Member Reviews

This is a read about family and understanding that family can look different to different people but it is still family. Sarah Peters, recovering from the death of her parents (emotionally and financially), employed as a contract iron worker. Sarah is also an aspiring artist, looking for family. Camdyn Stark, coming to terms with her childhood, Private Eye, confident, determined, and looking for a sense of family. The interaction between the two is a push and pull that gets a little tedious. In general, the story that unfolded was interesting but appeared disjointed due to various topics running parallel but not connecting or intersecting as well as I would have expected or liked. I liked both Sarah and Camdyn. Although Sarah was a little more difficult to like as she challenged the reader to not shake our heads as she responded and reacted to the information she heard from Camdyn. As I continued to read, I thought about how different people respond to loss and family.

This is my first time reading a Renee Roman novel and I don't think it will be my last.
This author really knows how to write, and as a reader she kept me hooked, once started I didn't put down
This is a wonderfully written story, the romantic connection between Sarah and Cam is both enjoyable and exciting.
The story has it all romance, passion, tension and danger.
I would certainly recommend this novel, a very good read.

2.75 Stars. I have to say this was a real disappointment. I was looking forward to this book. The blurb sounded good and I like books with private investigators as a main character, unfortunately this was rough to read. Roman is a newer author, while she has not blown me away yet, I thought she was getting better with each new book. I hate to say this but I felt like this was a step backwards.
I found this book really hard to read. It took me three days when I normally read a book a day. Parts of this book seemed to drag on forever. You know when you look at your kindle progress and it’s only at 60%, and you feel disappointed it’s not at 90%, well that’s not a good sign. I also found the writing to be really choppy and jumpy feeling. The POV would switch between characters with which felt like no rhyme or reason. A chapter would end with Sarah, then the next would start with Sarah, but the book would jump ahead in time. Where did that missing time go? There would be times when a character would leave what I thought was their house, only to find that we had fast forwarded and were at another character’s house. I thought the scene was continuing but nope we had jumped ahead to a different day unbeknownst to me. My little brain had trouble keeping up and the lack of dialogue tags on top of everything almost did me in. Authors please use dialogue tags liberally. I hate not knowing who is speaking as it throws me out of the story and that happened multiple times here.
The one good point of the book was the character of Cam. In fact she was a wonderful character. It actually bothered me that she was so wonderful because I felt like she was wasted in this book. The other main Sarah is just awful. I lost track of how many times she was rude or just plain mean to Cam. I just kept yelling to Cam to run far and fast away. If I was Roman I’d consider giving Cam another book where she can find her real soul mate.
Due to my intense dislike of Sarah, I just could not get into the romance. I also had trouble with the first sex scene. Cam has a horrible past of sexual and physical abuse as a child. It just turns your stomach. And to have Cam tell Sarah all the sickening details and right after finishing her horrifying story they have sex… yeah that didn’t work for me what so ever. This was a time to hold someone and comfort them, not to get all hot and bothered.
I had some other issues on top of the ones I mentioned but most of the other reviewers wrote about them already so I’m going to wrap this up. I’m not giving up on Roman. She has done better before and I think she has room still to grow, but I can’t recommend this book. Fingers crossed I will be singing a different tune with her next book comes out.

As I sit here contemplating the title of this romance, I struggle to see where exactly the lies hid. Where the Lies Hide started off really good for me. I had glanced over a few reviews to see what I was getting into (mainly to see if it was going to send my anxiety levels through the roof) and saw a couple of people hating on Sarah. I couldn't understand it until I got about half way in. Talk about unlikable. Okay so let me start at the beginning. I thought Sarah was a cool character and Cam seemed really likable as well. They have chemistry. They know they should not act upon it because of their professional relationship, but sometimes you can't help who you are attracted to. As the story goes further Sarah seems considerate and thoughtful, but that quickly turns into impatience and stubbornness. For the life of me, I don't understand how Cam would be interested in someone as immature and selfish as Sarah. I kinda wished that Cam would have found someone else to love by the end of this one. Speaking of Cam, she saved this book from being a not so good read. Despite her background, she is a great person and she really did deserve to find love.
I am rating this one 3 stars because I liked Cam so much!

So that was disappointing… It started well enough, a woman finding out at 28 that she has a twin brother somewhere and hiring a sexy PI to find him. I enjoyed the oil and water feel of the two MCs meeting at first, then the way their relationship evolved from professional to more. I was curious about Cam’s past and her migraines, I wanted Sarah’s art to succeed.
Yet after a while I lost interest. The story was taking too long in not exciting ways. I still wanted to know how it would all end so carried on reading till the end. Also, there was potential for good secondary characters but they too were lost along the way.
All of this makes for a very frustrating read, as, while not bad, it could have been so much better.

I liked this one considerably more than I had expected to. I was afraid the main characters would have too much of the same dramas to deal with early on as I learned about their histories, but it wasn't at all the case. I enjoyed the characters a great deal. They were unique and interesting. The side characters felt pretty minor, but I think it worked in this case. Too much focus on them would have bogged down the story.
This borders closely on being a cop drama without actually being one, which was pleasant and pretty different for me personally. I'm glad the two main characters were happy in the end, but it did feel a little too neat and clean. There was just a tad bit too much, "and they all lived happily ever after" for me, but it wasn't enough of an issue for me to have not enjoyed the rest of the book.

ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
This is my second book by Roman, while I thought Epicurean Delights was average, I didn’t like this one at all.
This features MC Cam, who is a PI and MC Sarah, who finds out she’s actually a twin after her adoptive mother dies and hires Cam to find her twin brother. This was an interesting premise, but the story didn’t live up to it.
Cam is the much more engaging of the two characters, her back story is interesting, and she’s just more likeable. Sarah is fairly boring, pretty unlikeable, and in all honesty, kind of stupid. I mean, I get that in her circumstances she would want to push through and meet her brother, but ignoring the honking red flags Cam waved at her was ridiculous. We also spend a lot of time on introspection and things that didn’t seem to matter, like Cam’s headaches and Sarah’s art, which were mentioned frequently, but neither aspect actually went anywhere. I also honestly didn’t feel any heat between the MCs.
The secondary characters weren’t fleshed out all that well, in fact, the brother mostly amounted to a caricature. I also found the brother storyline a bit much, but can’t say more without spoilers. I kept waiting for something interesting to happen, but it didn’t, even the ‘dramatic’ part just had me rolling my eyes over Sarah’s stupidity. The ending was also rushed, and the epilogue tied everything up in too nice of a bow. Cant recommend this one. 2 stars.

Sarah Peters, adopted shortly after birth, finds out she has a twin brother she never knew about, so she hires Camdyn "Cam" Stark, a private investigator, to find him after Sarah's adoptive parents have both died.
Cam has her doubts about whether she can find Sarah's brother. Sarah has very little information to offer, and Cam also has her own burden to carry which keeps her from approaching this case with the enthusiasm it deserves.
This is a well crafted story with characters whose lives have betrayal in common. Cam and Sarah are fragile in many ways, and scarred by forces that were beyond their control. They are determined, in their own ways, to break out of the cycle of distrust and pain by finding the root of the pain and overcoming it.
Sometimes, digging too far into the past can uncover the dark underside of life, but sometimes it's the only way through to the other side where there is light. Sarah and Cam have to try and put their distrust of others behind them and trust each other in order to break free of the pain of the past.
There are a lot of starts and stops in this book. Too many. The trust between Cam and Sarah seems to be really shaky. Sarah seems a bit too naive. childish and willful and is determined to constantly not listen to Cam, someone she believes she loves. I found this a little disingenuous. Sarah's distrust and general bad temper make her less likeable than she could be.
The ending ties up some loose threads satisfactorily.
I was given an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

The lies were so well hidden, I didn't even recognize them.
Cam is a Private Investigator with a troubled childhood. Sarah is a Welder and Artist who finds out she has a twin brother upon her mother's recent death. Sarah hires Cam to find the brother so that she can not be alone in life.
This was a tough book for me to get through. I liked the premise but it mostly left me feeling frustrated. The back and forth between the two main characters was exhausting. The Sarah character was described as conflicting nice but feisty. But ultimately she just came across as demanding, selfish, and insensitive.
There was too much exposition going on in their heads. Long and repetitive. Side characters were not well fleshed out and only superficially appeared throughout. The intimate scenes felt disjointed. They started calling each other baby and honey too fast which felt inauthentic.
Certain aspects of the story felt unresolved. Cam's ailment was frequent and then suddenly stopped with no explanation. Cam felt like she was saying goodbye to her savior, Liz, but there was never any resolution to that thought. Sarah's art sculpture was going to get some attention but we never found out how it did.
There was a sentence that really bothered me about Cam's bowels turning to liquid at the thought of something or other.
And nothing really happened. Even the end was rushed and anticlimactic.
I'm giving it 2 stars because it did make me feel some emotion about the 90% mark, at least.
<i> I received an ARC from the publisher for an honest review.</i>

It’s nice to get to read new authors :) very refreshing actually !
So this is a thriller/crime/romance all put together in the blender! The outcome was actually quite good :)
Character crush alert: Cam! She is an incredible person! Loved the way the author created this character. On the other hand, Sarah the other MC was annoying as hell! All I was thinking throughout the book was: Cam, seriously ? Sarah? Come on woman you can do so much better! But hey, c’est la vie you can’t choose who you fall in love with :)
So there was also a big of angst there, but I guess it was mainly driven by the terrible communication between the characters! Which brings me back to why I disliked Sarah!
I recommend this book if you want something refreshing, different and with a little bit of action :) one bonus point, the sex between the MCs was really good.
“I received an ARC for an honest review.”

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.
Sarah is adopted when she learns she has a twin brother after finding papers in her mother belonging when she start to freak out she calls her best friend Lisa to calm her down as they talk through it she decide she wants to find her brother.
Camdyn is a private investigator who life wasn't all that great she grew up in the foster systems and had to do things she not proud of to survive until one day she met Liv and she change her life for the better.
Sarah meets Camdyn I wouldn't say they clash it's just that Cam tells her she'll help but sometimes some people don't want to be found or you'll learn something you might not like and Sarah gets piss off. When Cam does find Sarah brother she learns his name is Brace and that he was adopted by wealthy couple who loved and care for him she also learns that their birth father Paul didn't want to give them up but couldn't do anything about it.
Cam and Sarah grow closer and their feelings for each other gets deeper and both struggle to let someone in. When Cam feels there something off with Sarah brother Brace her and assistant Maggie dig deeper and found out somethings that aren't good and she is reluctant to give Sarah the information she wants.
Ok here the thing I get were Sarah is coming from she just want a connection and doesn't want to alone after her adopted parents died but if someone is telling you that this person is bad news and your better off without them and they trying protect you and you get mad and say things because your piss and that person keeps forgiving you I will be listening. I was getting annoyed with Sarah because she was so focus on getting to know her brother who didn't really care to know and didn't even believe her but she has a birth father who loves her and wanted to get to know her and she like I'll think about it.
The secondary characters were great at first I thought Maggie had a thing for Cam and this why she didn't like Sarah at first but it wasn't the case she was just worry about Cam health because she gets terrible migraines and I like how we got to know a little bit about Liv and how she became who she is today. I do wish we got to know more about Lisa and the other coworker Kevin that work with Cam and Maggie.