Member Reviews

DNF at 36%

Sadie is annoying. She apparently cannot function without a man in her life, and her decisions always seem to revolve around whatever person she's with at the time. She goes to Europe with her boyfriend, discovers he's been cheating on her and ends things, and then she attempts to scrape by on her own until her (already scheduled) flight home. She's in an unfamiliar city, an unfamiliar country, but chooses to walk around alone in the dark in the middle of the night. She only has her phone for directions, and continues walking down empty streets with little to no light. Are you screaming at her stupidity? I was.

After her perilous encounter with the bald man, she tries to brush off what happened like it's not a big deal. If someone attacked me in the middle of the night, it wouldn't be something I quickly forgot. I wouldn't care that my attacker was handsome, or even notice what his eyes looked like, if I had just been fighting for my life. I would likely thank whoever it was and then wait for the police to arrive. I would not follow another stranger into their car with few reservations. Especially one that claims to be rich and willing to pay for my medical care.

I get it. It's a romance book, and unlikely scenarios sometimes make amazing stories, but Sadie was incredibly frustrating. She had no sense of self-preservation, and very little self-respect. She doesn't think she's very attractive, slept with her best friend just to get the experience out of the way, and then chose to date someone boring, safe, and predictable. She didn't want spontaneity, and she didn't think very highly of herself. However, she's totally okay with finishing her trip through Europe broke and solo, getting into a strangers car in the middle of the night, and then proceeding to stay with him for the duration of her trip. Additionally, she complained nonstop at the start of the book about not wanting his charity, and repeatedly said she didn't want him to spend so much money on her, but then was fine with him surprising her with expensive champagne, lavish dresses, and luxurious dinners. *pulls hair out*

Sadie was so hot and cold, and it was difficult to keep track of her thoughts and feelings. Did she want to make it on her own, or did she want to let someone help her? Does she want to fight with him about money, or want to enjoy the experience? She was all over the place! I'm also okay with having adventurous sex and exploring your options, but she went from being a person that wanted to "get it over with" to someone that wanted to "have amazing sex nonstop" in a very short amount of time. It was too easy for her to dismiss who she'd been her entire life. She was shy one minute and cheeky the next𑁋it gave me mental whiplash. No one becomes a new person overnight.

"He might be able to fit me in a flattering and beautiful dress, but it might be akin to putting lipstick on a pig. Or at least designer clothing on a girl from a trailer park."

Also, if she couldn't walk on her ankle, she definitely couldn't swim on it. At least, not enough to tread water while making out in the middle of the ocean. It sounds romantic, but the logistics don't work. I had a similar experience in my youth, and sexy times in the ocean are difficult and really not that exciting. I'm not saying it cannot be done, but it didn't seem plausible in this scenario.

I guess I had more to say about this one than I thought... but when woman in books act like airheads, it really grates on my nerves. I wish Sadie had been a little more confident in herself and what she has to offer the world, but she only talks negatively about herself. He tells her she's beautiful, and she's mentally congratulating herself for not correcting him and just being in the moment. I wanted to yell at her to embrace her beauty and enjoy the experience for what it was.

Needless to say, this one didn't work for me. Although I am curious what "big secret" Olivier has been keeping for ten years. Details were trickling in, but what he did honestly didn't seem like that big of a deal. I'm assuming there's more to the story, but I just couldn't deal with Sadie anymore.

*review will post on Amazon on its release date, and on my blog at the end of the month
*will provide links when available

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3.5 Stars

The European trip that Sadie Reynolds planned so meticulously is not turning out how she envisioned it. As a poor college student, she scrimped and saved for the opportunity to travel, and the entire adventure was completely derailed by her former traveling companion, and now, very current ex-boyfriend.

And then things go from bad to worse...

Olivier Dumont is sexy, wealthy, French... and way out of her league. A chance encounter where Olivier saves Sadie from a bad situation, and these two polar opposites may have just found the love of their lives... albeit in a very temporary situation....


