Member Reviews

Like every other lesfic romance reader on the planet, I was looking forward to this book. I have enjoyed every Melissa Brayden book in the collection, but I find myself more impressed with her standalones than the series. For me, sometimes in series the pairings are forced, finding the perfect mate for each of the core group. Beautiful Dreamer, for me, falls into the "masterpiece" category that applies to only about 1 in 20 or 25 books I read.
Even though the MCs are "opposites attract" with small town/big city and warming outgoing/dedicated to job subtexts, I loved both of them. The side cast of characters added a lot as well. I just kept finding little phrases that I highlighted as I read, phrases that were completely original. "Oh so we're flirting?" just felt so right in this book because both Elizabeth and Devyn are totally genuine in their own ways. Elizabeth calling out the high school "Senior Stars" right to their faces for their condescending attitudes was so perfect because she was just sad about what had happened and wasn't going to take it anymore. So many great little touches that I hope all readers notice and appreciate.
This book took me 6 hours to read (rather than the typical 4 or 5 hour books), but it didn't drag for me at all. The entire first half setup was needed to make us fall in love with the characters. Even the "70% of the way through curveball" was done in a refreshing and different way, and I loved that the resolution we all knew would come happened with enough time for a satisfying ending.
This is a great book.

Philadelphia real state broker Devyn Winters left her small hometown of Dreamers Bay a few years ago. She likes the fast pace of a big city and works hard in her successful career. When she comes back to Dreamers Bay due to a family emergency, she meets again with former high school classmate Elizabeth Draper. Unlike Devyn, Elizabeth likes the slow pace and small-town dynamics. They couldn’t be more different from one another, but their attraction is undeniable. They both know that any relationship will be temporary. How are they going to avoid heartbreak?
This is a return to hometown lesbian romance book between two former high school classmates who didn’t share the same social circles in the past and seem to have opposite personalities. Elizabeth lives in Dreamers Bay and is the sole owner of a small company that does odd jobs, she’s sociable, perky and cute. Devyn is a go-getter, successful real state broker who only socialises for work purposes and has no friends. Do opposites attract?
Even though ‘Beautiful Dreamer’ started with a bit of a fast-moving mystery, quite unusual for this author, it felt as if the book dragged a bit in the first half and I couldn’t feel that sizzling chemistry and tension between the mains that Ms. Brayden is so well known for. However, in the second half, the book picked up the pace and the romance developed beautifully.
As usual, Ms. Brayden’s writing is superbly filled with witty dialogues, a sweet romance, and a well-devised plot. Her depiction of the beautiful landscape and the small town dynamics is perfect. It’s enriched with a few multilayered and funny secondary characters, including a cute dog.
I liked that the main conflict develops naturally, feels realistic, heartbreaking but not overly dramatic, and the resolution takes its time without rushing to the end. In that sense, Ms. Brayden is great at writing almost cinematographical happy ending scenes. The pent-up tension, the strong feelings, and the feel-good finale leave the reader happy and satisfied. It definitely won’t disappoint lesbian romance fans.
Overall, a well-written and entertaining romance in a small town setting. 4.5 stars.
ARC provided by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
See all my reviews at www.lezreviewbooks.com

I loved this! Those who know me know I don’t give out full 5 star ratings too often, but I had to with this book. Yes, I’m in an extra good mood because the US Women defeated Sweden today 2-0 (a team the US normally loses to), but my good mood is not why I loved this book. I loved this book because it is everything I look for when I pick up a romance. We all know Brayden is one of the Queens of lesfic romance, but I have to admit some of her Seven Shores books didn’t wow me. I’m so happy to say that this to me was classic Brayden and a big reminder why she’s one of my favorite authors.
This book hooked me instantly. It actually started off with a bit of excitement and got my heart pounding a little. Then we get to enjoy this perfect small beach town setting. It was the best setting for a romance and I loved every secondary character and even appreciated the ones we are not supposed to like. I actually thought the setting was better than Seven Shores and wish there was more books to come from this place.
Besides the secondary characters, which were all well done with unique voices, the two mains were wonderful. I loved both of them but thought Elizabeth was extra special. She really felt like an original character to me. While Brayden has written upbeat and kind characters before, Elizabeth had this depth to her that I wasn’t expecting and I just thought she was so damn likeable.
Of course where this book really shined was the romance. This was such a sweet slow-burn romance. I dislike insta-love and I was so happy not to get it here. The romance was believable and you could see the characters just building and building their connection and it completely worked for me. The dialogue between the mains was really well written and besides the one drama part, the characters actually communicated. It was much more communication than we see in most romances which was another big plus for me. And while you could see the relationship drama part coming a mile away, it still had me grabbing for the tissues because I cared so much.
I don’t have any complaints. I enjoyed every single thing about this book. It’s actually on the longer side but it never dragged once. Every interaction between the characters was important; there was no boring filler and the whole book just worked for me. If you are a romance fan I absolutely recommend this one. I feel Brayden is really back on track with this book and I can’t wait to see what she comes out with next.

