Member Reviews

A relaxing and genuine read (3.5 stars).
Alana may have oversold her skills and experience a little to get a job, and it's not even the job of her dreams. After a rough ride in her last role, any job will do. It doesn't take long for her secret to come out, but local vet, Tegan, is pretty willing to help.
What follows is a funny and sometimes realistic story with a couple of enjoyable characters and a gentle plot.
Walsh manages to insert some humour to make this an enjoyable read.

So cute from the cover to the other animals presented throughout the read. The animals almost overshadow the main characters. Alana Brendt, looking to recover and get back in the "game". Tegan Evans, loves what she does with a want to help personality. This is a read about finding what is important. It is also about career success and what it looks like. What a sweet read. Perfect for a summer read sipping a glass of ice tea or wine.

Very sweet story about Alana falling in love with both her new life and a new girlfriend. Both the main characters, Alana and Tegan, felt very real. While the story is a fairly familiar one, it is still lovely to read a gentle tale centred around two women. If you are after sapphic fluff, this book is a great little read. Just be warned that you may have the sudden urge to run away to the country and learn to ride horses!

This is an adorable summer read. Alana loses her job and gets blackballed by her ex-boss, who is a complete and total jerk, but one that almost everyone has encountered in their work lives. After many attempts she finally gets a job across the country by embellishing, okay out and out lying on her resume. She calls it “fudging”, but it is so much worse that. She has all of the skills to run a resort from behind a desk, but none of the actual skills needed to be a functioning helpful member of the team for the one she gets hired for. She believes that she will be able to get through it and considers it a short term stopover before she can return to her regularly scheduled life on the east coast. So as they say, life is what happens when you're busy making plans....... From the first moment she realizes she is in way over her head, has made a serious error in her fudging and if she had any other alternatives she would run run run as fast as her feet could carry her. She knows she is in the deep end of the pool with no life preserver and no clue how to swim. She gets guilted into caring for a litter of puppies and their mom that were living under her new home, has to secretly learn how to deal with horses she professed to knowing all about, continue faking it all so she doesn't get fired all while helping to get the resort ready to open for guests to survive. She does not know her boss knows that most of what she wrote was fake and that he hired her because he had a gut feeling they needed each other. Ultimately she finds that she actually likes riding and caring for the horses, meets the town vet and though she fights it falls in love with her, but still plans on leaving because it is not the life she planned! Its a easy quick fun read with a sweet happily ever that should be on everyones summer reading list.

C'mon. How could I say no to that cover? (A very cute dog just saying "Read Me").
Alana is the new 'Activity Coordinator' for Chip's ranch. And because she lied a bit on her cover letter/resume it's a very, very rocky beginning. But, Tegan the Vet, appears and for some (very romance-y book) reason. Decides to help Alana out instead of ratting her out and helps her learn how to be a horsewoman.
It wasn't a super surprising romance plot, with the give and take that usually happens when there's the outsider and the pillar of the community falling in love.
I will say that the dog subplot was very well written and was a nice growth story, going from 'Are those rats' to becoming a dog person.
It was a fun read. Even if I wanted to bonk most of the characters upside the head on occasion for some of their boneheaded actions.
I received this book via Netgalley thanks to Bold Strokes Books.

Sit,Stay, Love is a sweet, feel good romance, a perfect beach read. This is also the kind of book you want to read after a rough week at work. Alana is not a con artist, merely a woman desperate to regain a foothold in the hospitality industry. I admired her plucky efforts to fit in with the Yakima locals, to learn how to ride horses and her reluctance to take on the care of many puppies. I loved her self-confidence around Tegan and Chip. She knows what she wants and is not afraid to give advice when asked or take charge when needed. Tegan is also a caring, compassionate and confident woman who is willing to overlook Alana’s temporary status to forge a relationship.
Sure there are bumps along the way but there are also lots of laughs and some gentle love scenes. This might be my favourite book by Karis Walsh. Sometimes you need a nice light romance to brighten your day. This brightened a challenging month for this reader.
Well done.
ARC received with thanks from publisher via NetGalley for review.

This is the second Karis Walsh novel I have read. I was a big fan of Sea Glass Inn, so I was looking forward to this new novel. She did not disappoint at all. I found the novel to be very similar in style to SGI in that it involves a character moving to a more remote area to restart her life and finds love with someone that helps out at the property. Both novels show women at a low point in their lives. The women are not weak characters. Instead, they are determined women who work hard to overcome obstacles and become stronger because of it. I absolutely love that about these novels. Sit.Stay.Love has its own quirks that make the story enjoyable. There is lots of joking banter back and forth between the two main characters that actually had me laughing out loud in a couple of places.
The characters were well developed and well written, making me care for them all. I loved the build to the two women finally being together. It was a slow simmering build that leads to fireworks when they finally give into their feelings.
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a sweet romance with strong women characters. It is a book that I thoroughly enjoyed.
I was provided with a free ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.