Discretion was an extremely sexy and tumultuous read, where family secrets and true love collide in the glamorous world of the French elite. What starts out as a fling with a very solid end date, Sadie and Olivier finding each other supersedes everything they thought was important in their lives. But, will their love be enough to bridge the gap of just how different their lives truly are...

Sadie is a college student on vacation with her boyfriend... until they have a spectacular breakup and he returns home without her. Meeting Olivier couldn't have happened at a better time, and while she knows she shouldn't just effortlessly trust the man who has saved her, there is something about Olivier that makes her feel completely safe and cherished...

Olivier is the heir to the Dumont empire, from hotels to handbags, it will all someday be his... unless his uncle has a say in the matter. Meeting Sadie on the cusp of his ultimate secret being exposed is either the greatest distraction... or the worst timing ever. The young American is innocence, happiness, and everything he could ever want in a relationship, but she isn't meant for a man like him.... no matter how much he wishes it could all be different...

From the visual treat of all things spectacular and French, to the bold characters who are dedicated and loyal in a world where secrets are held the highest regard, this book was a fascinating read. Sadie and Olivier come from two very different worlds, and share an attraction that is instant and uncomplicated... unlike their lives and the impossible decisions that they will have to face together... 

The relationship between Sadie and Olivier was incredibly sexy and sweet, and it had me rooting for them to find a way to stay together, against all odds, from the very beginning. And while I really enjoyed the plot and the characters in this book, I did feel like there was an issue with how this story ultimately flowed. Olivier seemed way too busy to actually fall in love with Sadie, and I would have really loved to see something more concrete in their relationship building as a result. 

I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.

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2 stars.
This one simply wasn't for me!!!
I am a big fan of Karina Halle's work (have read 18 books to date) but I struggled with this one quite a bit and also found it fairly unsatisfying in general.

It was more than a case of not really "feeling" the connection between Olivier and Sadie- other than maybe their sexual chemistry that is. They were just such an unlikely couple in my opinion.
Also, I want to point out..... this story was beyond incredulous!!!!
And I am not joking here!!!......

I simply couldn't wrap my head around most of it- especially the ending. It felt really disjointed and didn't make any sense to me.....
Why would Olivier essentially turn a blind eye and run away from his problems with his family??

Maybe the next book in this series will have all the answers????
I can only hope so....very telling was the author's acknowledgements - where she states "this book was the hardest I've ever had to write."
She talks about being sick and also suffering from SAD (seasonal affective disorder):

I couldn’t conjure up the will to care about anything, let alone my characters or the book. The spark was gone. There was no joy to be found. And it wasn’t this book . . . it was everything. It didn’t matter if I wrote something else or nothing at all; I just couldn’t conjure up the mental energy or the will to do it. Every time I tried, a brick wall came down in my mind, and I had no strength to fight my way over it. I stopped caring, and I needed so deeply to care. Yet, somehow, I kept going. Kept trying to climb over that wall or dig under it or pick my way through it. It must have worked, because, eventually, the book got finished.......

I would definitely like to read the next one, mainly to see if Karina can manage to pull it all together (this wild and crazy storyline)- especially now that I found out that it is about Seraphine (Olivier's sister).
ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

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Oh La La! This book was a romance that is set in France, mostly in Paris, and it feels as if the locales are a main character because of Karina Halle's fantastic writing.

Olivier comes from a wealthy family and is known to spend his time with models. His family name is synonymous with Chanel. He's also hot as hell and so swoony I don't even have the right words to describe him!

Sadie is a college student who started out backpacking across Europe with her boyfriend. When said boyfriend ditches her all by herself, she gets by staying in cheap hostels and trying to make the best of an unexpected situation.

When Olivier and Sadie's worlds collide, it is like two worlds colliding. Sadie has no idea who Olivier is when they meet and if he had his way, she wouldn't find out. His name comes with complications and even at the beginning, he knew she needed to be protected.

I loved their first meeting. I loved EVERYTHING about Olivier. I loved EVERYTHING about Sadie as well. They were both mature, didn't play games, and there was very little drama that was caused by the two of them, which was nice. It really felt like they were there for each other and it was them against the world.

There was also some action in this book, which was surprising and took me back to the days of the Sins & Needles days. (More of that, please.)

