Member Reviews

This was a very interesting read. While the Vietnam War is not a topic we study in Ireland at school level I have been fortunate enough to spend time travelling through Vietnam and learned about the war, Agent Orange, The Chu Chi tunnels, Independence Palace and so on while journeying through this beautiful country. I enjoyed the line the author took mixing fact with creativity but at times it was overburdened with facts. It was an interesting take though allowing the reader see the points of view those who objected to the war as well as those to stood in the firing line.

I didn't really know anything about the war in Vietnam before reading this book and now I feel like I really know a lot. I'd never read 'creative non-fiction' before, so really wanted to see what it was like. I'm assuming it means the facts are real but the characters in place to tell the story aren't?
The differing characters were perfect and helped me see the different sides to American people involved in this war, from the protestors to the people actually fighting it.
The only thing that threw me a bit were there were some places which seem like pure info dumps and ruin the pace of the story for me. I would have preferred those parts to be more integrated in the story itself.