Member Reviews

And Then There Were Crumbs is the first book in Eve Calder's A Cookie House Mystery series. I loved the sound of the blurb and couldn't wait to read the story. And Then There Were Crumbs was a good mystery that kept my interest and had me guessing until the big reveal. I'm looking forward to more books in this series.

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This is a fun and charming book. A real cozy mystery. Fans of these types of book will really enjoy this book. I know that I sure did. Instantly, I connected with Kate, Maxi, Oliver, and even grumpy Sam. Yet, the story mainly focused on Kate, Maxi and Oliver.

These two women worked really well together and were so kind. Maxi's joyous attitude is infectious. Than, you have Kate. She may have been new in town but she fit in right away. I could picture and smell all of the yummy treats that she baked. If this book had smell o vision; I would have been in trouble.

I really had such an enjoyable time reading this book. I look forward to visiting with Kate and Maxi again in the future. I will be reading more books in this series.

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The First Cookie House Mystery

Kate McGuire lost her job, her apartment, and her fiance all in one day. Leaving Manhattan behind the pastry chef has arrived in Coral Cay, Florida to start fresh. It seemed like a good idea, but with her car on its last legs, money running out, and no job in sight Kate's getting desperate. So desperate that she agrees to take a job manning the counter of a bakery that doesn't sell sweets-and she's not allowed to bake, merely man the front counter, at less than minimum wage. But when a greedy developer winds up dead and her new boss is accused of the murder Kate knows the gruff old man can't be guilty. Joined by a new group of friends Kate is determined to prove his innocence while keeping The Cookie House running and ready for his return.

The Cookie House Mystery series is off to a great start with AND THEN THERE WERE CRUMBS. A likeable protagonist, an adorable dog, and a welcoming florist team up to save a curmudgeon with a heart of gold. I love how the whole town gets behind Kate and do whatever they can to help Sam. Everyone wanted to kill the victim, everyone agrees the world, and Coral Cay in particular, is probably better off without him, and everyone agrees that Sam wouldn't do it, especially not in the manner it was done.

Oliver is an absolute charmer while Maxi is a terrific side kick/mother figure/friend. She's resilient and funny with a heart as big as Cuba! Although autumn in the mid-east is my perfect habitat, I wouldn't mind spending time on this Florida island, even in long as I could have a hunk of sourdough and a specially divined cookie from Kate.

Endearing characters, a close knit community, and an intricate mystery make AND THEN THERE WERE CRUMBS a delectable start to a new series.

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This was a delightful read and a great introduction to this new cozy mystery series. The writing is well crafted, the charcters are likable and the setting is fun to read about. I loved the development of the charcters throughout the book and look forward to reading the next in series. I highly recommend this book for all who enjoy cozy mysteries. Very well done smart series that was so fun and refreshing to read.

"And Then There Were Crumbs" by Eve Calder is the first book in a new cozy mystery series. .Kate is a savvy smart independent protagonist who has just survived a difficult time.. I liked her right away as she takes charge of her own life and does not depend on family or men as so many cozy protagonist do. Kate is right away a favorite new protagonist., Kudos to the author for writing her as independent. She lost her job, her apartment and her fiance on the same day ! She immediately did not hesitate to take a job at The Cookie House in Coral Cay. The business is well liked by the locals and soon Kate finds herself making friends. Her boss is well loved as a baker and a fixture in the small coastal village. Soon after her arrival a murder occurs of the developer her boss had a disagreement with and she becomes determined to investigate. Her boss is suspect number one. As the investigation progresses with Kate and the local police she finds that this small town has many secrets simmering below the surface.

This is smartly written, has a well crafted mystery and a pleasingly conclusion. I loved the description of the small coastal location and the bakery is a delight. For a new series this is very promising and I look forward to the 2nd in series. Thank you to the publisher and to Net Galley for the opportunity. My opinion is my own.
Cross posted on Amazon, Good Reads and Net Galley.

