Member Reviews

Part of this book were interesting, and parts were less so. Skipping around somewhat made it a more interesting read. I did learn more about Panama, which was my goal, and parts of their trip were quite entertaining.

I picked up this book for an armchair travel to Panama and some of the book was an interesting travel book. The author and his wife travel to Panama to visit the natural areas, go hiking and bird watching. They stay in small resorts and hotels and spend part of the time on a catamaran sailing along the coast. However the author also bores the reader, his wife and fellow travelers with proclamations on various subjects. At the end of every chapter he insists on lecturing his wife and the reader on objects that are no longer popular. After a few chapters and I just skipped the lectures. Overall I enjoyed the travel aspects of the book but I did not like boorish behavior of the author. This book would have been better with some editing.