Member Reviews

I loved this book so much. Like many couples during WWII, Ronnie and Hilda get engaged quickly after meeting. But the rest of the engagement is through letters. And aren't people li e more honest in letters? No email or cellphones in those days. I adored this book.

Ronnie & Hilda’s romance is a sweet look at how romance blossomed at the end of the Second World War, Ronnie met Hilda and within a few days they get engaged and their dating continues through the letters they wrote to one another over the 18 months that they had to wait for Ronnie to be demobbed. Hilda once writes wouldn’t it be lovely if someone wrote a book about how our lives were and through their letters their story has been told by their daughter Wendy.
Highlighting the struggles of continued rationing at home and Ronnie struggling with the cold and boredom of life in the camps it’s a fascinating read.

I have read a lot WWII genre stories - fiction and non-fiction alike - but Ronnie and Hilda's Romance is different. Through a collection of letters, Ronnie and Hilda recount the daily goings on of their lives to one another during the time that Ronnie is serving overseas in Italy during the war and after he returns. A unique way to recount how the war affected those serving overseas and those waiting back at home.
(NetGalley ebook - I received a complimentary advanced reader copy of this book through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.)

This book can definitely go in the Romance section or even War. Ronnie and Hilda meet in 1945 and after a mere 10 days he proposes and she accepts. They had to wait until 1947 when he was demobbed before getting married and so what we have here is their letters to each other during this time - his experience in several countries in the aftermath of war and hers as an ordinary person coping in extraordinary times. This is a fantastic book, hard to put down especially as the author is their daughter. No loose ends here, we are told how life treated them, what they enjoyed doing and what happened to their friends and families. What a lovely couple they were! I defy anyone to read this and not have a tear in their eye afterwards.

What a wonderful,wonderful story off two people who loved each other! You don't see this kind of love story anymore! What a way to have lived how then and stayed with each other through anything! Net Galley gave this little love story of two separate people who became one! Such a nice read!

It's a heartwarming book about love and the post-WWII era. Through the letters, one can sense the warmth and respect they have for each other. It was also a bit interesting looking at some of the photos, as it gives the story some faces.

This biography was well researched and contained a lot of information that I hadn’t previously read in other books. The author’s attention to detail is evident in the writing. Highly recommend!

Ronnie and Hilda hit it off so well that within ten days, he proposed and the description here made me tear up for the first time. “He could only afford to buy a ring with the tiniest of stones, but she treasured it more than words could say.” That phrase recurs between the two of them in their letters as each sends the other little gifts during their long separation. It didn’t seem to matter what was exchanged – homemade cakes, stockings, toothpaste, a lipstick – the other was delighted and never hesitated to say so. I chuckled when it’s obvious that Ronnie’s army mates are teasing him a little when it’s clear he’s sitting and thinking of Hilda. And he never hesitates to spend what little precious free time he has writing long letters to her in between doing the 10,001 things the army orders him to do. Just thinking of her while he’s writing is reward enough for him.
The maturity shown in their correspondence is astounding but even at their young ages, Hilda was already an experienced, college educated teacher while Ronnie had been in the service for nearly five years. They clearly know their minds and give a lot of thought to their plans. But just because the war was won, it didn’t mean the tough times were over. Rationing and shortages were still the norm in Britain and Hilda must have been tickled to get those stockings that Ronnie found in Europe. Ronnie’s post war duties sounded horrible – guarding Nazi prisoners and conveying them to war trials – and the winter weather was atrocious.
But through the letters, we can see two level headed young people getting to know each other better and longing for their post war lives together to begin. It is indeed a world that is long gone but it – and their romance – come alive and warm my heart. And yeah, I enjoyed reading about Hilda’s two cats and her dog, too. Thank you for sharing their love and their story with the world. B

A beautiful love story told through a series of letters, from 1945 it spans start of their courtship to marriage ( foot notes added include their wedding and married life which adds a lovely touch) this is a lovely true love story of a normal couple but an exceptional love. Well told and heartwarming, with pictures to accompany their letters.
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

Ronnie and Hilda’s Romance by Wendy Williams (their daughter) is a great love story written out by letters back and forth from Ronnie Williams and Hilda Cartwright during the early part of their relationship/courtship. The span was from when they first met in 1945 to when Ronnie was honorably discharged at the end of his service in the military.
Ms Williams also added a follow up including: their wedding, their married life, and their last years (together and apart).
I enjoyed reading all of the footnotes (as they added so many more fascinating tidbits) as well as the amazing pictures that were added.
I loved to be able to put faces with names. It was truly enjoyable to read a true romance blossoming and all of the fascinating things that happened on a daily basis in England at the post-war time.
Ms Williams is very lucky to have had such amazing parents with such a sweet, romantic story to tell.
Thank you NetGalley and Matador/Troubador Publishing for this ARC and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion.
5/5 stars