If you're ever in the mood for a feel-good romance, you can't go wrong by picking up a book by Melissa Brayden.
Whoever said angst is necessary to drive a plot was wrong. Melissa has such a way of making you fall for her characters, drama for the sake of drama isn't needed.
With that said, these two did have to work for their happy ever after.
Loved the setting, loved the characters, and loved Devyn's big sis. Oh, and the chemistry between the two leads was delicious.

So, hot shot Real Estate broker Devyn and sweet, "boring" small town girl Elizabeth meet again, many years after high school. An unfortunate event that involves Devyn's sister brings them together. Devyn is still hot, amazing, trendy, like she was as a cheerleader in high school, but is Elizabeth still the boring, uneventful, overly sweet girl like Devyn thought? Somehow, her opinion of Elizabeth starts to change, and Elizabeth has nothing, or everything to do with it?
I always expect the best romance from Melissa Brayden. This book hasn't disappointed either. She has a well known recipe for sweet romances, and they work all the time. Her talent for amazing, funny, ever-flawing dialogues is there all the time.
I have to say I'd love to see her get out of her comfort zone sometimes soon... to "spice up" a bit her usual pattern.

I have known for a while that Melissa Brayden is the queen of contemporary lesbian romance. All of her books have beautiful stories with characters you fall in love with and settings that you wish you could live in. Her latest novel, Beautiful Dreamer, is just more proof of her expertize at writing wonderful romance stories.
Set in a small fictional town called Dreamer’s Bay, along the southern coastline of South Carolina, this book tells the story of two women who grew up in this idyllic setting. Devyn Winters, now an extremely successful real estate agent in Philadelphia, rushes back to her childhood home when she receives a distress call about her sister. While in Dreamer’s Bay she receives help from Elizabeth Draper, a woman she knew from her time in high school even though the two never ran in the same social circle. The two become friends and more while they both work to help Devyn’s sister, but Devyn’s life and work is in Philadelphia, and Elizabeth has a life and work in Dreamer’s Bay. This may be a problem that destroys their budding relationship.
Ms. Brayden chose the perfect spot for this small town. This real life area would make a beautiful beach town for those who would like a less commercial and more scenic vacation experience than places like Myrtle Beach or Hilton Head. Both main characters are well-drawn; likeable, beautiful, but with flaws and insecurities that make them more human. The story is sweet and lovely with just the right amount of angst.
I see this as a perfect summer romance, the kind you want to take to the beach to enjoy as you soak up the sun and sea breeze. I would pack this book into my beach bag right alongside my beach towel, sunscreen, sun glasses, floppy hat and flip flops. Beautiful Dreamer would make that a perfect day.
I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.
Rainbow Reflections:

This is another lovely, mostly slow-burn, romance with characters that are easy to become invested in. Devyn Winters returns to the small town she grew up in when her sister needs her. She’s a high flying property broker on the verge of a huge deal but her sister comes first. Elizabeth Draper was in her year at school but not somebody she ever really go to know because they didn’t run in the same circles. As adults though, Elizabeth’s irrepressible cheerfulness is hard to resist.
I loved both of the characters in this novel and especially how they developed. The way they see each other is continuously shifting and the first impressions they had of each other bear little resemblance to who they are in the end. It is not an uncommon trope but its difference is brought out in the depth and characterisation of Devyn and Elizabeth.
Brayden’s writing style really appeals to me and I haven’t been disappointed yet.
Book received from Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

This author continues to grow, and most importantly, evolve her craft while elevating the lesbian romance genre into a serious contender instead of light and fluffy as it is often referred to. Beautiful Dreamer has instant attraction, but the story is lovingly unfolded with a kind of patience and reverence that avoids the intsa-love cliches that is commonly seen in this genre. Beyond that is the complexity of the characters that reveal layers no one expects, reader and character alike. It surprisingly produced a level of unexpected suspense that had me literally cheering them on out loud in solidarity. The end result is a delightful and organically grown romance that hooked me in, and had me wishing their story to keep going. I received a copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

An honest review thanks to NetGalley. Wow. This book drew me in immediately; Elizabeth's character was outstanding. The sweet, dorkish amazing small town girl, and her passion and pull for her small town and how that drew Devyn to her was outstanding. The plot line kept me, and I loved all the small town charm, it literally pulled me into Dreamers Bay. The connection and attraction between the two characters made this romantic read outstanding, a full five stars, this book met and exceeded all my expectations; you will not be disappointed when you pick it up!

