagonists, and Wren is sharp as a tack. Nobody is a bigger PR nightmare than Armstrong but she handles him with ease. Lincoln, while not a liability, is gruff and stubborn and proves to be a bit of a challenge for Wren. It makes breaking down his defenses more satisfying. I got a kick out of mountain man Lincoln’s forced makeover.

I love the way Wren takes charge of things both in and out of the bedroom. Together, she and Lincoln are fun and sexy. They are well matched in wit and intelligence and they share a passion for philanthropic work. Hallelujah for a man who respects women and doesn’t play games.

There is a lot going on in the plot and it may be overwhelming for some, but I appreciated the different aspects. The biggest weakness in the story is Armstrong. He is too much of a caricature to be believable. If his obnoxious and sexist behavior weren’t so over the top, he would be less of a one-dimensional, creepy character. I also think the ending is too rushed. These drawbacks didn’t stop me enjoying Handle With Care, though, so hats off to Helena Hunting for the pick-me-up.

Handle With Care is part of the Shacking Up series, but it can be read as a standalone.

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Handle with Care by Helena Hunting is a fun and flirty office romance that will leave you with a huge smile on your face. The bantering and sexual tension between Lincoln and Wren, the bickering between Lincoln and Armstrong, and the manhandling of the both of them by Wren made this an outrageously fun, laugh out loud rom com.

Thanks to SMP and NetGalley for receiving an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a fantastic story. It was so highly entertaining, sweet, filled with humor, love, emotions and sizzling heat. I just couldn’t put this story down. The characters are fantastic. The writing was phenomenal. Great flow to the storyline. I loved the humor, that was so rich with snarky, witty, laugh out loud moments, as well as all the emotions. Loved, loved that it was written in dual POV, giving me every last detail they were thinking.

From the moment that Wren and Lincoln meet I was all in. It was so much fun watching the antagonism between them as well as their attraction. I loved their chemistry and the sexual tension that made my heart swoon.

I loved Wren and how tough she was and how she didn’t put up with anything. At first Lincoln is quite the gruff guy not wanting to be there at all, let alone have a babysitter. But it doesn’t take long for his feelings for Wren to alter his gruff ways especially when he knows she feels the same way about him.

This was my favorite story of this series!! It was Freaking Fantastic from start to finish! I hate to see this series come to an end!!

I was gifted an early copy in exchange for an honest opinion.

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