Member Reviews

Good, one of the best titles by Missouri Vaun that I have read yet. The characters were relatable and I couldn't stop reading.

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This book started off well and I thought it would be a great read but unfortunately, things started detoriating soon enough.

There wasn't a lot of communication between the MCs, presumably to create tension but it just irked me. Moreover, explaining the same things that were happening from both MCs POVs was another thing that set me off. I prefer books that show and not tell, which may just be the reason for this.

Anyway, this book just didn't vibe with me which I'm very sad about especially since I've read such amazing reviews for it!

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The settings were nice, the characters were cute, and the relationship was sweet yet fragile. I liked this book. It was quick and mostly light read.

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Lately I enjoy romances with a slow build, but this one takes it too far. I enjoyed the road trip aspect and I am a sucker for the opposites attract aspect. However, I am not sure I saw a true connection being forged between them, even though the chemistry was definitely still there.

I torn on how to rate this.

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What started out as a fun sexy read soon turned tedious and shallow. I have enjoyed this authors books before but was unable to finish this one without extreme effort. I thought the characters shallow and undeveloped, the story was too rushed. I liked the premise of the story and truly think this could have turned out much better if the time and effort were put in.

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Chasing Sunset by Missouri Vaun is a beautifully written road-trip love story. Finn is a limo driver when we first meet her, but hankers for a life as a stunt driver for the movies. Iris is a Hollywood actress who has had a modicum of success so far, but is poised for something bigger. The first meeting between them doesn’t promise true love, but the attraction is still there – and gives hope. When they decide to make the journey from rural Georgia to California we just know it’s going to be quite a ride.

Finn is a gorgeous butch with a heart of gold. Missouri Vaun writes butch characters with such flair. I never fail to fall for them in her books. And Finn is no exception. I was swooning from page one. Iris was sweet and delightful, but she was at the stage in her life and career where she wasn’t taking any bull. I loved the strength and determination she showed. The road trip was wonderfully descriptive and I was fascinated. The historical and political background to each place they passed through piqued my interest. As their feelings for each other grew over the course of the journey we got to see different facets of each character. The love story was tender and emotional and the sex was steamy and told so much about how intense their relationship was. I really enjoyed this story. Missouri Vaun has become one of my favourite authors and I’m never disappointed.

I was given this ARC for review.

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This was my first Missouri Vaun book (I know, I know, terrible right?) I can definitely say it won't be the last. This story was sweet, well written and just darn good. I enjoyed her writing style and character development. I appreciated her nod to the butch femme dynamic. I feel like that's not included in lesfic enough. The storyline dealt with interesting life issues while keeping the book on the lighter side. This book is a firm reccomend for me.
I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Missouri Vaun has such a beautiful way of writing characters and developing relationships in characters that make me want to care about them. She does just this in Chasing Sunset.

I was a bit unsure at first whether I was going to like the book based on how the characters initially meet each other, Iris throwing a glass of water in the face of Finn, and then Iris conveniently going to the cabins that Finn's parents rent. That was a bit too much of a coincidence for me, but the remainder of the story held my attention and was much more realistic for me.

I liked how the characters felt real, There was an actress that hadn't really made it, no matter how much she tried. There was a car driver, who felt like she wanted more from her job and that it had to happen outside of Atlanta. Both characters doubted themselves, even though they saw the positives in each other. On the surface, they looked like complete opposites, but on a deeper level they were going through similar battles.

The lovemaking scenes were very enjoyable, and I say they are lovemaking instead of just sex scenes because they felt like they had a lot of emotion with them, not just raw passion. The first time the two are in bed together, Iris knows she isn't ready for sex with Finn, but needed to be held and to feel Finn's touch. It wasn't just jumping into bed at the first opportunity.

I also like the way they finally dealt with their conflict, the honesty that they had with each other to get everything on the table before they continued their relationship. It was refreshing to see that sort of conflict resolution in a novel instead of the couple just randomly finding each other again and having their relationship instantly fixed.

I found this to be an enjoyable summer read. The title does not make sense until the very end of the book, so readers should hold on until then to get the meaning.

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and unbias review.

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I enjoyed reading Chasing Sunset, a nicely written road trip romance in three acts. The first part of the book sets up the main characters, Taylor and Iris. The second part is the road trip where they develop their romance, and this is certainly the best part of the story. I loved the car (being a previous vintage MG owner), the atmosphere and descriptions of the “old road”, the people and communities, the way Taylor and Iris grew closer, and there’s a couple of steamy scenes.
I think some of Missouri Vaun’s previous books are better, but this one is a solid four stars and overall, I really enjoyed the read. Recommended!

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I enjoyed reading this for the most part but it isn’t very much to the story. Iris Fleming is in Atlanta to audition for a part in a series. Taylor Finn lives on the outskirts with her parents who rent out cabins. Finn loves driving and dreams of becoming a movie stunt driver. Meeting Iris makes her more determined to follow that dream. A cross country roadtrip has them getting to know each other better

Essentially, I felt the story was too long for what little plot there was and this could have been a really nice novella or short story. Iris and Finn are both nice enough and had great chemistry. The road trip was a little like a travelogue which is not one of my favourite genres.