Overall I really liked this book, I liked the story and the romance of it all, and the drama and action as well. It was interesting to read about an average girl getting to go inside this world of this wealthy family and what that was like for her. I will definitely be continuing this series and can't wait to read about more of the Dumont family!

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3.5 stars
Leave it to Karina Halle to write a new series which can capture the interest from the start. Handsome rich hero- check.
Lovely young woman down on her luck-check.

Have them both need each other from the start-check
and then romance, suspense, and HEA check, check, check.

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I LOVE Karina's books so much and this one didn't disappoint. Without giving away anything, Discretion had hot romance, likable characters, wonderfully descriptive settings and twisty drama. A fiesty read, and a great set up to another additive and different series from Karina. I can't wait for Book #2 to see what that brings to the Dumont family saga next.

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This was the first ever book I have read by Karina Halle and I will be trying to find the rest of her work. The book was written incredibly well. The characters were extremely likeable. The story line was interesting. At first, when I realized this book was set in Paris, I thought I wouldn't like it because I couldn't really envision the setting. I thought the "language" of the characters would be hard to follow. However, it wasn't at all. It was sweet. It was romantic.

Olivier was the absolute best. He was swoon-worthy with a questionable flawed past. Sadie was a relatable college student backpacking through Europe who ran into a string of bad luck that turned out well for her. The story reads like an insta-love HOWEVER, it did not feel like it to me. Believe me when I say that I absolutely hate insta-love and this definitely didn't feel cheesy or too fast. I feel like it was fleshed out just right and felt right. There is a tiny age gap but nothing completely too big.

I feel like Discretion by Karina Halle had the full impact - romance, suspense, mystery, deceit, and some fabulously written sex scenes!

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***4 Stars***

This was a smexy, sweet and fun read with a huge blast of insta-love, a good dose of familial strife and a slew of characters that kept me turning the pages to see what would happen next and left me making grabby hands for the next book in the series.

I really liked Olivier and Sadie. Olivier has been raised in privilege. He can have anything he wants with a simple flick of his wrist and has no issue taking advantage of it, especially if keeps people at arms length. But underneath it all is a man who is sweet, charming and, while confident, isn’t arrogant ~ at least not with those he calls his own ~ and will do anything for those he calls his own. Sadie is stubborn, sweet, snarky, caring and hard working. Her life hasn’t been easy and having the rug pulled out from under her in a foreign country has raised her guard in more ways than one, and though she may take a bit to take things at face value, once she does she is all in.

Their journey to their HEA was a fun one, though, as I stated earlier, the insta was strong in this one, but I didn’t mind. Considering how Olivier and Sadie first collided and where they both were emotionally and mentally at the time...well, I got it. And they did take the time to get to know each other beyond the physical. And speaking of physical, it was smexy as all get out. These two were on fire! The bumps in the road weren’t unexpected, but I do love where they were at when the book ended.

This was a fun read and part of it has to do with the secondary/soon to be primary characters we meet. Seraphine, Blaise and Pascal all caught my interest and I want to know a lot more about them, especially Pascal. And as for the series arc, I’m definitely looking forward to seeing how it all plays out, because something tells me that there is a lot more going on than we know.

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Discretion by Karina Halle was a journey full of dangerous unexpected turns, impulsive life changing decisions and intense emotions. Love can happen any place, any time and with anyone. If you believe in fairy tale love stories which make you fall in love with love, Discretion is the right kind of story for you!

So why do I call it a fairy tale romance? For one, the story is set in France and one of the heirs of the Dumont Empire, Olivier is the hero. There is something about smooth talking, charming and wooing French man with their calm yet burning sex appeal. And this family is like French royalty with drama, secrets and conspiracies.

Second, this was a complete Prince-falling-for-a-common-girl story! Sadie is a poor American student backpacking through Europe after breaking up with her cheating ex. And Olivier rescues her from an attacker and so begins their courtship. Sadie has to take his help. She never wanted to take undue advantage of his status and wealth. But before she knows, her life gets tangled with him. I love her honest personality. I love how she acts oddly with relatable discomfort in Olivier's world. She is fighting the evil for him and she doesn't need Olivier's help to stand strong.

