Member Reviews

I've always found it difficult to post from my iPad reviews, but I'm going to try.
The setting of WWII for stories is always emotional and evocative. There is so much courage, bravado, grit and determination shown and at the same time the lesser attributes of betrayal, cowardice and envy and very often the more basic " fear for your life" and for those around you.
This story encompasses all that is a girl of mixed background who found herself in circumstances and places beyond her control and displayed a sense of compassion to the dying which was not understood by all.
Displaying courage way beyond her 18 years our heroine is made of sterling stuff.
Slightly different to the usual settings of WWII

Oof. The first chapter of this book jumps perspective at least eight times. That's too much; it's dizzying.
I may come back to this, but to open with a brutal rape and nauseating character jumps is just more than I can handle right now.

I love reading historical fiction and so I was exited to read this book. However, I struggled to finish reading it. I didn’t love to storyline or the characters.

A WWII Romance with Erotic scenes.
I loved the WWII resistance story, the story itself was good. The characters were rather odd and the scenes did not match the character. The story would be good with Katrinka a young girl as a resistance fighter, but unbelievable in how the character was portrayed. The story was very good than out of nowhere there would be an explicit sexual scene that added nothing to the story and felt rather out of place. If those scenes were not there I would probably give the book 4 stars for the resistance story. It would have been better if the romance would have been left between Farr and Katrinka or at least Farr Katrinka and Will. The story of the resistance fighters was rather good in itself and if you are one that likes explicit scenes you will probably like this book.

An interesting read, the writing is good and I loved the characters, the instant love wasn’t great in some scenes and felt a bit erratic at times, but an enjoyable read.
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

I have mixed feelings about this book. I loved the ideas behind the story and some of the characters were interesting, but I felt that it did not quite hang together. There were episodes in the book where the author concluded a situation without having developed the concept first - when Katrinka first meets Wolf, there is liittle hint of attraction, but in the next paragraph, they are deeply in love, an idea that persists throughout the book, despite Katrinka's infidelities. And the encounter with Josef seemed to have been added in later to allow the author to finish the book neatly - good idea, but I suspect this was not part of the original script and was added to try and tie up loose ends..
This could have been a very good book but , for me, just misses the mark.

The author did a brilliant job of capturing the time period in this novel. The characters and plot were also well written. This was a great piece of historical fiction!