Member Reviews

I didn't even want to finish this book, but I did, it just seemed flat. Repetitious make out sequences, not much depth to the characters. Sara, drug dealer, Cullen pathetic, Detective not much better. I was hoping for more but didn't happen. Seemed superficial . I love to read and enjoy a good story, but this isn't one. If this had been a hard copy rather than an ebook, I would probably have tossed it in the recycling. No depth to it and I have to give it a star because it is required,really . Should have a choice of thumbs up, thumbs down.

Not the crime I was expecting…
Cullen finds herself in the centre of an unfolding crime when her girlfriend, Sara is accused of murder and arrested in connection with the case for supply of drugs. Blindsided, Cullen finds all of this hard to process but as the investigating Detective of the case happens to be an old high school acquaintance it gives them a chance to catch up and realise then have feelings for each other. Detective Julia is determined to set Cullen free of her entanglement with Sara, and to catch the woman who has caused so much pain, with Cullen’s support she might just solve the case, prove Sara guilty and get the happy ending to go with it.
This story was so promising, the initial introduction and set up with highly intriguing and the plot held a lot of mystery. It wasn’t what I was expecting, but I really enjoyed it, but it became quite focused on the relationship between Cullen and Julia which detracted slightly from the main story about the crime being solved, and some parts felt a little rushed over or forgotten. It was a really good gripping story, with interesting plot and plenty to keep you wondering and because the language used was simple, it was easy to follow and read. It did have quite a heavy theme of drug use which some readers may find difficult but it wasn’t too detailed and was important to the story so was necessary and handled sensitively. The cute relationship moments made this more of a romance than a crime novel, and helped to lighten the mood even though it was quite conflicting, but that’s what made it all the more dramatic. You sort of got the feeling it might not end well, and therefore left you questioning how harmful it could all be to the bigger picture.
The main characters Cullen and Julia were cute together, although their relationship came with the complication of potentially getting in the way of what Julia was trying to achieve in getting Sara convicted. That added to the drama though, as it meant there were restraints and difficulties for both Cullen and Julia that added strains and trials to their feelings, actions and emotions.
It was a nice story if you want a romance with an underlying theme that isn’t too heavy or graphic. I really enjoyed the story and hope maybe there will be a future story for Cullen and Julia as there is more potential there for them now they have freedom to explore their relationship.

MJ Williams does a great job with this novel The characters are well written. I liked Cullen a lot. I kept thinking it is a "criminal" love triangle

Firstly, thanks to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for allowing me to receive this ARC.
I have not previously read any books by this author so was intrigued to see what it held. That said I have to admit that I was a little disappointed.
The story was slightly different to the usual for this genre, but in all I think it was a little slow for the majority of the book, but when it got to the final few pages everything seemed to suddenly be on warp speed and then it just abruptly ends which left me with a lot of questions as to where the characters are going next (not a fan of this in any form in any genre).
All in all OK for light relief if you have nothing better to do, but not a book I would want to read to forget about things.
In all honesty I don’t think I would have been impressed had I purchased the book, however as mentioned it was good to fill some time whilst waiting for appointments at the hospital.
I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this book, however as everyone is different I would think that there will be other readers who will love this.

wow! This book was not what I expected at all. I love romance, I love watching the story unfold. This was a beautiful story, I can't wait to see what else this author has to give.

You know the perennial joke about Lesbians, Uhauls and first dates?
Throw in a dedicated, stubborn detective, an unsuspecting girlfriend, drugs, murder and betrayal.
Fast read, enjoyable. Julia, the detective, believes Sara, the drug dealer is guilty, guilty, guilty based on gut instinct.
Cullen believes her girlfriend of six weeks, Sara, can't possibly be guilty.
Hearts are broken, hard truths must be faced.

I came so close to not finishing this book. The only reason I did was so that I could have a completely informed opinion.
The biggest issue I had with this book was the pacing. I felt rushed through scenes so quickly I couldn't keep track. The story was weak and shallow. The characters were poorly written and barely had any real personality I could follow. I genuinely could not define any of the characters.
I don't claim to be an expert on crime dramas, far from it in fact. This book, however, felt so poorly researched it was just awkward. It took me completely out of the moment at every turn. All I could think about was how unrealistic it felt.

The story was interesting and different from the usual lesfic. Cullen Matthew, strong, caring and thinking she is in the beginnings of a wonderful and fulfilling relationship with Sara. Sara Donovan, cocaine dealer, drug user, and possibly a murderer. Julia Stansworth, dedicated detective, looking to solve a case that may or maynot involves Cullen, a former high school classmate. As the story unfolds, I tried to see Sara from Cullen's eyes and her willingness to hang with her. Although a challenge, I understand that relationships can be complicated and an interrogation to the mind and heart. The focus of the read was on the relationship dynamics rather than the crime(s) that may or maynot have been committed by Sara. In general, an okay read for this reader but not overwhelming due how I felt about Cullen and how she interacted with Sara.