Having said all that, this story felt lacking few things. The chemistry between Sadie and Olivier did not work out well for me. Yes the sex scenes were scorching hot but the development of their relationship seems a bit forced. I didn't feel the spark or the pangs of passion I usually feel in Karina Halle's writing. The decisions Olivier took seemed way too easy at the end. Secondly, the so called indiscretion of Olivier that the story completely relied on, was not really strong. I did love the chase and the suspense. I could ignore the absurdity of Sadie and Olivier's relationship in today's world and indulge in the fantasy romance. I absolutely loved Olivier's headstrong kickass sister Seraphina, who is the best part of this story may be. But it failed to impress me like other Karina Halle story.

If you want to start Karina Halle's book, Discretion should not be your first one. It was a sweet romance with lots of passion and elements of thrill. It was a well written Contemporary romance but definitely not one of the best by Karina Halle.

Received ARC for Honest Review

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You are going to fall in love with Olivier!

Trapped in a family where his Uncle and cousins are the spawn of the devil, he is trying his hardest to spare his father and sister the embarrassment of the one mistake he made ten years ago. His Uncle is blackmailing him and soon, he must make a final decision. He has been a player with never one girl to love all this time as part of his plan to protect the innocent. Now that Sadie has come into his life, all he can think of is keeping her safe.

Sadie is a strong and independent woman. She is also a protector. She protects her Mom most of all. The love she feels for Olivier is more than she has ever felt before. True he saved her from a most horrible mugging a few weeks ago. Meeting Olivier under those circumstances makes her feel gratitude for him. Now that they have been together for three weeks, she knows her feelings for him have grown to full love.

Both Sadie and Olivier are in mortal danger from his family. It is unthinkable what they are willing to do just for power and revenge. I cannot wait for the next installment in this series. I am also pushing for justice, where these horrible family members will get their just deserve.

I am voluntarily reviewing this book. Thanks to the author for sharing a copy with me.

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I'm always thrilled to receive an early copy from my favorite authors, my review is given voluntarily and unbiased.

Another Halle hit! A rich French man and a college student backpacking through Europe, a whirl wind three weeks. The first half was a fun exciting romance with beautiful hotels, fancy food and gorgeous clothing. The second flipped a switch and became a suspense story with deceit, rivalry and threats. I could sort of see it coming, the conflict was there, but Halle made it work with a few twists. I found myself turning pages quickly and not wanting the end. Luckily Olivier has Renaud and Seraphine, his brother and sister, to continue the Dumont story.

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- The quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing private information

Filled with suspense and intrigue from the very first page, Discretion is the first book in a brand new series by Karina Halle.

Sadie Reynolds is an American college student backpacking through Europe. She broke up with her cheating ex and her funds are low. Now, Sadie is off to her next destination–Spain. However, on her way to the train station, Sadie gets mugged and is soon saved by a very handsome Frenchman named Olivier.

Olivier Dumont comes from riches whilst Sadie barely has even a dollar to her name. Two opposites from two different worlds embark on a whirlwind affair filled with passion and lust. With time, feelings begin to blossom between them and Olivier brings her into his lavish life... but at the same time he needs to keep her safe from his vile and manipulative uncle and cousin.

The Dumont name is very prestigious in France. The description sets the tone accurately "a delicious saga of wealth, luxury, and scandal—and the wicked secrets of success behind an envied family dynasty." Olivier is hiding a secret that could not only shatter his relationship with Sadie but bring shame to his family.