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And Then There Were Crumbs by Eve Calder is the first novel in A Cookie House Mystery series. I like the authors casual writing style which made the book easy to read. Kate McGuire has a bad day when the restaurant where she works goes out of business, her apartment building is sold and going condo, and she broke off her engagement to a cheating louse. Kate relocates to Coral Cay and gets a non-baking position at The Cookie House. When her new boss is accused of murder, Kate works to prove his innocence. I like that Kate is a strong, independent character. Her new best friend, Maxi Mas-Buchanan is a delight along with her large family. She is a florist who works magic with blooms. There is a cast of secondary characters that enliven the story and help in solving the case. Oliver is a large, friendly puppy that belongs to the town. The mystery was clever. It was a unique whodunit which I just loved. It can be solved before the reveal thanks to the clues sprinkled throughout the story. I like how Maxi and Kate work together and get help from the other townspeople. I hope the author keeps providing unique mysteries in future installments of A Cookie House Mystery series. I did feel, though, that the book was too long (352 pages). Fifty pages could have easily been edited which would have enhanced the book (tightened it up) and improved the sluggish pace in the middle of And Then There Were Crumbs. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this delightful new cozy mystery. There were humorous situations, tasty cookies, tempting sourdough bread (yum) and jovial moments. I was tickled pink that there was not a hint of a romance for Kate. One of my favorite lines from the book is “I can’t believe I have my very own kitchen elf. Look out Harry Potter.” And Then There Were Crumbs is a tempting cozy mystery with appetizing pastries, a cozy southern Florida town, Francine the sourdough starter, a clever canine, and two curious meddlers.

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Oh this one was a fun one! For starters Kate is a great character. She's smart and independent but ever prickly. She has been impulsive in throwing up her whole life and relocating to Coral Cay but that's not normal behavior to her. The community is also amazing. I love the whole locals/tourist dynamic and the characters in this book are all kind of behind the scenes characters in a tourist town. Maxi is my absolute favorite and my only real complaint is that I don't have access to really good Cuban food. The food descriptions are mouth watering and this is not a book to be read on an empty stomach. There is also a mysterious dog who adds a bit of whimsy and adorableness and humor.

The mystery is a good one and is one of those - Who wouldn't want to kill the victim - kind of murders. I loved the reason for everyone getting involved in the investigation and I LOVED that they put together a team and that team was a book club.

This wasn't absolutely flawless. It did drag just a bit in the middle and I did find myself getting a little impatient with the pace. However, it wasn't hard to put it up or hard to read at any point and this is probably one of my favorite cozies of the year! I can't wait for the next book!

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Kate McGuire has no fiance, no job, and no future in New York. So the pastry chef packs up what's left of her life and heads to Coral Cay, Florida, to try to start over.

Once there, she finds a job at the local bakery, owned by Sam, a man who seems to have lost his spark. But when her new boss finds himself accused of murder, Kate and her newfound community of friends must work together to not only save Sam but the bakery as well.

This book just felt like the definition of cozy mystery to me-full of wonderful characters who form their own family, a setting that comes alive, a hobby/job that is integrated into the story, and a satisfying mystery with a surprising ending. Kate is a great strong lead, and Calder has surrounded her with a supporting cast of colorful, unique characters that I immediately fell in love with.

There really wasn't anything not to like about this book!

This was one of those cozy mysteries where everything just worked. It's a cozy warm hug of a book, an enjoyable read that will leave you feeling happy.

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This was an absolute delicious first book in a new series.
I thoroughly enjoyed the characters and the whodunit was first rate.
I cannot wait to read the next in the series.

I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.

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And Then There Were Crumbs by Eve Calder is the first book in a new cozy mystery and I was captivated from the first page.

I really liked Kate because she's fiercely independent after surviving the loss of her job, apartment and fiance all on the same day. She is soon swept up in a murder mystery after landing a job as counter help at The Cookie House in downtown Coral Cay. The secondary characters are all integral to the investigation especially Maxi who I want to meet. The setting of Coral Cay is a perfect small town which I would love to visit. A complex plot with red herrings and twists that kept me guessing until the reveal. The twist at the reveal was perfect! I'm looking forward to many more in this series.

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