This all sounds a like I didn’t really like it but I did even though it was a little slow. It’s simple and sweet and doesn’t require much concentration which is exactly what I needed.

Book received from Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

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I definitely wasn't sure about this book, judging by the cover (terrible I know), even though I love Missouri Vaun, I was thinking it would be a lighter read. But damn this book was one of my favourite's of the year! It was warm and special and romantic and all around perfect! It was such an uplifting and feel good story.

Finn dreams of being a stunt-driver in LA. She drives a limo in Atlanta in order to save money to make her dreams come true. Then being fired and meeting the gorgeous and intriguing actress, Iris Fleming, lights a fire beneath her and brings the two women on a wild cross-country journey that shows them where they really belong.

Finn and Iris were amazing - gorgeous, strong and brilliant. I loved the way they supported each other and their chemistry was off the charts. They were such inspiring people both as individuals and their love story. I loved all the secondary characters, including Finn's family, and the real gems in Iris's world. The setting was heart-warming, and the cars (even for someone who knows next to nothing about cars) were super cool and added a really neat element to the story.

I loved this book and I look forward to reading whatever new adventure Missouri Vaun has for us next.

I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Absolutely loved this book, and if I could give it 6 stars then I would. Thoroughly enjoyed from the first page all the way to the last page. Missouri Vaun is on to a winner with Chasing Sunset.

Would I recommend, yes 100%. Once started you wont be able to put down

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14 chapters and I can honestly say I don’t like either of the MC’s. Not even a little bit. That being said this is what I got out of this story so far.
Iris Fleming’s acting career hasn’t turned out exactly like she had hoped. The only parts she has managed to get after 8 to 10 yrs is mainly commercials and some small parts on forgettable TV shows. But she is hopeful this part she is reading for will be her big break but after some problems dealing with the director she’s almost sure this part won’t be hers. So she gets ready to return to L.A.
Taylor Finn's dream has always been doing stunt driving in either movies or TV. But dreaming is all she has done so far. In the meantime, she works as a limo driver while living at home helping her parents sometimes with the upkeep of their hotel. Oh and she, along with her good friend Ward has spent a few years putting an old car back together.
Iris’s and Finn’s first notice each other in a local diner. Finn thinks Iris is beautiful, while Iris thinks Finn is an abuser who’s sitting with her girlfriend making her cry. The young crying lady isn’t Finn’s GF but a client. But Iris doesn’t know that and before she leaves the diner she throws a glass of water in FInn’s face.
That is what I’ve gotten out of this book so far and the idea of picking it up again is something I just can’t see myself doing.
I’ve had the pleasure of reading most of the books published by this author and have enjoyed spending my time doing that because her previous books have all been pretty good reads. I know that there are probably others who will pick up this book and think I’m crazy but we can’t all like the same thing all the time. Looking forward to reading Ms Missouri’s next book.
ARC via NetGalley/ Bold Stroke Books

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2 stars - DNF 47%

Iris Fleming wants to make it big as an actress, and an audition brings her to Atlanta. After a terrible encounter with the director, she runs into Taylor Finn, a wannabe stunt driver. Despite getting off on the wrong foot (Iris throws water in Finn's face), the two of them end up enjoying a day together. When circumstances prevent Iris from flying back to LA, the pair decides to embark on a road trip across the country.

...And that's as far as I got. I really could not get into this book. From the start, I knew it wasn't for me, but I persevered through 18 more chapters, and now I'm ready to definitively say - "I quit."

The main reason - The writing! This author's writing style may work for some, but it did not vibe well with me. It felt like she wrote this with a thesaurus next to her. There are only so many different ways to say the same sentence, and Missouri Vaun employed many of them. A lot of the wording just seemed repetitive, which is probably why I got kind of bored. I'm also a big believer in showing, not telling, and I wish Missouri Vaun had just shown me the chemistry and the tension between the two MCs rather than expounding on it in great detail from both Iris and Finn's POVs.

Other reasons - The dialogue. There was too much included, like every hello and goodbye, but nothing that really held my interest. I wanted to hear them flirt, but instead they talked about car machinery and what landmarks they were passing.
- The characters. Up to the point where I stopped reading, neither of them was particularly likable to me. Apparently they're both really attractive, but that's pretty much it. There were some good characteristics that Iris and Finn apparently saw in each other, but I had trouble seeing them.
- The pacing. The road trip starts around the halfway mark, and the first half of the book takes place over 2 or 3 days. Which is to say, the plot dragged a bit. Again, I wish there was a bit less detail on the mundane, and more spice.

I hate to write a negative review, and I see that there are actually many positive responses to this book. I think Missouri Vaun's writing, or maybe this book in particular, is just not for me.

