Member Reviews

Rinn has grown up with the companionship of Tea Dragons. She also loves food and cooking. While foraging for food, she stumbles upon Aedhan, a real dragon! Aedhan was sent to protect Rinn’s village but he fell asleep for an 80-year nap. Rinn and the village must help Aedhan cope with the loss of time and figure out how he fell asleep for so long. Will they succeed? The characters are lovable and enchanting. The adorable creatures and colorful illustrations will capture young readers. Fans of dragons, graphic novels, and cute creatures will be sure to adore this book. This is a companion to Tea Dragon Society.

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I decided to read this comic because I found interesting the cover, and I was pleasantly surprised by one of the most charming comics that I have read about dragons, food, friendship, and relationship.
Was also good to see a comic that talks the subject of signal language in some parts and how the comic gote together to learn. I loved this comic and now I want to read the first one and I'm in love with all the characters and need more about this universe.

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Katie O'Neill's artwork is a dream. I love everything about everything she has created. Her stories are so beautiful, so inclusive. Any kid reading this can find a character that they see themselves in. Also, where can I get myself a tea dragon for myself?? How adorable are they!

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I am so grateful to Netgalley for sending me this amazing arc, i read The Tea Dragon Society last month and fell in love with it. It is so pure and precious. I hope there will be more books set in this world cos im in love with it.

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oh my, this was the cutest graphic novel ever!!

The art style was adorable, the tea dragons so magical and adorable as well as the story!

It's such an inclusive story, especially with the sign language. I have never seen in a graphic novel. It's so lovely for people to see themselves being reflected in media so great step forward.

NGL there were tears in my eyes at the ending, it was all so wholesome and really showed how much found family means and having somewhere to call home.

Will 100% looking to read more from Katie O'Neill in the future!

p.s Erik sure is the cutest mountain bumbpkin!

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Katie O'Neill continues to delight with her tea dragon series. The story is cute, unique, and interesting. Even better, it's diverse. There's representation for POC, the deaf community, and LGBTQ+. The story follows Rinn as she meets and befriends a dragon that has the ability to shift to human form. The art is wonderful; I think it's cutely done, and the color is absolutely gorgeous.

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This was adorable. The artwork is perfectly sweet and cute. I loved how sign language was portrayed. I kind of want a tattoo of some of the smaller dragons. The plot was more than I expected it to be with a lot of different storylines being juggled. None of them are explored to a large depth, but that's hard to do with a single volume of a graphic novel. Still highly recommend.

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The Tea Dragon Festival is set a number of years before The Tea Dragon Society. In fact, it has Erik and Hesekiel when they are much younger. The story primarily focuses on Rinn, Erik's niece and her discovery of an actual dragon.

The village they live in, Silverleaf Village, is gorgeous, with a beautiful little community. I particularly loved how Katie always seamlessly weaves a disability representation into her story. In this one of the villagers, Lesa, has a hearing disability and uses sign language to communicate with everyone. I adore that it's just a thing that everyone knows and understands and that it's not seen as unusual. It's just how Lesa communicates. But even more than that, I love that she's still a huge part of the community, that she has her place as head cook for the village. Her way of communicating doesn't hamper her ability.

I do wish that Katie had have explored gender in dragons a little more. It was touched on very briefly, but I'm hoping for another story with Rinn and the dragon!

I also love the way that memories are explored, not just in this story, but both of the Tea Dragon books. There is some magic with the tea that enhances your ability to see or experience other people's memories. I find that this reminds me of how people used to share history before books and writing became common practice, that stories used to be shared by word of mouth, by songs and fables. Especially at shared events like village feasts and such.

Overall I found this story really sweet, but I liked The Tea Dragon Society just a little bit more.

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This book was just as cute as the original book The Tea Dragon Society- although I admit it was a little confusing at first because it takes place before the first book. So it’s nice to see a couple of the characters when they were younger, and how different things were way back when, it also took a bit to figure out what exactly was going on. The illustrations remain absolutely adorable and you are introduced to a few interesting new characters. I think it’s a nice companion to the original book and I look forward to more tea dragons!

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Thank you Netgalley and Oni Press for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest opinion.

If I had to review this book in only just a few words, it would be: "so adorable". I don't think that there was a single thing about this book that I disliked. There was wonderful rep for the hearing impaired with sign language as a main form of communication during the book and I loved that most members of the community knew sign language and that they learned it to include one of their own. The art style also did a really great job showing the sign language in action and I loved that they included a little section in the beginning of the book so you would know when it was only sign language being used or if the character was verbally speaking the words as well. I also love that they added resources for sign language at the back of the book, I thought that was such a wonderful touch.

The art style is just so beautiful. Honestly that's really what pulled me into wanting to read this book. It all just flows so well together and each section is just so beautiful and well thought out. I honestly feel like I could go on and on about how much I loved the visuals of this story and I really wished that there were places that look just like this. It was so stunning and moving and I think if I lived in that village I might not want to go anywhere else because the natural beauty of the place would just have me in awe every day.

And not only is the art style stunning but the plot that goes with the story is really sweet and fitting. I loved the idea of this dragon who fell asleep but was originally meant to be protecting this little town. The relationships of all of the characters is also just so wonderful. I guess if I had to say any bit of critique it would be that there really isn't much for rising action in the story. But it was really more about this girls journey to become an apprentice cooker and to find out that maybe she is exactly where she is meant to be.

Overall, it's a very sweet and beautiful story.