Though low on the angst, it is not a big deal because I have a feeling Disarm, book 2 will bring it. Overall, Discretion was romantic, sexy, and sweet with a stunning location at its center. You'll definitely be on the edge of your seat wanting more. I know I am! 🇫🇷

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Montlake Romance through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.*

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3.75 Stars

I have read many of Karina Halle's books in the past and have enjoyed most of them. This book was no different. The chemistry between Sadie and Olivier was great though Halle is known for building great relationships between her characters. There was a suspense element to this story and a big SECRET that Olivier didn't want getting out kind of like something that was being blackmailed with by his Uncle, but to me the reveal of the secret left a little bit to be desired. Like it didn't seem like it was as big of a deal to keep this a secret and endure all the hoops and other stuff that Olivier was made to jump through. Karina Halle's books are super atmospheric to me though, There is something about the way she writes that just thrusts me right into the scene of the story and makes me want to keep turning the page at least for the second half of the book. I think that the first half had a few pacing issues in my opinion. But overall a solid read. I can't wait to read the next book about Olivier's sister Seraphine, she sounds like a take no crap type of woman and I am here for that kind of story!

ARC from Netgalley

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Loved this! Read it in one sitting! I've read almost every book by Karina and haven't been disappointed yet. So excited for another series!

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Ten years ago Olivier Dumont made a mistake that changed the course of his family’s dynamic. Still living with the guilt and the reminder from time to time, Olivier knows that the time is going to come soon when he’s going to have to answer to his indiscretion. But for now, life goes on and he’s more than okay with it. When he meets a woman that was in need of rescuing, life as Olivier knows it is about to change.

Sadie Reynolds has spent the past few weeks backpacking across Europe on her own. Thanks to the actions of her now ex boyfriend and what was supposed to be a couple's trip, Sadie now has to enjoy the scenery on her own and reevaluate her plans. But when she encounters a sexy Frenchman who became her savior, those plans went out the window and she entered the glamorous world of the Dumont Family but little does she know, she’s in for one hell of a ride.

I can’t express this enough and say how much I loved the backdrop of this story. It was romantic, visually stunning, and you really felt as if you were there in person. Karina Halle did an amazing job with making you feel as though you were a part of the scenery and I really loved that. But as much as I adored that, I did have a major issue with the secret once I knew what it was. The drama was unnecessary for that kind of secret and Olivier was too weak IMO. I wanted him to take charge and be the leader I know he could’ve been but that never happened.

Aside from that, I enjoyed the suspense part of the story and I'm eager to see what’s going to happen with the other family members because there's a LOT of drama going on! If you’re looking for a sexy new drama filled series, then you should give this one a try.

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I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I've been a long time fan of Karina Halle's and I was so excited to receive this ARC! Discretion is book one in a new series, The Dumonts. This book was full of heat, love, family secrets and suspense. I really enjoyed this book and the characters involved. Awesome storyline and build up of the relationship between Olivier and Sadie. Excellent start to this series and I cannot wait for more!

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The plot of this book is very familiar. Character development of Sadie was a little lacking. The author does a good job of writing the story of how they meet and spend time together initially, but then the rest of the book feels rushed.

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an ARC of this book. I went in wanting Dynasty in the French Riviera and that's exactly what I got! At first I was worried the relationship would just be based on lust but they did develop a deeper connection. I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of the series!

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Sometimes when you pick up a book based solely on it's doesn't end well. But I totally lucked out with Discretion, as I loved this story! I thought Olivier and Sadie were incredible together and were exactly what the other needed at that point in their life. Olivier needed someone who wanted him not because of his name but because of who he was as a man; and Sadie needed someone who would cherish and adore her, and help her spread her wings and live life. They couldn't have been more perfect for each other. There also was some added drama and suspense thrown into the mix, that definitely kept me on the edge of my seat until the very end!

Definitely looking forward to reading more stories in this series, as there is just so much more to learn about the Dumonts.

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Perfection! This book is simply put passionate with a mix of suspense and a french accent. Yeah who wouldn't want to meet an Olivier to sweep her off her feet.
Karina gives us a fresh new story line that is filled with beautiful scenery through out the France. For me this was a kind of a virtual tour of the city of love.
Olivier is literally her hero who comes in and rescues her from danger. Sadie however is no damsel in distress, she shows Olivier that she will be there for her when he needs her. Together they are a string couple that lean from one another that together they are stronger than apart. They fight for their love against all odds in the face of danger that could destroy not only their love but the foundation of Olivier Dumont and his family legacy.
A passionate romance that is in my top summer reading list of 2019.

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