Member Reviews

I don't have access to the book anymore. I have been using a new email for kindle for the last year. I will focus on new books instead of digging for the old files. I apologize for the inconvenience. It's not my intention to not review like this.

This was ok. Raunchy, sexy, but kind of quick and messy if that makes any sense. Not my favourite story as it was made quiet unbelievable.

This is the first book by Renee Roman that I have read, and there is no way on earth it will be the last! This is not only hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, it is full of emotion from both women. It is expressive of one's perception of not being good enough, and the other's desire to show her she is!

Thanks to Net Galley for the opportunity to preview this book. Just the usual lesbian fare. One woman gets to live her favorite fantasy.

Hard body by Renee Roman is a short erotic story that has some beautiful emotional moments. Sharon’s been taking care of her sexual needs, but it’s more fun with a partner. Will she ever get it on with the object of her fantasies? This was a lovely story that took time to get to know the characters. I enjoyed it and would like more of these ladies.
I was given an ARC for review.

This one for me reminded me of those young adult novels where the main character doesn't know they are sexy. This very short 30 page titles uses sex and more sex to tell a full story. There is no backstory and no real character development at all. If you are looking for a quick story all about sex and body issues then check this one out.

3.5 stars
Sharon has a crush on her housemate Case. They’ve been sharing a house for a while, so it is inevitable that the two of them would connect in a more intimate way.
This is an erotic story. One of the points of departure for Roman is that she doesn’t develop the characters initially and dumps us straight into a scene of erotic imaginings for the characters. It’s an unusual way to start the book and I can see from other reviews that it is unexpected. That said, I really liked it as a way to get us immediately into the action, rather than the often tedious and not very hot build up of many erotic short stories. Roman cuts to the chase and it is a fresh approach that I liked.
Sharon and Case are thinly enough drawn for us to place ourselves in the scenes, which can be one of the keys to erotic fiction, which is one way that the genre of erotica differentiates itself from other short fiction stories. Personally I would have liked a tiny bit more about the characters in there, but Roman doesn’t distract us from the main point of the book.
There are several erotic scenes well described, and if you’re into cunnilingus and dildo play that is respectful of all parties, then you’ll like this. The scenes are hot, the characters fun and it doesn’t outstay it's welcome. This is a well-written bit of lesbian erotica, and I cannot tell you how rarely I write that. Enjoy!
Advanced reading copy provided by NetGalley for an honest review.

One of the most bizarre books I’ve read in a long time. Not what I expected. Hardcore porn from the very beginning. I like my erotica but this was awful

Quick Steamy Read!
Sharon's been fantasizing about her roommate Case for some time and those fantasies turn into reality when Case finds Sharon in a rather compromising position. Case offers to join in on the fun and oh what a fun ride for both characters! One aspect of this story that I liked is how the author addresses the body issues that Sharon has. Even though Sharon is not comfortable with her body, it is beautiful to see how Case truly appreciates and shows Sharon how desirable her curves are. If erotica is your cup of tea, this book most certainly delivers!

Hard Body is a short and steamy story, not quite a novella, where one woman's fantasies about her room-mate suddenly become much more real. Yes it is very short, but it is an enjoyable read. It is priced accordingly and there is more than enough quality here to recommend. I'd vote for this to be one chapter in a longer novel though....

This was absolutely fine, I have just read too much explicit fanfiction for this to really stand out. And while I liked the idea of inserting body positivity into this, for me it does not work, when it is so short. Body acceptance is a long process that does not just get solved by your partner telling you you're gorgeous.

I received this book as an Arc in exchange for an honest review from bold strokes books and Netgalley.
This was a good book, and it was erotica. If that isn't your genre, then don't pick this up, but you will be missing out. This book was so well done. Before this I don't think I have read much by Renee Roman, and the one I read was not my favorite, She completely redeemed herself with this one. It was everything you needed In a short erotic story.
This story is about two roommates. Case and Sharon. One evening while Sharon was home alone (or so she thought) Case comes in and finds her in a compromising position. Sharon is embarrassed and doesn't know what to do, especially since Case seems to totally be into what she is doing. Case proceeds to treat Sharon ton the night of her life. What this book does well is not in the lovemaking scenes but in the scenes that come before and after, Roman does a wonderful job is really getting into both characters insecurities in light of what happens. She makes you care about deeply about a person she has only written a few pages about. I thought the fact that Sharon was so raw with her feelings, but also incredibly brave with telling them to Case. I enjoyed how Case really was so sweet to Sharon, and gave her confidence and understanding without being too overbearing. There was a lot of vulnerability in this story, The ending was really well done, just the fact that Sharon started to feel accepted and believe that she was enough for Case just the way she is. Case made Sharon feel loved and uplifted her. I really enjoyed everything about this book.

Thank you to Bold Stroke Books, Inc. It was a pleasure receiving this book for an honest review. I loved this erotica. Renee Roman is such a talented writer. While reading this I felt like it was happening in real life. This was my first erotica novel and it definitely won't be my last! Purchase this today!!!

I'm sorry, I did not realize the leads were gay. That's not really my genre, but thank you for granting me access to the story. My mistake.

Very short but very good. Loved every moment, now I am ready for a remake with a longer version. This book is HOT! And makes me wish for my own roommate.

Hard Body is a fast paced short story about a woman making her fantasies come true and discovering herself in the process. It was a good story, just too quick for my taste.

Ok, this is a really simple book to review. Sharon Lane likes to fantasize having sex with her fire fighter roommate, Case. She doesn’t feel comfortable with her body but when Case Austin finds Sharon pleasuring herself she decides it’s time to show Sharon just how desirable she is.
So that is the whole so-so story. If you like exotic books without a plot this is the one for you. A quick read, probably won’t take you more than 10-15 minutes.
ARC via NetGalley/Bold Stroke Books

Fast-paced steamy read. Sharon is caught in a compromising position by her sexy roommate Case. Sparks fly when he wants to join in on her fun. Steamy with great characters. I liked it.

This is a heartwarming story as well as being erotic. It was moving to see how a woman’s perspective of her body can make her feel unattractive and undesirable, how a person can convince themselves how horrible they are to look at naked. This is reality and happens constantly in life nowadays.
Renee Roman has written this short story with understanding and thoughtfulness. Turning a woman’s fantasy into reality and helping to change her thoughts and concerns about how she appears to others. Turning a scared and embarrassing situation into one of love, understanding and satisfaction.

Not my normal type of book but I enjoyed it. Sharon was caught by her roommate Case having a little self fun. They take their friendship to another level. Sharon has really body issues but Case won’t have any of it. She really cares for Sharon and tries to prove it to her.