Let me start off this review by saying that Melissa Brayden is one of my favorite authors. I have read all of her romances and I find that she has set the standard for what I enjoy in a romance.
For me Beautiful Dreamer is not my favorite Brayden romance but I still did enjoy it. This romance features Devyn Winters and Elizabeth Draper. Devyn left the small Coastal City right after High School and never looked back. She is now a successful Real estate Broker in Phildelphia. Elizabeth moved away only for college and came back after because she loves her little small town. She isn't concerned about money, but is concerned about being helpful and kind to others. These MC's went to HS together around 15 years ago and are thrown back together when Devyn returns home for a family emergency.
These two MC's could not be more different. But they do say that opposites attract. As Elizabeth helps Devyn during the weeks to come, they become closer. They are both attracted to one another, but the chemistry for me wasn't were I wanted to to be for the first portion of the book. I think by the middle of the book, the chemistry became evident. As I read this one, I honestly really liked Devyn. Sure she makes some mistakes, but that even makes her more real. Elizabeth on the other hand was a little too nice for me. I didn't dislike her character, I just found that she irked me some. By the time I got to the end, I was really proud of Elizabeth for standing up for herself.
As I mentioned earlier this wasn't my favorite romance by Brayden. After reading so many of her books, I tend to expect a little bit more. Maybe it was because the books seemed a little long and took me a while to get to where I could actually see Devyn and Elizabeth as a couple. Oh, but I did get there and loved the way that Devyn did the right thing in the end.
I will rate this one a very solid 4 stars.

"Beautiful Dreamer" is a sweet and sexy romance, with the bonus of interesting secondary characters and a cute small-town setting. Devyn and Elizabeth were classmates from different social strata in high school. Today, Devyn is a high-powered, career-focused real estate broker in Philadelphia, while Elizabeth enjoys living in their hometown, running an odd jobs company called On the Spot. When Devyn's sister is involved in a traumatic car accident, Devyn returns home to care for her, bringing her into close contact with town good girl Elizabeth. The development of their romance, alongside Devyn's development as a character, was fun to read. I would recommend this to romance novel readers.

Even thought it's not that original. But I really enjoyed the story thought it was logical and quite believable. I felt bad for Elizabeth thought out the book i was saying she deserved more than Devyn. who was adorable and sweet specially her love for her sister overall their relationship grow on me. the writing was quite good too.
thank you for giving me free copy in exchange of an honest opinion
3.8 stars for me

I really do not remember reading a book by this author that I have not liked so far and of course this one hasn't disappointed me either, me being eager for mellow romances.
In addition, the book has many things that I like to find in a romance such as that the story takes place in a small community, in this case a coastal town, with its inhabitants very closely related to each other, two very different women in their choice of life and in their characters that complement each other making their attraction irresistible, a bit of sexual tension and many intimate moments.
There is also the transformation that this relationship causes in the two women. The optimistic and vivacious Elizabeth, who seems to get along with everyone and always sees the positive side of things, but is a bit insecure of being worthy of true love, since she has suffered some losses in her life. She seems a little naive but when Devyn enters her life, everything changes for her. And Devyn, a shark in the real estate field, but taken out of the voragine in which her life has become and after overcoming her refusal to return to her hometown, she also discovers that relaxed and calm can be good.
So, hopeless romantics, I think you will not be disappointed with this book.

Damn you Melissa Brayden for making me feel so much each and every time.
This is a reunion / friends to lovers romance. Elizabeth and Devyn went to school together. After graduation, Elizabeth stayed in their small town while Devyn left as soon as she could. Years later, an accident brings them back in the same place. Elizabeth is a whirlwind of nice and quirky. She’s the town sweetheart, helping everyone out, because it’s her job but also because that’s the way she is. Also, anyone who measures hotness in jalapeños is on my team. Devyn, on the other hand, is not a people person. Once upon a time, she was the captain of the cheerleader team but, as popular as she was then, she definitely wasn’t happy. All she cares about now is her very successful career as a real estate broker. Back in her hometown to help her sister Jill, she ends up liking her former schoolmate a lot more than she thought possible.
One of the things I like most in Melissa Brayden’s novels is the way the places she sets her stories in become characters themselves, whether it’s big cities, as in the Soho Loft series (still one of my faves ever) or small towns, as in this book. She pays attention to details, which also makes her secondary characters as real as the MCs.
There’s a lot of cuteness in this novel (Scout stole my heart), along with the usual sexiness and fun which are Brayden’s trademarks. Yet another win (I might have said that before about some of her previous novels, but it’s true once more).
I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

