Member Reviews

An amazing addition to the Tea Dragon World. The art in this one seemed even more beautiful than I remember it being, the dynamics between the characters were spectacular, the use of language was amazing, the diversity, the environment, I could go on. It really was such a beautiful book and once again made me wish I lived in such a fantastical world like this one with my own little tea dragon. Such a cute book with so many important moments.

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This graphic novel was so freaking cute!
I loved the story, I loved the drawings and it was so diverse!
I would definitely recommend this graphic novel to everyone!
I cannot wait to read more by Katie O'Neill!

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Thank you endlessly to NetGalley for sending me a free digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

The second I saw this book waiting on my shelf, I immediately dropped everything to read it. And if it’s somehow possible, I adored this even more than the first one! This series of books are so enchanting and filled with such a palpable magic. The second you turn to the first page, you’re immediately swept away into another world, one of quaint, far-off villages in the countryside, of sacred old tales and traditions passed down generations, and of small, precocious dragons who grow tea leaves on their backs.

I stand by what I said in my review of the first book: everything about this reads like a Studio Gibli film in book form. I think it’s because both have very similar qualities, from lovable yet complex characters to breathtaking landscapes bursting with color. And of course, both share in their intent to capture something magnificent and spellbinding while always leaving some wisdom in its story to take with you long after you’ve finished. I especially loved Aedhan’s journey that he goes through in this book. At first he feels a deep pang of sorrow and regret over having lost so much time, time that he’ll never get back. But then gradually he comes to learn that it’s never too late to build new memories and to find a new purpose for oneself—a new way to find a place in this world. I think this is such a beautiful takeaway from the story, and it was executed so well.

In the first book, I remember falling just as much in love with the setting but felt that I needed more from the story—that there was so much more from this world that I desperately wanted to learn and explore. I’m so thankful, then, that I picked up this book because I feel like with every new book, we’re gradually expanding more and more of this world, and I love it! Especially with this being such an intricately woven setting of different people and traditions and regions and magical elements, it’s great to be able to piece more and more of it together.

Another thing to really love about these books is how much diversity is integrated. The first book features characters with disability, and similarly in this book, sign language is a common form of communication in this small village. In addition, there's also a same-gender couple, and gender fluidity also comes into play within the story and specifically with Aedhan's character. I always appreciate that intent to include diverse characters and elements into literature, especially books for younger audiences, as it's important to continually celebrate and represent the diversity of the world we live in.

To get a chance to read these Tea Dragon books is a wonderful experience, and I highly recommend these to everyone!

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The Tea Dragon Festival by Katie O'Neill is officially my favorite children's book of 2019. The story is absolutely adorable, it is so inclusive of different groups of people, and the illustrations! The illustrations are so gorgeous! They are probably my favorite part. I highly recommend this and can't wait for it to be on sale!

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The Tea Dragon Festival tells the story of Rinn and Aedhan, a recently awoken dragon. Once charged to protect the village, Aedham accidentally slept for 80 years. Now that he has awoken he explores the village with Rinn, trying to make up for lost time.

For those that have read the first book in the ‘Tea Dragon’ series, the characters Erik and Hesekiel will be familiar to you. This prequel is just as sweet and beautiful as first book, The Tea Dragon Society. While it is a prequel story, it can really be read in any order.

The story of The Tea Dragon Festival is a simple one – the writing is simple and the art is simply stunning. I have read all of Katie O’Neill’s works and I have loved every one of them. The stories O’Neill tells are so short and sweet, but no less poignant for their length.

The ‘Tea Dragon’ series is particularly endearing because of the adorable tea dragons. They are each just so cute and I was very excited to see that there is a card game modelled after the dragons. My absolute favourite is Mountain Chamomile – I am in love with its grumpy adorableness.

It seems remiss to write a review of anything by Katie O’Neill without mentioning the amazing inclusivity featured within her books. You will always find a diverse cast of characters, soft but present representations of QUILTBAG relationships, and in The Tea Dragon Festival, the inclusion and visual representation of sign language.

Honestly if you’re looking for sweet and inclusive books to add to your collection, you need all of O’Neill’s books. No ifs, ands or buts. Just go out and get 'em!

I would really recommend The Tea Dragon Festival for anyone who wants to read a quick and cute story that not only is full of jaw dropping art but makes you want a cup of tea 🍵

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Even more beautiful then the first instalment! O'Neill has created lovable characters, a world I am eager to learn more about, and seamlessly works it around a subtle and intelligent storyline. Of course, the art is great, and it is the immediate draw when seen on the shelf... but it is so much more (like the fun facts at the end!). Highly recommend.

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MY HEART!!!!! I loved this as much as I loved the tea dragon society. It's literally the best world to escape into. Everything is so precious and soft and warm. I loved seeing the use of ASL in this too. The art is absolutely stunning like always and I want my own tea dragon more than I already did. I will read anything Katie O'Neill creates.

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Arc given in exchange for an honest review by Netgalley.

Last week I read The Tea Dragon Society, and I adored it. I immediately searched to see if the arc for the sequel was available. When it was, I asked for it and was thrilled to receive it. I had to immediately read it. I loved it! So cute! So wholesome! I adore this series. I would read a hundred volumes of it!

