Member Reviews

This book is ridiculous. The quippy banter is over the top. Agnes Murphy Nash, an author, is married to Trevor, a hot Hollywood producer who is a man child. Anges’ sister Finn, spent some time in jail and is now out and about. Agnes and Trevor have one daughter, Penelope. When Travis decides he is done with the marriage, Agnes has to fight him for custody of Penelope. It sounds heavy, but it is a light beach read.

I love humor, snark and sarcasm but this has so much of the throw away comments and asides, that it was extremely difficult to read. After too much of it, I just didn’t care anymore.
I continued and finished but can’t say I liked anything about these people. A coming of age for adult users? Fin was probably the best character. She does what she wants and succeeds.

I thought this was a fun and an enjoyable read. Perhaps a little over the top, but those are the parts that made it fun!

This was a "not bad" read. It was witty and biting at times while calling out the shallowness and sometimes over-the-top activities of the Hollywood privileged lifestyle. The book moved along very quickly and had some LOL moments. If you don't this type of genre, then this is not the book for you...but if you do and can appreciate the satire, it's worth the read. I received a copy from Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving a review.

This book tried so hard to be funny but came off as over the top and annoying. It was hard to connect with any of the characters as a result.

This story was full of the humor but was seriously lacking in heart. The characters were over-the-top they were like caricatures and not in an enjoyable way. It kept me from fully connecting with this story and I repeatedly found myself wondering why I should care about these characters. So much that I abandoned this read and never quite found time to pick it back up to finish.

I’m not sure how I feel about this one still. I liked it while I was reading it but I found it very forgettable. I did really like the characters and the story line.

A quick story that will have you absolutely laughing out loud. What a great read and finding a new beginning was enlightening.

I loved the Starter Wife so I had high hopes for this one. Unfortunately this just didn’t do it for me. I think I’ve ’aged out’ of this kind of book and even though I was looking for something light to read after many long fantasy books in a row, I wasn’t able to finish this. But I appreciate the copy!

This was a difficult book to finish reading. I wanted to like it, but it just didn't happen. The first half of the book was so hard to follow along, the characters were shallow and the plot just didn't come together. The second half of the book did improve some with a really odd conclusion about adult diapers.

The synopsis pulled me in but it promised much more than it achieved. I found the story lacked a comprehensive plot and ended up because a compilation of quips and sarcastic commentary. The characters lacked depth and overall it was a struggle to finish.

This was definitely not for me. I read the synopsis with high hopes that I would enjoy it, but it didn't execute well. Very disappointed. Hoping her next book is better, because I do enjoy her writing.
*Thank you @stmartinspress for the copy in exchange for an honest review. Review not posted to Amazon/Goodreads because less than 4 stars or DNF.*

Perfect read. Well written with the perfect amount of character development.
Rereviewed as reviews aren't showing

"Been There, Married That" is full of wasted potential, unlikable characters and a bit of a slog to read. It didn't stand out to me in anyway and was a bit difficult to finish.

This book was ridiculous. I couldn't even finished reading it. The main character was so ridiculous. I understand that divorce can be shocking and depressing, but it's life. You kinda got to move on, and get half of what you can. But this character takes the cake.

Agnes is an atypical Hollywood wife in that she has her own career and a somewhat realistic view of her fantastical life. She feels disconnected from her flighty, high-maintenance spouse and anxious about their future. She is hyperfocused on her daughter; her child does not have the same level of interest. It is hard to know who to trust in Hollywood, and most troubling is Agnes cannot trust her husband or herself. Her omnipresent anxiety about what’s happening around her disconnects her from her own story. The title suggests that she’s seen and done it all, but she seems like a disconnected object that things happen to; she doesn’t make things happen. Been There, Married That is a quick read, and the lack of character development aids in moving things along at a rapid pace. The ending is tidy but still leaves room for many possibilities. Lucky for us, the multiple secondary characters fill out the story and prevent it from becoming one long grievance journal. Readers that love biting, snarky, and at times, questionable remarks may enjoy the author’s wordy style, but the lack of definitive transitions between scenes can be distracting.

I had fun with this one. It has been on my kindle for a while and I grabbed up an audio copy and listened to it and LOVED the narrator of this one and that is probably what saved it and gave it an extra star for me. Agnes is having a horrible day, what with being perimenopausal and all and when she arrives home she is locked out and has to resort to climbing over the fence to get in. When she does she finds out she has been locked out of her home. Her producer husband has gone crazy, err, crazier, and decided he cannot cope any longer and wants out of the marriage and leaves with his assistant, who he is not having sex with only companion sleeping. To add to the fun, her just released from prison sister drops back into her life. Hang on to your name dropping because this one is full of mayhem and craziness but it was funny.

Review coming soon. Fell behind due to illness, amd working on all of the old ones now.
This one will not be forgotten. Funny! Funny!
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC; opinions are mine.
Pub Date was February 11, 2020
#BeenThereMarriedThat #GigiLevangie #NetGalley

I did enjoy this book. At times the writing seemed a bit choppy to me and I got lost on what was going on. But it was an all around good book. It was easy and it was a fast read! I didn’t super connect with any of the characters and I really like to feel what the characters feel. I didn’t do that with this book. I also lean more toward books with 2 different POVs and that was not in this one.

I received a reviewer copy of Been There Married That by Gigi Levangie from the publisher St. Martin’s Press from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
What It’s About: Agnes is the perfect wife to her big shot Hollywood producer, she has the cool friends, glamorous friends, and works as a writer. But then her husband has an affair and he files for divorce and from there her life spirals but Agnes has skills and she’s not about to take all this lying down.
What I Loved: The premise was promising and at times the humor was on point.
What I didn’t like so much: This book is kind of all over the place and all the characters seem the same. There is some humor but quite a bit of it is offensive. The husband was the worst and so annoying, which was necessary because you didn’t want Agnes with him even though I don’t remember liking Agnes so much. The antics and revenge schemes were borderline cruel and problematic. It was a slog. I feel bad to say that, perhaps it read better than it was on audiobook .
Who Should Read It: People who love drama and over the top-ness.
Summary: A book that highlights the arrogance and scheming of a Hollywood divorce.