Member Reviews

This book has been a little different from the last ones I've read and that has made it better for me. It could be included as an anthology, since it develops three independent stories but at the same time these three stories are interrelated, so it is not quite so. Besides these three independent stories, with three pretty stereotyped buch / femme couples, there are the rest of the characters that intertwine them and I’ve found the whole quite interesting. It has been a refreshing divertimento even with all the heat that surrounds the three couples. Because there is a lot of sex, so if you do not enjoy reading it, better not go for this one.
The argument is quite telenovela style, this yes is, adding to it the fact that the protagonists are the socialite type, it happens in Manhattan and takes place during a party. And the party is not just for three, there are more participants. And if the title suggests you something related to threesomes, it is not like that, although there is something of that among all the drama.
It will not be a memorable book by its argument or one of those you want to read again to find missed parts, but it will surely help to have a fun time whether you read it all or just go through one of the parts. And maybe I'm going to reread some of the hot scenes sometime soon, lest I missed some detail.

Because a story is technically well written/edited does that mean I should love it?
I have so many mixed feelings about this story, I don't even know where to start.
Although I'm sure it wasn't intentional, there are so many slurs that could be taken offensively, I seriously questioned the narrator's mindset.
Strip clubs were for middle-aged men who couldn't get it up for their wives. Judgy much.
The cheating slant of this story all but killed it for me, not because of the cheating, it happens, it's life. But the way the female he shagged was made out to be quote 'the skank, ugly, not worthy of being jealous of because she was dumb and ugly' (all judgments, because not one of character knew her). And, considering, the dude was cheating on their friend, shouldn't the name-calling be directed at him?
Oh, but wait, they did get him back in a childish, ridiculous way. Most men, especially cheaters, would've been all over that shit.
Wow, apparently this story hit a cord, I realise as I type.
I think the biggest issue for me (besides my gripe above) is that this cast comes across as a group of 18-year-old girls attending their first prom, rather than the mature 25-year-old women they are reported to be.
If you're looking for a steamy read, with declarations of love, and plenty of endearments, this story has it in spades.
5 stars for the story arc, editing, bringing what I thought were going to be loose threads together.
5 stars for having a virginal character. 2 stars for believability on that front.
-1 star for unintentional slurs toward asexuals, people with fetishes viewed as abnormal, etc, etc.
Overall rating 3, I wish I'd love it more, stars.
Copy provided by the publisher, Bold Strokes Books, via NetGallay.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.
This was a enjoyable read.
This is about three friends Sarah Avery and Kaitlyn who goes to party at their former schoolmate Eleanor who celebrating her birthday.
This night changed their lives for the better.
First story is about Sarah who ex destroy her confidence believing she only worth causal sex until she meets someone who helps build her back up.
Then there Avery who always had a crush on Eleanor sister Spencer.
There Kaitlyn who had her heart broken by her high school sweetheart.
I like all three women because I saw myself in them. Sarah was my favorite because I was more like her then the other two.
Ps: the sex scenes were hot

Three friends are in for for a wild night at billionaire heiress Eleanor McGregor's twenty fifth birthday party. Love, lust, and doing the right thing, even when it hurts, turn the evening into one that will change their lives forever. When I started reading I couldn't put it down. Sandy Lowe is magnifysent and amazing writer.I cannot wait to read more of there books.Keep up the great work.You should definitely read this book.Can't wait for the next book.

As you might have guessed from the title (sometimes, titles are helpful like that), this book is about three friends and the night that changes their lives for the better, at their former schoolmate Eleanor’s twenty-fifth birthday party. At first I was a bit worried about it being written in three parts, as that sort of structure often feels artificial, but Lowe makes it work, and each part flows into the next naturally.
At the center of the first one is Sarah, whose ex really shattered her self-confidence, making her believe she’s not sexy and not worth of anyone’s attention beyond casual sex. Sexy and tender Ryan is the one who will help her build that confidence back. The second part is about Avery and her long-time crush on her Spencer, Eleanor’s younger sister, who’s studying to become a sex therapist. The last part centers around Kaitlyn and her high school sweetheart, the one who broke her heart.
I know some reviewers were a little offended by some of the words the author uses or certain situations but I didn’t really notice them while I was reading. Some things didn’t work for me but they didn’t bother me either.
If you’re looking for a fun and light read with a few sharp bits, this is it. Of course it’s steamy hot, but it’s also pretty romantic in its own way. Come for the sex, stay for the romance or come for the romance, stay for the sex, either way you win.
I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

From what I could see Party of Three is Sandy Lowe's first full length novel and oh is it steamy. This "romance" (though I would say this is borderline erotica) is about 3 High School friends now in their mid 20's who attend the 25th birthday party of former classmate and friend. It is told in 3 parts - Sarah, Avery and Kaitlyn - with Sarah starting the story. Sarah's portion begins on the day of the party.
Overall, I thought this one was well written and it was oh so steamy. In many ways, I felt depth was missing even though all of the characters seems to be smart (was it because this was told in 3 parts?) I had a hard time connecting to the characters because their ages are so much younger than me and some wisdom that comes with age was apparent. Even though some elements of romance was there, this was mostly about sex. Normally, I am not one to complain about sex in a romance, I just wish there was more romance to go with the sex. Speaking of Sex - Lowe does a good job with the sex scenes.
With all that said I think this was a good read if you are looking for something more on the side of erotica. I will rate is 3.5 stars.