This is truly unadulterated fluff. Sometimes with fluffy novels, I can't read through in large chunks because it often feels like the story is repeating itself. Here, the relationship is smooth, unassuming and grounded in real worries and anxieties with the characters. Alana is really fascinating, because she is a big city person who took a job that she thought she was too good for, but is not cold and uncaring. She's quite the opposite, even and it's readily apparent when she works with animals that she has little to no experience with. She's a hard worker, smart, and compassionate. Tegan, the town vet, sees that, even through the somewhat tense meetup. Tegan has issues in her past, like falling for women who are desperate but aren't ready to stay in town. It doesn't define her relationship with Alana, but it is important enough for them to talk about it through their short courtship.
This is an easy romance to read. It's not overly fraught with angst, but there are some light drama to keep the plot moving forward. The obligatory separation of the leads near the end of the book didn't feel eye roll worthy, because, though dramatic, it was set up almost from the beginning of the book. I loved the characters, pacing and plot of this book. Very recommended.

What’s not to love about this book? Nothing, because it has so many things I like in a romance. I loved that Alana and Tegan began as annoyed acquaintances that blossomed into a pretty hot but sweet romance. The addition of the community that is built around them and because of them was a delightful layer to their romance. The setting of the woods and streams in their tiny community created a vibrant and colorful backdrop as did the adorable animals that lent their own mischief to Alana and Tegan’s world. A multi-layered and beautiful romance indeed.

It seems to be a winning formula: animals, nature and small towns. City girl meets veterinarian which whom at first she has nothing in common with. Eventually, they fall for each other, This is a nice fluffy read for a rainy summer day. With just the right amount of angst.

I'm not even going to lie, what brought my attention to this book was definitely the cover. I'm drawn to literally anything involving dogs and I'm happy I am because I ended up loving this book.
This book basically involves everything I love, ladies loving ladies, horses and dogs. I always enjoy books that are set mostily outside and in the nature and especially books that involve animals.
This was my first read by Karis Walsh although I've had some of her older novels on my TBR for a while. After reading this though I'm definitely gonna get to those sooner.
I really enjoyed the writing, the characters were great and well thought out. I always enjoy getting to know the characters past and find that in a lot of novels they're very brief and not really well planned out but not in this one.
I don't think there was one single thing that I disliked about this book which is actually rather unusual for me! It was simply an amazing book and I'd definitely recommend it.
quick tip: listen to Already Home by Brandi Carlile & Ha*Ash after finishing this. The lyrics go so well with this story I'm kind of shook.

ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I’ve been pretty burnt out on this month’s books, so this was a breath of fresh air. I’m a fan of Walsh’s books and this is (thankfully) no exception.
This features MC Alana, who has moved to a small town in Washington to get a fresh start after somewhat of a disaster in her last job, and she’s maybe, sorta, kinda fudged her qualifications, and discovers that this will be a problem, given that her new job requires her to actually be able to do the things she claims she can do. Tegan is the local vet, who through a series of circumstances ends up helping to bail Alana out of the situation she finds herself in.
Both characters are interesting in their own right, and even more interesting when they’re together. By virtue of the set up, they spend a lot of time together, so even though the book doesn’t cover a huge amount of time, I still bought into their relationship. I also enjoyed the secondary characters, especially Chip and Dez and their relationships with the respective mains. Chip especially surprised me towards the end, and I was glad he wasn’t as clueless as he sometimes seemed. Plus, there’s also dogs, well, one dog and six puppies, and you can’t go wrong with that many dogs!
This is a nice sweet romance, that’s light on the melodrama (there is some but it honestly felt plausible rather than the usual contrived crap we get served at the 75/80% mark). I’m glad I saved this til the end of this month’s pile, I needed the pick-me-up. 4 stars.

Alana moves to Yakima, Washington for a position as activities director for a brand new dude ranch. In a desperate move, she lied on her application and doesn’t really have extensive experience in riding horses or leading rafting trips. What to do, because the owner, who is officially the sweetest guy ever, welcomes her and her expertise with open arms to the ranch like a long lost family member. But Alana’s always been good at thinking on her feet so she figures with a few YouTube videos and some hands on tutoring from the hot, local veterinarian, she’ll be fine. And after all, she’s just sticking around until a better offer from an elite hotel comes her way. The only fly is that darn wonderful vet, Tegan, who makes staying in this town a real possibility.
It’s a sweet book and you root for everybody to get what they want but the hardest part is always deciding what you want. My favorite passage (Alana speaking): “People always seem to be looking for something epic, don’t they?” she asked. “Something huge that will change their lives and make everything better. But maybe even the smallest shift in perspective can make all the difference.”

This was a sweet read about Alana and Tegan who come from vastly different worlds but find each other in Yakima, Washington. Alana lies on her resume and is hired as a trail guide for a resort that will soon be opening. She meets Tegan, a vet, through a strange set of circumstances and they fall for each other. However, Alana is honest and tells Tegan from the outset that she will eventually return to her former life. There is some angst regarding that topic near the end. Otherwise this is a sweet romance filled with dogs, puppies, horses, and cats.
I received an ARC from Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

A sweet summer read. Nothing more, nothing less. Characters are warm and friendly. Story is uncomplicated. Romance is nice. Dialogue is very funny sometimes, I laughed out loud a few times. A short bump in the romance near the end but quickly and predictably resolved.

