Member Reviews
Hard to read at times due to the content, but overall a well-researched book with facts I wasn't aware of. That said, I could have done without Doolittle entering herself in the story so much. I much prefer non-fiction books where the author remains out of the story, rather than the centre of it all, which seems to be the norm for Doolittle's non-fiction books (this one and Crazy Town).
A serious look at where we are almost 2 years after the beginning of the #metoo movement is the focus of this piece by Robyn Doolittle. In addition to looking at the way we discuss or don’t discuss the important subtext to our language and actions, Doolittle appears to be saying that we have not moved forward significantly in treating women equally and fairly. The biases and judgements held within the criminal justice system and how sexual assault cases are handled are covered and then expanded upon in a broader stroke with how women face multiple barriers to fairness. A look at the brain trauma that complainants of sexual assault experience is examined with a look at the research to support varying reactions victims of sexual assault report in response to the assault.
As a person who has been both a victim of sexual assault, having gone through the criminal justice process and who later worked for several years as a victim support worker, I was not surprised by the findings and arguments put forth by the author. I have experienced and/or seen both very respectful and thoughtful treatment of complainants and the opposite. I choose to use my voice to reply to comments and actions by people who, whether by upbringing or personality, are ignorant to what it means to be a woman in today’s society. I am not perfect either but do my best to be respectful of others’ experiences knowing always that I don’t know their specific story.
This book offers individuals to an opportunity to examine their own beliefs and provides several timely examples to begin a discussion. Respectful discussions are what may be one of the only solutions to this problem.
Thank you to @netgalley and Penguin Random House Canada for this book in exchange for an honest review. This book publishes September 24.