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Impossible to overstate just how amazing Katie O'Neill's writing and illustrating is, from the heart-warming dialogue to the adorable pictures. She has a wonderful ability to bring you stories to make you smile that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. Have been recommending this to anyone wanting something new to read at the library,

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Yet another soft and enchanting book by Katie O'Neill! The artwork is absolutely lovely, and the story is gentle and full of wonderful characters. O'Neill always includes diverse characters in her stories-- in this case, basically all the human characters were POC, plus there was queer rep (mlm and nonbinary they/them) and disabled rep (deaf, along with use of sign language). Messages included respect for nature, kindness and hospitality, and being proud of your skills.

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I received this arc from NetGalley for an honest review. The Tea Dragon festival is a beautiful story written in graphic novel form. The illustrations are bright and colorful and draw you into the story. The story is lovely and I love that they use sign language throughout the story.

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An adorably illustrated and written story for younger readers about friendship, community and finding your own path. I really loved this story and I would love to adopt a Tea Dragon! They’re an adorable and unique creation and I loved every page.

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This series continues to be the softest, loveliest series that I've ever read. I just love everything about the world. The illustrations are perfect and so soothing and beautiful. And I love the peaceful way things are introduced, the easy inclusion--hopefully this can be mirrored by society one day. Thank you so much for the opportunity to read this. It was gorgeous and I read it at a time when I needed something sweet.

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This entry is almost as cute as the original, though it chooses to expand the mythical lore over continuing to focus specifically on tea dragons, which I think was both a positive and negative choice. I liked it because I love seeing more of this world because it's so unique, but I also missed learning more about tea dragons and seeing them in action as a focus.
This is sort of a prequel for the owner of the tea dragon temple in the original book, so you can really read them in either order.
The representation in this graphic novel is absolutely fantastic. The main character is non-binary, almost every character is a POC, there is a m/m couple, and a side character is a sign language user, and other villagers use it to communicate with her. There may be more that I'm forgetting, but it's so great to see all of this representation integrated into the story.
This is over twice the length of the original, and I already can't wait to reread these books.

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4.5 stars ⭐
"Just because something comes easily to you, does not mean it has no value. You find it effortless because you love it, and that is why it is your gift."
I found this to be so cute, an excellent companion to 'The Tea Dragon Society'. Thank you Katie O' Neill, for always putting such amazing representation.

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The Tea Dragon Festival is the "companion story" to Katie O'Neill's graphic novel The Tea Dragon Society. Admittedly, I have not read the Tea Dragon Society, but I feel like The Tea Dragon Festival stands alone perfectly!

This graphic novel follows Rinn, who lives in a village among the cutest little creatures called Tea Dragons. One day, while out gathering ingredients for some of her town's signature dishes, she discovers a dragon of the "Shining Wing Clan", Aedhan. Aedhan was sent to protect the village, but has been asleep in the forest for 80 years. Rinn is determined to help Aedhan feel needed and appreciated while also helping the village prepare for their Tea Dragon Festival, celebrating the little dragons that live among them.

I love a diverse story. I can't say it enough. The Tea Dragon Festival really hit the spot for me! This is the first time I have seen sign language utilized in a graphic novel as well and I was so excited! Although this was not a very action-packed novel, it was full of character development and background and I loved it. This would be a perfect read for a cozy day.

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The thing with graphic novels is I wish they were a thousand pages long. And this one in particular had a way to set up the world that made me want to stay there for a long time.
I've been following Katie's journey for a couple of years now, so I'm familiar with her art and how much goes into it. You can really tell how much she loves this world as the pages go by, and I'm so honoured to be able to read something like that.
The quantity and quality of representation in this world is absolutely astonishing, and I hope we can move towards a publishing industry that encourages this kind of storytelling. Basically everyone was a PoC, multiple naturalized queer characters and a whole village that learned to speak sign language because a deaf child was born.
I'm so glad that I could lose myself in these pages for a while. I'd do it a thousand times, and I can't wait to see what's next in the tea dragon world.

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Just when you thought the little tea dragons could not get any cuter you get this new book full of magic, adventure and wonderful characters.

This time we get to know a little bit more about the history of the original dragons where the tea dragons basically came from.

A lovely read, cute, funny and with amazing illustrations. Katie O'Neill is so talented and all her graphic novels include diversity which is so needed.

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LOVED IT! I really liked how sign language was used in this and the light nod to a certain pair that was not in your face in that they liked each other. It was extremely subtle they did not come out and say it but it was implied in 2 scenes and no one cared. There is another touch of orientation but again subtle. The artwork was so pretty, I wish I had cousins old enough to read this I would get it for them. This book is great for adults who do not know how to converse with their child on maybe family members/friends/their children on love is love/orientation or disability. Note: I have not read the earlier book that a certain pair is older in.

This is a voluntary review and I don't get paid for this review.

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Such a sweet graphic novel. This art style is beautiful and I love all the colors. Would love to have this art hanging on a wall! The story flowed well and sends a positive message. I could see this being a great read for a younger audience. I still enjoyed myself but would've likes a bit more depth to give it 5 stars.

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