Member Reviews

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley and I am voluntarily reviewing it.

I have to admit that I struggled with this book. I even put it down for a few weeks before picking it back up to finish it. Even then I really sped through it. I didn't connect to either character especially Lien. She seemed really difficult to relate to at least for me. She would be prickly one moment and nice the next. Joe and his son Regan are from Scotland. I expected to read the Scottish burr in the in his dialogue and that of his son but that was the case here.

The only good thing for me was reading this book in a dual POV format. I appreciate the time that the author spent doing this.

This was a clean romance. There was some kissing but the "bedroom" scenes were just eluded to and nothing else was written about it.

While this book didn't click with me, it may click with others. If you enjoy really detailed medical romance with great detail on the medical, you may enjoy this.

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Joe works at a humanitarian hospital and has his son in tow after the death of his wife he needs a bit of a chance of scenery. Dr. Lien works with him and they are neighbors as well so shes been helping him out with the ropes around the place and the ins and outs with what to do. Thing is the more time spent together the more attraction goes and Lien got her heart broken before and hes eventually going to go back to Scotland.

Overall really good book. I enjoyed the characters and how everything played out. As doctors they had to be constantly on their toes with patient care so it was interesting seeing how they worked that. For some reason sometimes come across medical romance books that the doctors suddently have so much time during many books and dont seem to work at all other the title no actual proof they work in the medical field but this book made it clear and stuck to it. Then there was the romance that was blooming between the two which I enjoyed. There was the bit of holding back and drama when it came to the relationship because Joe's ex passing away, Liens hang up on men based off her ex and guarding a bit of her heart and then there the whole temporary of it all because eventually Joe has to go back to Scotland and decisions need to be made. Overall it was a pretty great book I really enjoyed it.

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This was a solid romance set in Vietnam. The story ended up being more involved than I had anticipated and the characters were lovely to read about. A solid beach read.

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