Member Reviews

I won't be able to leave a review for this book; I requested it in a past lifetime of my NetGalley use and it no longer fits with my reading interests. If I ever do end up reading it I'll come back and update this!

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Wow, Aimee has done it again and blown me away with her amazing storytelling. I absolutely loved The Goddess Test which I read early last year after getting it for review from Netgalley and it still sticks with me as one of the best Greek Mythology retellings. I love the perspective Aimee takes and how you see a nice, loving side to Hades, something I would never have thought of before reading this series. Add that to the fact that I adore mythology, specifically Greek mythology and the myth of Hades and Persephone is my favourite myth this is the perfect series for me. When I received the second book in this series for review I really wanted to read this novella first as it takes place in between book 1 and 2 and I am so glad I did. I really loved it.

Kate can’t bare to think how she will survive the six months away from her beloved Henry. They have only been married for a few days and she doesn’t want to be apart from him. But she must and it isn’t long until Kate finds herself caught up in trouble with the Gods again. When she runs into Castor and Pollux the gods on the run from the wrath of Zeus and Hades Kate finds herself drawn to their story and her compassion causes her to stop at nothing to help them. Even if it means facing the wrath of her new husband.

I loved this short story I thought it was brilliant. Considering it has been such a long time since I read The Goddess Test I was sucked back into this amazing world and couldn’t stop reading. I read the whole thing in one sitting and I cannot wait to read Goddess Interrupted. This is without a doubt one of my favourite mythological series and it leaves me wanting more.

Kate is such a fantastic character. I love how strong and independent she it. She is completely stubborn and doesn’t care if she is arguing with all powerful Gods she doesn’t show her fear and back down she tells it how she is and won’t give up without a fight. I love that about her.
Henry, oh, Henry. Although he wasn’t in the novella so much I just love him. I fell even more in love with him and I love how he will put his pride aside to listen to Kate and respect her wishes. It just makes me love him so much and I cannot wait to see what happens when they are reunited in Goddess Interrupted.

A fantastic novella that I would definitely suggest reading and Aimee’s writing just sucks you back into the story and the world effortlessly. Can’t wait to start Goddess Interrupted. This is definitely shaping up to be one of my all time favourite series.

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I love Greek mythology, and I love this series! There are five novellas in The Goddess Legacy: The Goddess Queen, The Lovestruck Goddess, Goddess of the Underworld, God of Thieves, and God of Darkness. The plots are very simple, as they explain life before Kate Winters how the gods came to be the way they are.
I always love this author's writing style, so it was a fun read that clarified some things from the other books. However, it was frustrating in terms of how the female characters were portrayed versus the male characters. The male characters benefited from the stories and became more well-rounded and likeable, whereas the women became annoying and less likeable. That felt really weird to me. I am excited to finish out the trilogy, though!

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Reviewing old arcs, have tried to read but couldn't get into. Won't be trying again so no formal review will be posted on social media.

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When I first saw The Goddess Legacy here on Netgalley I was super excited and put in the request right away. As soon as I was approved, I started reading. I knew right away just by the first line or two that I was going to love this book. The authors writing style is something that really stood out to me while reading this book. I clung to each page and each word and had to know what was going to happen next. I couldn't put this book down!

I can't wait to read more from this fantastic author!

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The Goddess Legacy is a must-read if you want to know more about the gods and goddesses and what made them who they were in the main story.

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I really liked this series so I don't know why I never got around to this but it's not on my kindle anymore. Sorry I never read this one. The star means nothing as it's just something I have to do to be able to post.

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*I never got around to reading and reviewing this book. I may do so in the future*

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As a fan of THE GODDESS TEST, this collection of novellas is so satisfying. You get to learn how the gods and goddesses Kate knows came to be the people/Gods they are.

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Since being sent this book, my interests have changed therefore I won't be reading or reviewing this title. Thank you.

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