Member Reviews

Ho’onani:Hula Warrior is a story about a young wahine (girl) who doesn’t quite fit into that box or a kane (boy) box. ho’onani defies gender and cultural norms by trying out to become the leader of her schools hula chant. Despite the negative and uneasy feelings from classmates, her sister and others she becomes the leader.

A story about self discovery, acceptance and understanding.

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Thank you #netgalley for giving me a copy of #HoonaniHulaWarrior to review. This was the perfect book to show that you don't have to fit into someone else's mold. I loved how the main character embraced who she was and stood get ground when her sister didn't like it. This is a definite must read.

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Most western people are probably more familiar with the hula that has women swaying with grass skirts. But there was another hula practiced, that of the stomping and chanting, usually done by men. If you have seen Maori dances, you get the idea.

Ho'onani is the fictionalized story of a real wahini (girl) who wants to dance the male dance that only the kane (boys) dance. She feels she is just as strong, and can do the chants just as well, if not better.

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-5237" src="" alt="" />
<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-5236" src="" alt="" />

This is not so much a story about a girl wanting to be a boy, as a story about doing what you want to do no matter what gender you are. She is the strongest, and the loudest, so why shouldn't she lead the chant.

And so she does.

Wonderful story of a strong wahine.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.

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True story of Ho'onani, a young Hawaiian who describes themselves as somewhere "between" a wahine (girl) and a kāne (boy) but struggles to be accepted by their own sister and community. The story is positive and empowering and has an associated documentary which the frontmatter directs readers to.

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The book didn't download too goo in my Kindle, but the story read just fine! I like the message to pursue interests that are right for you rather than what others think your genders should be and to also be true to yourself. Sexual orientation shouldn't be a given or deal breaker. Pursue your dreams! I love that this story was also a bio on a real person!.

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"Ho'onani: Hula Warrior" is a simple picture book with a positive message, The art and the story are simple, but overall it's pretty good.

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