This was an enjoyable piece of fluff. I’ve been a Walsh fan for a while. Her writing really works for me. Even though her books are more low-key, not a lot of excitement or drama, they are comfortable stories which is a nice change of pace. Walsh is also really good about using the setting and her character’s jobs very purposefully which really adds to the reading experience. Her choice of places and jobs are almost never exciting, but it doesn’t matter as she sucks you into the setting and the character’s lives and you can’t stop reading. I don’t know any other author who constantly does that like Walsh does so I have to give her some major credit.
There have been a ton of reviews for this book already so I’m going to keep mine on the shorter side and I’m skipping the summery. I really don’t have much to complain about except I wish the book was a tad longer. I was enjoying this beach read so much that I wanted more. There is nothing new or groundbreaking here, but there is a ton of cuteness with puppies and a good romance. And a little surprise but I actually laughed out loud a few times. I found the dialogue between the two mains to be well done and funny in parts. I have read a lot of books by Walsh and I don’t remember funny dialogue before but I will happily take it.
This is my second good book in a row so I hope that is a sign of more to come. If you are looking for a good summer beachy read this book is for you. If you are new to Walsh this is a good book to try to see if you enjoy her writing.

Sit. Stay. Love. by Karis Walsh was my first book from this author, and I do not regret picking this up. Not only is the cover adorable, but the story is just as fluffy and sweet! It’s the perfect book to read by the pool or on the beach.
City lover Alana has no choice but to move to small country town Yakima in Washington after getting fired from her previous job for a “mistake” she wasn’t entirely responsible for. The hotel industry being what it is, Alana’s reputation is shot, and nobody wants to hire her. Determined to do what it takes to rebuild her name, she fudges her resume just enough to get hired as the activity coordinator at a soon-to-be-opened ranch. Upon arriving in Yakima though, Alana realizes just how out of her depth she is when she learns she will not only have to plan activities but also lead them. She hates the outdoors and knows nothing about horses or fishing, but she’s willing to learn if it means she can go back to her regular life. But is her old life really worth it if it means leaving behind Tegan, the beautiful veterinarian and the litter of puppies?
I loved this book. It reads like a rom-com and if this was ever turned into a movie, it would be hilarious. I mean, the book was funny enough, but the visual of Alana trying to get on her horse without the helping block and then trying to open the gate… LOL!
The romance between Alana and Tegan develops pretty quickly, but not unnaturally. It’s sweet with very little angst. Even though the ending is predictable, I didn’t find the story to be cheesy or overly cliché-ed. I really appreciated the maturity and honesty between the two MCs. From the start, Tegan was aware that Alana had every intention of leaving Yakima as soon as an opportunity presented itself. There was no bitterness or resentment toward each other at any point in the story, and that was honestly really refreshing for a story with this trope.
The writing is good. The prose and dialogue are fluent, and Walsh descriptions of the ranch and the trails are detailed enough for the reader to be immersed in the story, but not to the point where it’s endless and distracting from the characters and what they’re doing.
I particularly liked Fitz, the horse, just because I have a cat named Fitz and I’m biased to the name. It made me smile every time he was mentioned 💕
If you’re in the mood for a sweet romance with a bit of humour and a handful of puppies, I definitely recommend you give this one a chance! It was everything I needed when I picked it up.
Thank you to Bold Strokes Books for providing me with a free copy of this title via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

After being fired from her job in Philidelphia, Alana moves to Yakima, Washington to take the only job she can find as an activity planning at a soon to open new hotel/ranch. She soon realizes that she has bitten off more than she can chew when she realizes she must lead Horse trail rides which she has never done before. She wants to tell her new boss that she padded her resume but after she realizes he needs her she keeps her mouth shut. In come Tegan. She is the local veterinarian and she quickly realizes that Alana has no experience with horses. She knows she has to tell the owner of the ranch who is her friend but first wants to talk to Alana about it. To make matters worse, Alana discovers a mother and it's litter of puppies under her porch. And so goes the story of Tegan helping Alana with the pups and giving her riding lessons.
This romance is one of the better ones I have read in the last few months. The chemistry between Alana and Tegan is obvious and they get to know each other with the help of the riding lessons and the new pups Alana is caring for. There is even a host of supporting cast who add to the story. The author does a great job bring in all the pieces to the puzzle and not making the story overly complicated. IMHO, the angst in the story is perfect - just a tad bit. Also, I liked that both MCs were likable. There is also just enough steaminess in this one to keep me interested.
I give this one 4 stars.

Oh, I loved it! Just loved it! This book is such romance gem! It should be saved and re-read whenever you feel down, just so it can up your mood! I loved the banter between Tegan and Alana, and their whole relationship. There's a certain warmth surround every single character in this book, and it makes you feel so good while reading it! Definitely goes into highly recommended category!

Moving to Yakima, Washington for work may not be a dream come true for Alana Brandt, but it may turn out to be the adventure of a lifetime.
This book had me laughing out loud. A wonderful romantic comedy full of horses, dogs, puppy breath and life’s twists and turns. A definite weekend read for any animal lover.
Thank you NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books, Inc. for this edition and hearing my honest review. Looking forward to reading more with you