*** I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ***

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Taylor Finn lives in Georgia and drives a limo while dreaming of becoming a stunt driver. Iris is an actress from California who has been only able to get small roles in movies and TV shows. She dreams of making it big in movies and a starring role. Iris is in Atlanta auditioning for a starring role in a TV series. She auditioned very strong however after a disastrous run in with the director she flees the area and ends up spending the night in the cabin that is next to Finn who lives there because her parents own the motel. She too has had a disastrous day after being fired from her limo driving job. When things go boom in the night Iris becomes scared and ends up going next-door where she finds Finn who tells her that what she heard was a bear scavenging for food. Slowly the two become friends and Finn offers to drive Iris back to California and her vintage MG car. It is on this journey where the to become lovers. While in California Finn hopes to pursue her dream of going to stunt car driver school. After the first day of class and then meeting Iris‘s friends Finn realizes that she doesn’t want to be in California nor will she be able to make a living as a stunt car driver. After she and Iris have harsh words with one another she leaves and goes back to Georgia. Both women are heartbroken over their break up and realize that they are both afloat in their individual lives. Both realize that they will never fit in each other’s lives and the relationship ends, or does it? Is there a way these two women can get back together and find some commonality in where they can live and work?

This is the well written book and beside the excellent character development what I like best about the story was the description of the country as the two women drive from Georgia to California. I could visualize each stop along the way . As I visualized the beautiful landscape I could also visualize their intense love for one another developing.

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Finn drives a limo. And one night she punches and drops on the side of the road a horrible jerk.

Iris is in Georgia (after a hellish plane ride) to do a final audition for a Sci Fi series. She winds up at Finn's family's motel/hotel, when after the audition the director makes a pass at her (and she rejects him) and suddenly she can't take the part.

But before they meet in the cabins, they do sorta have a meeting before that, and I thought that was one of the best scenes in the book. It was hilarious.

They both find themselves going to LA and so they go on a road trip there together, and it goes well. It's when they get to LA when it starts going badly for the couple.

I liked most of the book, the characters were fun (would have loved to see more Maggie), but as the end got nearer the conflict seemed a little forced and some of what the characters did seemed out of character.

Overall it was a fun read, and the very very end part of the end was cool.

I received this book via Netgalley thanks to Bold Strokes Books.

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3.75 stars

A road trip story. Iris goes to Atlanta to audition for a Sci-Fi tv show. Things don't go well and she's sure she won't be getting the role or even if she will take it if she does get it. She stays at a motel where she meets Finn a limo driver who aspires to be a stunt driver.

They decide to drive to Los Angeles to take Iris back home and for Finn to go to stunt driving school. They get close on the road trip and by the time they reach Los Angeles they are fully into each other, but it only takes a day and a misunderstanding for everything to fall apart.

It's a nice read and a classic plot of how bad communication leads to everything getting messed up.

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Missouri Vain doesn't disappoint when delivering romance.

An accidental meeting between an actress and a car jock leads to infatuation, seduction and love in a fast paced story.

The characters are believable and vulnerable. There are problems along the way as the women negotiate following their individual dreams and coming to terms with the reality of day to day life during their cross country drive

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In Chasing Sunset, Iris is a struggling actress hoping to get her big break with a role on a new TV show, while Finn is a limo driver who dreams of stunt driving for movies. After meeting in Georgia they decide to go on a cross country road trip to LA. I really liked this one! I found both Finn and Iris to be well fleshed out characters. Both women are trying to figure out their next steps, and that makes them both insecure about where their relationship is going. They have some major communication issues, but I found that, too, realistic. This was a low key read but very enjoyable. Recommended!

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3.75 stars - Chasing Sunset by Missouri Vaun is a good beach read. The story is enjoyable and the writing is smooth enough that you keep turning the pages without thinking about it.

Iris Fleming goes to Atlanta to audition for the main role in a sci-fi TV series. At 30, if she doesn’t get a break in her career soon, she might have to reconsider her options. She believes this is her last big opportunity to prove what she’s worth as an actress, but a bad encounter with the series’ director makes Iris doubt that she could take on the role if she gets it. Taylor Finn always had a passion for cars and wanted to be a stunt movie driver. To save up for driving school down in Los Angeles, she drove rich clients in the Atlanta area. Having just been fired from her limo driving job, Finn realizes this might be the push she needed to finally chase her dream. When Iris needs a way back to LA, Finn offers they drive up together.

Going into this, I was a bit apprehensive because I had seen a few reviews mentioning a definite lack of communication between the two main characters. Even though I can understand their point of view, I wasn’t as bothered by the miscommunication. Considering Finn and Iris have only known each other for about a week, I thought it was pretty normal for them not to voice all of their uncertainties and fears, and to question where they’re standing as a potential couple.

However, I wish the author had used the road trip part of the novel as an opportunity to strengthen their relationship. They definitely could’ve talked a lot more when they were on the road, and it would have been nice to see them go on little adventures as they drove across the country. That said, there is good chemistry between Iris and Finn, and there are quite a few sexy scenes throughout the book.

I got to mention, there’s a scene when they’re staying at a Super 8 hotel, and Iris suggests they have a bubble bath. I don’t know if it was supposed to be sexy, but my brain was screaming “OH GOD, NOOOO!” There’s nothing sexy about a hotel bathtub, IMO. Yikes!

Overall, I enjoyed this book quite a bit. There’s something I love about celebrity/small-town girl romances, and it ticks a lot of my boxes. I will definitely check out other books by Vaun.

Thank you to Bold Strokes Books for providing me with a free copy of this title via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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