Member Reviews

Going into Otherkin I expected to really enjoy this shifter book, based on the summary and the fact the shapeshifter/werewolf books are my favourite in the YA paranormal genre. Otherkin was everything I exepcted it to be and more. I really recommend checking out this book this summer.

Right from page ones no time is wasted getting right into the story and intense action filled plot. Right off the bat you are intrigued by a hot guy in a cage, and your interest stays throughout the rest of the book. There are 2 types of Otherkin, there the shifter like Dez and Callers who can manipulate the shadows and make objects shift. The story behind the Otherkin and the Othersphere is a amazing, intriguing and detailed one.

Before the book takes place, Dez wheres a back brace because she has a curvature in her back, which makes her a unique character and we get to see her develop though the book becoming the mythical creature she didn't kow she was and moving away from the "freak" who wore a brace. Depending on who you ask, she becomes a who different kind of freak. I felt that maybe took the idea that she was an Otherkin who could shift into a tiger and the whole world behind it maybe a bit too easily. If it were we I would be freaking out, thinking I'm crazy, and having a major case of denial.

I really loved this book, everything seemed to be well thoughout and explained so well that it's easy to understand. It also has amazing world building. All the characters are great, and all have different personalities. The take on shapeshifters it totally unique if you're looking for a shifter book that's not your average book.

So many questions left unanswered, and so many emotional feeling I want to see carry out between Caleb and Dez. I really can't wait to read the next book, Othermoon, I'm sure it will be just as good maybe better. Definitely check out this book, I stongly recommend it to anyone of any gender, there's something for everyone. Plus as we all know Kensington punlishes some amazing teen book.

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