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All of the stars! This was absolutely perfect. I loved The Tea Dragon Society, but this one was somehow even better. I was grinning from ear to ear the entire time, and even teared up at one point of pure happiness. The amount of rep within this book is fabulous. They managed to represent sign language, which I have never seen done before. I loved the introduction of new tea dragons and an introduction to a dragon in this universe.

Again, the illustrations were just gorgeous pieces of art. It is able to express such a range of emotions, both in the by!and and in the tea dragons.

I would love to see even more within the universe in the future.

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This was just the cutest! I haven’t read The Tea Dragon Society but I didn’t think that hindered my experience, I actually really want to read it now. The artwork is absolutely stunning! And of course the tea dragons are stunning!

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I'm not crying happy tears you are. These comics by Kate O'Neill provide me with such joy and happiness they are such a comfort to jump back into. The art is mesmerizing and magical with some pages seeming to glow. The characters are so well drawn and so expressive it really pulls you into the story.
I'm so glad to have stumbled upon such a charming story with such a diverse set of characters!
What a beautiful journey these books take you on and I can't wait to read more of this world!
Thank you again to Netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an ARC for an honest review! :)
Check this book out on September 17th!

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Having read Katie O'neill's previous Tea Dragon book, I was ridiculously excited to get my hands on more of her beautiful work. There is something as gentle, restorative, and life affirming about the world of the Tea Dragons as there is about the perfect cup of tea. The colour palette alone is soothing, let alone the gorgeously pictured queer and disabled representations. I loved discovering a little more of the history of Erik and Hesekial, and I have never seen such beautiful use of sign language before! This book feeds the soul!

I recommend this book to anyone in need of a little self-care. Add your favourite hot beverage and its perfection

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A really beautiful graphic novel, the art work is just perfect. It's blend of whimsy, beauty, and sweetness, without ever being 'cutesy' in a bad way.
These books do such a good job of showing all sorts of 'people', abled and disabled, queer, unknown, straight, anything. There are all sorts and they all make this world deeper and more interesting.
Technically this book could stand alone, but I would recommend reading the first one first, then going to this one.
The only thing that I wish I could have seen more of would be the tea dragons. The first one deals a lot more with them, and this one, while creative and wonderful, had less to do with them. I would have loved to see more of the tea dragons and hope to see them more in future books!

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No joke, I almost started crying when I saw that I was approved to read this book through NetGalley. I read The Tea Dragon Society last summer, and I loved it so much. I fell in love with the art style and the characters and the flow of the story. Being approved to read The Tea Dragon Festival was a
Dream come true. Sadly, The Tea Dragon Festival just didn’t speak to me the same way that The Tea Dragon Society did. I felt like the story was rushed and I wish that there was more of a plot besides Aedhan becoming a better person/dragon. Aedhan is very pretentious at the beginning of the story, but he redeems himself quite nicely. He shows that he really does care for the village and the people that inhabit it. I am confused about how Aedhan is obviously a dragon but transforms into a bigger dragon, though. And also, his clothes change when he changes in the second transformation, but not the first, for some reason. Besides that, though, it was overall very cute and fun to read.

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This graphic novel is just so adorable and fluffy, such a complete feel-good read. The tea dragons are so cute and the story has such a lovingly detailed fantasy world. I really loved the first Tea Dragon book and this one didn't really measure up to that in my opinion, which is the only reason why I didn't give it five stars.

The story itself is very sweet and the drawing are stunning as always. It can also be read without having read the first one, the story works by itself and really made me wanna reread the first one again.

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Just as gorgeous and sweet as the first one. I loved seeing more of this world, and it seemed to add more depth to it. The Deaf characters and ASL was lovely to see too, I like how diversity just seems so normal here, instead of forced like it can sometimes feel.

Katie O’Neill is definitely an autobuy author for me now, and I’ll be sharing this with my daughter when it comes out.

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Though I hadn't read the first in the series, The Tea Dragon Festival is a gorgeous book with a lovely story and even lovelier illustrations! I've been delving more into children's books as of late, thanks to my 3.5 year old kinda "niece", and I'll absolutely be picking this up for her. I personally really appreciated the inclusion of a deaf character, using American Sign Language as well as the usual print.

I'm absolutely here for warm, beautifully illustrated books that help kids learn to be more inclusive, even if just a little bit. In addition to teaching a bit of ASL, there are POC characters and characters of different gender identities, sexualities, abilities, etc. I cannot wait for the little one in my life to be old enough for this, and I'll be recommending it heartily to my librarian and teacher friends!!

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My first time reading Katie O'Neill was The Aquicorn Cove, and I fell in love with her work. Katie O'Neill is such a talented story teller. The artwork is stunning and the story and characters are so diverse. The novel takes place on a remote mountain place, and O'Neill's attention to detail in fauna and flora completely immerses you into the pages. I could spend forever admiring the colors and illustrations in the book.

The book's main character, Rinn, is a non-binary character and goes by they/them. Her uncles, Hesekiel and Erik, are an amazingly cute queer couple that I just loved learning about.

The story is so wholesome and lighthearted, but what I loved the most was the tight-knitted community. Everyone is so willing to help one another. Because one of the members in the community was born deaf, everyone in the village learned to use sign language. I learned quite a bit when reading the book. This is definitely a great resource for kids to learn ASL.

I didn't read The Tea Dragon Society yet, but I had such a great time reading this! It's such a whimsical and effortlessly inclusive story, and I loved every minute of it :)

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