At its core, this book is very much sex with plot. While I did find each sex scene just a little bit unrealistic I don't think they were bad. I just have a hard time believing so much sex would happen on the spot like that. That is just me and my personal opinion though.
I did keep in mind the point of the book while reading it though and honestly, I do find that it delivered what it intended. I was surprised at the level of emotion portrayed with each of the three main characters and their third of the book. I actually enjoyed each of them and felt they were likable and unique compared to each other. They each had their own personality and while yea one was more or less focused on sex, each had a slightly different solution to their own plot relevant issues.
Overall, not the most intellectual of reads, but it is exactly what it says it's going to be and I enjoyed it.

I really enjoyed this book. It was well written and gripping, and each section had good character development and a strong story arch despite being novella length. My favourite story was Avery’s, with Sarah’s story a close second. The couples in both stories had sizzling chemistry. There was one particular fantasy mentioned in Avery’s story that wasn’t really explored any further which would make a fantastic short for an erotica anthology in the future! I didn’t really like Kaitlyn’s story as much as the others and thought maybe the author hadn’t devoted as much time and attention to it. I also felt the two main issues in the first two stories (Sarah’s ex cheating on her and Avery being two years older than Spencer) were made out to be way bigger problems than they actually are. Having said that I really enjoyed the author’s tone and writing style, and I look forward to her next book.

This was such a fun book to read! It’s completely different than any book I’ve ever read so I didn’t want to put it down. Eleanor’s party was quite a birthday party with all that drama and sex going on in and around the mansion. While each friend’s story is unique and separate, their stories were interwoven in such a cool and witty way. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it!!

First off the cover and title make this book sound like this is going to be an FFF polyam romance. It is none of those things. Even with it not being that thing the first 25% that I read of Sarah stories was grossly acephobic and also she pretty much forced herself on her ex while drunk when her ex didnt want to have sex. No one owes you sex ever I dont care if they turn out to be a cheater. The treatment of asexuality as a prop was disgusting, as was the wooo I'm safe Ryan isnt actually a dude so I dont have to worry about not being a lesbian was incredibly gross and biphobic as well as potentially transphobic.
Sarah is also incredibly entitled especially about her business and the investor thinking he shouldnt have an opinion. Well guess what honey he doesnt want to loose money on a bakery in times square.
Also the weird plot point about Ryan and the kissing booth and the other girl probably liking kissing the entire town for her boyfriend is incredibly gross and regressive
I didnt bother with the other two stories but the only mention of bisexuality I did see was a bi girl conning one of the other girls into a threesome which hey is also incredibly biphobic.
This was not an enjoyable read with its treatment of mental health and other sexualities

Received from NetGalley.
I had a hard time deciding what to rate this, I wavered between a 3 and a 4. Since I read the book in one day, I felt it was captivating enough to warrant a 4, though a 3.5 would be the ideal rating.
Party of Three is about three lesbian women who go to a party, who all have their own issues going on. At the party, all three find what they weren't expecting, which at the core was sex, but nothing wrong with a little sex.
The book was written in 3 parts, following each woman and here is where my wavering on ratings came in to play because I liked each section with varying degrees.
<b>Sarah</b> - Sarah had my favorite story, I liked her the most of the 3 ladies. I felt like we got to learn the most about her. I felt for her and could understand her and I liked that she found herself again and found some happiness. I'd rate Sarah's section a 4.
<b>Avery</b> - Avery's story was my second favorite. It felt a bit rushed, with the other things going on during the section. I felt like I didn't get to know Avery as much and didn't relate to her all that much. The story was cute though the role playing felt a little silly, but that's probably just me. I'd rate Avery's section a 3.
<b>Kaitlyn</b> - I didn't like Kaitlyn. I didn't like her story, her encounter, her personality... nothing. I couldn't relate to her at all. I found myself wanting to skip through her section and I had to keep going back and making myself read it. Kaitlyn was a bit of a bitch, hot then cold, dominant then submissive. She was all over the place and I just couldn't get behind her as a character. I'd rather Kaitlyn's section a 2.5.
Beyond the three stories, the under lining story was funny and I like what they pulled off. That was great. My only beef with the story was the use of "endearments". Not everyone uses a term of endearment, so seeing it so much and in EACH section was a bit much. It sat the wrong way with me. And they were all different too: honey, baby & love - one section each. One was the main character saying it, the other two were said to the main character. Just was overkill / too much.
But the book was super engaging, I didn't put it down much and read in one sitting. It was enjoyable and the sex was a bit tame but pretty hot. It was fun, well worth the read, I'm just picky.