I hardly know where to start this review. First off, with honesty I suppose.
Had my copy been a print copy, I would have tossed it across the room a quarter of the way in. I hate to give bad reviews because I know well the work, blood, sweat and tears that goes into writing a book. But I expect better, far better, from someone who is as prolific as this author, and a multiple award winner as well.
In the first twenty-five percent of the book, I was pulled out of the story no less than eight times. If I'm propelled out the story that often, I'm not likely to stick with it. But I did. What really did it for me were the gross inaccuracies that showed a serious lack of research. Not everyone can be Patricia Cornwell and consult with the best in the crime-fighting business, I get that. But a little effort, a little research into forensic books and a couple of emails to someone in law enforcement willing to help an author will ensure the correct language is used, as well as the right procedures. What am I talking about? No crime scene tech in North America would assume the cause of death, let alone by looking at a gash on the victims head. No detective would tell a crime scene tech that she wants an autopsy done. In circumstances like that, it would automatically be done. And where was the Medical Examiner?! Again, this reveals a lack of research. But, wait, there's more!
When the detective gets called to the scene, she is told that a body has been found and that she is needed to come down and investigate it. A detective does not investigate a body, and I was hurled so fast out of the story I got whiplash. She also does not get to delegate work so she can avoid the rain. This is sloppy writing. So then she grabs a jacket and leaves. One page later, she is out in the rain, wishing she had brought a coat. Wait...what? She just grabbed a jacket! To make a confusing situation worse, she is shouting to the techs over the wind and rain. No one has bothered to put up a tent around the crime scene to try and preserve the evidence and they are standing in puddles. But she sees a couple of sets of footprints and directs the techs to make models. It's a good thing I was reading my tablet because if this had been in print, this is where the book would have gone sailing across the room. First off, in the driving rain and howling wind, which it must have been since the detective had to shout to be heard over the wind and rain, she would never have seen footprints. Further, they would not have been clear enough for the tech to comment on their size. This is another prime example of language and lack of research. The techs would have, had the conditions been ideal, made casts of the print, or lifted them with electrostatic methods, not plaster, out in the driving rain. But the scene hadn't been protected in any way, so there would have been nothing to make models of, or lift in any way! Still no Medical Examiner or mention thereof.
So far I've avoided talking about how shallow the characters were because other reviewers have touched on this elsewhere. But I could have ignored that had the story even tried to be accurate. The characters were cardboard cliches taken straight from television tropes. Anyone who pays for a book, no matter its content or length wants to get their money's worth. I hate to say it so bluntly, but they won't get it in this book.
I do not like leaving bad reviews, and anyone who has read a few of mine knows I have only ever given one other scathing review. But sometimes, the reader's interest has to be defended, as well as their money. This is one book I actually regret getting, and I don't think I've ever said that about any book.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.
Ok where do I begin I love the author but this book just made me mad and didn't want to finish it.
Cullen acting like a selfish brat one minute she defending Sara then getting piss when Julia actually doing her job by interrogating Sara.
It's was annoying having Cullen flip flop to wanting Julia then being mad at her. I didn't really warm up to Cullen character but I did like Julia. I never gave a rate on my review but this time I'm am giving it 3.5 stars so I'll round it up to four because I love the author and plus don't like odd number.

I have to say I loved the synopsis, and it was the main reason I requested this book. However, it came as such a disappointment.
I didn't like Cullen character at all. I find her to be childish, immature, and the "leaps" in her behavior are so inexplicable! One day she's defending Sara and is mad at Julia for interrogating her, and the very next day she's having feelings for Julia and wants her to be her girlfriend! The very next day!
I couldn't warm up to Cullen, and for that reason, this book is in the category "barely finished".

I enjoyed this book and it was an easy read however there were many issues I had.
First of these was that there was no real insight into the characters; no background story to help the reader identify with them.
Secondly, I felt that the whole book centred around will they won’t they have sex as opposed to the crime itself.
Lastly, but most importantly, I felt that it reinforced lesbian stereotypes by one of the female characters being referred to as a “boi” throughout. As a lesbian myself I found this very disrespectful and annoying. We have come a long way with society being more accepting of same sex relationships but this took us back to the olden day belief that there was always a “man” or “boi” role and a very feminine woman in all lesbian couplings when that is not true to life.