I love stories with great character development and Beautiful Dreamer was such a story.
Devyn and Elizabeth were longtime classmates, but did not travel in the same social group. Devyn was the co-captain of the cheerleaders and very popular while Elizabeth was involved in school committees and mainly existed under the radar. Both left their small town for college. Elizabeth happily returned to her beloved hometown. Since Devyn felt like she never belonged there or could be her true self, she left her hometown behind. She stayed in Philadelphia and made a very lucrative life for herself as a real estate broker. Their paths crossed again when Devyn’s sister, Jill, went missing. During this traumatic and highly emotional time, Devyn welcomed Elizabeth’s much needed support, cheery disposition, and friendship. After a while, they began a relationship with each other not knowing its future since Devyn’s life was not in South Carolina.
True to life, people make life altering job and relationship choices all the time. Melissa Brayden made her character, Devyn, struggle with those choices. The author skillfully cultivated a relationship between Elizabeth and Devyn that was initially tentative to one that bloomed into an emotional awakening. This was what I enjoyed about Melissa Brayden’s characters. Their growth and angst throughout the story, conveyed with intelligent, witty and emotional dialogue, felt real, not forced. Her secondary characters, including Scout, also played pivotal roles and added to the depth of this story.
Overall, Beautiful Dreamer was... simply put…a beautiful story. Highly recommended!

So I got this from Netgalley. So iagain Melissa Brayden has written a great book. Has she ever written a bad book?. Some may have a issue with one of the MCs but on the whole both are really well done. I did have a issue with one thing or maybe I just missed it but in the start the 2 MC at grad, meet and hug and talk a bit...this is never fleshed out in the rest of the book...again maybe I just didn't get it? On the whole this is home run by Melissa Brayden and I look forward to more of her books. 4.5 stars just because I liked Strawberry Summer Better!

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.
Devyn is a broker realtor in Philly when she gets a call that her older sister Jill is missing so she rushes back to her hometown Dreamer's Bay to find out what going on.
Elizabeth loves people and especially loves her town and she does odd jobs around town which company called On The Spot.
When Devyn arrive in town she frantic that something happen to her sister so when Elizabeth organize a search to find Jill and when one of the volunteer stop on the side of the road when they spot a dog they saw Jill car and learn that she hit a tree.
Devyn is relief to find her sister and even though it was touch and go for minute there she was able to breath again knowing her sister was going to be alright.
Devyn and Elizabeth grow closer as they take care of Jill but when Devyn client wants her to comeback she makes the choice of going back to finish what she started.
I like the romance between Devyn and Elizabeth but the thing I didn't like is that why did Devyn had to uproot her life to be with Elizabeth. I mean Devyn left town for a reason she didn't feel like she could be herself and if she knew Elizabeth back then it might been another story I just don't get why Elizabeth couldn't be the one to uproot her like. Don't get me wrong I love small town romance I like when the small town girl leaves and move to city and become success and then something happens that she has to return and falls in love and decide to stay just why couldn't the person she fell for moves instead of her. I'm just saying.

A new Melissa Brayden is like a celebration for us. We look forward to tingles, romance, a few tears, adorable characters, great dialogue, awesome sexy times, so much love…and a world made up of support, encouragement, acceptance and all things good. This book checks all the boxes.
Devyn Winters is a real estate broker based out of Philadelphia. She is ambitious, cut-throat and totally loves her work. She loves the grind and enjoys her life. She was the head cheerleader in high school in a small town, Dreamer’s Bay, but adolescence is not a good memory for her. Though she had it all then by the usual standards, she felt she couldn’t be herself and ran away from the town at the first opportunity. Her sister, Jill, still living in Dreamer’s Bay, is now a fourth grade teacher there. In the midst of a high-visibility deal, Devyn gets a call saying her sister has been missing for two days. Devyn drops everything and rushes to Dreamer’s Bay. One of the first people she meets in the town is Elizabeth Draper. Born and brought up in Dreamer’s Bay, Elizabeth loves the town and is a ray of sunshine around. She is helpful and happy running a company doing odd jobs around town. The two polar opposites find a lot in common and a lot in each other.
This is a grab-you-heartstrings romance. Elizabeth is quirky and immediately loveable. Devyn is guarded by completely understandable. The two have fantastic chemistry. One of the things we absolutely loved was the fact that after a heartbreak, in heartbroken, but in-love party doesn’t immediately taker the heartbreaker back at the first sign of apology. The heartbreaker has to work her way back – and that is exactly how it should be.
Recommended? Oh my God! Of course!